xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet
XPCW1002 & XPCW1003
Document Part Number: 910-816e
September 2017
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 1
Ideally suited for IoT applications the Lantronix®
xPico® Wi-Fi® embedded device servers are a
family of extremely
compact low power
networking solution that
enables IEEE 802.11
wireless LAN
connectivity on
virtually any
solution with a SPI
or serial interface.
Lantronix’ industry-proven device server
application and full IP stack allows seamless
remote access to device data simplifying design
integration while providing robust connectivity.
The xPico Wi-Fi device servers are members of
the Lantronix xPico product family providing
unmatched flexibility whether it is Wi-Fi or Ethernet
when it comes to choosing the right network device
for your application. This document describes the
xPico Wi-Fi surface mount technology versions.
The xPico family also includes a functionally
equivalent version of the Wi-Fi device
(XPW1001000-01) that is provided in board to
board connector that enables the
interchangeability with the xPico embedded wired
server (XPC1001000-01).
As one of the smallest embedded device server in
the world, xPico Wi-Fi device server can be utilized
in designs typically intended for chip solutions,
benefitting in advantages to cost and time to
xPico Wi-Fi device servers are state-of-the-art and
innovative solutions, that set new standards in
reliability and functionality and offers all the
capabilities one can expect including a unique
simultaneous Soft-AP and Client mode.
A key benefit with xPico Wi-Fi device server is that
there is virtually no need to write a single line of
code, translating to a much lower development
cost and faster time-to-market
xPico Wi-Fi device server are module approved,
FCC Class B, UL and EN EMC and safety
Suitable example applications for the xPico Wi-Fi
device server include such IoT applications as:
o valve and sensor control,
o Lock and access systems,
Energy Management
o Smart Meter Connectivity
o Connecting Infusion pumps to hospital IT
Home Automation
o water softening devices networking
o Controlling home appliances from mobile
Serial to Wi-Fi device server module with
802.11 b/g/n at 2.4GHz
ARM Cortex M3 processor
xPico SMT-76 castellation Form Factor
o With on-board Antenna (est. 31.1mm x
o Without on-board Antenna (est. 26.1 mm x
Simultaneous SoftAP and client modes
Supports Roaming, QuickConnect,
Power Management Framework
Low power of approximately 6µA standby
Two serial ports (921Kbps) , SPI (30 MHz) ,
and up to 8 GPIO1
USB. 2.0 Full Speed device port with
integrated PHY.
Feature-rich device server application suite,
Full IP stack, and web server
256-bit AES Encryption, WPA2-Personal
Industrial operating temperature of -40° to
+85° C
5-Year Warranty
1 Some interfaces share module pins.
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 2
Table of Contents
Description ________________________________________________________________ 1
Applications _______________________________________________________________ 1
Features __________________________________________________________________ 1
List of Figures _____________________________________________________________ 4
List of Tables ______________________________________________________________ 5
1: Introduction 6
2: Hardware and Software Description 7
3: Package Description and Mechanical Footprint 8
xPico W1002 and xPico W1003 Device Servers___________________________________ 8
Pin and Pad Definitions _____________________________________________________ 12
MSL Handling Instructions ___________________________________________________ 13
Reflow Profile Guideline ____________________________________________________ 14
4: Host Interfaces 15
UART ___________________________________________________________________ 15
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) ______________________________________________ 16
SPI Interface Characteristics _________________________________________________ 17
USB Device ______________________________________________________________ 18
Configurable General Purpose I/O Pins (GPIO) __________________________________ 19
System Pins ______________________________________________________________ 19
Reset Pins _______________________________________________________________ 20
5: Power, Reset, Wake, and Default Timing 21
6: Module Specifications 23
IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Specifications ______________________________________ 23
7: Antenna Connection Options 24
8: General Technical Data 25
9: Electrical Characteristics 26
Absolute Maximum Ratings __________________________________________________ 26
Recommended Operating Conditions __________________________________________ 26
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 3
Dynamic Power Management Modes __________________________________________ 26
Wake to Ping Response Timing ______________________________________________ 28
Output Power _____________________________________________________________ 29
EVM ____________________________________________________________________ 29
Receive Sensitivity ________________________________________________________ 30
DC Characteristics Digital I/O Signals ________________________________________ 30
Flash Memory ____________________________________________________________ 31
10: Software Features 32
Software Architecture Overview ______________________________________________ 32
Soft AP Mode w/ DHCP Server _______________________________________________ 32
Simultaneous Client and AP interfaces _________________________________________ 33
WLAN Connection Management ______________________________________________ 33
WLAN QuickConnect _______________________________________________________ 33
WLAN Profiles ____________________________________________________________ 33
Lantronix Serial to Wi-Fi Tunneling Application___________________________________ 33
Transparent Tunneling Mode ________________________________________________ 34
Modem Emulation Mode ____________________________________________________ 34
AES Security _____________________________________________________________ 34
Application Aware Power Management Framework _______________________________ 34
Flexible Configuration Management Framework __________________________________ 35
Web Page Customization ___________________________________________________ 35
SNTP Client ______________________________________________________________ 36
Lantronix Application Toolbox for IoT solutions ___________________________________ 36
Serial Multiplexer __________________________________________________________ 36
Over-The-Air Updates ______________________________________________________ 36
Lantronix Query Port _______________________________________________________ 36
11: Product Information Label 37
12: Warranty 38
13: Evaluation Kit 39
Expansion Boards _________________________________________________________ 39
14: Compliance 40
15: Ordering Information 41
Packout Materials _________________________________________________________ 41
Contact Information ________________________________________________________ 42
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 4
List of Figures
Figure 1: xPico W1002 (XPC W1002) Embedded Device Server _________________________ 8
Figure 2: xPico W1003 (XPC W1003) Embedded Device Server _________________________ 8
Figure 3: Mechanical Footprint for xPico W1002 (without On-Module Antenna) Device Server __ 9
Figure 4: Layout Footprint for xPico W1002 (without On-Module Antenna) Device Server _____ 9
Figure 5: Mechanical Footprint for xPico W1003 (with On-Module Antenna) Device Server ___ 10
Figure 6: Layout Footprint for xPico W1003 (with On-Module Antenna) Device Server _______ 10
Figure 7: SPI Timing Diagram - Slave Mode ________________________________________ 16
Figure 8: SPI Timing Diagram Master Mode ______________________________________ 17
Figure 9: Timing Requirements for VCC, Reset, Default and Wake ______________________ 21
Figure 10: xPico Wi-Fi Current from WAKE from Standby to Ping Response (Preliminary) ____ 28
Figure 11: xPico Wi-Fi Label ____________________________________________________ 37
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 5
List of Tables
Table 1: xPico Wi-Fi SMT Package Pad Layout and Signals ________________________ 11
Table 2: xPico Wi-Fi Interface Signal Definitions: _________________________________ 12
Table 3: xPico UART Signal Definitions ________________________________________ 15
Table 4: xPico W1001 UART Signal Definitions __________________________________ 16
Table 5: SPI Characteristic __________________________________________________ 17
Table 6: xPico USB Signal Definitions _________________________________________ 18
Table 7: xPico GPIO Signal Definitions _________________________________________ 19
Table 8: xPico System Signal Definitions _______________________________________ 19
Table 9: xPico Reset Signal Definitions ________________________________________ 20
Table 10: Power Sequence Timing Requirements ________________________________ 22
Table 11: xPico Wi-Fi Device Server Radio Specification ___________________________ 23
Table 12: xPico Wi-Fi SMT Device Server External Antenna Options _________________ 24
Table 13: xPico Wi-Fi SMT Device Server On-Module Antenna ______________________ 24
Table 14: General Technical Data _____________________________________________ 25
Table 15: Absolute Maximum Ratings __________________________________________ 26
Table 16: Recommended Operating Conditions for xPico Wi-Fi Module _______________ 26
Table 17: xPico Wi-Fi Power Management Modes
(Preliminary Data Based upon Test Modes) _____________________________ 27
Table 18: RF Output Power (Preliminary) _______________________________________ 29
Table 19: xPico Wi-Fi EVM __________________________________________________ 29
Table 20: xPico Wi-Fi Device Server Module Rx Sensitivity _________________________ 30
Table 21: xPico Wi-Fi SMT Device Server DC Characteristics _______________________ 30
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 6
1: Introduction
This data sheet describes the SMT models, xPico W1002 and W1003, which are all referred to
generally as the Lantronix® xPico® Wi-Fi SMT family of embedded Wi-Fi device servers in this
The xPico W1002 and W1003 provide much of the circuitry and all of the software required to
connect a micro controller or similar host device to an IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Wireless local area
network (WLAN). The xPico W1000 family of device servers are available either in a very small
and attractive 76-pad castellation surface mount package (SMT), or a connector version (xPico
Wi-Fi device server, XPW1001000-01). The SMT form factor is itself available in two versions,
with or without an onboard ceramic chip antenna.
For the purposes of this document the xPico W1002 and xPico W1003 modules will be referred to
collectively as xPico Wi-Fi SMT embedded device servers.
For an embedded solution an external controller can connect through industry standard interfaces
such as serial, SPI or USB 2.0 (Device) and with very little to no driver effort have the ability to
connect and communicate to either an IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Access Point or Client.
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server is targeted for applications that have a need to be Wi-Fi
enabled with requirements of low power, single channel 802.11 b/g/n, industrial ready and ready
to go solution at a very competitive price.
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server is easy to integrate as Lantronix removes much of the design
headaches by providing a platform with proven reliability with most of the necessary certification
aspects taken care of and with very minimal software to develop.
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server supports the unique mode of simultaneous Soft Access Point
(Soft-AP) and Client. As a device server the device provides all the necessary functional
programmability and protocols to maintain an efficient and robust WLAN connection.
no additional code needed on MCU (Zero Host Load)
MAC address included
Little to no software integration needed
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server benefits from the many years of experience Lantronix has
with device servers, both wired and wireless. The xPico W1000 is easy to maintain. With
technical support available and failsafe firmware upgrades from a remote manager.
Key features of the xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server include:
Lantronix Feature-rich device server application suite
Wi-Fi Client
Soft AP with DHCP server
Lantronix QuickConnect,
Industrial Temperature Operation (-40° to +85° C)
Robust and reliable firmware upgradability
Web server
DHCP & DNS server in AP mode
Serial Tunnel
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 7
2: Hardware and Software Description
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT embedded device server is a complete solution (hardware and software).
This powerful device server comes with a connection manager, a reliable and proven operating
system stored in flash memory, an embedded web server, a full TCP/IP protocol stack, and
standards-based (AES) encryption.
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT software runs on an ARM Cortex M3 controller and has an IEEE 802.11
b/g/n radio. The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server communicates to the edge device through a
serial, SPI or USB interface. The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server runs on 3.3V, and has a built-in
voltage supervisory circuit that will trigger a reset if the supply voltage drops to unreliable levels.
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 8
3: Package Description and Mechanical Footprint
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server is available in two package options.
xPico W1002 and xPico W1003 Device Servers
The xPico W1002 and XPCW1003 device servers are both surface mount modules that has the
following dimensions and pad layout. The primary difference is the xPico W1003 module has an
increase in size to accommodate the on-module antennal. Both devices have the same
castellation and pad configuration and footprint.
Figure 1: xPico W1002 (XPC W1002) Embedded Device Server
Figure 2: xPico W1003 (XPC W1003) Embedded Device Server
The size and thickness of the xPico W1002 device server SMT module is without the on-module
antenna is (estimated) 26.1 mm (L) x 18.3 mm (W) x 4.0mm (H) +/- 0.1 mm (including shielding).
The PCB footprint is shown in Figure 34.
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 9
Figure 3: Mechanical Footprint for xPico W1002 (without On-Module Antenna) Device Server
Figure 4: Layout Footprint for xPico W1002 (without On-Module Antenna) Device Server
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 10
The size and thickness of the xPico W1003 device server SMT module, which is with the on-
module antenna, is (estimated) 31.1 mm (L) x 18.3 mm (W) x 4.0mm (H) +/- 0.1 mm (including
shielding). The footprint is shown in Figure 5 below.
Figure 5: Mechanical Footprint for xPico W1003 (with On-Module Antenna) Device Server
Figure 6: Layout Footprint for xPico W1003 (with On-Module Antenna) Device Server
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 11
xPico Wi-Fi SMT Package Pad Layout
Table 1 below contains the definition of the xPico Wi-Fi SMT pads and signals.
Table 1: xPico Wi-Fi SMT Package Pad Layout and Signals
PAD# xPico® Wi-
PAD# xPico® Wi-
PAD# xPico® Wi-
PAD# xPico® Wi-
14 CP7/SCK 15 CP8/CS 16 CP5
17 CP6
18 USB1+ 19 USB1- 20 GND
45 CP1
49 VCC
50 VCC 51 RESET# 52 RXD2
53 TXD2
54 CTS1 55 RTS1 56 RXD1
57 TXD1
58 GND 59 RF1_CTL 60 GND
61 GND
65 GND
69 GND
70 GND 71 GND 72 GND
73 GND
74 GND 75 GND 76 GND
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 12
Pin and Pad Definitions
Table 2 describes the xPico Wi-Fi interface signal definitions as used in the SMT modules. The
Signal Name column identifies the signal pin being described while the Description column
provides definitions of the signal pin depending upon the member of the xPico family being used.
Differentiating the signal pins is beneficial when using multiple xPico device types on a single
Table 2: xPico Wi-Fi Interface Signal Definitions:
Pad Number Signal Name Description Reset
Internal Pull-
up/Pull Down
1, 3, 5, 20, 23,
24, 27, 32, 35,
36, 58, 60, 61,
64, 65, 69, 70,
71, 72, 73, 74,
75, 76
GND Signal Ground
2 RF1 RF antenna pad
4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 21, 22, 25,
26, 28, 31, 33,
34, 46, 30, 29,
37, 38, 43, 44,
62, 63, 66, 67,
No Connect, Reserved for Future
Configurable GPIO / SPI Master
serial data input, SPI Slave serial
data output
Floating 30K to 50K 8mA
Configurable GPIO / SPI Master
serial data output, SPI Slave
serial data input
Floating 30K to 50K 8mA
14 CP7/SPI_CLK Configurable GPIO / SPI clock Input,
Floating 30K to 50K 8mA
15 CP8/SPI_CS Configurable I/O, multiplexed
with SPI interface Chip Select
Floating 30K to 50K 8 mA
16 CP5 Configurable GPIO Input,
Floating 30K to 50K 8mA
17 CP6 Configurable GPIO Input,
Floating 30K to 50K 8mA
18 USB1+ USB (Positive)
19 USB1- USB (Negative)
39 WAKE System Wake Up or Shutdown Input,
Floating 30K to 50K
Unit reset to default, active low.
Drive low to reset unit to default
Floating 30K to 50K
41 SYSTEM_LED System Status LED, Active High Input,
Floating 30K to 50K 8mA
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 13
Pad Number Signal Name Description Reset
Internal Pull-
up/Pull Down
Configurable GPIO / SPI interrupt
External Interrupt input
Floating 30K to 50K 8mA
45 CP1 GPIO Input,
Floating 30K to 50K 8mA
47 Wi-Fi LED LED function for WLAN Link
indication, Active Low
Floating 30K to 50K 8 mA
48, 49, 50 VCC 3.3V Power Input
51 RESET# Unit hardware reset, active low.
Drive low to reboot unit
Pull up 30K to 50K
52 RXD2 UART2 serial receive data input Input,
Floating 30K to 50K
53 TXD2 UART2 serial transmit data
Floating 30K to 50K 8mA
54 CTS1 UART1 clear to send Input,
Floating 30K to 50K
55 RTS1 UART1 serial ready to send
Floating 30K to 50K 8mA
56 RXD1 UART1 Serial receive data input Input,
Floating 30K to 50K
57 TXD1 UART1 serial transmit data
Floating 30K to 50K 8mA
59 RF1_CTL
Antenna Switch control. Pull low
to select an external antenna
connected to the RF1 pad (pin 2).
Note XPCW1002 only.
Pull up 100K
MSL Handling Instructions
1. Shelf life in sealed bag: 12 months at <40°C and <90% relative humidity (RH)
2. After this bag is opened, devices that will be subject to reflow solder or equivalent
processing (peak package body temperature of 250°C) must be:
a. Mounted within 168 hours at factory conditions of <30°C, 60% RH,
b. Stored at per J-STD-033
3. Devices require bake, before mounting, if:
a. Humidity Indicator Card reads >10% when read at 23°C +/- 5°C,
b. Condition 2a or 2b are not met
4. If baking is required, refer to IPC/JEDEC JSTD 033 for bake procedure. If the product is
baked, it shall be for 16 hours.
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 14
Reflow Profile Guideline
The reflow profile is dependent on many factors including flux selection, solder composition, and
the capability of user's reflow equipment.
USI does not recommend a specific reflow profile but provides the following general guidelines:
The solder composition typically sets the peak temperatures of the profile.
Recommend lead free solder pastes SAC305: Type 4, water soluble or no clean are
Reflow equipment needed at least nine heater zones. Recommend forced air type reflow
oven with Nitrogen.
It is recommended that the peak temperature at the solder joint be within 235°C ~ 245°C
and the maximum component temperature should not exceed 245°C.
It is recommended that time above 217°C for the solder joints is between 40-90s, and
with a minimum of 40s.
Excessive ramp/cooling rates (>3°C/s) should be avoided.
To develop the reflow profile, it is recommended that the user place thermocouples at
various locations on the assembly to confirm that all locations meet the profile
requirements. The critical locations are the solder joints of SiP Module.
When developing the reflow profile, it is recommended that the actual fully loaded
assembly be used to make sure that the total thermal mass is accounted for.
(1) Solder paste alloy: SAC305(Sn96.5/Ag3.0/Cu0.5)(Lead Free solder paste is recommended by USI.)
(2) A-B. Temp.(Pre-heat): 150~200; soak time:60~120sec.
(3) C. Peak temp: <245
(4) D. Time above 217 : 40~90sec.
(5) Suggestion: Optimal cooling rate is <1/sec. from peak to 217 .
(6) Nine heater zones at least for Reflow equipment.
(7) Nitrogen usage is recommended and the oxygen concentration is controlled less than 1500 ppm.
Note: Need to inspect solder joint by X-ray post reflow.
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 15
4: Host Interfaces
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server offers a number of industry common interfaces to allow for
easy connectivity to the module. These include UART for asynchronous serial communication,
serial peripheral interface, for synchronous formatted data and USB host interface.
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server supports two UART interfaces (UART1, UART2)
Both UARTs support asynchronous data rate up to 921 Kbps, with Odd/Even parity, and
1 & 2 stop bits
Software flow control (XON, XOFF) for both UART1 and UART2
Modem control (DTR, DCD) pins for UART1 only. Enabled by device configuration as
pins are shared with configurable pins (CPs)
Operational mode as a DTE device
UART1 supports TX, RX, RTS, CTS (hardware flow control)
UART2 supports TX, RX functions only. Hardware flow control is supported by using
software controlled configurable pins.
Table 3: xPico UART Signal Definitions
Signal SMT Pin Description
TXD1 57 Serial Port 1 Transmit Data output
RXD1 56 Serial Port 1 Receive Data Input
RTS1 55 Serial Port 1 Ready-to-Send/ Serial Transmit Enable
CTS1 54 Serial Port 1 Clear to Send
TXD2 53 Serial Port 2 Transmit Data output
RXD2 52 Serial Port 2 Receive Data Input
RTS2 * Serial Port 2 Ready-to-Send/ Serial Transmit Enable
CTS2 * Serial Port 2 Clear to Send
*. Note: Serial Port 2 Flow Control uses Configurable Pins, which can be shared with other functions. Refer
to the xPico Wi-Fi Embedded Device Server User Guide for more information.
Note: For xPico Wi-Fi 5V tolerant pins, in order to sustain a voltage higher than Vcc+0.3,
the internal pull-up/pull-down resistors must be disabled. Refer to the xPico Integration
Guide for more detail.
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 16
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server has available a slave/master SPI interface that can be
clocked at 30MHz. The SPI is multiplexed with five configurable GPIO pins and is managed by
configuration at system initialization.
Five Wire Interface consisting of Serial In, Serial Out, Chip Select, Serial Clock and
Configurable Master and Slave mode
Table 4: xPico W1001 UART Signal Definitions
Signal SMT Pin Description
SPI_INT 42 SPI interrupt External Interrupt input
SPI_CLK 14 SPI clock
MISO 12 SPI Master serial data input, SPI Slave serial data output
MOSI 13 SPI Master serial data output, SPI Slave serial data input
SPI_CS 15 SPI Chip Select
Note: For xPico Wi-Fi 5V tolerant pins, in order to sustain a voltage higher than Vcc+0.3,
the internal pull-up/pull-down resistors must be disabled. Refer to the xPico Integration
Guide for more detail.
Figure 8 shows the relative timings on the SPI interface of the xPico Wi-Fi module.
Figure 7: SPI Timing Diagram - Slave Mode
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 17
Figure 8: SPI Timing Diagram Master Mode
See the xPico Wi-Fi Embedded Device Server User Guide for information on how to configure
and use the SPI interface and its modes.
SPI Interface Characteristics
Unless otherwise specified, the parameters given in the table below for SPI are derived from tests
performed under the ambient temperature of +25C, and VCC = 3.3V.
Table 5: SPI Characteristic
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
SPI clock
Master mode - 30 MHz
Slave mode - 30
SPI clock rise and
fall time
Capacitive load:
C=30pF 8 Ns
DuCy(SCK) SPI slave input
clock duty cycle Slave mode 30 70 %
tsu(NSS) (2) NSS setup time Slave mode 4tPCLK -
th(NSS) (2) NSS Hold time Slave mode 2tPCLK -
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 18
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
tw(SCLH) (2)
tw(SCLL) (2)
SCK high and low
Master mode,
fPCLK=30 MHz,
tSU(MI) (2)
tSU(SI) (2)
Data input setup
Master mode 5 -
Slave mode 5 -
th(MI) (2)
th(SI) (2)
Data input hold
Master mode 5 -
Slave mode 4 -
ta(SO) (2) (3) Data output
access time
Slave mode,
fPCLK=20 MHz, 0 3tPCLK
tdls(SO) (2) (4) Data output
disable time Slave mode 2 10
tv(SO) (2) (1) Data output valid
Slave mode (after
enable edge)
- 25
tv(MO) (2) (1) Data output valid
Master mode (after
enable edge)
- 5
th(SO) (2) Data output hold
Slave mode (after
enable edge) 15 -
th(MO) (2) Master mode (after
enable edge) 2 -
1. Remapped SPI1 characteristics to be determined.
2. Based on characterization, not tested in production.
3. Min. time is for the minimum time to drive the output and the max time is for the maximum time to put
data in Hi-Z.
4. Min time is for the minimum time to invalidate the output and the max time is for the maximum time to put
the data in Hi-Z.
USB Device
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server has one certified USB 2.0 Full Speed (12MHz) Device port
interface for connection to an upstream USB device. The port uses an integrated PHY and
provides a differential pair, signals DDP and DDM.
Support for USB CDC/ACM Serial profile2 which will have the xPico Wi-Fi module
appear as a CDC/ACM device enumerated as a virtual COM port.
Table 6: xPico USB Signal Definitions
Signal SMT Pin Description
USB1+ 18 USB1 Device Port Positive Pin
USB1- 19 USB1 Device Port Negative Pin
2 Available in a future software release.
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 19
Configurable General Purpose I/O Pins (GPIO)
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server provides up to eight configurable General Purpose
Input/Output (GPIO) pins. Certain of the GPIOs are multiplexed with other interface functions
(e.g. SPI). Mapping of these functions to CPs will be driven via configuration and applied at
system initialization.
Each CP can be configured as a general purpose input, general purpose output, microcontroller
peripheral block or a soft function (e.g. modem control). These pins are 3.3V CMOS logic level
and 5V input tolerant. For more information on how to use, configure and manage the utilization
of the available GPIO please refer to the section on Configurable Pins in the xPico Wi-Fi
Embedded Device Server User Guide.
Note: For xPico Wi-Fi 5V tolerant pins, in order to sustain a voltage higher than Vcc+0.3,
the internal pull-up/pull-down resistors must be disabled. Refer to the xPico Integration
Guide for more detail.
Table 7: xPico GPIO Signal Definitions
Signal SMT Pin Description
CP1 45 Configurable I/O
CP2 42 Configurable I/O-SPI interrupt input
CP3 12 Configurable I/O- SPI MISO
CP4 13 Configurable I/O-SPI
CP5 16 Configurable I/O
CP6 17 Configurable I/O
CP7 14 Configurable I/O-SPI Clock
CP8 15 Configurable I/O-SPI Chip Select
System Pins
The following system pins are available in the product
Table 8: xPico System Signal Definitions
Signal SMT Pin Description
LED function for WLAN Link indication, Active Low. This signal is
intended to drive an external LED. The blink patterns of the LED
denote various WLAN states.
System Status LED, Active High. This signal is intended to drive an
external LED. The blink patterns of the LED denote various system
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 20
Reset Pins
xPico Wi-Fi device server has two signals that can be used as reset signals.
Table 9: xPico Reset Signal Definitions
Signal Name SMT
Pin Description
Unit reset to default, active low.
While device is running, drive low for greater than 6 seconds, then
release to reset unit to factory defaults.
While device is held in reset(EXT_RESET# low), drive low, release reset
to boot device with Line 1 CLI default settings (original configuration is
preserved), then release DEFAULT# after CLI session is established.
Unit hardware reset, active low.
Assert low for a minimum of 50ms to reboot unit. Signal may be left
Toggle signal from low to high can wake device from Sleep or Standby
mode. Hold low to allow device to enter Sleep or Standby mode. Subject
to configuration settings. Signal may be left floating.
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 21
5: Power, Reset, Wake, and Default Timing
Figure 9: Timing Requirements for VCC, Reset, Default and Wake below shows the timing
requirement for VCC, RESET#, DEFAULT#, and WAKE.
Figure 9: Timing Requirements for VCC, Reset, Default and Wake
Table 10 below lists the various power sequence timing requirements.
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 22
Table 10: Power Sequence Timing Requirements
Parameter Description Minimum Maximum Unit
Tpu Time for VCC to reach 90% of its maximum
value 20 us/V
Tpor Time from VCC to reach 90% of its maximum
value and de-assertion of external reset. Note
RESET# can be left floating if unused
0 S
Treboot Recommended reset pulse for system reboot 300 ns
Tpup2dflt Time from VCC power up to DEFAULT#
assertion. Note DEFAULT# can be left floating
if unused.
0 ns
Tdefault Assertion time for DEFAULT# to unit reset to
default and reboot 6 S
Twake Wake pulse width. Note wakeup is triggered
on the rising edge. Note, WAKE signal may be
left floating if unused.
1 us
Twakeup Time from rising edge of WAKE signal to
system up TBD
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 23
6: Module Specifications
The following sections provide the specification and performance attributes of the xPico Wi-Fi
SMT device server module.
IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Specifications
Table 11 shows the specifications for the xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server IEEE 802.11 radio.
Table 11: xPico Wi-Fi Device Server Radio Specification
Feature Description
Frequency Band 2.412 2.484 GHz (Channels 1 14)
Supported Data Rates 802.11n: 6.5, 13, 19.5, 26, 39, 52, 58.5, 65 Mbps
802.11g: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps
802.11b: 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps
Modulation OFDM with BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM
801.11b with CCK and DSSS
Preamble Modes Long, Short, HT (800 ns) modes
802.11 MAC Features A-MPDU (Tx/Rx), WMM-PS, PSMP, Multiphase PSMP, Block Ack policy,
AES (CCMP), TKIP, WEP 64/128-bit, WPA, WPA2
802.11 PHY Features 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n (Single-Stream)
STBC Reception for extended range and higher throughput
Greenfield mode (Tx/Rx)
802.11 modes b/d/g/h/i/j/k/n/w/r
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 24
7: Antenna Connection Options
The xPico W1002 embedded device server supports wireless connectivity via the u.fl connector
on the module and one RF SMT pad for external PCB antenna connection.
The xPico W1003 embedded device server offers an on-module ceramic chip antenna option
only. The xPico W1003 module does not have the u.fl option or RF SMT pad for an external PCB
antenna connection. xPico Wi-Fi SMT device servers are certified using the antennas listed in
Table 12 and Table 13 below.
Refer to the compliance section below for certification requirements related to antenna selection.
Table 12: xPico Wi-Fi SMT Device Server External Antenna Options
Antenna Type Peak Gain Typical Vendor Vendor
Part Number
Swivel type antenna, with RP-SMA(M)
2 dBi, 2.4 GHz to 2.5 GHz Wanshih WSS002
PCB Strip Antenna with 50mm cable
to U.FL connector
With tape backing
1.5-2.5 dBi 2.4 GHz to 2.5 GHz Ethertronics 1001077
Table 13: xPico Wi-Fi SMT Device Server On-Module Antenna
Antenna Type Peak Gain Typical
On module ceramic chip antenna 2.5 dBi 2.4Ghz to 2.5Ghz
The xPico W1002 module provides an RF Pad/external trace option to solder a custom antenna
to the device. The xPico Integration Guide provides guidelines on how to connect an external
antenna to the device through a RF PCB trace transmission line. The integration guide also
provides a reference design. The RF signal is available on RF1, pin 2, when RF_CTL, pin 59, is
pulled low with a low ohm resistor.
Note: The xPico Wi-Fi SMT module has been certified with the on module chip antenna
and the antennas listed above connected to the on module U.FL connector. Use of
antenna connections to RF1, pin 2, may require re-certification.
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 25
8: General Technical Data
Table 14: General Technical Data
Category Description
Firmware OTA Upgradable
Internal Web Server Serves Web Pages
Storage Capacity: 512 KB
Weight 2.6 grams (xPico W1002 embedded device server)
2.75 grams (xPico W1003 embedded device server)
Material Metal Shell
Temperature Operating Range: -40°C to +85°C (-40°F to +185°F)
Storage Range: 40°C to +85°C (-40°F to +185°F)
Relative Humidity Operating: 5% to 85% no- condensing
Shock/Vibration Non-operational Shock: 500 g’s. Non-operational vibration: 20 g’s.
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 26
9: Electrical Characteristics
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Table 15 shows the maximum rating as specified for the xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server module.
Table 15: Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Min Max Units
Supply Power VCC -0.3 3.6 V DC
Operating Temperature - 40 85
Storage Temperature - 40 85
Recommended Operating Conditions
Table 16 specifies the recommended operation conditions and Parameters for optimum
performance of the xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server module.
Table 16: Recommended Operating Conditions for xPico Wi-Fi Module
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units
Voltage VCC 3.0 3.3 3.6 V DC
Supply Voltage Ripple VCC pp ± 2%
Operating Temperature Ta -20 +70
Extended Operating Temperature ** Ta -40 +85
Humidity (non-condensing, relative) 85 %
Dynamic Power Management Modes
Table 17 below describes the four Power Management modes for the xPIco Wi-Fi SMT device
server, along with their typical and maximum current consumption values. The xPico Wi-Fi SMT
device server supports three modes within its Dynamic Power Management Framework. Power-
up, Sleep and Standby Modes. Refer to page 34 for further information.
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 27
Table 17: xPico Wi-Fi Power Management Modes
(Preliminary Data Based upon Test Modes)
Parameter Symbol Min Typical Max Units
AP mode enabled, WLAN0 connected to AP with
ping. (Average current). ICC 90 mA
AP mode enabled WLAN0 disabled. (Average
current) ICC 90 mA
Transmit surge current @ 16.5dBm, 802.11b,
11Mbps ICC 330 380 mA
Transmit surge current @ 15dBm, 802.11g,
6Mbps ICC 300 345 mA
Transmit surge current @ 13dBm, 802.11g,
54Mbps ICC 255 295 mA
Transmit surge current @ 14.5dBm, 802.11n,
MCS0 ICC 290 335 mA
Transmit surge current @ 12dBm, 802.11n,
MCS7 ICC 230 265 mA
AP mode enabled, WLAN0 connected to AP with
921Kbaud bi-directional serial traffic. (Average
ICC 139 mA
WLAN0 power management enabled and
connected to AP with no traffic , AP mode
disabled (Average current)
ICC 36 mA
WLAN0 power management enabled and
connected to AP with bi-directional tunnel stream
, AP mode disabled (Average current)
ICC 76 mA
CPU Idle, RAM Contents Valid, Peripherals On,
STA mode connected to AP (PS-POLL active).
(Average current)
ICC 13.5 mA
Sleep Mode; CPU Sleep, RAM Contents Valid,
Most peripherals ON, Radio Deep Sleep
(disconnected from AP). (Average current)
ICC 3 mA
Standby Mode @ +25°C (Average current)
Standby Mode CPU Off, Radio Deep Sleep no
association to AP, RTC Wake only. (Average
ICC 6 uA
Standby Mode @ +85°C
Standby Mode CPU Off, Radio Deep Sleep no
association to AP, RTC Wake only. (Average
ICC 12 μA
Standby Mode @ -40°C
Standby Mode CPU Off, Radio Deep Sleep no
association to AP, RTC Wake only. (Average
ICC 5 μA
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 28
Wake to Ping Response Timing
Figure 10 shows the xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server current from initial power up to unit ping
Response time is typically 4 seconds. This includes all the start-up phases including network
reconnection, receiving a ping and responding.
Figure 10: xPico Wi-Fi Current from WAKE from Standby to Ping Response (Preliminary)
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 29
Output Power
xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server module RF output power is listed in the Table 18 below.
Table 18: RF Output Power (Preliminary)
Characteristics TYP. Criteria Unit
RF Average Output Power, 802.11b CCK Mode
1 Mbps 16.5 ± 1.5 dBm
11 Mbps 16.5 ±1.5 dBm
RF Average Output Power, 802.11g OFDM Mode
6 Mbps 15 ± 1.5 dBm
54 Mbps 13 ± 1.5 dBm
RF Average Output Power, 802.11n OFDM Mode
MCS0 14.5 ± 1.5 dBm
MCS7 12 ± 1.5 dBm
xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server TX EVM follow the IEEE specification listed in Table 19 below.
Table 19: xPico Wi-Fi EVM
Characteristics EVM Value Unit
RF Average Output EVM (11b)
1 Mbps -10 dB
11 Mbps -10 dB
RF Average Output EVM (11g)
6 Mbps -5 dB
54 Mbps -25 dB
RF Average Output EVM (11n)
MCS0 -5 dB
MCS7 -28 dB
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 30
Receive Sensitivity
xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server module Rx sensitivity is listed in Table 20 below.
Table 20: xPico Wi-Fi Device Server Module Rx Sensitivity
Receiver Characteristics Minimum TYP.
PER <8%, Rx Sensitivity @ 1 Mbps -89 -93
PER <8%, Rx Sensitivity @ 11 Mbps -84 -88
PER <10%, Rx Sensitivity @ 6 Mbps -83 -87
PER <10%, Rx Sensitivity @ 54 Mbps -70 -74
PER <10%, Rx Sensitivity @ MCS0 -83 -87
PER <10%, Rx Sensitivity @ MCS7 -67 -71
DC Characteristics Digital I/O Signals
Table 21: xPico Wi-Fi SMT Device Server DC Characteristics
Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typ Maximum Unit
Standard IO input
low level voltage
0.28 (
 2)
+ 0.8
IO FT (1) input
high level voltage -0.3
0.32 (
 2)
+ 0.75
VIH Standard IO input
low level voltage
0.41 (
 2)
+ 1.3
 + 0.3 )
IO FT (1) input
high level voltage
 > 2 )
0.42 (
+ 1.0
 2 )
Standard IO
Schmitt trigger
IO FT Schmitt
trigger voltage
5% VDD (3)
Ilkg Input leakage
current (4)
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 31
Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typ Maximum Unit
VIN=5 V, I/O
FT 3
Weak pull-up
equivalent resistor
VIN=VSS 30 40 50
Weak pull-down
equivalent resistor
VIN=VDD 30 40 50
CIO I/O pin capacitance 5 pF
FT = Five-volt tolerant. In order to sustain a voltage higher than VDD+0.3 the internal pullup/ pull-down
resistors must be disabled.
Hysteresis voltage between Schmitt trigger switching levels. Based on characterization, not tested in
With a minimum of 100 mV.
Leakage could be higher than max. if negative current is injected on adjacent pins.
Pull-up and pull-down resistors are designed with a true resistance in series with a switchable
PMOS/NMOS. This MOS/NMOS contribution to the series resistance is minimum (~10% order).
Flash Memory
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server comes with the following memory profile:
MCU Embedded Flash Memory
The MCU embeds a 1Mbyte Flash memory. It is used to store the boot loader, production
configuration data and program/firmware.
The firmware and production configuration data are programmed via the Firmware Upgrade
Additional SPI Flash
There is a separate on-module 1MByte SPI flash to extend the storage capacity. It is used as a
file system store for customer files for serving via HTTP, logging files and for storing the firmware
upgrade/recovery application.
The features of the SPI Flash are as follows:
100,000 erase/program cycles (typical)
20 years data retention
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 32
10: Software Features
Software Architecture Overview
The following represents the functional block diagram and architecture of the Lantronix xPico Wi-
Fi SMT family of embedded device servers.
The following features are provided with the xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server software.
Soft AP Mode w/ DHCP Server
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server has the ability of allowing up to four Wi-Fi clients to connect
to a Soft Access Point in a simple and standard manner. The SoftAP also includes a DNS to
allow access to pages served by the on device web server.
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 33
Simultaneous Client and AP interfaces
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server has the ability to operate as Wi-Fi Client and provide a Soft
Access Point mode both at the same time. This allows the device to communicate to a network
access point, while simultaneously allowing up to four other clients to connect to it.
Service personnel do not need to determine the credentials of the network in which their product
is deployed in order to wireless gain access to the service interface on the product. Device
communication is maintained across both the AP and client interface without interruption.
WLAN Connection Management
Managing connectivity to wireless networks, retrying on lost connections, ensuring IP level
connectivity is maintained, working across re-configurations are all tasks that the WLAN
Connection Manager handles out of the box.
Combined with other features such as WLAN QuickConnect and WLAN Profiles, a robust and full
featured WLAN connection manager reduces connection downtime, enables quicker deployment
and eliminates the complicated state management that has to be implemented on connected
microcontrollers/devices to support such functionality.
WLAN QuickConnect
WLAN QuickConnect allows users to add setup/provision the wireless network configuration for
the WLAN client interface quickly by presenting an intuitive workflow and user interface that is
familiar to Smartphone users. It also simplifies the process of connecting to legacy wireless
networks that use WEP security via the EasyWEP capabilities built into QuickConnect and the
WLAN Connection Manager.
WLAN Profiles
In many scenarios, it is essential to store and connect automatically to one of multiple wireless
networks available. WLAN Profiles makes it easy to configure and store the settings associated
with these multiple networks.
Together with WLAN QuickConnect and the bulk configuration via XML, it makes the provisioning
process very straightforward.
Lantronix Serial to Wi-Fi Tunneling Application
Lantronix offers multiple modes for connected device data acquisition and control. Depending on
the nature of the application running on the connected microcontroller, these modes offer a
flexible and robust out-of-the-box solution that has been deployed across millions of units.
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server also support the ability to enable AES encryption of the users
TCP data for both Accept and Connect Tunnel Modes.
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 34
Transparent Tunneling Mode
Legacy applications running on microcontrollers that cannot be modified or where the
requirements for data communication are simple, Transparent Tunnel mode provides a rich set of
configuration options and knobs to manage the connection management, data framing and
transfer process to suit many application protocol requirements.
The various features of transparent tunnel mode are:
Accept Mode (Server mode for incoming connections)
Connect Mode (Client mode for outbound connections)
Triggered Connect Modes
Hostlist Mode* (Multiple virtual serial session connectivitiy)
Disconnect Mode (Session teardown options)
Data Framing/Packetizing Options
Session Establishment and Teardown trigger actions
Choice of TCP, UDP*, TCP-AES, UDP-AES* encapsulation protocol
Modem Emulation Mode
Modem Emulation Mode supports the more traditional AT-command driven interface for
microcontrollers that can support interactive connection control and would like to switch between
control interface and data interface on demand.
It increases the overall state management complexity on the connected microcontroller compared
to Transparent Tunnel mode, but can be helpful where knowledge and usage of AT commands
(even though more complicated) is absolutely necessary
AES Security
The xPico Wi-Fi embedded device server supports the use of 256-bit AES encryption in order to
provide security protection of the User Data. Tunneling Security for TCP AES is enabled for both
Accept and Connect Tunnel configurations.
Application Aware Power Management Framework
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server is intended to be used in products that require or are
sensitive to the amount of power they consume, for example battery powered applications.
Consequently the power management framework for the xPico Wi-Fi embedded device server is
intended to provide a framework that users can manage their device power consumption
dependent upon their needs and requirements.
The framework offers application aware power modes that allow the user to choose the method
that meets their needs for a compromise between power consumption and the time to respond,
wake up and reacquire connectivity. It is generally accepted that the lowest power consuming
mode results in a longer response time from the power saving state to being fully active and
connected. The power management framework includes the ability to be managed by using a
dedicated Wake-Up System Pin.
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 35
The Power Management Framework consists of three modes of operation.
1. Power Up Mode
2. Sleep Mode
3. Standby Mode
Power Up Mode
This is the only mode available if the Access Point is enabled or if none of the other Power
Saving modes are enabled for the WLAN interface. Even in the Fully Active mode, the xPico Wi-
Fi embedded device server provides some form of power savings capability. The xPico Wi-Fi
module supports “ps-poll” capability where a STA makes an initial association with an access
point, it negotiates and informs of its ability of going into a low power mode and what that low
power duration is. The Access Point must be capable of supporting the standard capabilities of
Traffic Indication Map (TIM) and Power Save Poll (ps-poll). The xPico Wi-Fi module automatically
manages this capability in the Fully Active Mode.
Sleep Mode
Sleep mode causes the xPico Wi-Fi device to power down the Wi-Fi radio and system clocks
while preserving the system state. This mode offers a compromise of power versus wake
response time for those applications that need reduced power consumption with a speedy wake
up and connection reacquisition response time.
Standby Mode
Standby mode of operation provides the lowest power consumption. In this mode the xPico Wi-Fi
has the only the RTC operating and the system runtime state is not preserved. This mode has the
longest wake up response time, since the system state has to be reinitialized and connections
Flexible Configuration Management Framework
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server provides a unified framework in how the device can be
controlled, configured and managed. For full details refer to the xPico Wi-Fi Embedded Device
Server User Guide.
XML Import and Export
Save/Restore configuration on Flash
Reset to Defaults Command and Hardware Pin
OEM Configuration Management
TLOG Display and Syslog Redirection
Web Page Customization
The xPico Wi-Fi embedded device server includes an embedded Web Server. This Web Server
provides the user a browser based configuration tool. The unit’s configuration is stored in
nonvolatile memory and is retained without power.
The Web Server has the ability to support the use of a custom landing page, which can take precedence
over the default home page. The pages can be modified to suit a customer’s need in regard changing
Logos, Background and Color Scheme, visible menus and options. Custom pages are supported with
data being capable of being sent or received to a connected host device.
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 36
SNTP Client
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server provides support for Simple Network Timing Protocol. This
easy to configure integrated Client allows the user to be always be synchronized to Internet time.
Time can be synchronized either by using XML on the serial port or by using WebAPI.
Lantronix Application Toolbox for IoT solutions
Lantronix Application Toolbox for IoT solutions (LATIS) is an architecture that uses application
tools to support a easy to use “Customization by configuration” paradigm. An on device
Application Server facilitates the simple interfacing of network interfaces/Web server to Host
processor/Client with a common database/cache.
LATIS enables the user to create application specific customization of the end user product
without the need to use an SDK or write software.
Custom user Data from a Web Page can be stored and used via the on device FLASH File
system. Changes to data can initiate an interrupt that notifies a connected device to fetch the
updated data.
Serial Multiplexer
As an interface serial ports tend to be used as a dedicated data channel between two points. With
data generally being asynchronous with a simple characterformat that indicates the start and
stop and sometimes error checking. With the xPico Wi-Fi embedded device server there is a
need to establish multiple data channels in order to support multiple applications simultaneously.
This requires the need to create a protocol that supports the differentiation of data.
The xPico Wi-Fi embedded device server provides a “Mux” Line Protocol for the serial Line to
manage and transfer data on multiple connections without requiring custom software on the
device. A host processor that is connected to the device via the serial Line sees a simple
command/response interface. There are no intentional delays required in the normal handshake.
Over-The-Air Updates
xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server provides a robust and secure method for the updating of device
firmware over the internet. This update process uses the existing WLAN configuration and
preserves the user configuration and profiles.
Using the embedded web interface makes the update process simple and is user friendly. For a
more scripted and automated method the same updates can be done via the WebAPI.
Lantronix Query Port
The xPico Wi-Fi embedded device server supports the Lantronix query Port discovery service.
Query Port is a Lantronix proprietary protocol which implements a simple protocol on port 0x7FFE
(30718). This service can be used by the Lantronix network tools such as Device Installer or
ComPort Redirector.
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 37
11: Product Information Label
The product information label contains important information about your specific unit, such as its
part number, revision, manufacturing date code, product model, country of origin, datamatrix
barcode and MAC address.
Figure 11: xPico Wi-Fi Label
The xPico Wi-FI SMT embedded device server uses the Datamatrix ECC200 barcode standard.
The field definitions are as follows
Field Description Example
V1 Barcode format revision 1
C1 Field count. 6
P1 Part number of the module XPCW1003100
R1 Revision of the module A11
D1 Manufacturing Datecode of the module 14W20
L1 Country and Factory ID# of who manufactured
the module
S1 Serial number 0080A3980404
M1 MAC address 0080A3980404
E1 End of Barcode
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 38
12: Warranty
The xPico Wi-Fi SMT device server comes with an industry best 5-year Warranty. For more
details on the Lantronix warranty replacement policy, please go to our web site at
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 39
13: Evaluation Kit
An xPico Wi-Fi device server evaluation kit is available to provide a simple, quick and cost
effective way to evaluate the xPico Wi-Fi device server. Use the evaluation kit to integrate the
device into to your product design and find out how simple, easy it is to get started.
In order to evaluate the xPico Wi-Fi SMT embedded device server Lantronix provides two
evaluation kits:
The XPCW1003100K, is a single board with the xPico Wi-Fi W1003 module mounted.
This allows the simple use of the device and using the on module antenna version. The
Board includes the necessary keep out areas, so performance and positioning can be
The second option is the XPCW1002100K, which is a bundle of an evaluation board plus
the xPico Wi-Fi W1002 module on a carrier board. This system mounts the carrier board
onto a 40-pin Hirose connector (same as used for the xPIco Wi-Fi B2B connector
Expansion Boards
The xPico Wi-Fi XPW1001 embedded device server is also available as an expansion board for
several popular microprocessor development and prototype platforms. Please see the list below
for general information or refer to the xPico Wi-Fi product web pages at
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 40
14: Compliance
xPico Wi-Fi and xPico Wi-Fi SMT compliance information can be found in the
xPico Wi-Fi Embedded Device Server User Guide. Visit the Lantronix Web site at
https://www.lantronix.com/support/documentation for the latest Lantronix documentation.
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 41
15: Ordering Information
Part Number Description
XPCW1002100B xPico Wi-Fi Device Server, SMT, without on-module antenna, Bulk, MOQ 200
XPCW1002100S xPico Wi-Fi Device Server, SMT, without on-module antenna, Sample
XPCW1003100B xPico Wi-Fi Device Server, SMT, with on-module antenna, Bulk, MOQ 200
XPCW1003100S xPico Wi-Fi Device Server, SMT, with on-module antenna, Sample
Evaluation and Expansion Boards
XPCW1002100K Evaluation kit including xPico Wi-Fi W1002 module on carrier board, power
supply, PCB Strip antenna and whip antenna
XPCW1003100K Evaluation kit including xPico Wi-Fi W1003 module, power supply
XPW100A003-01 PCB Strip Antenna
Packout Materials
REEL, PS, Black, 330*100*24 mm
xPico® Wi-Fi® SMT Embedded Device Server Datasheet 42
Carrier Tape, 18.3*26.1*3.02
Contact Information
For details contact your local Lantronix representative or Lantronix directly:
Asia Pacific Region via e-mail at AsiaPacific_sales@lantronix.com
Europe via e-mail at eu_sales@lantronix.com
Japan via e-mail at japan_sales@lantronix.com
United States via e-mail at sales@lantronix.com or call OEM sales support at
© 2015 Lantronix, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form or by any means
without the written permission of Lantronix. Lantronix and xPico are registered trademarks of Lantronix, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance Corporation. Patented: patents.lantronix.com; Additional patents pending.