3.6Gb/s 144x144 Asynchronous Crosspoint Switch Physical Layer Products VSC3140 Product Brief Features: * Per Channel Programmable Input Equalization * Per Channel Programmable Output Drive Levels * On Board PRBS Generator/ Detector * Parallel and Serial Programming Modes * Secondary Serial Access Port for Configuration and Monitoring * Non-blocking Architecture with Broadcast and Multicast Modes * Soft Power Down for Unused Channels * Boundary Scan Support for Data I/O * Integrated Temperature Sensor/Alarm * On-chip Input and Output Terminations Benefits: * 144x144 Inputs and Outputs Allow Creation of 3-stage Clos Switch Fabrics of up to 10368 x 10368 Array Providing up to 37 Terabits of Data Throughput * Programmable Integrated Signal Equalization (ISE) Function Improves Output Jitter and Multi-pass Performance, Reducing the Need for Inter-stage Retimers in Multi-stage Switch Fabrics www.vitesse.com General Description The VSC3140 is a 144x144 asynchronous crosspoint switch, designed to carry broadband data streams. The fully non-blocking switch core is programmed through a multi-mode port interface that allows random access programming of each input/output port. Each data output can be programmed to connect to one of the 144 inputs. The signal path is unregistered and fully asynchronous, so there are no restrictions on the phase, frequency, or signal pattern on any input. Each highspeed output is a fully differential Applications: * * * * * * DWDM Platform Core and Edge Router Storage Area Network Wavelength Routers Digital Cross Connect Optical Cross Connect switched current driver with on-die terminations for maximum signal integrity. A multi-mode, programming interface is provided that allows commands to be sent as serial data or multiplexed parallel data. Unused channels may be powered down to allow efficient use of the switch in applications that require only a subset of the channels. A secondary serial access port allows asynchronous readback and configuration control to take place while the primary programming port is in use. 3.6Gb/s 144x144 Asynchronous Crosspoint Switch * Programmable ISE and Programmable Output Drive Level on an Individual Channel Basis Allow Users to Optimize the Switch Operation Based on System Requirements * System Level Features such as Drive/Sense I/O Ports and Boundary Scan Allow in System Diagnostic and Monitoring of each Input and Output for Signal Integrity Through the Entire Switch VSC3140 Block Diagram DRIVE [1:0] SENSE [1:0] Switch Core A[143:0] Staging Register Sec_CS Sec_SDIN * 144 Inputs by 144 Outputs Crosspoint Switch * Differential CML Data Output Driver * 15/21W Typical Power in Low/ High Drive Mode * 20/25W Max Power in Low/ High Drive Mode * 125MHz Multi-mode Programming Port Secondary Access Port User INIT Register * 3.6Gb/s NRZ Data Bandwidth * 2.5/3.3V CMOS/TTL Control I/O Y[143:0] Switch Configuration Register Specifications: * Single 2.5V Power Supply Physical Layer Products Output level control and scan registers Benefits Continued: VSC3140 Input signal equalization (ISE) and scan registers Product Brief Sec_Write Sec_Read Programming Interface RESET Sec_SCLK Sec_SDOUT ADDR/DATA CONFIG INIT Temperature Alarm OverTemp PARALLEL/SERIAL CS WR RD PRBS_Out PRBS Generator/Detector ALE PRBS_ErrDet PRBS_In PRBS_Clk Input Signal Equalization Performance Input Eye Diagram Output Eye Diagram * High Performance 45mm, 1.27mm pitch, 1072 BGA Package * Operating Temperature Range from 0C to 85C For more information on Vitesse Products visit the Vitesse web site at www.vitesse.com or contact Vitesse Sales at (800) VITESSE or sales@vitesse.com www.vitesse.com (c) Copyright 2001 Vitesse Semiconductor Corporation and the Vitesse logo are all registered trademarks of Vitesse Semiconductor Corporation