TOS 615 Oo _ ms SEMICONDUCTOR wiisoo1 wuise02 a TECHNICAL DATA 15 AMPERE COMPLEMENTARY SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS POWER TRANSISTORS COMPLEMENTARY SILICON The MJ15001 and MJ15002 are EpiBase power transistors designed 140 VOLTS for high power audio, disk head positioners and other linear 200 WATTS applications. @ High Safe Operating Area (100% Tested) 200 W @ 40 V 50 W @ 100 V For Low Distortion Complementary Designs @ High OC Current Gain hfe = 25 (Min) @ Ic = 4 Adc -A i PN Tt Cc tT Ge ae E Jn ele Daa K MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit Collector-Emitter Voltage VcEO 140 Vde Coilector-Base Voltage VcBO 140 Vde Emitter-Basa Voitage VEBO 5 Vde Collector Current Continuous le 16 Ade Base Current Continuous Ig 5 Ade Emitter Current ~ Continuous le 20 Adc Total Power Dissipation @ Tce = 25C Pp 200 Watts Derate above 25C 1.14 w/c NOTES: 1, OIMENSIOMING AND TOLERANCING PEA ANS! Operating and Storage Junction T. JeTstg | -65 to +200 c Y14.5M, 1962. Temperature Range z Rae CES Aa NOTES aSOC TED WaTH THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS 4. co125 AND 06 OBSOLETE, NEW STAMOAAD. Characteristic Symbol Max Unit 001-07. Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Resc 0.875 c/w Maximum Lead Temperature far Soldering Th 265 c Soe T ase Purposes: 1/16 from Case for <10s. 2. EMITTER CASE: COLLECTOR CASE 1-07 TO-204AA (TO-3) 3-575 NPN MJ15001 PNP MJ15002 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Te = 25C unless otherwise noted.) J Characteristic |___symbor | Min | Max | Unit | OFF CHARACTERISTICS Coliector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage (1) VCEO(sus) 140 - . Vde (lg = 200 mAdc, Ip = 0) Collector Cutoff Current lcex - {VE = 140 Vie, Vee (oft) 7 1.5 Vdel 100 HAde (Voce = 140 Vac, Vee (ott) = 1.5 Vde, Te = 150C) 2 mAdc Collector Cutoff Current IcEO ~ 250 +. pAde (VcE = 140 Vde, fg = 0) Emitter Cutoff Current leBo - 100 nAdc (Vep = 5 Vdc, Ic = 0) , : SECOND BREAKDOWN Second Breakdown Collector Current with Base Forward Biased tIs/p Adc (Voge = 40 Vie, t = 1s (non-repetitive)) 5 - (Vee = 100 Vac, t = 15 (non-repetitive) 0.5 - ON CHARACTERISTICS DC Current Gain hee 25 150 - (ic =4 Adc, Vee ~ 2 Vde} Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage VcE (sat) - 1 Vde (Ic = 4 Ade, lg = 0.4 Adc} Base-Emitter On Voltage VBE(on) - 2 Vde (lc = 4 Adc, Vce = 2 Vde) OYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS. Current-Gain Bandwidth Product a 2 - MHz (Ic = 0.5 Adc, Voce = 10 Vide, frest = 0.5 MHz} Output Capacitance Cob - 1000 pF (Veg * 10 Vde, IE = 0, frest = 1 MHz) (1) Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 300 us, Duty Cycle < 2%. FIGURE 1 ACTIVE-REGION SAFE OPERATING AREA 20 Te= 10 7 5 3 Ty = 200C - BONDING WIRE LIMITED THERMAL LIMITATION (SINGLE PULSE) SECOND SREAKDOWN LIMITEO CURVES APPLY BELOW RATED Vcgq 2S wi Ic, COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMP) Qa Bo 2 3 5 7 10 2 60 50 70 100 Veg. COLLECTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 200 3-576 There are two limitations on the powerhandling ability of a transistor: average junction temperature and second breakdown. Safe operating area curves indicate ic Veg limits of the tran- sistor that must be observed for reliable operation: i.e., the tran- sistor must not be subjected to greater dissipation than the curves indicate. The data of Figure 1 is based on Tjipk) = 200C; T is variable depending on conditions. At high case temperatures, thermal limitations will reduce the power that can be handied to values less than the limitations imposed by second breakdown, C, CAPACITANCE (pF) hee, OC CURRENT GAIN V, VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 2.0 0.8 0.4 0 02 03 as oO7 1% 2 3 5 7 20 az 43 05 07 4 2 3 5 7 WW 20 0.2 NPN MJ15001 PNP MJ15002 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 2 CAPACITANCES FIGURE 3 CURRENT-GAIN BANDWIDTH PRODUCT 2 10 = 4 S MJ15002 (PNP) a 8 Qa oS = 7 x a 6 z= Tye .2 5 z : Vee 10V a 4 test = 0.5 MHz 23 3 MJ15001 (NPN) 5 2 MJ15001 (NPN) z MJ15002 (PNP) = | 2S nn) - 2 3 5 7? (40 0 30 50 70 100 150 = oat 02 03 OS 07? 1 z 3 5 7 10 Va, REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Ic, COLLECTOR CURAENT (AMP} FIGURE 4 DC CURRENT GAIN _MJ15001 MJ15002 200 Vee = 2 Vde 24300 100 T32100C 70 259 w o 30 20 hpgOC CUARENT GAIN Ic, COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMP) tc, COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMP) FIGURE 5 ON VOLTAGE MJ15001 M315002 2.0 1.6 a = a 9 12 Vee @ VceE = 2 Vde = Vae @ Vee 22 Vde 3 < Ty= 25C 3 0.8 Ty 2 259C > > yoorc 100C 0.4 oa VCE(sar) @ Ic/lg = VCE(sat) @ Ic/la 10 0. 05 07 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 02 03 O58 47 1 2 3 5 7 1 20 tc, COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMP) Ic, COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMP) 3-577