Direct RDRAM
288- M bi t (512kx18x32s)
Data Sheet 44 6.00
3.6. Write DEVID Register – The DEVID (device identification) register of each RDRAM is
written with a unique address value so that directed memory read and write transactions
can be performed. This address value increases from 0 to 31. The DEVID value is not
necessarily the same as the SDEVID v alue. RDRAMs are sorted into regions of the same
core configuration (number of bank, row, and column address bits and core type).
3.7. Write PDNX,PDNXA Registers – The PD NX and PDNXA registers are writ ten with values
that are used to measure the timing intervals connected with an exit from the PDN
(powerdown) power state.
3.8. Write NAPX Reg ister – The NAPX register is written with values that are used to measure
the timing intervals connected with an exit from the NAP power state.
3.9. Write TPARM R egister – The TPARM register is w ritten with values which determine the
time interval betw een a COL packet with a memory read command and the Q pac ket with
the read data on the Channel. T he values written set each RDRAM to the minimum value
permitted for the system. This will be adjusted later in s tage 6.0.
3.10. Write TCDLY1 Register – The TCDLY1 register is written with values which determine the
time interval betw een a COL packet with a memory read command and the Q pac ket with
the read data on the Channel. T he values written set each RDRAM to the minimum value
permitted for the system. This will be adjusted later in s tage 6.0.
3.11. Write TFRM Register – The T FRM register is w ritten with a value that is related to the tRCD
parameter for the sy stem. The tRCD parameter is the time interval between a ROW packet
with an act ivate command and the COL packet with a read or write command.
3.12. 3.12 SETR/CLRR – Each RDRAM is given a SETR command and a CLRR command
through the SIO block. T his sequence performs a second reset operation on the RDRAMs.
3.13. Write CCA and CCB Registers - These registers are written with a value halfway between
their minimum and maximum values. T his s hortens the time needed for the RDRAMs to
reach their st eady-state current control values in s tage 5.0.
3.14. Powerdown Exit – The RDRAMs are in the PDN power state at this point. A broadcast
PDNExit command is performed by the SIO block to place the RDRAMs in the RLX (relax)
power state in which they are ready to receive ROW packets.
3.15. SETF - Each RDRAM is given a SETF command through the SIO block. One of the
operations performed by this step is to generate a value for the AS (autoskip) bit in the SKIP
register and fix the RDRAM to a particular read domain.
4. Controller Confi gurati on – This stage initializes the controller block. Each step of this stage will
set a field of the ConfigRMC[63:0] bus to the appropriate value. Other controller implementations
will have similar initialization requirements, and this stage may be used as a guide.
4.1. Initial Read Data Offset – The ConfigRMC bus is written w ith a value which determines
the time interval bet ween a COL packet with a memory read command and the Q packet
with the read data on the Channel. The value written sets RMC.d1 to the minimum value
permitted for the system. This will be adjusted later in s tage 6.0.
4.2. Configure Row/Column Timing – This step determines the values of the tRAS,MIN, tRP,MIN,
tRC,MIN, tRCD,MIN, tRR,MIN, and tPP,MIN RDRAM timing parameters that are present in the
system. The ConfigRMC bus is written with values that will be compatible with all RDRAM
devices that are present.
4.3. Set Refresh Interval – This step determines the values of the tREF,MAX RDRAM timing
parameter that are present in the system. The ConfigRMC bus is written with a value that
will be c ompatible with all RDRAM devices that are present.