3.6Gb/s 144x144 Asynchronous Crosspoint Switch
!3.6Gb/s, 144x144 Strictly Nonblocking Switch Matrix with Dual
User Configuration Registers and Multicast and Address Striping
Programming Modes
!3rd Generation Input Signal Equalization (ISE) 'Eye Opener' Technology
with Global and Per Channel Multilevel Programmable Control
!At-Speed Built-in Self-Test (BIST) Capability with Auxiliary DRIVE
and SENSE I/O, on Board PRBS Generator/Detector, and Programmable
Temperature Alarm/Sensor
!Global and Per Channel Programmable CML Output Level Control
with Integrated Back Termination
!Parallel and Serial Programming Modes with Secondary
Serial Access Port for Configuration and Monitoring
!Software Control to Optimize Power Dissipation
!3.6Gb/s NRZ performance provides protocol transparency with
exceptional performance and margin for 2.5Gb/s and 3.125Gb/s
switching applications.
!Advanced ISE ('Eye Opener') capabilities to reduce Inter Symbol
Interference (ISI) due to PCB losses and/or copper cable losses to
enable longer back planes or shelf to shelf interconnects.
!BIST (System) features Enable Simplified Design, Verification,
Production Testing at the Board or System Level, and in Application
Signal Monitoring.
!Enhanced Signal Integrity and Package Design for Ease of PCB
!Large 3 Stage CLOS Fabrics of up to 2,880x2,880 I/O Ports with up
to 10Tb/s of Data Throughput
!DWDM Switches
!Wavelength Routers
!Storage Area Network (SAN) Switch Fabrics
!Packet Switching Fabrics
!Core and Metro Transport
!High-Speed Automated Test Equipment
!Broadcast Video
!3.6Gb/s NRZ Data Rate
!2.5V Power Supply [2.5V/3.3V Program Port Power Supply]
!2.5V/3.3V CMOS TTL Compatible I/O
!Differential CML I/O with Integrated Termination Impedance
!16W Typical Power Dissipation with Output Levels
!45x45mm, 1.27mm Pitch, 1072 BGA Package
!0˚C to +85˚C Operating Temperature Range
741 Calle Plano
Camarillo, CA 93012
Tel: 805.388.3700
Fax: 805.987.5896
Your Partner for Success.
For more information on Vitesse Products visit the Vitesse web site
at or contact Vitesse Sales at (800) VITESSE
©2002 Vitesse Semiconductor Corporation
The VSC3140 is a 144x144 asynchronous
crosspoint switch, designed to carry
broadband data streams. The fully non-
blocking switch core is programmed through
amulti-mode port interface that allows
random access programming of each
input/output port. A high degree of signal integrity is maintained
throughout the chip by fully differential signal paths.
Each data output can be programmed to connect to one of the
144 inputs. The signal path is unregistered and fully
asynchronous, so there are not any restrictions on the phase,
frequency, or signal pattern on any input. Each high-speed
output is a fully differential switched current driver with on-
die terminations for maximum signal integrity. Data inputs are
terminated on die through 100resistors between true and
complement inputs with a common connection to an internal
bias source, facilitating AC-coupling to the switch inputs.
A multi-mode, programming interface is provided that allows
commands to be sent as serial data or multiplexed parallel
3.6Gb/s 144x144 Asychronous Crosspoint Switch
data. Core programming can be sequential on a port by port
basis, or multiple program assignments can be queued and
issued simultaneously using the CONFIG bit. The INIT feature
will reset the entire switch into a "straight-through"
configuration (A0 to Y0, A1 to Y1, etc.) or it can be programmed
by the user to initialize to any other configuration.
Programming of the VSC3140 is via an 11-bit multiplexed
ADDR/DATA bus in conjunction with the ALE, RD, WR, CONFIG
and INIT pins. Additionally, the CONFIG and INIT signals can
be set via an internal control register to reduce the number of
signals required to interface with the switch. To lock-in
programming of switch connections, INIT, and CONFIG can be
disabled through software.
Unused channels may be powered down to allow efficient
use of the switch in applications that require only a subset of
the channels. Power-down is enabled in software by
programming individual unused outputs with a power-down
code. A secondary access port allows asynchronous
readback and configuration control to take place while the
primary programming port is in use.
Signal through 50” of microstrip trace
Signal through 150” of microstrip trace
Signal output with ISE enabled
Signal output with ISE enabled