Philips Semiconductors
Power Diodes Introduction
Back diffused rectifier diodes
A single-diffused P-N diode with a two layer structure
cannotcombine ahighforwardcurrentdensitywithahigh
reverse blocking voltage.
A way out of this dilemma is provided by the three layer
structure, the so-called P-I-N diode, where ’I’ is a lightly
doped (nearly intrinsic) layer. This layer, called the base,
is sandwiched between the highly doped diffused P+and
N+outer layers giving a P+-P-N+or P+-N-N+structure.
Generally, the base gives the diode its high reverse
current rating.
Such a three layer diode can be realised using a
’back-diffused’ structure. A lightly doped silicon wafer is
given a very long N+diffusion on one side, followed by a
relatively shallow P+diffusion on the opposite side. This
of the base layer than the conventional double diffusion
voltage and high reverse blocking voltage. Generally, for
a given silicon area, the thicker the base layer the higher
the VRand the lower the IF. Reverse switching
characteristics also determine the base design. Fast
recoverydiodes usuallyhaveN-typebase regions togive
’soft’ recovery with a narrow base layer to give fast
Ultra fast rectifier diodes
Ultra fast rectifier diodes, made by epitaxial technology,
areintendedfor usein applications wherelowconduction
and switching losses are of paramount importance and
relatively low reverse blocking voltage (VRWM = 150V) is
required: e.g. Switched mode power supplies operating
at frequencies of about 50 kHz.
The use of epitaxial technology means that there is very
close control over the almost ideal diffusion profile and
base width giving very high carrier injection efficiencies
leading to lower conduction losses than conventional
technologypermits. Thewell defineddiffusion profilealso
region, so that very fast turn-off times (35 ns) can be
achieved. The range of devices also has a soft reverse
recovery and a low forward recovery voltage.
Schottky-barrier rectifier diodes
Schottky-barrier rectifiers find application in low-voltage
switched-mode power supplies (e.g. a 5 V output) where
they give an increase in efficiency due to the very low
forward drop, and low switching losses. Power Schottky
diodes are made by a metal-semiconductor barrier
process to minimise forward voltage losses, and being
majority carrier devices have no stored charge. They are
therefore capable of operating at extremely high speeds.
is uniquely defined by the device’s metal-semiconductor
drop, whilst maintaining reverse leakage current at full
rated working voltage and Tj max at an acceptable level.
Philips range of power schottky-barrier diodes can
withstand reverse voltage transients and have
guaranteed reverse surge capability.
Power diode ratings
A rating is a value that establishes either a limiting
capability or a limiting condition for an electronic device.
It is determined for specified values of environment and
operation, and may be stated in any suitable terms.
Limiting conditions may be either maxima or minima.
All limiting values quoted in this data handbook are
Absolute Maximum Ratings - limiting values of operating
and environmental conditions applicable to any device of
a specified type, as defined by its published data, which
should not be exceeded under the worst probable
VRSM Non-repetitivepeakreversevoltage.Themaximum
allowable instantaneous reverse voltage including
all non-repetitive transients. duration ≤ 10 ms.
VRRM Repetitive peak reverse voltage. The maximum
allowable instantaneous reverse voltage including
transients which occur every cycle,
duration ≤ 10 ms, duty cycle ≤ 0.01.
VRWM Crest working reverse voltage. The maximum
allowable instantaneous reverse voltage including
transients which may be applied every cycle
VRContinuous reverse voltage. The maximum
allowable constant reverse voltage. Operation at
rated VRmay be limited to junction temperatures
below Tj max in order to prevent thermal runaway.
IF(AV) Average forward current. Specified for either
square or sinusoidal current waveforms at a
maximum mounting base or heatsink temperature.
The maximum average current which may be
passedthroughthedevicewithoutexceedingTj max.
IF(RMS) Root mean square current. The rms value of a
current waveform is the value which causes the
same dissipation as the equivalent d.c. value.
IFRM Repetitive peak forward current. The maximum
allowablepeakforwardcurrent includingtransients
which occur every cycle. The junction temperature
should not exceed Tj max during repetitive current
IFSM Non-repetitive forward current. The maximum
allowable peak forward current which may be
applied no more than 100 times in the life of the
device. Usually specified with reapplied VRWM
following the surge.
September 1996