T4-LDS-0220-1, Rev. 1 (111514) ©2011 Microsemi Corporation Page 1 of 6
1N821UR-1 thru 1N829AUR-1
Available on
Qualified per MIL-PRF-19500/159
(available on some part
The 1N821UR-1 thru 1N829AUR-1 series of surface mount Zero-T C Refe rence Diod es
provides a select ion of both 6.2 V and 6.55 V nominal voltages and temperature coefficients to
as low as 0.0005 %/oC for m i ni m al voltage chang e with temperatu re when operated at 7.5 mA.
These glass surface mount DO-213AA (MELF) reference diodes are optionally available with
an internal-metallurgical-bond a s well as RoHS compl iant option for com m ercial applications.
This type of bonded Zener package construction is al so available in JAN, JANTX, and
JANTXV milit ary qual i fications (RoHS compliant opti on not applicable). M i crosemi also offers
numerous other Zener Reference Diode products fo r a variety of other vol tages up to 200 V.
Also available in :
DO-35 (DO-204AH)
1N821 – 1N829
Important: For the latest information, visit our website http://www.microsemi.com.
• Surface mount equivalent of J E D E C r egistered 1N821 thru 1N829.
• Lowered Zener impedance option available.
• Reference voltage selection of 6.2 V & 6. 55 V +/-5% with further ti ght tolerance options on
commercial at lower voltage. (Excludes 1N826 and 1N828.)
• Temperature c ompensated.
• Internal meta l lurgical bond.
• Double plug construction.
• *JAN, JANTX, JANTXV and JANS qualif ication per MIL-PRF-19500/159 available on 1N821, 823,
825, 827 and 829.
• RoHS compliant versions available (commercial grade only).
• Provides minimal voltage changes over a broad temperatur e r ange.
• For instrumentation and oth er circuit designs requiring a stable volt age reference.
• Maximum tem per ature coefficient select i ons available from 0.01 %/ºC to 0. 0005 %/ºC.
• Tight refer ence voltage tol er ances availa ble on commercial with center nominal value of 6.2 V by
adding designated tolerance such as 1%, 2%, 3%, etc. after the part num ber for identification.
(Excludes 1N826 and 1N828.)
• Small surface-mount footprint.
• Nonsensitive to ESD per MIL-STD-750 Method 1020.
• Typical low capacitance of 100 pF or less.
6 Lake Street,
Lawrence, MA 01841
(978) 620-2600
Fax: (978) 689 -0803
MSC – Ireland
Gort Road Busi nes s Park,
Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland
Tel: +353 (0) 65 6840044
Fax: +353 (0) 65 6822298
Parameters/ Test Conditions
Junction and S torage tempera ture
-55 to +175
Power Dissipation (Note 1)
Solder Pad Temperatures at 10 s
Notes: 1. @ TL = 25 oC and maximum current IZM of 70 mA. For optimum voltage-temperature stability, IZ = 7.5 mA
(less than 50 mW in dissipated power). Derate at 3.33 mW/oC above TA = +25 oC.