ADN2855 Data Sheet
Rev. B | Page 12 of 20
The ADN2855 operates in burst data recovery mode, which
requires the use of the OLT system reference clock as an acqui-
sition aid. The ADN2855 acquires frequency with respect to
this reference clock, which is frequency locked to the incoming
burst of data from the ONT.
The ADN2855 must be placed in lock to reference clock mode
by setting CTRLA[0] = 1. A frequency acquisition is then initiated
by writing a 1 to 0 transition into CTRLB[5]. This must be done
well before the ADN2855 is expected to lock to an incoming
burst, preferably right after power-up and once there is a valid
reference clock being supplied to the device. As long as the
reference clock to the ADN2855 is always present, this frequency
acquisition needs to take place only once. It does not need to be
repeated between bursts of data in its normal operating mode.
The initial frequency acquisition with respect to the reference
clock takes ~10 ms.
To lock to burst data, a RESET signal must be asserted following
a previous burst (or at startup) according to the timing diagrams
shown in the Reset Timing Options section. The RESET signal
must be deasserted prior to the 1010… portion of the preamble.
The ADN2855 uses a preamble detector that identifies the 1010…
portion of the preamble and quickly acquires the phase of the
incoming burst within 12 UI.
The frequency loop requires a single external capacitor between
Pin 14, CF2, and Pin 15, CF1. A 0.47 µF ± 20%, X7R ceramic
chip capacitor with <10 nA leakage current is recommended.
Leakage current of the capacitor can be calculated by dividing
the maximum voltage across the 0.47 µF capacitor, ~3 V, by the
insulation resistance of the capacitor. The insulation resistance
of the 0.47 μF capacitor should be greater than 300 MΩ.
DATAV Operation
The ADN2855 has a data valid indicator that asserts when the
ADN2855 acquires the phase of the maximum transition
density portion of the preamble. This takes 12 UI from the start
of the 1010… pattern in the preamble. The DATAV output
remains asserted until the RESET signal is asserted following
the end of the current burst of data, at which point the DATAV
output deasserts. The DATAV output is active low and is
LVTTL compatible.
When the squelch input, Pin 30, is driven to a TTL high state,
both the clock and data outputs are set to the zero state to
suppress downstream processing. If the squelch function is not
required, Pin 30 should be tied to VEE.
If it is desired that the DATxP/DATxN and CLKOUTP/
CLKOUN outputs be squelched while the output data is
invalid, then the DATAV pin can be hardwired directly to
the SQUELCH input.
The ADN2855 supports a 2-wire, I2C-compatible serial bus
driving multiple peripherals. Two inputs, serial data (SDA) and
serial clock (SCK), carry information between any devices con-
nected to the bus. Each slave device is recognized by a unique
address. The ADN2855 has four possible 7-bit slave addresses
for both read and write operations. The MSB of the 7-bit slave
address, SADDR[7] is factory programmed to 1. Bit 2 of the slave
address, SADDR[2], is set by Pin 1. Bit 1 of the slave address,
SADDR[1], is set by Pin 3. Slave Address Bits[6:3] are defaulted
to all 0s. The slave address consists of the seven MSBs of an 8-bit
word. The LSB of the word, SADDR[0], sets either a read or
write operation (see Figure 10). Logic 1 corresponds to a read
operation, and Logic 0 corresponds to a write operation.
To control the device on the bus, use the following protocol.
First, the master initiates a data transfer by establishing a start
condition, defined by a high-to-low transition on SDA while SCK
remains high. This indicates that an address/data stream
follows. All peripherals respond to the start condition and shift
the next eight bits (the 7-bit address and the R/W bit). The bits
are transferred from MSB to LSB. The peripheral that recognizes
the transmitted address responds by pulling the data line low
during the ninth clock pulse. This is known as an acknowledge
bit. All other devices withdraw from the bus at this point and
maintain an idle condition. The idle condition is where the device
monitors the SDA and SCK lines waiting for the start condition
and correct transmitted address. The R/W bit determines the
direction of the data. Logic 0 on the LSB of the first byte means
that the master writes information to the peripheral. Logic 1 on
the LSB of the first byte means that the master reads information
from the peripheral.
The ADN2855 acts as a standard slave device on the bus. The data
on the SDA pin is eight bits long supporting the 7-bit addresses
plus the R/W bit. The ADN2855 has six subaddresses to enable
the user-accessible internal registers (see Table 7 through Table
11). It, therefore, interprets the first byte as the device address
and the second byte as the starting subaddress. Autoincrement
mode is supported, allowing data to be read from or written to the
starting subaddress and each subsequent address without
manually addressing the subsequent subaddress. A data transfer
is always terminated by a stop condition. The user can also
access any unique subaddress register on a one-by-one basis
without updating all registers.
Stop and start conditions can be detected at any stage of the data
transfer. If these conditions are asserted out of sequence with
normal read and write operations, they cause an immediate
jump to the idle condition. During a given SCK high period, the
user should issue one start condition, one stop condition, or a
single stop condition followed by a single start condition. If an
invalid subaddress is issued by the user, the ADN2855 does not
issue an acknowledge, and returns to the idle condition. If the