ADM1067 Data Sheet
Rev. E | Page 26 of 31
The device also has several identification registers (read-only)
that can be read across the SMBus. Table 11 lists these registers
with their values and functions.
Table 11. Identification Register Values and Functions
Name Address Value Function
MANID 0xF4 0x41 Manufacturer ID for Analog
REVID 0xF5 0x02 Silicon revision
MARK1 0xF6 0x00 Software brand
MARK2 0xF7 0x00 Software brand
General SMBus Timing
Figure 30, Figure 31, and Figure 32 are timing diagrams for
general read and write operations using the SMBus. The SMBus
specification defines specific conditions for different types of read
and write operations, which are discussed in the Write Operations
and Read Operations sections.
The general SMBus protocol operates as follows:
Step 1
The master initiates data transfer by establishing a start condition,
defined as a high-to-low transition on the serial data (SDA) line,
while the serial clock line (SCL) remains high. This indicates that
a data stream follows. All slave peripherals connected to the serial
bus respond to the start condition and shift in the next eight bits,
consisting of a 7-bit slave address (MSB first) plus an R/W bit.
This bit determines the direction of the data transfer, that is,
whether data is written to or read from the slave device (0 = write,
1 = read).
The peripheral whose address corresponds to the transmitted
address responds by pulling the data line low during the low
period before the ninth clock pulse, known as the acknowledge
bit, and by holding it low during the high period of this clock
All other devices on the bus remain idle while the selected device
waits for data to be read from or written to it. If the R/W bit is a 0,
the master writes to the slave device. If the R/W bit is a 1, the
master reads from the slave device.
Step 2
Data is sent over the serial bus in sequences of nine clock pulses:
eight bits of data followed by an acknowledge bit from the slave
device. Data transitions on the data line must occur during the
low period of the clock signal and remain stable during the high
period because a low-to-high transition when the clock is high
could be interpreted as a stop signal. If the operation is a write
operation, the first data byte after the slave address is a command
byte. This command byte tells the slave device what to expect
next. It may be an instruction telling the slave device to expect
a block write, or it may be a register address that tells the slave
where subsequent data is to be written. Because data can flow in
only one direction, as defined by the R/W bit, sending a command
to a slave device during a read operation is not possible. Before
a read operation, it may be necessary to perform a write operation
to tell the slave what sort of read operation to expect and/or the
address from which data is to be read.
Step 3
When all data bytes have been read or written, stop conditions
are established. In write mode, the master pulls the data line high
during the 10th clock pulse to assert a stop condition. In read
mode, the master device releases the SDA line during the low
period before the ninth clock pulse, but the slave device does not
pull it low. This is known as a no acknowledge. The master then
takes the data line low during the low period before the 10th clock
pulse and then high during the 10th clock pulse to assert a stop
SCL Held Low Timeout
If the bus master holds the SCL low for a time that is a multiple
of approximately 30 ms, the ADM1067 bus interface may timeout.
If this timeout happens, the in progress transaction is NACKed,
and the transaction must be repeated. This behavior is only seen
if the I2C bus master is interrupted midtransaction by a higher
priority task that delays completion of the transaction.
False Start Detection
The data hold time specification defines the time that data must
be valid on the SDA line, following an SCL falling edge. If there
are multiple ADM1067 devices on the same bus, one of the
ADM1067 devices may see the SCL/SDA transition due to an
acknowledge (ACK) from a different device as a start condition
because of internal timing skew, which for most transactions,
this is not an issue. In a case where the data appearing on the
bus after the false start is detected happens to match the address
of another ADM1067 on the bus, that device may incorrectly ACK.
A bus master may see this ACK as another bus master talking
on the bus, halt the bus transaction, and not produce any more
clocks on the SCL. As a result, the ADM1067 device that
incorrectly ACKed continues to hold down the SDA line low.
To retry the halted bus transaction, the bus master performs a
clock flush on the SCL by sending a series of up to 16 clock pulses.
The clock flush forces the ADM1067 to release the SDA line.