MG CHEMICALS Cleaners, Degreasers and Cold Sprays This page of product is RoHS compliant. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P SUPER DUSTER 134A Features: Removes microscopic dust, lint, and foreign particles. Cleans computers and * 100% HFC 134A gas keyboards, photographic and audio/video equipment, coin counters, printers, * Ozone safe timing devices, cash machines, optical equipment, fax machines and other * Zero residue electromechanical instruments. For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. MOUSER STOCK NO. 590-402A-285G 590-402A-450G MG Chemicals Fig. Part No. 402A-285G A 402A-450G A Description Aerosol 285G (10oz.) Aerosol 450G (16oz.) Used to locate thermal intermittent electronic components, PCB cracks, cold solder joints, and oxidized junctions. Freezes gum and adhesives for easy removal. Protects heat-sensitive components during soldering. Chills to- 51C (-60F) 403A-285G 403A-400G Features: * * * 100% HFC 134A gas * 100% Ozone safe Zero residue Variable valve allows greater user control For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. B B Aerosol 285G (10oz.) Aerosol 400G (14oz.) 11.75 15.95 11.75 15.95 CLEANER AND DEGREASERS Used as a general all-purpose cleaner. Very effective as a flux remover. Also used on cleaning PC boards, Fiber optics, Semi-conductors and Connectors and contacts. Safe on plastics. 99.953% Pure Anhydrous 824-100ML 824-500ML 824-450G 824-1L 824-WX50 8241-T 8241-W C C C - For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. Liquid 100ml (3.5oz.) Liquid 500ml (16oz.) Aerosol 450G (16oz.) Liquid 1L (35oz.) 50 per bag 75 wipes in tub 25 per Box 70/30 IPA Wipes 5.95 9.95 9.95 11.95 22.95 8.95 12.95 5.95 9.95 9.95 11.95 22.95 8.95 12.95 Super Wash Safety Wash 406B-425G D For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. Aerosol 425G (16oz.) 15.95 15.95 Effective at removing oils, greases, inorganic and organic soils, smoke, flux, and ionic residues from PC boards, office and medical equipment, connectors, electronic or mechanical parts, relays and semi-conductors. Flammable. MG Chemicals 590-4050A-450G 4050A-450G E For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. Aerosol 450G (16oz.) 14.95 14.95 CONTACT CLEANERS MG Chemicals Fig. Part No. 835-100ML I Price Each 1 5 9.65 9.65 Description Liquid 125ml (4.2oz.) Penetrates to quickly remove all non-ionic and ionic soils found in post-solder applications. Will harm delicate plastic components. Excellent for dissolving flux on the solder side of PC boards. Evaporates quickly. 590-413B-425G 413B-425G J For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. 17.95 Aerosol 425G (15oz.) 17.95 Flux Remover For PC Boards A special blend of ethyl alcohol, isopropanol and ethyl acetate. Excellent for removing rosin, nonrosin, no clean fluxes, and ionic contamination. Safe on plastic components. Moderate evaporation. 4140-400G K For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. 14.95 Aerosol 400G (14oz.) 14.95 SPECIALIZED CLEANERS Label and Adhesive Remover Easy to use on most surfaces to remove gummy residues from unwanted labels. For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. MOUSER STOCK NO. 590-8361-140G MG Chemicals Fig. Part No. 8361-140G L Price Each 1 5 9.95 9.95 Description Aerosol 140G (5oz) Rejuvenates and conditions rubber. Apply with a cloth, brush or swab to bring belts, platens, rollers, and rubber parts back to life. Use with adequate ventilation. For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. MOUSER STOCK NO. 590-408A-125ML MG Chemicals Fig. Part No. 408A-125ML M Price Each 1 5 8.45 8.45 Description Liquid 125ml (4.2oz.) LCD Cleaning Wipes Non-streaking * Anti-static * Germicidal Gentle formulation safely cleans LCD and plasma screens, including laptops. Also effective for killing germs on telephones, keyboards, peripherals, or desktops. (90 wipes) For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. 590-8242-RTS 590-8242-W Electrosolve Contact Cleaner 8242-RTS 8242-W N - 50 wipe container 25 Individually Per Box 5.95 12.95 5.95 12.95 Use when a zero residue contact cleaner is required. An effective and powerful cleaner that quickly penetrates and dissolves most soil types. For use on most electronic parts and equipment including connectors, contacts, LED's, PCB's components, circuit breakers, tuners and microprocessors. For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. SPECIALTY WIPES MOUSER STOCK NO. 590-409B-140G 590-409B-340G Individually packaged wipe is formulated to clean lenses, glasses, goggles, and other optics. It has a special anti-fog formula to give you longer lasting clarity. Streak free and safe on anti-glare screens. For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. MG Chemicals Fig. Part No. 409B-140G F 409B-340G F Description Aerosol 140G (5oz.) Aerosol 340G (12oz.) Price Each 1 5 7.95 7.95 13.95 13.95 Contact Cleaner with Electronic Grade Silicones Cleans and protects with electronic grade silicones for lubrication. Suitable for use on tuners, switches, locks, contacts, office equipment, keyboards, and plastic parts. Supplies MOUSER STOCK NO. 590-835-100ML Rubber Renue Use when a rapidly drying cleaner degreaser is required. Perfect for quickly cleaning PC boards. Rapid dry time makes this product an excellent product for rinsing away other slower drying solvents. Also great for rinsing dissolved flux. Extremely flammable. 590-406B-425G Use for leaded and lead free soldering. Fully activated. Offers superior fluxing ability. Instant wetting. After soldering, the rosin residue is non-corrosive, non-conductive, moisture and fungus resistant. For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. 590-4140-400G Isopropyl Alcohol 590-824-100ML 590-824-500ML 590-824-450G 590-824-1L 590-824-W 590-8241-T 590-8241-W Rosin Flux Heavy Duty Flux Remover SUPER COLD 134A 590-403A-285G 590-403A-400G Price Each 1 5 10.45 10.45 15.95 15.95 FLUX AND FLUX REMOVERS 590-404B-140G 590-404B-340G 404B-140G 404B-340G G G For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. Aerosol 140G (5oz.) Aerosol 340G (12oz.) 7.95 14.50 7.95 14.50 Super Contact Cleaner Use when requiring a contact cleaner with lubrication that offers long-term protection from oxidation. Reduces contact scrubbing and reduces connection wear and abrasion failures. Protects, lubricates and deoxidizes ICs, connectors, jacks, relays, controls, potentiometers and more. Safe on plastics. 590-801B-125G 801B-125G (c) Copyright 2016 Mouser Electronics 2346 H For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. Aerosol 125G (4.5oz.) 15.95 15.95 Optical Wipe MOUSER STOCK NO. 590-8243-W MG Chemicals Fig. Part No. 8243-W O Description Presaturated, 25 per box Price Each 1 5 12.95 12.95 Kimberly-Clark KIMTECH SCIENCE Delicate Task Wipers KIMTECH SCIENCE KIMWIPES Delicate Task Wiper is a light duty wiper that can handle a variety of delicate tasks. Easily wipes up liquid and dust. Anti-stat dispensing reduces lint and electrostatic discharge, controls usage and portability reduces waste. MOUSER STOCK NO. 590-830-34133 590-830-34155 For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. MG Chemicals Fig. Description Part No. 830-34133 P 11.8" x 11.8" 196 wipes per box 830-34155 P 4.4" x 8.4" 280 wipes per box (800) 346-6873 Price Each 1 5 11.95 11.95 5.75 5.75 (c) Copyright 2016 Mouser Electronics