INTERSIL FEATURES +1V to +18V power supply operation 3nA input offset current Standby power consumption as low as 500 nW No frequency compensation required Programable electrical characteristics Offset Voltage nulling capability Can be powered by two flashlight batteries Short circuit protection GENERAL DESCRIPTION The 4250 is an extremely versatile programabte mono- lithic operational amplifier. A single external master bias current setting resistor programs the input bias current, input offset current, quiescent power consumption, slew rate, input noise, and the gain-bandwidth product. The 4250C is guaranteed over a 0C to 70C temperature range. ORDERING INFORMATION Dice | 8 Pin Minidip | TO-99 Can | | [ LM4250C/D | LM4250CN | LM4250CH | RESISTOR BIASING Set Current Setting Resistor to V~ 'ser Vs O.14A o5uaA | 10uA SuA 10 yA +1.5V 25.6 MQ .04MO[ 25M | 492k? 244 kQ 3.0V 556M | 11OMO | 55MQ TOMO | 644K0 t6.0V | 116 MS 290MM [115 MQ 2.29 M2 714 MQ 19.0V | 176MQ 35.0M2 [175MQ 3.49 MQ 1.74 MQ +12.0V 7 236MQ 47.0MQ | 23.5 M2 4.69 MQ. 2.34 MO :is0v | 296M2 59.0MQ | 29.5 M2 5.89 MQ 2.94 M2 5-111 LM4250C Programmable Operational Amplifier PIN CONFIGURATIONS cOMEFSET TOP VIEW (outline dwg TO-99) OFFSET NULL, C4 \, SET -IN Vv +IN OUT v- OFFSET NULL, {outline dwg PA) SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM an * nm a om" 10H 6- LM4250C ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS INTERSIL Supply Voltage 218V Output Short Circuit Duration indefinite Power Dissipation (Note 1) 500 mw Operating Temperature Range oC < Ta < 70C Differential Input Voltage +30V Storage Temperature Range -65C to 150C Input Voltage (Note 2) +15V Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec} 300C \geT Current 150nA ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (0C < T, < 70C unless otherwise specified) Vs =+15V , PARAMETERS CONDITIONS (ser = 1A igen = 10UA MIN MAX MIN MAX Vox Ta 25 CRs < 100k32 5 mv 6mv loe Ta 26C 6nA 20 nA Vans Ta? 25C 10 nA 75 nA t arge Signa! Voltage Gain Ta 25 C R, = 100kK82 25k Vo = *06V Ry = 10K82 25k Supply Current Ta = 258 C ByuA 90 pA Powe: Cansumption Ta. 7 26C 24 pW 270 uW Vos Rg 10k 65mv 7.5 mV los BHA 25 nA Vaocas 10 nA 80 nA Input Voltage Range 10 6V t06V Large Signal Voltage Gain Vo *06V R, 100 k22 25k Ry, = 10KSL 24k . Output Voltage Swing RL 100kS8? +0 6V Ry = 10 ki? +0 6V Common Mode Rejection Ratio Rg 10 ki? 70 dB 70 dB Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio Res 10k 74 dB 74 d8 Supply Current ByuA 90 uA Power Consumption 24 yw 270 uW Vg = 2 15V PARAMETERS CONDITIONS Iget = tuA Iget = 10 uA MIN MAX MIN MAX Vos Ta | 25C Rg < 100 k22 5 mV 6 mv los Ta 2 25C 6A 20 nA lows Ta =25C 10 nA 75 0A Large Signal Voltage Gain Ta = 26 Ry = 100kS2 60k Vo = t10V R, = 10k? 60k Suppty Current Ta = 26C 11 pA, 100 pA Power Consumption Ta = 26C 330 pw 3mw Vos Rss 10k 65mvV 75 mV tos BnA 25 nA Noses 10 nA 80 nA Input Voltage Range +13.5V 413.6V Large Signal Voltage Gain Vo = 210V Ry = 100 kK2 50k Ry, = 10k2 50k Output Voltage Swing Ry = 100 k2 +12V Ry = 10kQ +12V Common Mode Rejection Ratio Rg < 10k2 70 dB 70 dB Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio Rs < 10k2 74 dB 7448 Supply Current 14 uA 100 vA Power Consumption 300 uW 3mw 5-112