Nomenclature = Digital Operator bk indicators (Setting/Monitor item Data display indicators) Keys FREQ adjuster Appearance Name Function Data display Displays relevant data items, such as frequency reference, output frequency, . and parameter set values. Frequency adjuster Sets the frequency reference within a range between 0 Hz and the maximum frequency. indicator FREQUENCY FREF| Frequency reference | The frequency reference can be monitored or set while this indicator is lit. indicator (Foun) Output frequency The output frequency of the Inverter can be monitored while this indicator is indicator jit. Output current The output current of the Inverter can be monitored while this indicator is lit. indicator MNTR Multi-function The values set in U01 through U10 are monitored while this indicator is lit. monitor indicator . Forward/Reverse The direction of rotation can be selected while this indicator is lit when selection indicator operating the Inverter with the RUN Key. LORE) Local/Remote The operation of the Inverter through the Digital Operator or according to the selection indicator set parameters is selectable while this indicator is lit. Note This status of this indicator can be only monitored while the Inverter is in operation. Any RUN command input is ignored while this indicator is lit. PAGM Parameter setting The parameters in nO1 through n79 can be set or monitored while this indicator is lit. Note While the Inverter is in operation, the parameters can be only moni- tored and only some parameters can be changed. Any RUN command input is ignored while this indicator is lit. Mode Key Switches the setting and monitor item indicators in sequence. Parameter being set will be canceled if this key is pressed before entering the setting. Increment Key Increases multi-function monitor numbers, parameter numbers, and parameter set values. Decrement Key Decreases multi-function monitor numbers, parameter numbers, and parameter set values. Enter Key Enters multi-function monitor numbers, parameter numbers, and internal data values after they are set or changed. RUN Key Starts the Inverter running when the 3G3JV is in operation with the Digital RUN Operator. STOP STOP/RESET Key Stops the Inverter unless parameter n06 is not set to disable the STOP Key. RESET~ Using Digital Operator = Selecting Indicators e . NANG SS t , NNUDE SS NAGS Ss \ERER EF IOUT represents a lit indicator. SFETANN Frequency reference > > > Pecovecncccnccceseocve : e s e es A : : NASI ASs NAA SS NANTES WALLS Ss . : MNT y > FAEUSNN FSTEIANN FFEVANN FAFINNN . Parameter Locai/Remote Direction of Multi-function : od < settings 4 4 selection rotation 4 monitor Parameter n01 Remote mode Forward Frequency reference my if b FE mn og nu i cr Or uu i a Parameter n02 Local mode Reverse Output frequency fe ! E De ny La Fou UU 2: 2 . e a . e e e Other parameters Other monitor items Note: Ifthe power is turned OFF with the FOUT or IOUT indicator lit, the same indicator will light when the power is turned ON again. In other cases, the FREF indicator will light when the power is turned ON. Example of Frequency Reference Settings NANLESS Ti ES ....... Peshing NALLise nn ie CED = BE EOD SERTVUNN Key sequence Indicator Display example Explanation 5 0 Power ON - Note If the FREF indicator has not been lit, press the Mode Key repeatedly until the FREF indicator is lit. | | we FREF AR Use the Increment or Decrement Key to set the frequency 5 Ce | reference. The data display will flash while the frequency reference is set. (see note 1) FREF 640 Press the Enter Key so that the set value will be entered and UU the data display will be lit. (see note 1) Note: The Enter Key need not be pressed when performing the setting for nO8. The frequency reference will change when the set value is changed with the Increment or Decrement Key while the data display is continuously lit.Using Digital Operator ) = Example of Multi-function Display Frequency DC bus Monitor reference voltage J data Nees Th Ea... TTA Plnew: wre (UO i] cl MATA [E/S) = (wntal |? A a LFEEIAN SLEISANS Fe] Compete Key sequence Indicator Display Explanation FREF Power ON iF A ' fress the Mode Key repeatedly until the MNTR indicator is U01 will be displayed. Wf S Use the Increment or Decrement Key to select the monitor item to be displayed. wy, Press the Enter Key so that the data of the selected monitor item will be displayed. MNTR HOS The monitor number display will appear again by pressing 9 uu the Mode Key. Status Monitor Item Display Display . Function unit U0} Frequency reference | Hz Monitors the frequency reference. (Same as FREF) Uo2 Output frequency Hz Monitors the output frequency. (Same as FOUT) U03 Output current A Monitors the output current. (Same as IOUT) U04 Output voltage Vv Monitors the internal output voltage reference value of the Inverter. UO05 DC bus voltage Vv Monitors the DC voltage of the internal main circuit of the Inverter. U06 Input terminal status | --- Shows the ON/OFF status of inputs. | . dust {:inputON = : No input * Terminal $1: Forward/Stop Terminal $2: Multi-function input 1 (S2) Terminal $3: Multi-function input 2 ($3) Terminal S4: Multi-function input 3 (S4) 9g Not \____. Terminal S5: Multi-function input 4 ($5) 3 use U07 Output terminal --- Shows the ON/OFF status of outputs. status / f tits | : Closed { : Open Not [ Terminal MA: Multi-function contact used output uos Error log (most soe Displays the latest error. recent one) A Error U10 Software No. -- OMRON use only.- Using Digital Operator = Example of Parameter Settings 6) The following example shows how to set 2 to enable the frequency reference control terminal for 0- to 10-V input in parameter n03 (Frequency Reference Selection). Swiss Fry Nuss Fi Nw A nd _i| prem [p03] ~ Pam [7] PTETAAN Mm 1 CTPIANN (t] A | NAL ese o Enabie the fr f Cancels set 7ries the frequency reference FTTTYVANA control terminal for 0- to 10-V input. \ Complete PRGA data. In approximately 1s, Key sequence Indicator Display example Explanation Power ON Press the Mode Key repeatedly until the PRGM indicator is lit. uu Use the Increment or Decrement Key to set the parameter u In approximately 1 s. number. Press the Enter Key. The data of the selected parameter number will be displayed. Use the Increment or Decrement Key to set the data. At that ae time the display will flash. Press the Enter Key so that the set value will be entered and the data display will be lit. (see note 1) n 0 3 The parameter number will be displayed. Note: 1. To cancel the set value, press the Mode Key instead. The parameter number will be displayed. 2. There are parameters that cannot be changed while the Inverter is in operation. Refer to the list of parameters. When at- tempting to change such parameters, the data display will not change by pressing the Increment or Decrement Key.eas List of Parameters = List of Parameters Parameter Name Description Setting Unit of Default Changes Reference No. range setting setting | during op- page eration noi Parameter Used to prohibit parameters to be written, sets 0, 1,6, 1 1 No 14 write-prohibit selec- | parameters, or change the monitor range of 8,9 tion/parameter ini- parameters. tialization Used to initialize parameters to default values. . -- - maf no2 Operation mode Used to select the input method for the RUN and STOP | 0, 1 1 0 No 14 selection commands in remote mode. 03 Frequency reference | Used to set the input method for the frequency reter- Oto4 1 0 No 14 selection ence in remote mode. no4 Interruption mode Used to set the stopping method for use when the 0,1 1 0 No 14 selection STOP command is input. nos Reverse rotation- Used to select:the operation with the reverse command | 0, 1 1 Q No 14 prohibit selection input. n06 STOP/RESET Key | Used to select the stop method in remote mode with 0, 1 1 0 No 14 function selection n02 for operation mode selection set to 1. n07 Frequency selection | Used to set the input method for the frequency refer- 0,1 1 G No 14 in local mode ence in local mode. n08 Key sequential Used to enable the Enter Key for setting the frequency | 0, 1 1 0 No 14 frequency setting reference with the Increment and Decrement Keys. nog Maximum frequency | Used to set the VA pattern as the basic characteristic of | 50.0 to 0.1. Hz 60.0 No 14 (FMAX) the Inverter with output voltage per frequency set. 400 n10 Maximum voltage Note Set the parameters so that the following | 439 255 | 1V 200 No 14 (VMAX) condition will be satistied, s s nil Maximum voitage ni4 3 ni2<nit n09 0.2 to 0.1 Hz 60.0 No 14 frequency (FA) Note The value set in n15 will be ignored if parame- | 400 ni2 Middle output ters n14 and ni2 are the sameinvalue. = fo Tig TodHz | 1.5 No 14 frequency (FB) 399 ni3 Middle output 1t0255 | 1V 12 No 14 frequency voltage . (VC) . ni4 Minimum output 0.1 to 0.1 Hz 1.5 No 14 frequency (FMIN) 10.0 nts Minimum output 1 to 50 1V 12.0 No 14 frequency voltage (VMIN) ni6 Acceleration time 1 Acceleration time: The time required to go from 0% to 0.0 to 0.15 10.0 Yes 15 100% of the maximum frequency. 999 ni7 Deceleration time 1 | Deceleration time: The time required to go from 100% 10.0 Yes 15 to 0% of the maximum frequency. a Note The actual acceleration or deceleration time ns Acceleration time 2 is obtained from the following formula. 10.0 Yes 15 Acceleration/Deceleration time = (Accelera- nig Deceleration time 2 tion/Daceleration time set value) x (Frequen- 10.0 Yes 15 cy reference value) + (Max. frequency) n20 S-shape accelera- Used to set S-shape acceleratiorvdeceleration charac- | 0to3 1 0 No 15 tion/deceleration teristics. characteristic n2i Frequency reference | Used to set internal frequency references. 0.0 to 0.1 Hz 6.0 No 18 1 Note Frequency reference 1 is enabled in remote | &x. fre- n22 Frequency reference mode with n03 for trequency reference selec- | WWENCY 0.0 No 15 2 tion set to 1. n23 Frequency reference | Note These frequency references are selected with 0.0 No 15 3 multi-step speed references (mutti-function in- n24 Frequency reference put). See the reference pages for the relation- 0.0 No 15 4 ship between multi-step speed references and n2s Frequency reference frequency references. 0.0 No 15 5 n26 Frequency reference 0.0 No 18 6 n27 Frequency reference 0.0 No 15 7 n28 Frequency reference 0.0 No 15 8 n29 Inching frequency Used to set the inching frequency command. 6.90 No 15 command 1]List of Parameters prevention during operation. Parameter Name Description Setting | Unitof | Defauit Changes Reference No. range setting setting | during op- page eration n30 Frequency reference | Used to set the upper and lower frequency reference Ot0 110 | 1% 100 No 16 upper limit limits in percentage based on the maximum frequency 0, n3t Frequency reference as 100%. Oto 110 | 1% 0 No 16 lower limit na2 Rated motor current | Used to set the rated motor current for motor overload 0.0 to O.1A Varies No 16 detection (OL1) based on the rated motor current. 120% of with the Note Motor overload detection (OL1) is disabled by | ated capacity. setting the parameter to 0.0. output current n33 Motor protection Used to set the motor overload detection (OL1) for the Oto2 1 0 No 16 characteristics electronic thermal characteristics of the motor. n34 Motor protective Used to set the electric thermal characteristics of the 1 to 60 imin 8 No 16 time setting motor to be connected in 1-minute increments. n35 Cooling fan opera- Used to operate the Cooling Fan of the Inverter while 01 1 0 No 16 tion function the Inverter is turned on or only while the Inverter is in operation. n36 Multi-function inout 1 | Used to select the functions of multi-function input ter- 2 ta 22 1 2 No 16 (Input terminal S2) minals $2 through S5. n37 Multi-function input 2 0 to 22 1 5 No 16 (Input terminal $3) n38 Multi-function input 3 2 to 22 1 3 No 16 (input terminal S4) n39 Multi-function input 4 21034 1 6 No 16 (Input terminal $5) n40 Multi-function output | Used to select the functions of multi-function output Oto7, 1 1 No 17 ({MA/MB and MG terminals. 10 to 17 output terminals) . n41 Frequency reference | Used to the input characteristics of analog frequency 0to255 | 1% 100 Yes 17 gain references. n42 Frequency reference -99 to 1% 0 Yes 17 bias 99 n43 Analog trequency Used to set the digital fitter with a first-order lag for ana- | 0.00 to 0.01s 0.10 No 17 reference filter time | log frequency references to be input. 2.00 n44 Analog monitor Used to set the output frequency or current as a moni- 0,1 1 0 No 17 output tored item. n45 Analog monitor Used to set the output characteristics of analog monitor | 0.00 to 0.01 4.00 Yes 7 output gain output. 2.00 n46 Carrier frequency Used to set the carrier frequency. - 1to4,7 | 1 Varies No 18 selection to9 with the capacity. n47 Momentary power Used to specify the processing that is performed when | 0 to 2 1 0 No 18 interruption com- a@ momentary power interruption occurs. pensation n48 Fault retry Used to set the number of times the Inverter is reset Oto 10 1 0 No 18 and restarted automatically in the case the Inverter has an overvoitage fault, overcurrent fault, or ground fault. n4g Jump frequency 1 Used to set the frequency jump function. 0.0 to 0.1 Hz 0.0 No 18 400 n50 Jump frequency 2 Note These values must Satisfy the following condi- | 9 9 to 0.1 Hz 0.0 No 1B tion: n49 2 N50 400 n51 Jump width 0.0 to 0.1 H2 0.0 No 18 400 n52 DC control current Used to impose DC on the induction motor for braking 010100 | 1% 50 No 18 n53 Interruption DC control. 0.0 ta 0.15 0.5 No 18 control time 25.5 n54 Startup DC control 0.0 ta 0.15 0.0 No 18 time 25.5 ns5 Stall prevention Used to select a function to change tne deceleration 0,1 1 0 No 18 during deceleration | time of the motor automatically so that there will be no avervoltage imposed on the motor during deceleration. n56 Stall prevention level | Used to select a function to stop the acceleration of the | 30 to 1% 170 No 19 during acceleration motor automatically for stall prevention during 200 acceleration. ns7 Stall prevention level | Used to select a function to reduce the output 30 to 1% 160 No 19 during operation frequency of the inverter automatically for stall 200 12List of Parameters Parameter Name Description Setting | Unitof | Default | Changes Reference No, range setting | setting | during op- page eration n338 Frequency detection | Used to set the frequency to be detected. 0.0 to 0.1 Hz 0.0 No 19 level 400 nsg Overterque Used to enable or disable overtorque detection and Oto 4 1 0 No 19 detection function select the processing method after overtorque selection detection. no Overtorque Used to set overtorque detection level. 30 to 1% 160 No 19 detection level 200 nt Overtorque Used to set the detection time of overtorque. 0.1 to 0.15 0.1 No 19 detection time 10.0 n2 UP/DOWN Used to store the adjusted frequency reference with the | 0, 1 1 0 No 20 command frequency | UP/DOWN function. . memory n63 Torque Used to set the gain of the torque compensation 0.0 to 0.1 1.0 Yes 21 compensation gain function. 2.5 n4 Motor rated slip Used to set the rated slip value of the motor in use. 0.0 to 0.1 Hz Varies Yes 21 20.0 with the capacity. n65 Motor no-load Used to set the no-load current of the motor in use Oto 99 1% Varies No 21 current based on the rated motor current as 100%. with the capacity. n6 Slip compensation Used to set the gain of the slip compensation function. 0.9 to 0.1 0.0 Yes 21 gain 2.5 n7 Slip compensation Used for the response speed of the slip compensation 0.0 to 0.15 2.0 Na 21 time constant function. 25.5 n68 ton74 | OMRON's contro} Do not change the set value. L _ _ _ nee reference use n7 Low-speed carrier Used to select a function to reduce the carrier 0.1 1 0 No o- frequency reduction | frequency when Inverter is at low speed. selection n76 OMRON's control Do not change the set value. oe oo so see reference use n77 n78 Error log Used to display the latest error recorded. _ os oo - see if uu il A Display Note _ will be displayed if no error has been re- corded. Note = This parameter is monitored only. n7g9 Software number Used to display the software number of the Inverter for - ~~ _ - ag OMRON's controi reference use. Note This parameter is monitored only. 13Function of Each Parameter Note: The shaded values indicate default settings. Parameter Write-prohibit Selection/Parameter Initialization (n01) This parameter makes it possible to write-prohibit parameters, change the parameter set or displayed range, or initialize all pa- rameters to default values. Vatue Description 0 Oniy n01 can be displayed and set. The n02 through n79 parameters can be displayed only. | The nO1 through n73 parameters can be displayed and set. 6 Only the error log memory is cleared. 8 Enables the initialization of all parameters in 2-wire sequence so that the parameters will return to default vatues. 9 Enabies the initialization of all parameters in 3-wire sequence. Operation Mode Selection (n02) Select the method of operation mode input to start or stop the In- verter in remote mode, Value Description The RUN and STOP/RESET Keys of the Digital Operator are enabled. 1 Multi-function input in 2- or 3-wire sequence through the control circuit terminats is enabled, Note: In local mode, RUN commands can be entered using the Digital Operator only. acre Tate Marcie m=y-1 cred Cr (AUS) (Remote Mode) Select the method for inputting the frequency reference to the In- verter in remote mode. Pee Rotation-prohibit Selection (n05) Select the operation to be performed when the reverse rotation command is input. Value Description #4] Reverse rotation possible (command accepted) 1 Reverse rotation prohibited (command not accepted) STOP/RESET Key Function Selection (n06) When parameter n02 is set to 1, set whether or not to use the STOP/RESET Key of the Digital Operator to stop the Inverter in remote mode. The STOP/RESET Key is always enabled in local mode regardless of the setting in n02. Value Description The STOP/RESET Key of the Digital Operator is enabled. The STOP/RESET Key of the Digital Operator is disabled. rele Tyas eure tlle (Local Mode) Select the input method of frequency references in local mode. x Value Description The FREQ adjuster of the Digital Operator is enabled. 1 Key sequences on the Digital Operator are enabled. Key Sequential Frequency Setting (n08) Select whether to enable the Enter Key when setting the fre- quency reference with the Increment and Decrement Keys on the Digital Operator. Description Value | Description Value 2] The FREQ adjuster of the Digital! Operator is enabled. Frequency reference 1 (n21) is enabled. 2 The frequency reference control terminal (for O- to 10-V input) is enabled. 3 The frequency reference control terminal (for 4- to 20-mA current input) is enabled. 4 The frequency reference control terminal (for 0- to 20-mA current input) is enabled. Interruption Mode Selection (n04) Select the stopping method to be used when the STOP com- mand is input. Description :| Frequency deceleration stop (Decelerates to stop in preset time.) 1 Free running (Output shut OFF by STOP command.) s| The Enter Key is enabled. (The setting is made valid by pressing mM the Enter Key.) 1 The Enter Key is disabled. (The setting is directly treated as a frequency reference without the Enter Key being pressed.) WEE OU ee GR CRIB ED) Set the V/f pattern as the basic characteristic of the Inverter with output voltage per frequency set. Value Name Setting Unit of Default range setting settings nog Maximum Frequency 50.0 to 400 | 0.1 Hz 60.0 (FMAX) nid Maximum Voltage (VMAX) | 1 to 255 1Vv 200 att Maximum Voltage 0.210400 | 0.1 Hz 60.0 Frequency (FA} ni2 Middle Output Frequency [0.110399 | 0.1 Hz 1.5 (FB) nig Middle Output Frequency 1 to 255 1Vv 12 Voltage (VC) ni4 Minimum Output 0.110 10.0 | 0.1 Hz 1.5 Frequency (FMIN) nts Minimum Output 1 to 50 1Vv 12.0 Frequency Voltage (VMIN) &: oh)Function of Each Parameter Note: For n09, n11, and n12, the unit of setting is as follows: Values will be set in 0.1-Hz increments if the frequency is less than 100 Hz and 1-Hz increments if the frequency is 100 Hz or greater. Setting the Frequency References 1 to 8 and the Inching Frequency Command (n21 to n28 and n29) Set internal frequency references. Output Value Name Setting Unit of } Default voltage (V) range setting set- tings nio n2t Frequency reference 1 0.0 to max. 0.1 Hz 6.0 n22 Frequency reference 2 frequency ee note 0.0 n23 Frequency reference 3 0.0 n24 Frequency reference 4 0.0 m3 n2s Frequency reference 5 0.0 n26 Frequency reference 6 0.0 A n27 Frequency reference 7 0.0 . Frequency n28 Frequency reference 8 0.0 0 nl4 ni2 nit nog Hz) ( n29 Inching frequency com- 6.0 mand Note: 1. Set the parameters so that the following condition will . : . . . be satisfied. Note: 1. Values will be setin0.1-Hz increments if the frequency is less ni4 $ nt2<n11 $ nog than 100 Hz and 1-Hz increments if the frequency is 100 Hz 2. The value set in n15 will be ignored if parameters n14 Or over. . ; and n12 are the same in value. 2. Frequency reference 1 is enabled with n03 for frequency ref- erence selection set to 1. (Remote mode} 7 7 . 3. Frequency references 1 to 8 are enabled by setting multi- Acceleration/Deceleration Time Settings step speed references 1,2, and 3 inn36 to n39 for multi-func- {(n16 to n19) . tion input. Refer to the following table for the relationship be- tween multi-step speed references 1 to 3 and frequency ref- The acceleration time is the time required to go from 0% to 100% _Srences 1 to 8. of the maximum frequency and the deceleration time is the time Frequency | Multi-step speed | Multi-step speed | Muiti-step speed required to go from 100% to 0% of the maximum frequency. The reference reference 1 reference 2 reference 3 actual acceleration or deceleration time is obtained from the fol- Frequency OFF OFF OFF lowing formula. relerence | . . . Frequency | ON OFF OFF Acceleration/Deceleration time = reference 2 (Acceleration/Deceleration time set value) x (Frequency refer- Frequency | OFF ON OFF ence value) + (Max. frequency) reference 3 Frequency | ON ON OFF Value Name Setting Unito& | Default reference 4 range Serting |e Frequency | OFF OFF ON g reference 5 ni6 Acceleration time 1 0.0 to 999 Os 10.0 Frequency | ON OFF ON ni7 Deceleration Time 4 . 10.0 reference 6 nia Acceleration time 2 10.0 Frequency | OFF ON ON nig Deceleration Time 2 10.0 relerence 7 Frequency | ON ON ON 5 * ar reference 8 S-shape Acceleration/Deceleration Characteristic (n20) Note: 1. ON and OFF represent input ON and input OFF, re- Any one of three S-shape acceleration/deceleration times (0.2, 0.5, and 1.0 s) is selectable. Value | Description No S-shape acceleration/deceleration characteristic (Trapezoidal acceleration/deceleration) aN 1 S-shape acceleration/deceleration characteristic time is 0.2 s S-shape acceleratior/deceleration characteristic time is 0.5 s S-shape acceleration/deceieration characteristic time is 1.0 s Note: When the S-shape acceleration/deceleration character- istic time is set, the acceleration and deceleration times willbe lengthened according to the S-shape at the begin- ning and end of acceleration/deceleration. 2. spectively. Inching frequency commands take precedence over multi- step speed references.Function of Each Parameter Frequency Reference Upper and Lower Limit Settings (n30 and n31) Set the upper and lower frequency reference limits in percent- age based on the maximum frequency as 100%. Cooling Fan Operation Function Selection (n35) This parameter is used to operate the cooling fan of the Inverter while the Inverter is turned on or only while the Inverter is in op- eration. Value Name Setting Unitof | Defautt range setting settings n30 Frequency Reference Oto 110 1% 100 Upper Limit n31 Frequency Reference 0to 110 1% 0 Lower Limit Note: !fn31 is set to a value less than the minimum output fre- quency (FMIN) (n14), the Inverter will have no output when a frequency reference less than the minimum out- put frequency input is ON. Rated Motor Current Setting (n32) Value Description #4 The fan rotates only while the RUN command is input and for 1 minute after the Inverter stops operating. 1 The fan rotates while the Inverter is tumed ON. Note: 1. This parameter is available only if the Inverter incorporates a cooling fan. 2. If the operation frequency of the Inverter is low, the life of the fan can be prolonged by setting the parameter to 0. Multi-function Input Selection (n36 to n39) Select the functions of multi-function input terminals 52 to SS. Value Name Setting Unit of Default Set the rated motor current as the reference value for motor range setting | settings overload detection (OL1). n3 Multi-function Input 1 2108, 10to 11 2 Note: 1. Setting 0.0 disables the motor overload detection (OL1) func- (S2) 22 tion. n37 Multi-function Input 2 0, 2 to 8, 10 1 5 2. The rated motor current value is factory-set for each Inverter ($3) - 1022 according to the maximum applicable motor capacity. n38 en Input 3 oa 8,10to | 1 3 Value Name Settingrange =| Unitof | Default 1139 Multi-function Input 4 2108, 10to | 1 6 setting settings ($5) 22, 34 n32 Rated Motor Current | 0.0% to 120% (A) of | 0.1A Varies with rated output current the capac- 7 of Inverter ity Value Function Description Forward/Reverse 3-wire sequence (to be set in n37 only) " ar 5 rotation command Thi : . . Motor Protection Characteristic Selection (n33) is Setting overrides the N36 setting. S1: RUN input (RUN when ON) Set the motor overload detection (OL1) for the electronic thermal $2: STOP input characteristics of the motor. (STOP when OFF) $3: Forward/Reverse rotation Value Description ; command #8] Protection characteristics for general-purpose induction motors (ON: Reverse) 1 Protection characteristics for Inverter-dedicated motors 2 Reverse/Stop Reverse rotation command (2-wire - sequence) (ON: Reverse) 2 No protection 3 Extemal fault (NO) ON: External fault Note: When connecting multiple motors to one Inverter, set 2 4 External fault(NC) | OFF: External fault (equivalent to n32 = 0.0). In addition, take overload pre- 5 Fault reset ON: Fault reset vention measures by mounting a thermal relay in each Note Disabled while RUN command is motor, for example. input 6 Multi-step speed Signals to select frequency references 1 to Motor Protective Time Setting (n34) reference 1 8. 7 Multi-step speed Set the electronic thermal characteristics of the motor to be con- relerence 2 nected in 1-minute increments. 8 Multi-step speed reference 3 Value Name Setting Unit of Defauit 10 Inching frequency ON: Inching frequency command range setting | settings command n34 Motor Protective Time 410 60 1 min 8 HW Acceleration/Decek | ON: Acceleration/deceleration time 2 Setting eration time selec- tion Note: 1. The default setting does notneed any changes in normal op- 12 Extemal base biock | ON: Output shut OFF (while motor coasting eration. command (NO) to a stop and bb flashing) 2. To set the parameter according to the characteristics of the 13 Extemal base block | OFF: Output shut OFF (with motor free motor, confirm the thermal time constant with the motor command (NC) running and bb flashing) manufacturer and set the parameter with some margin. In 14 Search command ON: Speed search (Searching starts from other words, set the value alittle shorter than the thermal time constant. 3. Todetect motor overloading more quickly, reduce the set val- ue, provided thatit does not cause any application problems. (Searching starts from maximum fre- quency) nag) a ee 9)Function of Each Parameter 15 Search command ON: Speed search (Searching starts from (Searching starts the frequency specified by n03.) from preset frequen- cy) 16 Acceleratior/Decel | ON: Acceleration/Deceleration is on hold eration-prohibit com- mand 17 Local or remote ON: Local mode (operated with the Digital selection Operator) 19 Emergency stop The Inverter stops according to the setting in fault (NO) n04 for interruption mode selection when the emergency stop input tums ON. Note NO: Emergency stop with the con- 20 Emergency stop tact closed alarm (NO) . . NC: Emergency stop with the con- tact opened. 21 Emergency stop Note Fault: Fault output is ON and reset fault (NC) with RESET input. Alarm output is ON (no reset required). 22 Emergency stop Note STP is displayed (lit with fault in- alarm (NC} put ON and flashes with alarm in- put ON) 34 Up or down com- Up or down command (set in n39 only) mand This setting overrides the n38 setting. $4: Up command $5: Down command Multi-function Output Selection (n40) Select the functions of multi-function output terminals. 16 Rotating in ON: Rotating in reverse direction reverse direction 17 Speed search ON: Speed search in progress in progress Gain and Bias Settings (n41 and n42) Set the input characteristics of analog frequency references in n41 (for the frequency reference gain) and n42 (for the frequen- cy reference bias). Set the frequency of maximum analog input (10 V or 20 mA) in n41 as percentage based on the maximum frequency as 100%. Set the frequency of minimum analog input (0 V, 0 mA, or 4 mA) in n42 as percentage based on the maximum frequency as 100%. Vaiue Name Setting Unit of Default range setting settings n41 Frequency Reference Oto 255 1% 100 Gain n42 Frequency Reference ~-99 to 99 1% 0 Bias Analog Frequency Reference Filter Time Setting RE) The digital filter with a first-order lag can be set for analog fre- quency references to be input. Value Name Setting Unit of | Default range setting set- Value Name Setting Unit of Default tings . range setting | settings n40 Multi-function Output (MA/ | 0 to 7, 10 to 1 1 n43 Analog Frequency Refer- | 0.00 to 2.00 0.01s 0.10 MB and MC) 17 ence Filter Time Value Function Description Analog Monitor Output Setting (n44) 0 Fault output ON: Fault output { Operation in ON: Operation in progress Set a monitored item for analog monitor output. progress . - 2 Frequency ON: Frequency detection Value | Description detection Os =| Output frequency (Reference: 10 V at max. frequency) 3 Idling ON: Idling 1 | Output current (Reference: 10 V with rated output current) 4 Frequency ON: Output frequency 2 frequency detection . . . detection 1 lavel (158) Note: The values in parentheses are applicable when n45 is 5 Frequency ON: Output frequency $ frequency detection set to 1.00. detection 2 level (n58) 6 Overtorque Output if any of the following parameter Analog Monitor Output Gain Setting (n45) being monitored | conditions is satistied. ey Overtorque detection function selection (n59) Set the output characteristics of analog monitor output. * Overtorque detection level (N60) Value Name Setting Unitof | Default ? Overtorque * Overtorque detection time (n61) range setting | settings being monitored . . (NC-contact Note NO contact: ON with overtorque be- n45 Analog Monitor Output 0.00 to 2.00 | 0.01 1.00 output) ing detected; NC contact: OFF with Gain overtorque being detected 8 (Not used) 9 . 10 Alarm output ON: Alarm being detected (Nonfatal error) 1 Base block in ON: Base block in progress progress 12 RUN mode ON: Local mode 13 Inverter ready ON: Inverter ready to operate 14 Fault retry ON: Fault retry 45 UV in progress | ON: Undervoltage being monitored (main circuit undervoltage UV or UV1 detected)Function of Each Parameter Carrier Frequency Selection (n46) Set the carrier frequency. Value Description 2.5 kHz 5.0 kHz 7.8 kHz 10.0 KHz 2.5 kHz (12x): 12 times as high as output frequency (between 1.0 and 2.5 kHz) 8 2.5 kHz (24x): 24 times as high as output frequency (between 1.0 and 2.5 kHz) 9 2.5 kHz (36x): 36 times as high as output frequency (between 1.0 and 2.5 kHz) NM] RB] oo] mt ws Note: Normally, the factory setting need not be changed. Vatue Name Setting Unitof | Detault Momentary Power Interruption Compensation range soning | ings ue) n52 DC Control Current Oto 100 1% 50 The parameter specifies the processing that will be performed =| "53 recuption OC Control 0.010265 | 0.1s oS when a momentary power interruption occurs. n54 Startup DC Control Time 0.0 to 25.5 O.1s 0.0 Output frequency - Reference frequency n50 n49 DC Control Functions (n52 to n54) Used to impose DC on the induction motor for braking control. Vaiue Description Lc Disabled. 1 The Inverter will continue operating if power is restored within 0.5 s. 2 The inverter will restart when power is restored. Fault Retry (n48) Set the number of times the Inverter is to be automatically reset and restarted when the Inverter has an overvoitage fault, over- current fault, or ground fault. Value Name Setting Unit of | Default range setting set- tings n48 Fault Retry Oto 10 1 0 Frequency Jump Function (n49 to n51 Set the frequency jump function. DC Control Current: Set this value in percentage based on the rated output current of the Inverter as 100%. Output frequency nd54 n53 Stall Prevention during Deceleration (n55) Select a function to change the deceleration time of the motor automatically so that there will be no overvoltage imposed on the Value Name Setting Unit of Default : : range setting | settings motor during deceleration. n49 Jump Frequency 1 0.0 to 400 0.1 Hz 0.0 Value Description (see note 1) Onto: | Stall prevention during deceleration n50 Jump Frequency 2 0.0 ta 400 0.1 Hz 0.0 1 No Stall prevention during deceleration (see note 0 Output utpu n51 Jump Width 0.0 to 25.5 0.1 Hz 0.0 frequency Note: 1. Values willbe setin 0.1-Hzincrements if the frequencyis less than 100 Hz and 1 Hz-increments if the frequency is 100 Hz or greater. 2. Make settings so that n49 2 n50. Deceleration time is / controlled to prevent overvoltage. Time Deceleration time (Set value)Function of Each Parameter Stall Prevention Level during Acceleration (n56) fo -vacolce(h-MPL-a rel elem merited t mat (ree) (n59 to n61) Set the cperation level of a function to stop the acceleration of the motor automatically for stall prevention during acceleration. Set this value in percentage based on the rated output current of the Inverter as 100%. Set n59 to enable or disable overtorque detection and select the processing to be performed after overtorque detection. Value Description Value Name Setting Unit of Default Inverter does not monitor overtorque. a range setting | settings 1 Inverter monitors overtorque only when speed is matched. n56 Stall Prevention Level 30 to 200 1% 170 it continues operation (issues warming) even after overtorque is during Acceleration detected. 2 Inverter monitors overtorque only when speed is matched. Stall Prevention during Acceleration It discontinues operation (thraugh pratective function) when overtorque is detected. Output n5 3 Inverter always monitors overtorque during operation. current : \t continues operation (issues waming) even after overtorque is detected. 4 Inverter always monitors overtorque during operation. tt discontinues operation (through protective function) when Time overtorque is detected. Output . : frequency Set the overtorque detection level in n60 and the overtorque The output frequency is detection time in n61. controlled so that the inverter will not stall. Value Name Setting Unit of | Default Time range setting set- tings 7 . a n0 Overtorque Detection 30 to 200 1% 160 Stali Prevention Level during Operation (n57) Level . . n61 Overtorque Detection 0.1 to 10.0 0.15 0.1 Select the operation level of a function to reduce the output fre- Time quency of the Inverter automatically for stall prevention during Note: 1. in n60, set the overtorque detection level in percentage operation. Set this value in percentage based on the rated output current of the Inverter as 100%. Value Name Setting Unit of Default range setting settings ns7 Stall Prevention Level 30 to 200 1% 160 during Operation Stall Prevention during Operation Output n57 current : Time Output frequency . The output frequency is controlled so that the Inverter will not stall. Bm Frequency Detection Level! (n58) Set the frequency to be detected. Note: When frequency detection 1 and 2 are to be output, n40 (multi-function output) must be set. Value Name Setting Unit of Default range setting settings n58 Frequency Detection 0.0 to 400 0.1 Hz 0.0 Level based on the rated output current of the Inverter as 100%. 2..Inn61, set the overtorque detection time in 0.1-s increments. Overtorque Detection See note. Output 2 no et current Time Overtorque n1 : detection | : (or ime (NO) Note: Overtorque detection will be canceled if the out- put current decreases from the detection level by approximately 5% of the Inverter rated current. 19Function of Each Parameter UP/DOWN Command Frequency Memory Selection (n62) Select whether to store the frequency reference adjusted with the UP/DOWN function. Value Description Oo: fo: | The frequency an hold is not retained. The frequency on hold for 5 s or more is retained. _ The UP/DOWN function uses UP and DOWN commands to change frequency references. When using the UP/DOWN function, set multi-function input 4 (n39) to 34 (UP or DOWN commana). The terminals for multi- function input 3 (S4) and multi-function input 4 (S5) will be set to function in the following way: Muitiple-function input 3 (S4): UP command Multiple-function input 4 (S5): DOWN command Use n62 (UP/DOWN command frequency memory) to set whether the frequency reference on hold is stored or not when an UP or DOWN commandis sentto the multi-function input ter- minals. If n62 is set to 1, the output frequency held by the UP/DOWN function for 5 s or more will be stored in the memory. This value will be stored in memory even if power is interrupted. When a RESET command is input, operation will start with this value as the frequency. if n62 is set to 0, the frequency will be cleared. If parameter init- ialization is performed (i.e.: nO1 is set to 8 or 9), the stored fre- quency will be initialized. Note: if the UP/DOWN function is used in remote mode, fre- quency references can only be given with UP/DOWN commands and inching commands. Multi-step speed references will be invalid. Time LL Time LL Time Operation of UP/DOWN Function RUN command (Forward rotation) | UP command ($4) L CI 1 _ - Time DOWN command | ($85) L as = C - L Output frequency Le: : Upper limit Lower limit Status iMiulnioniulH! o forn. u Hi oo oO iH Frequency detection | | | | | [ | [. Status U: UP (acceleration) D: DOWN (deceleration) H: Hotd U1: Frequency acceleration restricted by upper limit. D1: Frequency deceleration restricted by lower limit. 20 Qe) eeeFunction of Each Parameter 0 Torque Compensation Gain (n63) Set the gain of the torque compensation function. Note: Normally, the factory setting need not be changed. Value Name Setting Unit of Default range setting | settings n63 Torque Compensation 0.0 0 2.5 0.1 1.0 Gain oy > in n6, set the no-load current of the motor in use based on the rated motor current as 100%. In n66, set the gain of the slip compensation function. In n87, set the response speed of the slip compensation func- Slip Compensation Functions (n64 to n67) In n64, set the rated slip value of the motor in use. tion. : Value Name Setting Unit of set- | Default g range ting settings n64 Motor Rated Slip 0.0 to 20.0 0.1 Hz Varies n65 Motor No-load Cur- | 010 99 1% with the capacity. rent n6 Slip Compensation 0.010 2.5 0.1 0.0 Gain n67 Slip Compensation 0.0 ta 25.5 O.1s 2.0 Time Constant Note: If 0.0is set for n66, the slip compensation function will be disabled. 21. Specifications = Specifications Control characteristics Harmonic-current countermeasures OC reactor (option) connection possible Control method Sine wave PWM (V/f control) Carrier frequency 2.5 to 10.0 kHz (in vector control) Frequency control range 0.1 ta 400 Hz Frequency precision (temperature characteristics) Digital commands: 0.01% (-10C to 50C) Analog commands: 0.5% (25C + 10C) Frequency setting resolution Digital commands: 0.1 Hz {less than 100 Hz) and 1 Hz (100 Hz or over) Analog commands: 0.06 Hz/60 Hz (equivalent ta 1/1000) Output frequency resolution 0.01 Hz (calculated resolution) Overload capacity 150% of rated output current for 1 min External frequency set signal Selectable with FREQ adjuster: 0 to 10 V DC (20 k22), 4 to 20 mA (250 Q), and 0 to 20 mA (250 Q) Acceleratiorvdeceleration time 0.0 to 999 s (Independent acceleration and deceleration time settings) Braking torque Approx. 20% Voltage/frequency characteristics Set a user V/f pattern Protective functions Motor protection Protection by electronic thermal Instantaneous overcurrent protection Stops at approx. 250% of rated output current Overload protection Stops in 1 min at approximately 150% of rated output current Overvaltage protection Stops when main-circuit OC voltage is approximately 410 V Undervoltage protection Stops when main-circuit DC voltage is approximately 200 V (160 V for single-phase 200-V AC model) Momentary power interruption compensation (selection) Stops for 15 ms of more. By setting tha Inverter to momentary power interruption mode, operation can be continued if power is restored within approximately 0.5 s. Cooling fin overheating Detects at 110C + 10C Grounding protection Protection at rated output current tevel Charge indicator (RUN indicator) Lit when the main circuit OC voltage is approximately 50 V or less. Environment Location Indoors (with no corrosive gas, oil spray, or metallic dust) Ambient temperature Operating: -10C ta 50C Ambient humidity Operating: 95% max. (with no condensation) Ambient temperature 20C to 60C Altitude 1,000 m max. Insulation resistance 5 MQ min. (Do not carry out any insulation resistance or withstand voltage tests) Vibration resistance 9.8 m/s? max. between 10 to 20 Hz 2.0 m/s? max. between 20 and 50 Hz Degree of protection . Panel-mounting models: Conforms to IP20 22 3-phase Model 3G3JV- Azoo1 | Az002 | = A2004 | 2007 | A2015 | A2022 70a Power Rated voltage and frequency | 3-phase 200 to 230 V AC at 50/60 Hz supply Allowable voltage fluctuation | -15% to 10% Allowable frequency t5% fluctuation Heat radiation (W) 13.0 18.0 28.1 45.1 72.8 94.8 Weight (kg) 0.5 0.5 08 0:8 13 15 Cooling method Natural cooling Cooling fan Single-phase | Model 3G3JV- apoor | aApooz | Boos | aABoor | Apois | eS Power Rated voltage and frequency | Single-phase 200 to 240 V AC at 50/60 Hz supply Allowable voitage fluctuation | -15% to 10% Allowable frequency 5% fluctuation Heat radiation (W) 141 20.0 31.9 51.4 82.8 _ Weight (kg) 0.5 0.5 0.9 1.5 . 1.5 - ' Caoling method Natural cooling Cooling fan Max. applicable motor capacity (kW) 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 Output Rated output capacity (kW) 0.3 0.6 1d 1.9 3.0 4.2 specifications Rated output current (A) 0.8 1.6 3.0 5.0 8.0 11.0 Rated output voltage (V) 3-phase 200 to 230 V AC (according to the input voltage) Max. output frequency 400 Hz parameter setting 9 Specifications = Terminal Block Position of Terminal Block Ground terminal 9 Main circuit output terminals | Main circuit input terminals wa Arrangement of Control! Circuit Terminals Control circuit terminals $$ fs Cs ee ee ae ee QOD Ol@SS@SVGOSVOO@ Ground - terminal [ mA] MB [Mc i[s1|s2]sa}s4[ss[SclFs[FR[FCIAM|AC] Note: This illustration shows the terminal block with the front cover removed. Main Circuit Terminals and +2: DC reactor connection terminals +1 and -: OC power supply input terminals Symbol Name Description R/LI Power supply input 3G3JV-A2(7): 3-phase 200 to 230 V AC SL2 terminals 3G3UV-ABL: Single-phase 200 to 240 V AC TALS Note Connect single-phase input to terminals R/L1 and S/L2. U/T1 Motor output terminals 3-phase power supply output for driving motors. V/T2 3G3JUV-A20j, 3G3UV-ABL: 3-phase 200 to 230 V AC W/iT3 Note The maximum output voltage corresponds to the input power supply voltage for the Inverter. +1 Connection terminals +1 Connect the DC reactor for suppressing harmonics to terminals +1 and +2. When driving the Inverter with DC power, input the DC power to terminals +1 and -. (Terminal +1 is a positive terminal.) Ground terminal Be sure to ground the terminal under the following conditions. 3G3JV-A2(: Ground at a resistance of 100 or Jess. 3G3JV-ABD: Ground at a resistance of 100 2 or less. Note Be sure to connect the ground terminal directly to the motor frame ground. 23. Specifications Control Circuit Terminals Symbol Name Function Signal level Input S1 Forward/Stop Forward at ON. Stops at OFF. | Photocoupler S2 Multi-function input 1 (S2) Set by parameter n36 (Re- 8 mA at 24 V DC verse/Stop) $3 Multi-function input 2 (S3) Set by parameter n37 (Exter- nal fault: Normally open) S4 Multi-function input 3 (S4) Set by parameter n38 (Fault reset) $5 Multi-function input 4 ($5) Set by parameter n39 (Multi- step reference 1) Sc Sequence input common Common for $1 through S5 FS Frequency reference power DC power supply for frequen- | 20 mA at 12 V DC supply cy reference use FR Frequency reference input Input terminal for frequency 0 to 10 V DG (20 kQ) reference use FC Frequency reference common | Common for frequency refer- ence use Output MA Multi-function contact output | Set by parameter n40 (during | Relay output (Normally open} running) 1 Amax. at 30 V DC MB Multi-function contact output 1A max. at 250 V AC (Normally closed) MC Multi-function contact output Common for MA and. MB use common . AM Analog monitor output Set by parameter n44 (Output | 2 mA max. at 0 to 10 V DC frequency) AC Analog monitor output com- Common for AM use mon Note: Functions in parentheses are default settings. 24Dimensions Dimensions 3G3JV-A2001 to 3G3JV-A2007 (0.1 to 0.75 kW) 3-phase 200-V AC input 3G3JV-AB001 to 3G3JUV-AB004 (0.1 to 0.4 kW) Single-phase 200-V AC Input In @) ws r ij - nL OP U ye ail ; ai ta ast Cal - sil se 6 56 8.5 | D 68 Rated voltage Model Dimen- Weight (kg) 3G3JV- sions (mm) D t 3-phase 200 Vj] A2001 70 3 Approx. 0.5 AC A2002 70. |3 | Approx.0.5 A2004 102 |5 Approx. 0.8 A2007 122 [5 Approx. 0.9 Single-phase ABOO1 70 3 Approx. 0.5 200 V AC ABOO2 70. 13 | Approx. 0.5 ABO04 12 =#15 Approx. 0.9 3G3JV-A2015 to 3G3UV-A2022 (1.5 to 2.2 kW) 3-phase 200-V AC Input 3G3JV-AB007 to 3G3JV-AB015 (0.75 to 1.5 kW) Single-phase 200-V AC Input Two, 5-dia. holes OL] mi O}l gs = 7 7. rr s. L 6 | 96 L108 Rated voltage Model Dimen- Weight (kg) 3G3JV- sions (mm) D 3-phase 200 V | A2015 129 Approx. 1.3 AC A2022 154 Approx. 1.5 Single-phase ABOO7 129 Approx. 1.5 200 V AC ABO15 154 Approx. 1.5 25. Standard Connections = Standard Connections OC reactor 7": (optional) 3-phasa 200 V AC Single-phase 200 V AC (see note 1) 1 Musi-function input 3 (84) Muli-function input 4 (SS) Sequence input common Frequency reference power supply 20 MA at+t2V FREQ adjuster Note: 1. Connect single-phase 200 V AC to terminals R/L1 and S/L2 of the 3G3JV-ABO. 2. The braking resistor cannot be connected because no braking transistor is incorporated. Input Method Selection Switches SW7 and SW8, both of which are located above the control circuit terminals, are used for input method selection. Remove the front cover and optional cover to use these switches. SW7 Sws .) feo] YS SW7 swe ~ Selector 8 Ss 8S 8 8 S S S S S S ~#- Control circuit terminal block Sequence Input Method Selection By using SW7, NPN or PNP input can be selected as shown below. [NPN [PNP] (Factory setting) GNO Lf AL 24 DC (10%) T Frequency Reference Input Method Selection By using SW8, frequency reference voltage or current input can be selected. Parameter settings are required together with the selection of the frequency reference input method. Frequency reference input method SW8 setting Frequency reference selection (parameter n03) Voltage input V (OFF) Set value 2 Current input | (ON) Set value 3 or 4 26 vawe Options = Overview of Options Suppresses harmonic current generated from the Inverter and improves the power factor of the Inverter, Connect the AC Reactor to the Inverter if the capacity of the power supply is much larger than that of the Inverter. Dedicated Option 1 DC Reactor __*' 3G3HV-PUVDABO] +2 Suppresses harmonic current generated from the Inverter and improves the power factor of the inverter. Separately Mounted Option Scaling Meter K3TJ-V110) Connected to the analog monitor output of the Inverter. The Scaling Meter displays the rpm or speed of the machine or fine in actual units. Power Supply 3G3UV-A2D: 3-phase 200 V AC 3G3JV-ABU: single-phase 200 V AC (connect to R/L1, S/L2) R s T Molded case circuit breaker or leakage breaker } yd Electromagnetic contactor Recommended Option AC Reactor 3G3IV-PUZBABO) Recommended Option Input Noise Filter UT1 ViT2 WIT3 Recommended Option Output Noise Filter 3G3IV-PLFO (i) Supplied by the customer Supplied by the customer Eliminates noise in the power line connected to the Inverter and suppresses noise leaking from the Inverter to the power line. There are 3 types available: the EMC-confarming Input Noise Fitter, the Simple Input Noise Filter and the Input Noise Filter. Simple Input Noise Filter 3G3EV-PLNFDO) Dedicated Option DIN Track Mounting Bracket 3G3IV-PEZZ081220) An adapter making it possible to easily mount the Inverter to DIN tracks. Naunted Option Fan Unit 3G3IV-PFANT] Replacement for the existing cooling fan of the inverter. Connect this Filter to the output side of the Inverter to suppress the noise generated by the Inverter from being transmitted to the output line. 3-phase Inductive Motor 2Options Mounted Option Name Model Description Reference page Fan Unit 3G3IV-PFANC] Replacement for the existing cooling fan of the 29 Inverter. Replace the cooling fan if it has reached the end of its service life or a warning of cooling fan failure (FAN) is indicated. Separately Mounted Option Name Model Description Reference page Scaling Meter K3TJ-V110 Connected to the analog monitor output of the 29 Inverter. The Scaling Meter displays the rpm or speed of the machine or line in actual units. Dedicated Options Name Model Description Reference page DC Reactor 3G3HV-PUVDABL) Suppresses harmonic current generated from the 30 Inverter and improves the power factor of the Inverter. DIN Track Mounting 3G3IV-PEZZ081227) An adapter making it possible to easily mount the 30 Bracket Inverter to DIN tracks. Recommended Options Name Model Description Reference . page AC Reactor (Yaskawa 3G3IV-PUZBABL) Suppresses harmonic current generated from the 31 Electric) Inverter and improves the power factor of the inverter. Connect the AC Reactor to the Inverter if the capacity of the power supply is much larger than that of the Inverter. EMC-conforming input 3G3IV-PRSO A Noise Filter on the input side meeting the EC 32 Noise Filter (Rasmi) Directive's EMC requirements. Simple Input Noise Filter 3G3EV-PLNFDO] Each of these Filters connected to the power input =| 33 (Yaskawa Electric) side eliminates noise in the power line connected to Input Noise Filter (Soshin 3G3IV-PHFCI the Inverter and suppresses noise leaking from the [34 Electric) Inverter to the power line. Output Noise Filter (Tokin) | 3G3IV-PLFO Connect this Filter to the output side of the Inverter | 35 to suppress the noise generated by the Inverter from being transmitted to the output line. 28se theete | ont Options a Fan Unit 3G3IV-PFAN(L) The Fan Unit is a replacement for the presently installed cooling fan of the Inverter. Replace the cooling fan if it has reached the end of its service life or a warning of cooling fan failure (FAN) is indicated. inverter Fan Unit 3-phase 200 V AC | 8G3NV-A2007 3G3IV-PFAN2007 38G3JV-A2015/-A2022 3G3IV-PFAN2015J Single-phase 200 V AC 3G3JV-ABO015 3G31V-PFAN2015J = Scaling Meter K3TJ-V110 The Scaling Meter is connected to the analog monitor output of the inverter so that the Scaling Meter will display the rpm and speed values of the machines and lines in actual units. Applicable Models Mode! Control power supply Indicator K3TJ-VITIR 100 to 200 V AC Red LED K3TJ-V141G Green LED K3TJ-V116R 24 V DC insulated construction (see note) Red LED K3TJ-V116G Green LED Note: The power supply circuit and input circuit are insulated from each other. Standard Specifications Sampling cycle 2 times/s . Display refresh cycle 2 times/s Average processing method Simpie or continuous average processing Number of average processing times 1,2,4,08 Max. number of display digits 4 (-1,999 to 9,999) Indicator . 14.2-mm height, 7-segment LED Decimal point display Parameter selector or Up and Down Keys Scaling method Parameter selector or Up and Down Keys for shifting and scaling adjustments Scaling range 1,999 to +9,999 Zero-limit range 0 to 99 digits Over range Flashing Zero suppress Available External control Present value hold (with rear terminals shorted) Degree of protection (conforming to IEC) Front panel: iPS1 (see note) Casing: IP20 Terminats: iP0O Memory protection Nonvolatile mamory Note: The front panel ensures !P50, but the front panel with the K32-L493C Drip-proof Cover ensures IP51. Wiring Example Circuit breaker Inverter's internal Three-phase power supply External Dimensions (mm) Weight: 200 g wip da-- b -l--f---+ 1 { |- 92-4 Tre | | fre Recommended panel cutout Display LED size 29Options = DC Reactor 3G3HV-PUZDABL] The OC Reactor suppresses harmonic current generated from the Inverter and improves the power factor of the Inverter. The DC Reactor suppresses harmonic current more effectively than the AC Reactor. Furthermore, the DC Reactor can be used in combination with the AC Reactor. Used with either 3-phase or single-phase 200-V AC Inverters. Applicable Models Inverter DC Reactor Voltage class Max. applicable motor capacity (kW) Model Rated voltage (V) | Rated current (A) | Inductance (mH) 200 V 0.1 t0 0.75 3G3HV-PUZDABS.4A8MH | 800 V0C 5.4 8 1,5 to 2.2 3G3HV-PUZOAB18A3MH 18 3 External Dimensions (mm) External Dimensions 1 Cj) External Dimensions 2 Two, d2 mounting holes _fa men. __| Tana | - - Two, d1 maunting holes x > Tow hs im | : w o Lt ' : x Four, d1 mounting L holes wt - L Ee Model JG3HV- External Dimension (mm) Weight PUZDABO) dimensions H WwW Wi D DI D2 t nH d2 (kg) 5.4A8MH 1 53 85 74 60 32 oad 0.8 M4 oe 0.8 18A3MH 2 76 86 60 72 55 80 1.2 M4 MS 2.0 = DIN Track Mounting Bracket 3G3IV-PEZZ08122(_| An adapter making it possible to easily mount the Inverter to DIN tracks. Applicable Models Inverter DIN Track Mounting Sracket 3-phase 200 V AC 3GIV-A200 1/-A2002/-A2004/-A2007 3G3IV-PEZZ08122A 3GWV-A2015/-A2022 3G3IV-PEZZ08 1228 Single-phase 200 V AC 3G3JV-AB00 1/-ABO002/-AB004 3G3IV-PEZZ08122A 3G3JV-AB007/-AB015 3G3IV-PEZZ081228 External Dimensions (mm) 3G3IV-PEZZ08122A = Lt nee ol 128 118- 100 8 3G3IV-PEZZ08122B | 128 418 = S Four, M4 t (5.2), 30 t one Four, M4 tab, 5.2), %Options = AC Reactor 3G31V-PUZBABL] (Yaskawa Electric) The AC Reactor suppresses harmonic current generated from the Inverter and improves the power factor of the Inverter. Connect the AC Reactor to the Inverter if the capacity of the power supply is much larger than that of the Inverter. Select the AC Reactor model from the following table according to the motor capacity. Note: The AC Reactor can be used with either 3-phase or single-phase 200-V AC Inverters. 8 Connection Example MCCB_ AC Reactor oy _ Ro DMSirnned u s+ res SYSORVE =v T=9 wy v we Ld Motor came Applicable Models and Dimensions Applicable Range Power supply capacity (kVA) AC Reactor required for smooth operation under present power supply conditions 4000 fF AC Reactor ' | not required | Pt 0 60 400 Inverter capacity (kVA) 600 200-V Class Max. Model Curr | Indu | Loss | Weig Dimension (mm) applicab 3G3IV- ent | ctan | (W) ht le motor | PUZBABC] | (A) ce (kg) capacity (mH) A B Cc D E F H J K L M (kW) 0.1 to 0.2 | 2A7.0MH 2 7.0 8 2.5 120 | 71 115 | 40 50 105 | 20 M6 10.5 |7 M4 0.4 2.5A4.2MH | 2.5 4.2 15 2.5 120 [71 120 | 40 50 105 | 20 M6 10.5 |7 M4 N 0.75 5A2.1MH 5 2.1 15 2.5 120 | 71 120 | 40 50 105 |20 M6 10.5 |7 M4 : 1.5 10A1.1MH | 10 14 25 3 130 | 88 130 | 50 65 130 | 22 M6 1.5 |7 M4 2.2 15A0.71MH | 15 0.71 | 30 3 130 | 88 130} 50 65 130 | 22 M6 11.5 [7 M4 External M Terminal Dimensions UxN|Y WZ Mounting Dimensions _ Te Nameplate Le ! E B 4-J mounting bolt 31- Options EMC-conforming Input Noise Filter 3G3JV-PRSC) (Rasmi) The Input Noise Filter is connected between the power supply input terminals (R/L1, S/L2, T/L3) of the Inverter and the power supply in order to meet the EC Directives EMC requirements. . Connection Example MCCB Noise Filter Clamp core 3-phase 200 V AC or single-phase 200 V AC Applicable Models Inverter EMC-conforming Input Noise Filter : Voltage Model Model Rated current (A) Weight (kg) 3-phase 200 VAC 3G3JV-A2001/-A2002/-A2004/-A2007 | IG3JV-PRS2010J 10 0.8 3G3JV-A2015/-A2022 3G3JV-PRS2020J 16 1.0 @ Single-phase 200 VAC 3G3NV-AB001/-AB002/-AB004 3G3UV-PRS1010J 10 0.6 3G3UV-AB007/-AB015 3G3UV-PRS 1020) 20 1.0 External Dimensions 3G3JV-PRS2010J 3G3JV-PRS1010d ov " = S-sia. poles r * us snd holes a fe Two, M4 holes ; al \ wo. M holes 3 zal sl x 2: 135 @ 3G3JV-PRS2020J 3G3JV-PRS1020J al sls a ; ae: ' Se A ' ~ x eOptions a Simple Input Noise Filter liey: js + fee one aa 3G3EV-PLNFD() (Yaskawa Electric) =" @ Co Applicable Models ne _ The Simple Input Noise Filter is connected to the power input side to Treo eliminate the noise in the power line connected to the Inverter and suppress noise leaking from the Inverter to the power line. Inverter Simple Input Noise Filter Voltage Model Model Rated current Weight (kg) 3G3EV- (A) 3-phase 200 V 3G3JV-A2001/-A2002/-A2004/-A2007 PLNFD2103DY 10 0.2 AC 3G3JV-A2015 PLNFD2153DY 15 0.2 3G3JV-A2022 PLNFD2203DY 20 0.4 Single-phase 200 | 3G3JV-AB001/-ABO02 PLNFB2102DY 10 0.1 VAC 3G3JV-ABO004 PLNFB2152DY 15 0.2 3G3JV-AB007 PLNFB2202DY 20 0.2 3G3JV-AB015 | PLNFB2302DY 30 0.3 Connection Example 3-phase input Single-phase input Noise filter |syspRIvVE Noise filter |sysorive = External Dimensions External Dimensions 1 (Single-phase Input) R ulo vio wio ara Elo i Model Dimension Dimension (mm) 3GSEV- Ww oD H max. A B Mounting screw PLNFD2103DY 2 120 80 55 108 68 M4 x 4, 20 mm PLNFO2153DY 120 80 55 108 68 M4 x 4, 20 mm - PLNFD2203DY 170 90 70 158 78 M4 x 4, 20 mm PLNFB2102DY 1 120 80 50 108 68 M4 x 4, 20 mm PLNFB2152DY 120 80 50 108 68 M4 x 4, 20 mm PLNFB2202DY 120 80 50 108 68 M4 x 4, 20 mm PLNFB2302DY 130 90 65 118 78 M4 x 4, 20 mm fen 33' Options = Input Noise Filter (3-phase) 3G3IV-PHF(] (Soshin Electric) =p i ind eo Fcren bh =e) ee int 7 jg Connection Example The Input Noise Filter is connected to the power input side to eliminate the noise in the power line connected to the Inverter and suppress noise leaking from the Inverter to the power line. Note: This Input Noise Filter is for three-phase use only and not available to single-phase input. Noise filter | sysonwe Applicable Models Inverter Input Noise Filter Voltage class Max. applicable inverter capacity Model Rated current (A) motor (kW) (KVA) 200-V class 0.1 0.3 3G3IV-PHF3005AZ 5 0.2 0.6 0.4 1.4 0.75 2.1 3G3IV-PHF3010AZ 10 1.5 2.7 2.2 4.1 3G3IV-PHF3015AZ 15 External Dimensions H1.5 J21.5 Kits Po @ 2-P ground terminal 3-N input pin 3-N output pin Model -Dimension (mm) - Weight SGSIV- Als f]cjfof]}e|fri)atl#r#yi)vt)]k L m]N |p | (9) PHF3O0S5AZ | 220 208 195 170 95 70 50 50 25 10 Length: | 4.5 M4 M4 1.0 PHF3010AZ 6 dia. 1.2 R: 2.25 PHF3015AZ 1.3 34a a 7. Apo SbHh thy Options = Output Noise Filter 3G3IV-PLFL (Tokin) ara tc el) rrr ore a a ae a Connection Example Applicable Models sysorive| Noise filter The Output Noise Filter suppresses the generated noise of the Inverter from being transmitted to the output line. Con- nect the Output Noise Filter to the output side of the inverter, Inverter Output Noise Filter Voltage class Max. applicable motor Inverter capacity Model Rated current (A) capacity (kW) (kVA) 200-V class 0.1 0.3 - | 83G3IV-PLF310KA 10 0.2 0.6 0.4 1.4 0.75 2.1 1.5 2.7 _ 2.2 4.1 External Dimensions @ 7 Model Dimensions (mm) Weight SG3IV- [Terminal | A B c D E F G H (kg) board i PLF310KA | TE-K5.5 140 100 100 90 70 45 7x45dia. |45dia. |0.5 ! M4 e 35' Inverter Models Inverter Models Rated voltage Degree of protection Max. applicable motor Model capacity 3-phase 200 V AG Panel-mounting type (equivalent to IP20) 0.1 kW 3G3JV-A2001 0.2 kW 3G3JV-A2002 0.4 kW 3G3JV-A2004 0.75 kW 3G3JV-A2007 1.5 kW 3G3JV-A2015 2.2 kW 3G3NV-A2022 Single-phase 200 V AC_ | Panel-mounting type (equivalent to |P20) 0.1 kW 3GQNV-ABO001 0.2 kW 3G3JNV-ABO02 0.4 kW 3G3JV-AB004 0.75 kW 3G3JV-AB007 1.5 kW 3G3JV-ABO15 Explanation of Product Code 3G3JV-A2007 swieshame [ Max. applicable motor capacity 3G3JV Series 001 0.1 kW 002 0.2 kW 004 0.4 kW 007 0.75 kW 015 1.5 kW 022 2.2 kW Voltage class 2 3-phase 200 V AC (200-V class) 8 Single-phase 200 V AC (200-V class) L___________ Degree of protection | 2 | Panel-mounting type | 36