TYPES TIP544, TIP545, TIP546 P-N-P SINGLE-DIFFUSED SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS NOTES: FOR POWER-AMPLIFIER AND HIGH-SPEED-SWITCHING APPLICATIONS RECOMMENDED FOR COMPLEMENTARY USE WITH 2N5758, 2N5759, 2N5760 e 150 W at 25C Case Temperature e 6A Rated Continuous Collector Current e@ Min ft of 1 MHz at 20V,0.5A mechanical data The case outline falls within JEDEC TO-3. THE COLLECTOR (tS IN ELECTRICAL CONTACT WITH THE CASE 1.573 MAXe 1.197 0475 1.177 0.525 R MAX 0.685 = * + 2 EMITTER 1.050 MAX MAX os PO iO b 4 oA 0303 Tous bia 0.186 R MAX 9.420 BOTH ENDS 0.135 MAX SEATING PLANE 1 BASE CASE TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT POINT ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES absolute maximum ratings at 25C case temperature (unless otherwise noted) Collector-Base Voltage . Collector-Emitter Voitage (See Note 1) Emitter-Base Voltage Continuous Collector Current. Peak Collector Current (See Note 2) Continuous Base Current oo Continuous Device Dissipation at (or below) 25 c Case Temperature {See Note 3) Continuous Device Dissipation at {or below) 25C Free-Air Temperature (See Note 4) Operating Collector Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range .. . 2... . Terminal Temperature 1/16 Inch from Case for 10 Seconds . . These vaiues apply when the base-smitter diode is open-circuited. . This value applies for ty < 0.3 ms, duty cycle < 10%. . Derate tinearty to 200C case temperature at the rate of 0.857 w/c. . Derate linearly to 200C free-air temperature at the rate of 28.6 mw/C. PWR = TIPS44 TIP545 TIP546 ~100V -120V 140V -100 V -120V 140 V 7V -7V -7V - -6A - -10A __+ mM -4A > - 150 W + am 5wW - 65C to 200C > + 65C to 200C__+ 235C __ TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 2-265 TYPES TIPS44, TIP545, TIP546 P-N-P SINGLE-DIFFUSED SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS electrical characteristics at 25C case temperature (unless otherwise noted) TIPS44 TIP545 TIPS546 PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS UNIT MIN MAX|MIN MAX|MIN MAX Cok. tor-Emitt ViBR)CEO orerer I = ~200 mA, Ig = 0, See Note 5 --100 =120 140 v Breukdown Voltage Vcp = 100V, le =0 -1 IcBo Collector Cutoff Current Vop = 120 V,1 = 0 -1 mA Vop = 140V,l_ = 0 -1 Voce = 50V, Ip =O ~5 IcEO Collector Cutoff Current Voce = -60V, Ip=0 5 mA Vce=70V, ip=0 5 Vee = 100 V, Vag = 1.5 V 1 Vce = 120 V, Veg = 1.5 V -1 Vce = 140 V, Vee = 1.5 V -1 IcEV Collector Cutoff Current von 100 V ee 15v. 7 {50C 3 mA CEs sMpeF lev, le = Voce = 120V, Veg =1.5V, To = 150C -5 Vce = 140V, Vge=1.5V, To = 150C 5 jEBO Emitter Cutoff Current Vepz7V, Ic# o -1 -1 1 mA h Static Forward Current ic=-3A See Notes 5 and 6 25 100 20 80 15 60 es 5 an FE Transfer Ratio 5 S VBE Base-Emitter Voitage See Notes 5 and 6 1.5 1.5 ~1.5) V Vv Collector-Emitter See Notes 6 and 6 -1 -1 1 Vv es 5 an CE (sat) Saturation Voltage 2 -2 2 Smalt-Signal Col -Emitter hfe areigna vommon \Veez-10V, IG=-2A, f= 1 kHz 15 15 15 Forward Current Transfer Ratio Small-Signal Common-Emitt heel mamsian ee eT WVcE=-20V, I2-O5A, +0.5MHz 2 2 2 Forward Current Transfer Ratio Cc - 5 Circuit Cobo ommon-Base OpenCircult Ve -40V, Ie = 0, f= 0.1 to 1MHz 300 300 300} pF Output Capacitance NOTES: 5, These parameters must be measured using pulse techniques. ty, = 300 us, duty cycle S 2%. 6. These parameters are measured with voltage-sensing contacts separate from the current-carrying contacts and jocated within 0.125 inch from the device body. 2-266 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TEXAS INSTRUMENTS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES AT ANY TIW (N ORDER TO IMPROVE DESIGN AND TO SUPPLY THE BEST PRODUCT POSSIBR Prot @ Typ Ta=25 0C Tc=25 0C VCEO Icb hee @ Ic type (100 C) (100 9C) min max min max PNP NPN Ww Ww Vv A A TIP 527 4 (60) 200 - 8 20 100 4 TIP 544 5 150 100 6 25 100 -3 TIP 545 5 150 120 -6 20 80 -3 TIP 546 5 150 140 -6 16 60 -3 TIP 645 TIP640 5 175 - 60 10 10 5 TIP 646 TIP641 5 175 80 10 10 -5 TIP 647 TIP 647 5 175 100 10 10 5 2N 3789 150 60 -10 25 90 1 2N 3790 150 80 ~10 25 90 -1 2N 3791 150 60 10 50 180 -1 2N 3792 150 80 10 50 180 -1 2N 4901 87,5 40 -5 20 80 -1 2N 4902 87,5 ~ 60 -5 20 80 1 2N 4903 87,5 80 -5 20 80 -1 2N 4904 87,5 40 5 25 100 -1 2N 4905 87,5 60 -5 25 100 1 2N 4906 87,5 80 -5 25 100 -1 2N 4999 2 (20) 80 2 30 90 1 2N 5001 2 (20) 80 2 70 200 1 2N 5003 (33,3) 80 5 30 90 2,5 2N 5005 (33,3) 80 5 70 200 2,5 2N 5147 1 (4) 80 2 30 90 1 2N 5149 1 (4) 80 2 70 200 1 2N 5151 1 (6,7) 80 5 30 90 2,5 2N 5153 1 (6,7) 80 5 70 200 2,5 2N 5333 (15) 80 -5 30 120 -1 2N 5683 5 300 60 50 15 25 2N 5684 5 300 80 50 15 25 2N 6329 5 200 60 30 12 15 2N 6330 5 200 80 30 12 15 2N 6331 5 200 100 20 12 15 3-16 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS fT lcEs @ VCE Gehause Anwendungen, Bemerkungen min (ICE) package applications, remarks MHz BA Vv 40 ( 500} 100 TO-3 Verstarker, schneiler Schalter amplifier, switch 1 ( 5000) 50 TO-3 1 ( 5000) 60 TO-3 Verstarker, Schalter amplifier, switch 1 ( 5000) 70 10-3 Komplementar zu 2N 5758, 2N 5759, 2N 5760 complementary to 2N 5758, 2N 5759, 2N 5760 1 ( 2000) ~ 30 TO-3 Verstarker, Schalter, Anwendung in Netzger. 1 ( 2000) 40 TO-3 Komplementar zu TIP 640, TIP 641, TIP 642 1 ( 2000) - 50 amplifier, switch, power supply complementary to TIP 640, TIP 641, TIP 642 {--10000) 30 TO-3 Verstarker, Schalter (10000) 40 TO-3 amplifier, switch {10000) - 30 TO-3 (~10000) 40 TO-3 ( 1000) 40 TO-3 (- 1000) ~ 60 TO-3 ( 1000) 80 TO-3 ( 1000) 40 TO-3 ( 1000) 60 TO-3 ( 1000) 80 TO-3 50 (0,05) 40 TO-59 Fir Computeranwendung 60 { 0,05) 40 TO-59 komplementar zu 2N 4998, 2N 5000 computer application complementary to 2N 4998, 2N 5000 60 (0,05) 40 TO-59 Fiir Computeranwendung 70 (0,05) 40 TO-59 komplementar zu 2N 5002, 2N 5004 computer application complementary to 2N 5002, 2N 5004 50 { 0,05) 40 TO-39 Fir Computeranwendung 60 (0,05) 40 TO-39 komplementar zu 2N 5148, 2N 5150 computer application complementary to 2N 5148, 2N 5150 60 { 0,05) 40 TO-39 Fiir Computeranwendung 70 { 0,05) 40 TO-39 komplementar zu 2N 5152, 2N 5154 computer application complementary to 2N 5152, 2N 5154 30 - 10 - 90 TO-5 Verstarker, Schalter amplifier, switch 2 (~ 1000) 30 TO-3 Verstarker, schneller Schalter 2 { 1000) 40 TO-3 komplementar zu 2N 5685, 2N 5686 amplifier, high-s peed switch complementary to 2N 5685, 2N 5686 3 { 1000) 30 TO-3 Verstarker, schneller Schalter 3 { 1000) 40 TO-3 komplementar zu 2N 6326, 2N 6327, 2N 6328 3 {( 1000) - 50 TO-3 amplifier, high-speed switch complementary to 2N 6326, 2N 6327, 2N 6328 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 3-17