CORPORATION 160MHz CRT Driver calogic CVA2424 FEATURES DESCRIPTION @ Bandwidth .....00. 2... eee eee eee 160MHz2 The CVA2424 is a video driver amplifier designed specially to @ Rise/Fall Time.........0.. eee cee cee ee eee 2.5ns drive high resolution color monitors. With 2.5ns rise and fall @ SWING . eee eee eet enane 40 Vp.p time and 160MHz bandwidth, this device will provide excellent @ Supply Voltage. ... 2.2... cece eee eens 80V drive capability for the 2000 x1600, 1600 x 1280 and 1280 x 1024 color monitors. APPLICATIONS @ CRT Driver for 2000 x 1600, 1600 x 1280 and 1280 x 1024 ORDERING INFORMATION Color Monitors Part Package Temperature CVA2424T TO-220 -20C to +100C CONNECTION DIAGRAM AND SIMPLIFIED SCHEMATIC 2 6.78 1B-07 PIN 1 DESIGNATOR TIA 10-03 MB 1444322 0001158 SoS 3-39 CVA2424 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Supply Voltage Lead Temperature Operating Temperature Storage Temperature CORPORATION a -20C to +100C -25C to +100C DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Vs = 60V, Ci = 10pF, Vout = 40Vp-p. See Figure 1. Ta = +25C unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL CHARACTERISTICS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Icc Supply Current 39.5 43.5 47.5 mA Vinoc Iput DC Level 1.15 1.4 1.55 Vv Voutdo Output DC Level 26 30 34 Vv Av Voltage Gain 11.2 12.4 13.2 Vv Gain Matching 0.2 dB AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Vg = GOV, Ci = 10pF, Vout = 40Vp-p. See Figure 1. Ta= +25C unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL CHARACTERISTICS MIN TYP MAX UNITS tr Rise Time 2.5 2.9 ns t Fall Time 2.5 2.9 ns BW Bandwidth 160 MHz Le Linearity 5 % os /US Overshoot / Undershoot 8 % FIGURE 1. TEST CIRCUIT e e Veco 1 C3 C ca [1 R1 INPUT OUTPUT 67,8 GND R1=2152 C2 = Variable 4 to 150pF C6 = 0.01 pf 60V D1 = DS464 R2 = 12kQ (1 W) Typical 27pF C, = 10pF (Including D2 = DS464 R4 = 300k 2 C3 = 46 pF Parasitics) L1=150 nH R5=152 C4 = 10 pf/160V R6 = 152 1B-08 me lay4322 0001159 4a = 3-40 CORPORATION a APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Basic Circuit Configuration The CVA2424 is a transimpedance amplifier with two stage feedback amplifier configurations. Any change in input current will be reflected as change in output voltage swing. A resistor in series with the input will change the CVA2424 into a voltage amplifier. The output is an emitter follower. Because of the complementary circuitry employed, there is no need for load or pull up resistor. An internally bypassed capacitor is included inside the package, however, for low frequencies an electrolytic capacitor is recommended. CVA2424 if an input signal is applied, the gain is set by: R Vout = () Vin Thermal! Characteristics When low frequency square waves are amplified, some droop will occur due to a large change in thermal dissipation in the input transistors. To overcome this an R-C series feedback network Is suggested with 300k ohms and 46pf values. Under normal operating conditions the CVA2424 will dissipate up to 4.2W. The maximum allowed case temperature is +100C. To calculate maximum heatsink thermal resistance use equation (2). CVA2424 has an internal feedback resistor of 2.66KQ. In the (100 50) absence of any input signal, the Vout DC is set by: Rth = 5awW. 9.4C/W R Vout (DC) = (1+ BF) Vin (DC) B FALL TIME RISE TIME BANDWIDTH VOLTS BV/DIV VOLTS 8V/DIV 2ns/DIV OdB GAIN 5d8/DIV 2ns/DIV MHz Me 18443ee 0001160 173 3-41