PD - 90674C IRHM7250 JANSR2N7269 200V, N-CHANNEL RADIATION HARDENED POWER MOSFET THRU-HOLE (TO-254AA) REF: MIL-PRF-19500/603 (R) TM RAD Hard HEXFET TECHNOLOGY Product Summary Part Number Radiation Level IRHM7250 100K Rads (Si) IRHM3250 300K Rads (Si) RDS(on) 0.10 0.10 ID 26A 26A QPL Part Number JANSR2N7269 JANSF2N7269 IRHM4250 600K Rads (Si) 0.10 26A JANSG2N7269 IRHM8250 1000K Rads (Si) 0.10 26A JANSH2N7269 HEXFET(R) International Rectifier's RADHard technology provides high performance power MOSFETs for space applications. This technology has over a decade of proven performance and reliability in satellite applications. These devices have been characterized for both Total Dose and Single Event Effects (SEE). The combination of low Rdson and low gate charge reduces the power losses in switching applications such as DC to DC converters and motor control. These devices retain all of the well established advantages of MOSFETs such as voltage control, fast switching, ease of paralleling and temperature stability of electrical parameters. TO-254AA Features: n n n n n n n n n Single Event Effect (SEE) Hardened Low RDS(on) Low Total Gate Charge Proton Tolerant Simple Drive Requirements Ease of Paralleling Hermetically Sealed Ceramic Eyelets Light Weight Absolute Maximum Ratings Pre-Irradiation Parameter ID @ VGS = 12V, TC = 25C ID @ VGS = 12V, TC = 100C IDM PD @ TC = 25C VGS EAS IAR EAR dv/dt TJ T STG Continuous Drain Current Continuous Drain Current Pulsed Drain Current Max. Power Dissipation Linear Derating Factor Gate-to-Source Voltage Single Pulse Avalanche Energy Avalanche Current Repetitive Avalanche Energy Peak Diode Recovery dv/dt Operating Junction Storage Temperature Range Lead Temperature Weight Units 26 16 104 150 1.2 20 500 26 15 5.0 -55 to 150 A W W/C V mJ A mJ V/ns o 300 (0.063 in. (1.6mm) from case for 10s) 9.3 (Typical) C g For footnotes refer to the last page www.irf.com 1 10/11/00 IRHM7250, JANSR2N7269 Pre-Irradiation Electrical Characteristics @ Tj = 25C (Unless Otherwise Specified) Parameter Min Typ Max Units BVDSS Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage BV DSS/T J Temperature Coefficient of Breakdown Voltage RDS(on) Static Drain-to-Source On-State Resistance VGS(th) Gate Threshold Voltage gfs Forward Transconductance IDSS Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current 200 -- -- V -- 0.27 -- V/C -- -- 2.0 8.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.10 0.11 4.0 -- 25 250 IGSS IGSS Qg Q gs Q gd td(on) tr td(off) tf LS + LD Gate-to-Source Leakage Forward Gate-to-Source Leakage Reverse Total Gate Charge Gate-to-Source Charge Gate-to-Drain (`Miller') Charge Turn-On Delay Time Rise Time Turn-Off Delay Time Fall Time Total Inductance -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 6.8 100 -100 170 30 60 33 140 140 140 -- Ciss C oss C rss Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Reverse Transfer Capacitance -- -- -- 4700 850 210 -- -- -- Test Conditions VGS =0 V, ID = 1.0mA Reference to 25C, ID = 1.0mA VGS = 12V, ID = 16A VGS = 12V, ID = 26A VDS = VGS, ID = 1.0mA VDS > 15V, IDS = 16A VDS= 160V,VGS=0V VDS = 160V VGS = 0V, TJ = 125C VGS = 20V VGS = -20V VGS = 12V, ID = 26A VDS = 100V V S( ) A nA nC VDD = 100V, ID = 26A, RG = 2.35 ns nH Measured from drain lead (6mm/0.25in. from package) to source lead (6mm/0.25in. from package) VGS = 0V, VDS = 25V f = 1.0MHz pF Source-Drain Diode Ratings and Characteristics Parameter Min Typ Max Units IS ISM VSD t rr Q RR Continuous Source Current (Body Diode) Pulse Source Current (Body Diode) Diode Forward Voltage Reverse Recovery Time Reverse Recovery Charge ton Forward Turn-On Time -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 26 104 1.4 820 12 Test Conditions A V nS C Tj = 25C, IS = 26A, VGS = 0V Tj = 25C, IF = 26A, di/dt 100A/s VDD 25V Intrinsic turn-on time is negligible. Turn-on speed is substantially controlled by LS + LD. Thermal Resistance Parameter RthJC RthCS RthJA Junction-to-Case Case-to-sink Junction-to-Ambient Min Typ Max Units -- -- -- -- 0.83 0.21 -- -- 48 Test Conditions C/W Typical socket mount Note: Corresponding Spice and Saber models are available on the G&S Website. For footnotes refer to the last page 2 www.irf.com Radiation Characteristics Pre-Irradiation IRHM7250, JANSR2N7269 International Rectifier Radiation Hardened MOSFETs are tested to verify their radiation hardness capability. The hardness assurance program at International Rectifier is comprised of two radiation environments. Every manufacturing lot is tested for total ionizing dose (per notes 5 and 6) using the TO-3 package. Both pre- and post-irradiation performance are tested and specified using the same drive circuitry and test conditions in order to provide a direct comparison. Table 1. Electrical Characteristics @ Tj = 25C, Post Total Dose Irradiation Parameter BVDSS VGS(th) IGSS IGSS IDSS RDS(on) RDS(on) VSD 100K Rads(Si)1 Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage Gate Threshold Voltage Gate-to-Source Leakage Forward Gate-to-Source Leakage Reverse Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current Static Drain-to-Source On-State Resistance (TO-3) Static Drain-to-Source On-State Resistance (TO-254AA) Diode Forward Voltage 600 to 1000K Rads (Si)2 Units Test Conditions Min Max Min Max 200 2.0 -- -- -- -- -- 4.0 100 -100 25 0.094 200 1.25 -- -- -- -- -- 4.5 100 -100 50 0.149 nA A VGS = 0V, ID = 1.0mA V GS = VDS, ID = 1.0mA VGS = 20V VGS = -20 V VDS=160V, VGS =0V VGS = 12V, ID =16A -- 0.10 -- 0.155 VGS = 12V, ID =16A -- 1.4 -- 1.4 V V VGS = 0V, IS = 26A 1. Part number IRHM7250 (JANSR2N7269) 2. Part numbers IRHM3250 (JANSF2N7269), IRHM4250 (JANSG2N7269) and IRHM8250 (JANSH2N7269) International Rectifier radiation hardened MOSFETs have been characterized in heavy ion environment for Single Event Effects (SEE). Single Event Effects characterization is illustrated in Fig. a and Table 2. Table 2. Single Event Effect Safe Operating Area Ion Cu Br LET MeV/(mg/cm2)) 28 36.8 Energy (MeV) 285 305 Range VDS(V) (m) @VGS=0V @VGS=-5V @VGS=-10V @VGS=-15V @VGS=-20V 43 190 180 170 125 -- 39 100 100 100 50 -- 200 VDS 150 Cu Br 100 50 0 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 VGS Fig a. Single Event Effect, Safe Operating Area For footnotes refer to the last page www.irf.com 3 IRHM7250, JANSR2N7269 Fig 1. Typical Response of Gate Threshhold Voltage Vs. Total Dose Exposure Fig 3. Typical Response of Transconductance Vs. Total Dose Exposure 4 Post-Irradiation Pre-Irradiation Fig 2. Typical Response of On-State Resistance Vs. Total Dose Exposure Fig 4. Typical Response of Drain to Source Breakdown Vs. Total Dose Exposure www.irf.com Post-Irradiation Pre-Irradiation IRHM7250, JANSR2N7269 Fig 5. Typical Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current Vs. Total Dose Exposure Fig 6. Typical On-State Resistance Vs. Neutron Fluence Level Fig 8a. Gate Stress of VGSS Equals 12 Volts During Radiation Fig 7. Typical Transient Response of Rad Hard HEXFET During 1x1012 Rad (Si)/Sec Exposure www.irf.com Fig 8b. VDSS Stress Equals 80% of BVDSS During Radiation Fig 9. High Dose Rate (Gamma Dot) Test Circuit 5 RadiationPost-Irradiation Characteristics Pre-Irradiation IRHM7250, JANSR2N7269 Note: Bias Conditions during radiation: VGS = 12 Vdc, VDS = 0 Vdc Fig 10. Typical Output Characteristics Pre-Irradiation Fig 12. Typical Output Characteristics Post-Irradiation 300K Rads (Si) 6 Fig 11. Typical Output Characteristics Post-Irradiation 100K Rads (Si) Fig 13. Typical Output Characteristics Post-Irradiation 1 Mega Rads(Si) www.irf.com Radiation Characteristics Pre-Irradiation IRHM7250, JANSR2N7269 Note: Bias Conditions during radiation: VGS = 0 Vdc, VDS = 160 Vdc Fig 14. Typical Output Characteristics Pre-Irradiation Fig 15. Typical Output Characteristics Post-Irradiation 100K Rads (Si) Fig 16. Typical Output Characteristics Post-Irradiation 300K Rads (Si) Fig 17. Typical Output Characteristics Post-Irradiation 1 Mega Rads(Si) www.irf.com 7 IRHM7250, JANSR2N7269 Fig 18. Typical Output Characteristics Fig 20. Typical Transfer Characteristics 8 Pre-Irradiation Fig 19. Typical Output Characteristics Fig 21. Normalized On-Resistance Vs. Temperature www.irf.com Pre-Irradiation IRHM7250, JANSR2N7269 Fig 22. Typical CapacitanceVs. Drain-to-Source Voltage Fig 23. Typical Gate Charge Vs. Gate-to-Source Voltage Fig 24. Typical Source-Drain Diode Forward Voltage Fig 25. Maximum Safe Operating Area www.irf.com 9 IRHM7250, JANSR2N7269 Pre-Irradiation VDS VGS RD D.U.T. RG + -VDD 12V Pulse Width 1 s Duty Factor 0.1 % Fig 26a. Switching Time Test Circuit VDS 90% 10% VGS Fig 26. Maximum Drain Current Vs. Case Temperature td(on) tr t d(off) tf Fig 26b. Switching Time Waveforms Fig 27. Maximum Effective Transient Thermal Impedance, Junction-to-Case 10 www.irf.com Pre-Irradiation IRHM7250, JANSR2N7269 1 5V L VD S D .U .T RG IA S 12V 20V D R IV E R + - VD D A 0 .0 1 tp Fig 28a. Unclamped Inductive Test Circuit V (B R )D S S tp Fig 28c. Maximum Avalanche Energy Vs. Drain Current IAS Current Regulator Same Type as D.U.T. Fig 28b. Unclamped Inductive Waveforms 50K QG 12V .2F .3F 12 V QGS QGD + V - DS VGS VG 3mA Charge Fig 29a. Basic Gate Charge Waveform www.irf.com D.U.T. IG ID Current Sampling Resistors Fig 29b. Gate Charge Test Circuit 11 IRHM7250, JANSR2N7269 Pre-Irradiation Foot Notes: Pulse width 300 s; Duty Cycle 2% Total Dose Irradiation with VGS Bias. Repetitive Rating; Pulse width limited by maximum junction temperature. VDD = 25V, starting TJ = 25C, L= 1.5mH Peak IL = 26A, VGS = 12V ISD 26A, di/dt 190A/s, VDD 200V, TJ 150C 12 volt VGS applied and VDS = 0 during irradiation per MIL-STD-750, method 1019, condition A. Total Dose Irradiation with VDS Bias. 160 volt VDS applied and VGS = 0 during irradiation per MlL-STD-750, method 1019, condition A. Case Outline and Dimensions -- TO-254AA .12 ( .005 ) 13.84 ( .545 ) 13.59 ( .535 ) 3.78 ( .149 ) 3.53 ( .139 ) -A - 20.32 ( .800 ) 20.07 ( .790 ) 17.40 ( .685 ) 16.89 ( .665 ) 31.40 ( 1.235 ) 30.39 ( 1.199 ) 6.60 ( .260 ) 6.32 ( .249 ) 1 2 13.84 ( .545 ) 13.59 ( .535 ) 3 -C- 3X 3.81 ( .150 ) 2X 1.14 ( .045 ) 0.89 ( .035 ) .50 ( .020 ) .25 ( .010 ) -B 1.27 ( .050 ) 1.02 ( .040 ) LE G E N D 1 - CO LLE 2 - E M ITT 3 - G A TE 3.81 ( .150 ) M C A M B M C IRHM7250D IRHM7250U LEGEND 1- DRAIN 2- SOURCE 3- GATE CAUTION BERYLLIA WARNING PER MIL-PRF-19500 Packages containing beryllia shall not be ground, sandblasted, machined or have other operations performed on them which will produce beryllia or beryllium dust. Furthermore, beryllium oxide packages shall not be placed in acids that will produce fumes containing beryllium. IR WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245, USA Tel: (310) 252-7105 IR EUROPEAN REGIONAL CENTRE: 439/445 Godstone Rd, Whyteleafe, Surrey CR3 OBL, UK Tel: ++ 44 (0)20 8645 8000 IR CANADA: 15 Lincoln Court, Brampton, Ontario L6T3Z2, Tel: (905) 453 2200 IR GERMANY: Saalburgstrasse 157, 61350 Bad Homburg Tel: ++ 49 (0) 6172 96590 IR ITALY: Via Liguria 49, 10071 Borgaro, Torino Tel: ++ 39 011 451 0111 IR JAPAN: K&H Bldg., 2F, 30-4 Nishi-Ikebukuro 3-Chome, Toshima-Ku, Tokyo 171 Tel: 81 (0)3 3983 0086 IR SOUTHEAST ASIA: 1 Kim Seng Promenade, Great World City West Tower, 13-11, Singapore 237994 Tel: ++ 65 (0)838 4630 IR TAIWAN:16 Fl. Suite D. 207, Sec. 2, Tun Haw South Road, Taipei, 10673 Tel: 886-(0)2 2377 9936 Data and specifications subject to change without notice. 10/00 12 www.irf.com