CSR Series Power Current Sense Chip Resistor * * * * * * Resistances from 0.5 mOhm to 100 mOhm Power Rating up to 3 Watts Resistance Tolerances to 0.5% TCR's to 50 ppm/C Sizes: 1206 / 2010 / 2512 Non-Inductive Metal Element (< 5nH) SPECIFICATIONS Type Power Rating ( W ) at 80C Resistances ( mW ) TCR ( ppm/C ) CSR1206(1) 1 0.5 - 10 50 200 (0.5mW) CSR2010(1) 1.5 0.5 - 10 50 100 (0.5mW) 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2 15 - 100 CSR2512 1 75 4, 5, 10 100 2.5, 3 150 15 - 100 CSR2512A CSR2512B CSR2512C 2 2.5 3 75 4, 5, 10 100 2.5, 3 150 4, 4.5, 5, 6 50 0.5, 0.75 100 10 - 14 75 15 - 100 1 2 50 6, 6.5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 1, 1.5, 2, 3, Operating Temperature Range MAX Operating Voltage 0.5%(2) 1% 3% 5% -55C to +170C (P*R) 50 6, 6.5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 6.5, 7, 8, 9, 10, Tolerances 50 The resistance value on 1206 and 2010 packages are unmarked 0.5% applies to 15mW and above Riedon Inc. (c) Riedon, Inc. 300 Cypress Avenue Alhambra CA 91801 (626) 284-9901 www.riedon.com sales@riedon.com (626) 284-1704 Revised: 201901_005 CSR Series Power Current Sense Chip Resistor Power Derating Curve 120 Power ( % ) 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Ambient Temperature (C) Specifications Test Test Method Temperature Coefficient of Resistance As Specified +25/-55/+25/+125/+25C Short Time Overload +1.0% 5x rated power for 5 seconds Load Life +1.0% 702C, Max. working voltage for 1000 hrs with 1.5 hrs "ON" and 0.5 hrs "OFF" Dry Heat +1.0% at +170C for 1000 hrs Solderability 95% min. coverage 2455C for 3 seconds Resistance to Soldering Heat +0.5% 2605C for 10 seconds Thermal Shock +0.5% -55C ~ 150C, 100 cycles Terminal Finish = Nickel Tin 0.5mOHM to 3mOHM Manganese, Copper 3.5mOHM to 10mOHM Aluminum, Iron, Chromium Resistance Elements Reel Sizes Type Quantity Embossed Tape 2000 CSR1206 CSR2010 CSR2512* *10 mW & above is 4Kpc/T&R Ordering Information Part Description: Part Type - Resistance - Tolerance - TCR Example: CSR2512 1mOhm 1% 50ppm Riedon Inc. (c) Riedon, Inc. 300 Cypress Avenue Alhambra CA 91801 (626) 284-9901 www.riedon.com sales@riedon.com (626) 284-1704 Revised: 201901_005 CSR Series Power Current Sense Chip Resistor Specifications Part Power Rating Resistance Value L (mm) B (mm) D (mm) C (mm) CSR1206 1 0.5 3.200.25 1.600.10 0.600.20 1.350.25 CSR1206 1 0.75 3.200.25 1.600.10 0.600.20 1.230.25 CSR1206 1 1, 4, 5, 6 3.200.25 1.600.10 0.600.20 1.100.25 CSR1206 1 2, 3, 10 3.200.25 1.600.10 0.600.20 0.600.25 CSR1206 1 7, 8, 9 3.200.25 1.600.10 0.600.20 0.900.25 CSR2010 1.5 0.5 5.080.25 2.540.15 0.600.20 2.170.25 CSR2010 1.5 0.75 5.080.25 2.540.15 0.600.20 2.040.25 CSR2010 1.5 1 5.080.25 2.540.15 0.600.20 1.840.25 CSR2010 1.5 2, 6, 7, 8 5.080.25 2.540.15 0.600.20 1.540.25 CSR2010 1.5 3 5.080.25 2.540.15 0.600.20 1.040.25 CSR2010 1.5 4, 5 5.080.25 2.540.15 0.600.20 1.840.25 CSR2010 1.5 9, 10 5.080.25 2.540.15 0.600.20 1.290.25 CSR2512 1 0.5 6.350.254 3.180.254 1.250.20 1.300.38 CSR2512 1 0.75 6.350.254 3.180.254 0.750.20 1.300.38 CSR2512 1 1 6.350.254 3.180.254 0.650.20 1.300.38 CSR2512 1 1.5 6.350.254 3.180.254 0.450.20 1.300.38 CSR2512 1 2 6.350.254 3.180.254 0.350.20 1.300.38 CSR2512 1 2.5 6.350.254 3.180.254 0.650.20 1.300.38 CSR2512 1 3 6.350.254 3.180.254 0.550.20 1.300.38 CSR2512 1 4 6.350.254 3.180.254 0.450.20 1.300.38 CSR2512 1 5 6.350.254 3.180.254 0.350.20 1.300.38 CSR2512 1 6 6.350.254 3.180.254 0.320.20 1.300.38 CSR2512 1 6.5 6.350.254 3.180.254 0.300.20 1.300.38 CSR2512 1 7 6.350.254 3.180.254 0.270.20 1.300.38 CSR2512 CSR2512A CSR2512C 1 to 3 10 - 100 6.400.25 3.200.25 0.700.20 0.900.30 CSR2512 w/ Green Coating 1 to 3 0.5 6.350.25 3.000.20 0.600.20 2.680.25 CSR2512 w/ Green Coating 1 to 3 0.75 6.350.25 3.000.20 0.600.20 2.480.25 CSR2512 w/ Green Coating 1 to 3 1, 5, 6 6.350.25 3.000.20 0.600.20 1.930.25 CSR2512 w/ Green Coating 1 to 3 1.5, 6.5, 7 6.350.25 3.000.20 0.600.20 1.430.25 CSR2512 w/ Green Coating 1 to 3 2, 3 6.350.25 3.000.20 0.600.20 1.180.25 CSR2512 w/ Green Coating 1 to 3 4, 4.5 6.350.25 3.000.20 0.600.20 2.180.25 CSR2512 w/ Green Coating 1 to 3 8 to 15 6.350.25 3.000.20 0.600.20 1.180.25 Riedon Inc. (c) Riedon, Inc. 300 Cypress Avenue Alhambra CA 91801 (626) 284-9901 www.riedon.com sales@riedon.com (626) 284-1704 Revised: 201901_005