SDA116 Series Solid State Devices, Inc. 14830 Valley View Blvd * La Mirada, Ca 90638 Phone: (562) 404-7855 * Fax: (562) 404-1773 * DESIGNER'S DATA SHEET 25A / 1000V THREE PHASE BRIDGE RECTIFIER ASSEMBLY ULTRA FAST - 70 ns Part Number / Ordering Information 1/ SDA116 __ __ __ | + Lead Bend 3/ __ = Straight Leads | | | UB = Up Bend | | DB = Down Bend | | | + Terminals 2/ 3/ L = Copper Leads | _ = Turret Terminals | + Voltage J = 600 V K = 800 V M = 1000 V Features: * * * * * * * Higher Blocking Voltage Available. Contact Factory. Average Output Current 25 Amps Low Reverse Leakage Current Constructed with Void-free, Hermetically Sealed Discretes Aluminum Case for Maximum Thermal Conductivity Small Package Size (1.500 x 0.875 x 0.310") TX and TXV & S Level Screening Available * Standard, Fast, & Hyper Fast Versions Available. Contact Factory. Maximum Ratings Peak Repetitive and Peak Surge Reverse Voltage Average Rectified Forward Current 4/ (Resistive Load, 60 Hz Sine Wave) Symbol Value Units SDA116J SDA116K SDA116M VRRM VRSM VR 600 800 1000 Volts TC = 55C Io 25 Amps IFSM 125 Amps Top & Tstg -55 to +150 C RJC 2.5 C/W Peak Surge Current (8.3 ms Pulse, Half Sine Wave, TA = 25 C, per leg) Operating & Storage Temperature Maximum Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case 1 SDA116 ( L ) SDA116 (_) Lead Dia = .050" Lead Length = 0.5" min NOTE: All specifications are subject to change without notification. SCD's for these devices should be reviewed by SSDI prior to release. DATA SHEET #: RA0046A DOC SDA116 Series Solid State Devices, Inc. 14830 Valley View Blvd * La Mirada, Ca 90638 Phone: (562) 404-7855 * Fax: (562) 404-1773 * Electrical Characteristic 5/ Symbol Min Typ Max Units VF1 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.40 1.75 1.95 Volts Reverse Leakage Current (Rated VR, TA = 25C, pulsed) IR1 -- -- 25 A Reverse Leakage Current (Rated VR, TA = 100C, pulsed) IR2 -- -- 500 A Reverse Recovery Time (IF = 500 mA, IR = 1 A, IRR = 250 mA TA = 25C trr -- -- 70 ns Instantaneous Forward Voltage Drop (TA = 25C, pulsed) (TA = 25C, pulsed) (TA = -55C, pulsed) IF = 3A IF = 9A IF = 9A NOTES: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ For Ordering Information, Price, and Availability Contact Factory. For Package Outlines Contact Factory. Up and Down Bend Configurations are Available for `__' ( Leaded ) Packages Only. Derate Linearly at 0.26 A/C for TC > 55C. Unless Otherwise Specified, All Electrical Characteristics @25C. Mounting Diagram: 2/ Thickness = 0.340" min