BB814... Silicon Variable Capacitance Diodes * For FM radio tuners with extended frequency band * High tuning ratio at low supply voltage (car radio) * Monolithic chip (common cathode) for perfect dual diode tracking * Coded capacitance groups and group matching available * Pb-free (RoHS compliant) package BB814 ! , , Type BB814 Package SOT23 Configuration common cathode LS(nH) 1.8 Marking SH1/2* *For differences see next page Capacitance groups Maximum Ratings at T A = 25C, unless otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Diode reverse voltage VR 18 Peak reverse voltage- VRM 20 Forward current IF 50 mA Operating temperature range Top -55 ... 125 C Storage temperature Tstg -55 ... 150 1 Value Unit V 2011-06-15 BB814... Electrical Characteristics at T A = 25C, unless otherwise specified Symbol Parameter Values min. typ. Unit max. DC Characteristics Reverse current IR nA VR = 16 V - - 20 VR = 16 V, TA = 60 C - - 200 AC Characteristics Diode capacitance1) pF CT VR = 2 V, f = 1 MHz 43 44.75 46.5 VR = 8 V, f = 1 MHz 19.1 20.8 22.7 CT2 /CT8 2.05 2.15 2.25 CT/CT - - 3 % rS - 0.18 - Q - 200 - Capacitance ratio VR = 2 V, VR = 8 V, f = 1 MHz Capacitance matching2) VR = 2 V, VR = 8 V, f = 1 MHz Series resistance VR = 2 V, f = 100 MHz Q factor f = 100 MHz, VR = 2 V 1Capacitance CT /groups groups at 2V and 8V, coded 1; 2 1 2 C2V min 43pF 44.5pF C2V max 45pF 46.5pF C8V min 19.1pF 19.75pF C8V max 21.95pF 22.7pF 2For details please refer to Application Note 047. 2 2011-06-15 BB814... Diode capacitance CT = (VR ) Capacitance ratio CTref/CT = (VR) f = 1MHz f = 1MHz CT 80 pF 70 BB 814 EHD07054 C Tref 6 BB 814 EHD07057 CT 5 Vref = 1 V 60 4 2V 50 40 3V 3 30 2 20 1 10 0 10 -1 10 0 10 1 V VR 0 10 2 0 5 10 15 V 20 VR 3 2011-06-15 Package SOT23 BB814... 0.4 +0.1 -0.05 1) 2 0.08...0.1 C 0.95 1.3 0.1 1 2.4 0.15 3 0.1 MAX. 10 MAX. B 1 0.1 10 MAX. 2.9 0.1 0.15 MIN. Package Outline A 5 0...8 1.9 0.2 0.25 M B C M A 1) Lead width can be 0.6 max. in dambar area Foot Print 0.8 0.9 1.3 0.9 0.8 1.2 Marking Layout (Example) Manufacturer EH s 2005, June Date code (YM) Pin 1 BCW66 Type code Standard Packing Reel o180 mm = 3.000 Pieces/Reel Reel o330 mm = 10.000 Pieces/Reel 4 0.2 8 2.13 2.65 0.9 Pin 1 1.15 3.15 4 2011-06-15 BB814... Edition 2009-11-16 Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 Munich, Germany 2009 Infineon Technologies AG All Rights Reserved. Legal Disclaimer The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics. With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the device, Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office (). Warnings Due to technical requirements, components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies components may be used in life-support devices or systems only with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. 5 2011-06-15 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Infineon: BB814E6327GR1HTSA1