Super Sequencer with Open-Loop Margining DACs ADM1067 Data Sheet FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM REFOUT REFGND SDA SCL A1 ADM1067 VX1 VX2 VX3 VX4 VX5 A0 SMBus INTERFACE VREF EEPROM PDO1 DUALFUNCTION INPUTS CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT DRIVERS (LOGIC INPUTS OR SFDs) (HV CAPABLE OF DRIVING GATES OF N-FET) PDO4 CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT DRIVERS PDO7 PDO2 PDO3 PDO5 PDO6 SEQUENCING ENGINE VP1 VP3 PROGRAMMABLE RESET GENERATORS VP4 (SFDs) VP2 (LV CAPABLE OF DRIVING LOGIC SIGNALS) VH PDO9 PDO10 PDOGND AGND VDDCAP PDO8 GND VDD ARBITRATOR VCCP MDN MUP VOUT DAC VOUT DAC VOUT DAC VOUT DAC VOUT DAC VOUT DAC DAC1 DAC2 DAC3 DAC4 DAC5 DAC6 04635-001 Complete supervisory and sequencing solution for up to 10 supplies 10 supply fault detectors enable supervision of supplies to <0.5% accuracy at all voltages at 25C <1.0% accuracy across all voltages and temperatures 5 selectable input attenuators allow supervision of supplies to 14.4 V on VH 6 V on VP1 to VP4 (VPx) 5 dual-function inputs, VX1 to VX5 (VXx) High impedance input to supply fault detector with thresholds between 0.573 V and 1.375 V General-purpose logic input 10 programmable driver outputs, PDO1 to PDO10 (PDOx) Open-collector with external pull-up Push/pull output, driven to VDDCAP or VPx Open collector with weak pull-up to VDDCAP or VPx Internally charge-pumped high drive for use with external N-FET (PDO1 to PDO6 only) Sequencing engine (SE) implements state machine control of PDO outputs State changes conditional on input events Enables complex control of boards Power-up and power-down sequence control Fault event handling Interrupt generation on warnings Watchdog function can be integrated in SE Program software control of sequencing through SMBus Open-loop margining solution for 6 voltage rails 6 voltage output 8-bit DACs (0.300 V to 1.551 V) allow voltage adjustment via dc-to-dc converter trim/feedback node Device powered by the highest of VPx, VH for improved redundancy User EEPROM: 256 bytes Industry-standard 2-wire bus interface (SMBus) Guaranteed PDO low with VH, VPx = 1.2 V Available in 40-lead, 6 mm x 6 mm LFCSP and 48-lead, 7 mm x 7 mm TQFP packages Figure 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ADM1067 Super Sequencer(R) is a configurable supervisory/ sequencing device that offers a single-chip solution for supply monitoring and sequencing in multiple supply systems. In addition to these functions, the ADM1067 integrates six 8-bit voltage output DACs. These circuits can be used to implement an openloop margining system that enables supply adjustment by altering either the feedback node or reference of a dc-to-dc converter using the DAC outputs. For more information about the ADM1067 register map, refer to the AN-698 Application Note. APPLICATIONS Central office systems Servers/routers Multivoltage system line cards DSP/FPGA supply sequencing In-circuit testing of margined supplies Rev. E Document Feedback Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 (c)2004-2015 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Support ADM1067 Data Sheet TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1 Overview ..................................................................................... 18 Applications ....................................................................................... 1 Warnings...................................................................................... 18 Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 1 SMBus Jump (Unconditional Jump)........................................ 18 General Description ......................................................................... 1 Sequencing Engine Application Example ............................... 19 Revision History ............................................................................... 3 Fault and Status Reporting ........................................................ 20 Detailed Block Diagram .................................................................. 4 Supply Margining ........................................................................... 21 Specifications..................................................................................... 5 Overview ..................................................................................... 21 Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................ 8 Open-Loop Supply Margining ................................................. 21 Thermal Resistance ...................................................................... 8 Writing to the DACs .................................................................. 21 ESD Caution .................................................................................. 8 Choosing the Size of the Attenuation Resistor ....................... 22 Pin Configurations and Function Descriptions ........................... 9 DAC Limiting and Other Safety Features ............................... 22 Typical Performance Characteristics ........................................... 11 Applications Diagram .................................................................... 23 Powering the ADM1067 ................................................................ 14 Communicating with the ADM1067 ........................................... 24 Slew Rate Consideration............................................................ 14 Configuration Download at Power-Up ................................... 24 Inputs................................................................................................ 15 Updating the Configuration ..................................................... 24 Supply Supervision ..................................................................... 15 Updating the Sequencing Engine ............................................. 25 Programming the Supply Fault Detectors ............................... 15 Internal Registers........................................................................ 25 Input Comparator Hysteresis .................................................... 15 EEPROM ..................................................................................... 25 Input Glitch Filtering ................................................................. 16 Serial Bus Interface..................................................................... 25 Supply Supervision with VXx Inputs ....................................... 16 SMBus Protocols for RAM and EEPROM .............................. 28 VXx Pins as Digital Inputs ........................................................ 16 Write Operations ........................................................................ 28 Outputs ............................................................................................ 17 Read Operations ......................................................................... 30 Supply Sequencing Through Configurable Output Drivers ....... 17 Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 31 Default Output Configuration .................................................. 17 Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 31 Sequencing Engine ......................................................................... 18 Rev. E | Page 2 of 31 Data Sheet ADM1067 REVISION HISTORY 1/15--Rev. D to Rev. E Changes to Figure 3, Figure 4, and Table 4 .................................... 9 Added Slew Rate Consideration Section......................................14 Added SCL Held Low Timeout Section and False Start Detection Section ............................................................................26 Updated Outline Dimensions ........................................................31 Changes to Ordering Guide ...........................................................31 6/11--Rev. C to Rev. D Changes to Serial Bus Timing Parameter in Table 1 .................... 5 Change to Figure 3 ............................................................................ 9 Added Exposed Pad Notation to Outline Dimensions ..............31 Changes to Ordering Guide ...........................................................31 5/08--Rev. B to Rev. C Changes to Figure 1........................................................................... 1 Changes to Table 1 ............................................................................ 4 Changes to Powering the ADM1067 Section ..............................13 Changes to Sequence Detector Section ........................................18 Changes to Figure 27 ......................................................................20 Changes to Configuration Download at Power-Up Section .....23 Changes to Table 10 ........................................................................24 Changes to Figure 40 and Error Correction Section ..................29 Changes to Ordering Guide ...........................................................30 11/06--Rev. A to Rev. B Updated Format ................................................................. Universal Changes to Features .......................................................................... 1 Changes to Figure 2 .......................................................................... 3 Changes to Table 1 ............................................................................ 4 Changes to Table 2 ............................................................................ 7 Changes to Absolute Maximum Ratings Section ......................... 9 Changes to Programming the Supply Fault Detectors Section ... 14 Changes to Table 6 .......................................................................... 14 Added the Default Output Configuration Section ..................... 18 Changes to Fault Reporting Section ............................................. 21 Changes to Figure 28 ...................................................................... 24 Changes to the Identifying the ADM1067 on the SMBus Section ..................................................................... 26 Changes to Figure 30 and Figure 31 ............................................. 28 Changes to Ordering Guide ........................................................... 32 1/05--Rev. 0 to Rev. A Changes to Figure 1 .......................................................................... 1 Changes to Absolute Maximum Ratings Section ......................... 8 Change to Supply Sequencing through Configurable Output Drivers Section .................................................................. 16 Changes to Figure 28 ...................................................................... 22 Change to Table 9 ............................................................................ 25 10/04--Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. E | Page 3 of 31 ADM1067 Data Sheet Six of these programmable outputs can also provide up to a 12 V output for driving the gate of an N-FET that can be placed in the path of a supply. Supply margining can be performed with a minimum of external components. The margining capability can be used for in-circuit testing of a board during production (for example, to verify board functionality at -5% of nominal supplies), or it can be used dynamically to accurately control the output voltage of a dc-to-dc converter. The logical core of the device is a sequencing engine. This statemachine-based construction provides up to 63 different states. This design enables very flexible sequencing of the outputs, based on the condition of the inputs. The device also provides up to 10 programmable inputs for monitoring undervoltage faults, overvoltage faults, or out-ofwindow faults on up to 10 supplies. In addition, 10 programmable outputs can be used as logic enables. The device is controlled via configuration data that can be programmed into an EEPROM. The entire configuration can be programmed using an intuitive GUI-based software package provided by Analog Devices, Inc. DETAILED BLOCK DIAGRAM REFOUT REFGND A0 SMBus INTERFACE VREF ADM1067 SDA SCL A1 DEVICE CONTROLLER GPI SIGNAL CONDITIONING OSC EEPROM CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT DRIVER (HV) SFD VX1 PDO1 PDO2 VX2 VX3 PDO3 VX4 GPI SIGNAL CONDITIONING VX5 VP1 SEQUENCING ENGINE SFD SELECTABLE ATTENUATOR SFD VP2 VP3 CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT DRIVER (HV) PDO4 CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT DRIVER (LV) PDO5 VH SELECTABLE ATTENUATOR PDO8 SFD CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT DRIVER (LV) AGND VDDCAP PDO6 PDO7 VP4 VDD ARBITRATOR PDO9 PDO10 MDN VCCP REG 5.25V CHARGE PUMP VOUT DAC VOUT DAC DAC1 DAC2 VOUT DAC VOUT DAC VOUT DAC VOUT DAC DAC3 DAC4 DAC5 DAC6 Figure 2. Rev. E | Page 4 of 31 PDOGND GND 04635-002 MUP Data Sheet ADM1067 SPECIFICATIONS VH = 3.0 V to 14.4 V1, VPx = 3.0 V to 6.0 V1, TA = -40C to +85C, unless otherwise noted. Table 1. Parameter POWER SUPPLY ARBITRATION VH, VPx VPx VH VDDCAP CVDDCAP POWER SUPPLY Supply Current, IVH, IVPx Additional Currents All PDO FET Drivers On Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments 4.75 6.0 14.4 5.4 V V V V F Minimum supply required on one of VH, VPx Maximum VDDCAP = 5.1 V, typical VDDCAP = 4.75 V Regulated LDO output Minimum recommended decoupling capacitance 4.2 6 mA VDDCAP = 4.75 V, PDO1 to PDO10 off, DACs off, ADC off mA 3.0 2.7 10 1 2.2 1 10 mA mA mA VDDCAP = 4.75 V, PDO1 to PDO6 loaded with 1 A each, PDO7 to PDO10 off Maximum additional load that can be drawn from all PDO pull-ups to VDDCAP Six DACs on with 100 A maximum load on each Running round-robin loop 1 ms duration only, VDDCAP = 3 V 52 0.05 k % Midrange and high range Current Available from VDDCAP DACs Supply Current ADC Supply Current EEPROM Erase Current SUPPLY FAULT DETECTORS VH Pin Input Impedance Input Attenuator Error Detection Ranges High Range Midrange VPx Pins Input Impedance Input Attenuator Error Detection Ranges Midrange Low Range Ultralow Range VXx Pins Input Impedance Detection Ranges Ultralow Range Absolute Accuracy 2 6 2.5 52 0.05 2.5 1.25 0.573 6 3 1.375 1 BUFFERED VOLTAGE OUTPUT DACs Resolution Code 0x80 Output Voltage V V k % Low range and midrange V V V No input attenuation error M 0.573 Threshold Resolution Digital Glitch Filter Range 1 Range 2 Range 3 Range 4 Output Voltage Range LSB Step Size 14.4 6 mA 1.375 1 V % 8 0 100 Bits s s 8 Bits No input attenuation error VREF error + DAC nonlinearity + comparator offset error + input attenuation error Minimum programmable filter length Maximum programmable filter length Six DACs are individually selectable for centering on one of four output voltage ranges 0.592 0.796 0.997 1.247 0.6 0.8 1 1.25 601.25 2.36 0.603 0.803 1.003 1.253 V V V V mV mV Same range, independent of center point Rev. E | Page 5 of 31 ADM1067 Parameter INL DNL Gain Error Maximum Load Current (Source) Maximum Load Current (Sink) Maximum Load Capacitance Settling Time into 50 pF Load Load Regulation PSRR REFERENCE OUTPUT Reference Output Voltage Load Regulation Minimum Load Capacitance PSRR PROGRAMMABLE DRIVER OUTPUTS High Voltage Charge Pump Mode (PDO1 to PDO6) Output Impedance VOH IOUTAVG Standard (Digital Output) Mode (PDO1 to PDO10) VOH Data Sheet Min Typ Max 0.75 0.4 1 100 100 50 2 2.5 60 40 2.043 2.048 -0.25 0.25 2.053 1 60 11 10.5 500 12.5 12 20 14 13.5 2.4 Three-State Output Leakage Current Oscillator Frequency DIGITAL INPUTS (VXx, A0, A1, MUP, MDN) Input High Voltage, VIH Input Low Voltage, VIL Input High Current, IIH Input Low Current, IIL Input Capacitance Programmable Pull-Down Current, IPULL-DOWN SERIAL BUS DIGITAL INPUTS (SDA, SCL) Input High Voltage, VIH Input Low Voltage, VIL Output Low Voltage, VOL2 VPU - 0.3 0 16 20 90 100 Per mA DC 100 mV step in 20 ns with 50 pF load V mV mV F dB No load Sourcing current, IDACxMAX = -100 A Sinking current, IDACxMAX = 100 A Capacitor required for decoupling, stability DC k V V A IOH = 0 A IOH = 1 A 2 V < VOH < 7 V 0.50 20 60 29 2 V V V V mA mA k mA 10 110 A kHz 4.5 VOL IOL2 ISINK2 RPULL-UP ISOURCE (VPx)2 Unit LSB LSB % A A pF s mV dB dB 2.0 0.8 -1 1 5 20 2.0 0.8 0.4 V V A A pF A V V V Rev. E | Page 6 of 31 Test Conditions/Comments Endpoint corrected VPU (pull-up to VDDCAP or VPx) = 2.7 V, IOH = 0.5 mA VPU to VPx = 6.0 V, IOH = 0 mA VPU 2.7 V, IOH = 0.5 mA IOL = 20 mA Maximum sink current per PDOx pin Maximum total sink for all PDOx pins Internal pull-up Current load on any VPx pull-ups, that is, total source current available through any number of PDO pull-up switches configured onto any one VPx pin VPDO = 14.4 V All on-chip time delays derived from this clock Maximum VIN = 5.5 V Maximum VIN = 5.5 V VIN = 5.5 V VIN = 0 V VDDCAP = 4.75 V, TA = 25C, if known logic state is required IOUT = -3.0 mA Data Sheet Parameter SERIAL BUS TIMING3 Clock Frequency, fSCLK Bus Free Time, tBUF Start Setup Time, tSU;STA Stop Setup Time, tSU;STO Start Hold Time, tHD;STA SCL Low Time, tLOW SCL High Time, tHIGH SCL, SDA Rise Time, tR SCL, SDA Fall Time, tF Data Setup Time, tSU;DAT Data Hold Time, tHD;DAT Input Low Current, IIL SEQUENCING ENGINE TIMING State Change Time ADM1067 Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments 400 kHz s s s s s s ns ns ns ns A VIN = 0 V 1.3 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.3 0.6 300 300 100 5 1 10 s 1 At least one of the VH, VPx pins must be 3.0 V to maintain the device supply on VDDCAP. Specification is not production tested but is supported by characterization data at initial product release. 3 Timing specifications are guaranteed by design and supported by characterization data. 2 Rev. E | Page 7 of 31 ADM1067 Data Sheet ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS THERMAL RESISTANCE Table 2. Parameter Voltage on VH Pin Voltage on VPx Pins Voltage on VXx Pins Voltage on A0, A1 Pins Voltage on REFOUT Pin Voltage on VDDCAP, VCCP Pins Voltage on DACx Pins Voltage on PDOx Pins Voltage on SDA, SCL Pins Voltage on GND, AGND, PDOGND, REFGND Pins Voltage on MUP and MDN Pins Input Current at Any Pin Package Input Current Maximum Junction Temperature (TJ max) Storage Temperature Range Lead Temperature, Soldering Vapor Phase, 60 sec ESD Rating, All Pins Rating 16 V 7V -0.3 V to +6.5 V -0.3 V to +7 V 5V 6.5 V 6.5 V 16 V 7V -0.3 V to +0.3 V VDDCAP + 0.6 V 5 mA 20 mA 150C -65C to +150C JA is specified for the worst-case conditions, that is, a device soldered in a circuit board for surface-mount packages. Table 3. Thermal Resistance Package Type 40-Lead LFCSP 48-Lead TQFP ESD CAUTION 215C 2000 V Stresses at or above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the product. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the product at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Operation beyond the maximum operating conditions for extended periods may affect product reliability. Rev. E | Page 8 of 31 JA 25 50 Unit C/W C/W Data Sheet ADM1067 NC 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 30 PDO1 29 PDO2 NC 1 VX3 3 28 PDO3 VX1 2 VX4 4 27 PDO4 VX2 3 34 PDO2 26 PDO5 VX3 4 33 PDO3 25 PDO6 VX4 5 VP2 7 24 PDO7 VX5 6 ADM1067 VP3 8 23 PDO8 VP1 7 VP4 9 22 PDO9 VP2 8 TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) VH 10 21 PDO10 VP3 9 28 PDO8 VP4 10 27 PDO9 VH 11 AGND REFGND NC REFOUT DAC1 DAC2 DAC3 DAC4 DAC5 DAC6 NC 12 NOTES 1. NC = NO CONNECT. DO NOT CONNECT TO THIS PIN. 2. THE LFCSP HAS AN EXPOSED PAD ON THE BOTTOM. THIS PAD IS A NO CONNECT (NC). IF POSSIBLE, THIS PAD SHOULD BE SOLDERED TO THE BOARD FOR IMPROVED MECHANICAL STABILITY. 26 PDO10 25 NC 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 NOTES 1. NC = NO CONNECT. DO NOT CONNECT TO THIS PIN. Figure 3. 40-Lead LFCSP Pin Configuration 04635-004 20 NC 19 DAC6 18 DAC5 17 DAC4 16 DAC3 15 29 PDO7 DAC2 14 30 PDO6 DAC1 13 31 PDO5 REFOUT 12 04635-003 11 32 PDO4 NC TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) VP1 6 35 PDO1 REFGND ADM1067 VX5 5 36 NC PIN 1 INDICATOR NC PIN 1 INDICATOR VX2 2 AGND VX1 1 PDOGND 31 VCCP PDOGND 32 A0 VCCP 33 A1 A0 34 SCL A1 35 SDA SCL 36 MUP SDA 37 MDN MUP 38 VDDCAP MDN 39 GND VDDCAP 40 NC GND PIN CONFIGURATIONS AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Figure 4. 48-Lead TQFP Pin Configuration Table 4. Pin Function Descriptions Pin No. 40-Lead 48-Lead LFCSP TQFP 13 1, 12, 13, 16, 24, 25, 36, 37, 48 1 to 5 2 to 6 Mnemonic NC Description No Connect. Do not connect to this pin. VX1 to VX5 (VXx) VP1 to VP4 (VPx) High Impedance Inputs to Supply Fault Detectors. Fault thresholds can be set from 0.573 V to 1.375 V. Alternatively, these pins can be used as general-purpose digital inputs. Low Voltage Inputs to Supply Fault Detectors. Three input ranges can be set by altering the input attenuation on a potential divider connected to these pins, the output of which connects to a supply fault detector. These pins allow thresholds from 2.5 V to 6.0 V, from 1.25 V to 3.00 V, and from 0.573 V to 1.375 V. High Voltage Input to Supply Fault Detectors. Two input ranges can be set by altering the input attenuation on a potential divider connected to this pin, the output of which connects to a supply fault detector. This pin allows thresholds from 6.0 V to 14.4 V and from 2.5 V to 6.0 V. Ground Return for Input Attenuators. Ground Return for On-Chip Reference Circuits. Reference Output, 2.048 V. Note that the capacitor must be connected between this pin and REFGND. A 10 F capacitor is recommended for this purpose. Voltage Output DACs. These pins default to high impedance at power-up. 6 to 9 7 to 10 10 11 VH 11 12 14 14 15 17 AGND1 REFGND1 REFOUT 15 to 20 18 to 23 21 to 30 26 to 35 31 32 38 39 DAC1 to DAC6 PDO10 to PDO1 PDOGND1 VCCP 33 34 35 36 37 40 41 42 43 44 A0 A1 SCL SDA MUP Programmable Output Drivers. Ground Return for Output Drivers. Central Charge-Pump Voltage of 5.25 V. A reservoir capacitor must be connected between this pin and GND. A 10 F capacitor is recommended for this purpose. Logic Input. This pin sets the seventh bit of the SMBus interface address. Logic Input. This pin sets the sixth bit of the SMBus interface address. SMBus Clock Pin. Bidirectional open drain requires external resistive pull-up. SMBus Data Pin. Bidirectional open drain requires external resistive pull-up. Digital Input. Forces DACs to their lowest value, causing the voltage at the feedback node to drop. This is compensated for by an increase in the supply output voltage, thus margining up. Rev. E | Page 9 of 31 ADM1067 Data Sheet Pin No. 40-Lead 48-Lead LFCSP TQFP 38 45 Mnemonic MDN 39 46 VDDCAP 40 47 N/A2 GND1 EPAD 1 2 Description Digital Input. Forces DACs to their highest value, causing the voltage at the feedback node to rise. This is compensated for by a decrease in the supply output voltage, thus margining down. Device Supply Voltage. Linearly regulated from the highest of the VPx, VH pins to a typical of 4.75 V. Note that the capacitor must be connected between this pin and GND. A 10 F capacitor is recommended for this purpose. Supply Ground. Exposed Pad. The LFCSP has an exposed pad on the bottom. This pad is a no connect (NC). If possible, this pad should be soldered to the board for improved mechanical stability. In a typical application, all ground pins are connected together. N/A is not applicable Rev. E | Page 10 of 31 Data Sheet ADM1067 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 180 6 160 5 140 120 IVP1 (A) VVDDCAP (V) 4 3 100 80 60 2 40 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 6 04635-053 04635-050 0 20 0 1 2 3 VVP1 (V) 4 5 6 VVP1 (V) Figure 5. VVDDCAP vs. VVP1 Figure 8. IVP1 vs. VVP1 (VP1 Not as Supply) 6 5.0 4.5 5 4.0 3.5 3.0 IVH (mA) 3 2 2.0 1.5 1.0 04635-051 1 0 2.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 04635-054 VVDDCAP (V) 4 0.5 0 16 0 2 4 6 VVH (V) 8 10 12 14 16 VVH (V) Figure 9. IVH vs. VVH (VH as Supply) Figure 6. VVDDCAP vs. VVH 350 5.0 4.5 300 4.0 250 IVH (A) 3.0 2.5 200 150 2.0 100 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 6 04635-055 50 04635-052 IVP1 (mA) 3.5 0 1 2 3 4 VVH (V) VVP1 (V) Figure 10. IVH vs. VVH (VH Not as Supply) Figure 7. IVP1 vs. VVP1 (VP1 as Supply) Rev. E | Page 11 of 31 5 6 ADM1067 Data Sheet 14 10 8 DAC 20k BUFFER OUTPUT 47pF 6 PROBE POINT 4 0 04635-056 2 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 1 04635-059 CHARGE-PUMPED V PDO1 (V) 12 CH1 200mV 15.0 M1.00s CH1 756mV ILOAD (A) Figure 14. Transient Response of DAC Code Change into Typical Load Figure 11. Charge-Pumped VPDO1 (FET Drive Mode) vs. ILOAD 5.0 4.5 4.0 VPDO1 (V) 3.5 3.0 VP1 = 5V 2.5 DAC 100k BUFFER OUTPUT VP1 = 3V 2.0 1V PROBE POINT 1.5 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 04635-060 04635-057 1.0 CH1 200mV 6 M1.00s CH1 944mV ILOAD (mA) Figure 12. VPDO1 (Strong Pull-Up to VP) vs. ILOAD Figure 15. Transient Response of DAC to Turn-On from High-Z State 4.5 1.005 4.0 1.004 1.003 3.5 VP1 = 5V DAC OUTPUT 1.002 2.5 VP1 = 3V 2.0 1.5 VP1 = 3.0V 1.000 VP1 = 4.75V 0.999 0 10 20 30 40 50 04635-065 0.997 0.5 0 1.001 0.998 1.0 04635-058 VPDO1 (V) 3.0 0.996 0.995 -40 60 -20 0 20 40 60 TEMPERATURE (C) ILOAD (A) Figure 16. DAC Output vs. Temperature Figure 13. VPDO1 (Weak Pull-Up to VP) vs. ILOAD Rev. E | Page 12 of 31 80 100 Data Sheet ADM1067 2.058 VP1 = 3.0V 2.048 VP1 = 4.75V 2.043 2.038 -40 04635-061 REFOUT (V) 2.053 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 TEMPERATURE (C) Figure 17. REFOUT vs. Temperature Rev. E | Page 13 of 31 ADM1067 Data Sheet POWERING THE ADM1067 An external capacitor to GND is required to decouple the onchip supply from noise. This capacitor should be connected to the VDDCAP pin, as shown in Figure 18. The capacitor has another use during brownouts (momentary loss of power). Under these conditions, when the input supply (VPx or VH) dips transiently below VDD, the synchronous rectifier switch immediately turns off so that it does not pull VDD down. The VDD capacitor can then act as a reservoir to keep the device active until the next highest supply takes over the powering of the device. A 10 F capacitor is recommended for this reservoir/decoupling function. The VH input pin can accommodate supplies up to 14.4 V, which allows the ADM1067 to be powered using a 12 V backplane supply. In cases where this 12 V supply is hot swapped, it is recommended that the ADM1067 not be connected directly to the supply. Suitable precautions, such as the use of a hot swap controller, should be taken to protect the device from transients that could cause damage during hot swap events. When two or more supplies are within 100 mV of each other, the supply that first takes control of VDD keeps control. For example, if VP1 is connected to a 3.3 V supply, VDD powers up to approximately 3.1 V through VP1. If VP2 is then connected to another 3.3 V supply, VP1 still powers the device, unless VP2 goes 100 mV higher than VP1. VDDCAP VP1 IN OUT 4.75V LDO EN VP2 IN OUT 4.75V LDO EN VP3 IN OUT 4.75V LDO EN VP4 IN OUT 4.75V LDO EN VH IN OUT 4.75V LDO INTERNAL DEVICE SUPPLY EN SUPPLY COMPARATOR 04635-022 The ADM1067 is powered from the highest voltage input on either the positive-only supply inputs (VPx) or the high voltage supply input (VH). This technique offers improved redundancy because the device is not dependent on any particular voltage rail to keep it operational. The same pins are used for supply fault detection (see the Supply Supervision section). A VDD arbitrator on the device chooses which supply to use. The arbitrator can be considered an OR'ing of five low dropout regulators (LDOs) together. A supply comparator chooses the highest input to provide the on-chip supply. There is minimal switching loss with this architecture (~0.2 V), resulting in the ability to power the ADM1067 from a supply as low as 3.0 V. Note that the supply on the VXx pins cannot be used to power the device. Figure 18. VDD Arbitrator Operation SLEW RATE CONSIDERATION When the ambient temperature of operation is less than approximately -20C, and in the event of a power loss where all supply inputs fail for less than a few hundreds of milliseconds (for example, due to a system supply brownout), it is recommended that the supply voltage recover with a ramp rate of at least 1.5 V/ms or less than 0.5 V/ms. Rev. E | Page 14 of 31 Data Sheet ADM1067 INPUTS The threshold value required is given by SUPPLY SUPERVISION VT = (VR x N)/255 + VB The ADM1067 has 10 programmable inputs. Five of these are dedicated supply fault detectors (SFDs). These dedicated inputs are called VH and VPx (VP1 to VP4) by default. The other five inputs are labeled VXx (VX1 to VX5) and have dual functionality. They can be used either as SFDs, with functionality similar to VH and VPx, or as CMOS-/TTL-compatible logic inputs to the device. Therefore, the ADM1067 can have up to 10 analog inputs, a minimum of five analog inputs and five digital inputs, or a combination thereof. If an input is used as an analog input, it cannot be used as a digital input. Therefore, a configuration requiring 10 analog inputs has no available digital inputs. Table 6 shows the details of each input. where: VT is the desired threshold voltage (undervoltage or overvoltage). VR is the voltage range. N is the decimal value of the 8-bit code. VB is the bottom of the range. Reversing the equation, the code for a desired threshold is given by N = 255 x (VT - VB)/VR For example, if the user wants to set a 5 V overvoltage threshold on VP1, the code to be programmed in the PS1OVTH register (as discussed in the AN-698 Application Note) is given by PROGRAMMING THE SUPPLY FAULT DETECTORS The ADM1067 can have up to 10 SFDs on its 10 input channels. These highly programmable reset generators enable the supervision of up to 10 supply voltages. The supplies can be as low as 0.573 V and as high as 14.4 V. The inputs can be configured to detect an undervoltage fault (the input voltage drops below a preprogrammed value), an overvoltage fault (the input voltage rises above a preprogrammed value), or an out-of-window fault (the input voltage is outside a preprogrammed range). The thresholds can be programmed to an 8-bit resolution in registers provided in the ADM1067. This translates to a voltage resolution that is dependent on the range selected. N = 255 x (5 - 2.5)/3.5 Therefore, N = 182 (1011 0110 or 0xB6). INPUT COMPARATOR HYSTERESIS The UV and OV comparators shown in Figure 19 are always monitoring VPx. To avoid chatter (multiple transitions when the input is very close to the set threshold level), these comparators have digitally programmable hysteresis. The hysteresis can be programmed up to the values shown in Table 6. RANGE SELECT ULTRA LOW The resolution is given by VREF Step Size = Threshold Range/255 Therefore, if the high range is selected on VH, the step size can be calculated as follows: MID VB (V) 0.573 1.25 2.5 6.0 VR (V) 0.802 1.75 3.5 9.6 - GLITCH FILTER FAULT OUTPUT - UV FAULT TYPE COMPARATOR SELECT 04635-023 Table 5 lists the upper and lower limits of each available range, the bottom of each range (VB), and the range itself (VR). Table 5. Voltage Range Limits OV COMPARATOR + LOW (14.4 V - 6.0 V)/255 = 32.9 mV Voltage Range (V) 0.573 to 1.375 1.25 to 3.00 2.5 to 6.0 6.0 to 14.4 + VPx Figure 19. Supply Fault Detector Block The hysteresis is added after a supply voltage goes out of tolerance. Therefore, the user can program the amount above the undervoltage threshold to which the input must rise before an undervoltage fault is deasserted. Similarly, the user can program the amount below the overvoltage threshold to which an input must fall before an overvoltage fault is deasserted. Table 6. Input Functions, Thresholds, and Ranges Input VH Function High Voltage Analog Input VPx Positive Analog Input VXx High-Z Analog Input Digital Input Voltage Range (V) 2.5 to 6.0 6.0 to 14.4 0.573 to 1.375 1.25 to 3.00 2.5 to 6.0 0.573 to 1.375 0 to 5.0 Maximum Hysteresis 425 mV 1.02 V 97.5 mV 212 mV 425 mV 97.5 mV N/A Rev. E | Page 15 of 31 Voltage Resolution (mV) 13.7 32.9 3.14 6.8 13.7 3.14 N/A Glitch Filter (s) 0 to 100 0 to 100 0 to 100 0 to 100 0 to 100 0 to 100 0 to 100 ADM1067 Data Sheet The hysteresis value is given by VHYST = VR x NTHRESH/255 where: VHYST is the desired hysteresis voltage. NTHRESH is the decimal value of the 5-bit hysteresis code. Note that NTHRESH has a maximum value of 31. The maximum hysteresis for the ranges is listed in Table 6. INPUT GLITCH FILTERING The final stage of the SFDs is a glitch filter. This block provides time-domain filtering on the output of the SFD comparators, which allows the user to remove any spurious transitions such as supply bounce at turn-on. The glitch filter function is in addition to the digitally programmable hysteresis of the SFD comparators. The glitch filter timeout is programmable up to 100 s. For example, when the glitch filter timeout is 100 s, any pulse appearing on the input of the glitch filter block that is less than 100 s in duration is prevented from appearing on the output of the glitch filter block. Any input pulse that is longer than 100 s appears on the output of the glitch filter block. The output is delayed with respect to the input by 100 s. The filtering process is shown in Figure 20. INPUT PULSE SHORTER THAN GLITCH FILTER TIMEOUT INPUT PULSE LONGER THAN GLITCH FILTER TIMEOUT PROGRAMMED TIMEOUT PROGRAMMED TIMEOUT tGF t0 OUTPUT t0 tGF OUTPUT t0 VXx PINS AS DIGITAL INPUTS As discussed in the Supply Supervision with VXx Inputs section, the VXx input pins on the ADM1067 have dual functionality. The second function is as a digital logic input to the device. Therefore, the ADM1067 can be configured for up to five digital inputs. These inputs are TTL-/CMOS-compatible. Standard logic signals can be applied to the pins: RESET from reset generators, PWRGD signals, fault flags, manual resets, and so on. These signals are available as inputs to the SE and, therefore, can be used to control the status of the PDOs. The inputs can be configured to detect either a change in level or an edge. When configured for level detection, the output of the digital block is a buffered version of the input. When configured for edge detection, a pulse of programmable width is output from the digital block, once the logic transition is detected. The width is programmable from 0 s to 100 s. tGF tGF 04635-024 t0 INPUT The secondary SFDs are fixed to the same input range as the primary SFDs. They are used to indicate warning levels rather than failure levels. This allows faults and warnings to be generated on a single supply using only one pin. For example, if VP1 is set to output a fault when a 3.3 V supply drops to 3.0 V, VX1 can be set to output a warning at 3.1 V. Warning outputs are available for readback from the status registers. They are also OR'ed together and fed into the SE, allowing warnings to generate interrupts on the PDOs. Therefore, in this example, if the supply drops to 3.1 V, a warning is generated, and remedial action can be taken before the supply drops out of tolerance. Figure 20. Input Glitch Filter Function SUPPLY SUPERVISION WITH VXx INPUTS The VXx inputs have two functions. They can be used either as supply fault detectors or as digital logic inputs. When selected as analog (SFD) inputs, the VXx pins have functionality that is very similar to the VH and VPx pins. The primary difference is that the VXx pins have only one input range: 0.573 V to 1.375 V. Therefore, these inputs can directly supervise only the very low supplies. However, the input impedance of the VXx pins is high, allowing an external resistor divide network to be connected to the pin. Thus, potentially any supply can be divided down into the input range of the VXx pin and be supervised. This enables the ADM1067 to monitor other supplies, such as +24 V, +48 V, and -5 V. The digital blocks feature the same glitch filter function that is available on the SFDs. This function enables the user to ignore spurious transitions on the inputs. For example, the filter can be used to debounce a manual reset switch. When configured as digital inputs, each VXx pin has a weak (10 A) pull-down current source available for placing the input into a known condition, even if left floating. The current source, if selected, weakly pulls the input to GND. VXx (DIGITAL INPUT) Rev. E | Page 16 of 31 + DETECTOR GLITCH FILTER TO SEQUENCING ENGINE - VREF = 1.4V Figure 21. VXx Digital Input Function 04635-027 INPUT An additional supply supervision function is available when the VXx pins are selected as digital inputs. In this case, the analog function is available as a second detector on each of the dedicated analog inputs, VPx and VH. The analog function of VX1 is mapped to VP1, VX2 is mapped to VP2, and so on. VX5 is mapped to VH. In this case, these SFDs can be viewed as secondary or warning SFDs. Data Sheet ADM1067 OUTPUTS The data driving each of the PDOs can come from one of three sources. The source can be enabled in the PDOxCFG configuration register (see the AN-698 Application Note for details). SUPPLY SEQUENCING THROUGH CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT DRIVERS Supply sequencing is achieved with the ADM1067 using the programmable driver outputs (PDOs) on the device as control signals for supplies. The output drivers can be used as logic enables or as FET drivers. The data sources are as follows: Output from the SE. Directly from the SMBus. A PDO can be configured so that the SMBus has direct control over it. This enables software control of the PDOs. Therefore, a microcontroller can be used to initiate a software power-up/power-down sequence. On-chip clock. A 100 kHz clock is generated on the device. This clock can be made available on any of the PDOs. It can be used, for example, to clock an external device such as an LED. The sequence in which the PDOs are asserted (and, therefore, the supplies are turned on) is controlled by the sequencing engine (SE). The SE determines what action is taken with the PDOs, based on the condition of the ADM1067 inputs. Therefore, the PDOs can be set up to assert when the SFDs are in tolerance, the correct input signals are received on the VXx digital pins, no warnings are received from any of the inputs of the device, and at other times. The PDOs can be used for a variety of functions. The primary function is to provide enable signals for LDOs or dc-to-dc converters that generate supplies locally on a board. The PDOs can also be used to provide a PWRGD signal when all the SFDs are in tolerance or a RESET output if one of the SFDs goes out of specification (this can be used as a status signal for a DSP, FPGA, or other microcontroller). As the input supply to the ADM1067 ramps up on VPx or VH, all PDOx pins behave as follows: The PDOs can be programmed to pull up to a number of different options. The outputs can be programmed as follows: All of the internal registers in an unprogrammed ADM1067 device from the factory are set to 0. Because of this, the PDOx pins are pulled to GND by a weak (20 k) on-chip pull-down resistor. Open drain (allowing the user to connect an external pullup resistor). Open drain with weak pull-up to VDD. Open drain with strong pull-up to VDD. Open drain with weak pull-up to VPx. Open drain with strong pull-up to VPx. Strong pull-down to GND. Internally charge-pumped high drive (12 V, PDO1 to PDO6 only). Input supply = 0 V to 1.2 V. The PDOs are high impedance. Input supply = 1.2 V to 2.7 V. The PDOs are pulled to GND by a weak (20 k) on-chip pull-down resistor. Supply > 2.7 V. Factory-programmed devices continue to pull all PDOs to GND by a weak (20 k) on-chip pull-down resistor. Programmed devices download current EEPROM configuration data and the programmed setup is latched. The PDO then goes to the state demanded by the configuration, providing a known condition for the PDOs during power-up. The internal pull-down can be overdriven with an external pull-up of suitable value tied from the PDOx pin to the required pull-up voltage. The 20 k resistor must be accounted for in calculating a suitable value. For example, if PDOx must be pulled up to 3.3 V, and 5 V is available as an external supply, the pull-up resistor value is given by 3.3 V = 5 V x 20 k/(RUP + 20 k) The last option (available only on PDO1 to PDO6) allows the user to directly drive a voltage high enough to fully enhance an external N-FET, which is used to isolate, for example, a cardside voltage from a backplane supply (a PDO can sustain greater than 10.5 V into a 1 A load). The pull-down switches can also be used to drive status LEDs directly. Therefore, RUP = (100 k - 66 k)/3.3 V = 10 k VFET (PDO1 TO PDO6 ONLY) VDD VP4 10 10 20k VP1 SEL 20k CFG4 CFG5 CFG6 10 SE DATA PDO SMBus DATA 20k CLK DATA Figure 22. Programmable Driver Output Rev. E | Page 17 of 31 04635-028 DEFAULT OUTPUT CONFIGURATION 20k ADM1067 Data Sheet SEQUENCING ENGINE OVERVIEW The SE state machine comprises 63 state cells. Each state has the following attributes: Monitors signals indicating the status of the 10 input pins, VP1 to VP4, VH, and VX1 to VX5. Can be entered from any other state. Three exit routes move the state machine onto a next state: sequence detection, fault monitoring, and timeout. Delay timers for the sequence and timeout blocks can be programmed independently and changed with each state change. The range of timeouts is from 0 ms to 400 ms. Output condition of the 10 PDO pins is defined and fixed within a state. Transition from one state to the next is made in less than 20 s, which is the time needed to download a state definition from EEPROM to the SE. MONITOR FAULT STATE TIMEOUT SEQUENCE 04635-029 The ADM1067 sequencing engine (SE) provides the user with powerful and flexible control of sequencing. The SE implements a state machine control of the PDO outputs, with state changes conditional on input events. SE programs can enable complex control of boards such as power-up and power-down sequence control, fault event handling, and interrupt generation on warnings, among others. A watchdog function that verifies the continued operation of a processor clock can be integrated into the SE program. The SE can also be controlled via the SMBus, giving software or firmware control of the board sequencing. Figure 23. State Cell The ADM1067 offers up to 63 state definitions. The signals monitored to indicate the status of the input pins are the outputs of the SFDs. WARNINGS The SE also monitors warnings. These warnings can be generated when the ADC readings violate their limit register value or when the secondary voltage monitors on VPx and VH are triggered. The warnings are OR'ed together and available as a single warning input to each of the three blocks that enable exiting a state. SMBus JUMP (UNCONDITIONAL JUMP) The SE can be forced to advance to the next state unconditionally. This enables the user to force the SE to advance. Examples of the use of this feature include moving to a margining state or debugging a sequence. The SMBus jump or go-to command can be seen as another input to sequence and timeout blocks to provide an exit from each state. Table 7. Sample Sequence State Entries State IDLE1 IDLE2 EN3V3 Sequence If VX1 is low, go to State IDLE2. If VP1 is okay, go to State EN3V3. If VP2 is okay, go to State EN2V5. DIS3V3 EN2V5 If VX1 is high, go to State IDLE1. If VP3 is okay, go to State PWRGD. DIS2V5 FSEL1 FSEL2 PWRGD If VX1 is high, go to State IDLE1. If VP3 is not okay, go to State DIS2V5. If VP2 is not okay, go to State DIS3V3. If VX1 is high, go to State DIS2V5. Timeout Monitor If VP2 is not okay after 10 ms, go to State DIS3V3. If VP1 is not okay, go to State IDLE1. If VP3 is not okay after 20 ms, go to State DIS2V5. If VP1 or VP2 is not okay, go to State FSEL2. If VP1 or VP2 is not okay, go to State FSEL2. If VP1 is not okay, go to State IDLE1. If VP1, VP2, or VP3 is not okay, go to State FSEL1. Rev. E | Page 18 of 31 Data Sheet ADM1067 SEQUENCING ENGINE APPLICATION EXAMPLE The application in this section demonstrates the operation of the SE. Figure 25 shows how the simple building block of a single SE state can be used to build a power-up sequence for a threesupply system. Table 8 lists the PDO outputs for each state in the same SE implementation. In this system, a good 5 V supply on VP1 and the VX1 pin held low are the triggers required to start a power-up sequence. The sequence next turns on the 3.3 V supply, then the 2.5 V supply (assuming successful turn-on of the 3.3 V supply). When all three supplies have turned on correctly, the PWRGD state is entered, where the SE remains until a fault occurs on one of the three supplies or until it is instructed to go through a power-down sequence by VX1 going high. If a timer delay is specified, the input to the sequence detector must remain in the defined state for the duration of the timer delay. If the input changes state during the delay, the timer is reset. The sequence detector can also help to identify monitoring faults. In the sample application shown in Figure 25, the FSEL1 and FSEL2 states first identify which of the VP1, VP2, or VP3 pins has faulted, and then they take appropriate action. SEQUENCE STATES IDLE1 VX1 = 0 Faults are dealt with throughout the power-up sequence on a case-by-case basis. The following three sections (the Sequence Detector section, the Monitoring Fault Detector section, and the Timeout Detector section) describe the individual blocks and use the sample application shown in Figure 25 to demonstrate the actions of the state machine. IDLE2 The sequence detector block is used to detect when a step in a sequence has been completed. It looks for one of the SE inputs to change state, and is most often used as the gate for successful progress through a power-up or power-down sequence. A timer block that is included in this detector can insert delays into a power-up or power-down sequence, if required. Timer delays can be set from 10 s to 400 ms. Figure 24 is a block diagram of the sequence detector. VX5 SUPPLY FAULT DETECTION TIMEOUT STATES EN3V3 10ms VP1 = 0 Sequence Detector VP1 VP1 = 1 MONITOR FAULT STATES VP2 = 1 EN2V5 DIS3V3 20ms (VP1 + VP2) = 0 VX1 = 1 VP3 = 1 PWRGD DIS2V5 VP2 = 0 (VP1 + VP2 + VP3) = 0 VX1 = 1 (VP1 + VP2) = 0 SEQUENCE DETECTOR FSEL1 VX1 = 1 VP3 = 0 FSEL2 LOGIC INPUT CHANGE OR FAULT DETECTION VP1 = 0 TIMER VP2 = 0 04635-030 WARNINGS INVERT FORCE FLOW (UNCONDITIONAL JUMP) 04635-032 Figure 25. Sample Application Flow Diagram SELECT Figure 24. Sequence Detector Block Diagram Table 8. PDO Outputs for Each State PDO Outputs PDO1 = 3V3ON PDO2 = 2V5ON PDO3 = FAULT IDLE1 0 0 0 IDLE2 0 0 0 EN3V3 1 0 0 EN2V5 1 1 0 DIS3V3 0 1 1 Rev. E | Page 19 of 31 DIS2V5 1 0 1 PWRGD 1 1 0 FSEL1 1 1 1 FSEL2 1 1 1 ADM1067 Data Sheet Monitoring Fault Detector Timeout Detector The monitoring fault detector block is used to detect a failure on an input. The logical function implementing this is a wide OR gate that can detect when an input deviates from its expected condition. The clearest demonstration of the use of this block is in the PWRGD state, where the monitor block indicates that a failure on one or more of the VP1, VP2, or VP3 inputs has occurred. The timeout detector allows the user to trap a failure to ensure proper progress through a power-up or power-down sequence. No programmable delay is available in this block because the triggering of a fault condition is likely to be caused by a supply falling out of tolerance. In this situation, the device needs to react as quickly as possible. Some latency occurs when moving out of this state because it takes a finite amount of time (~20 s) for the state configuration to download from the EEPROM into the SE. Figure 26 is a block diagram of the monitoring fault detector. MONITORING FAULT DETECTOR 1-BIT FAULT DETECTOR VP1 FAULT SUPPLY FAULT DETECTION FAULT MASK SENSE 1-BIT FAULT DETECTOR MASK Figure 26. Monitoring Fault Detector Block Diagram 04635-033 FAULT WARNINGS The power-up sequence progresses when this change is detected. If, however, the supply fails (perhaps due to a short circuit overloading this supply), the timeout block traps the problem. In this example, if the 3.3 V supply fails within 10 ms, the SE moves to the DIS3V3 state and turns off this supply by bringing PDO1 low. It also indicates that a fault has occurred by taking PDO3 high. Timeout delays of 100 s to 400 ms can be programmed. The ADM1067 has a fault latch for recording faults. Two registers, FSTAT1 and FSTAT2, are set aside for this purpose. A single bit is assigned to each input of the device, and a fault on that input sets the relevant bit. The contents of the fault register can be read out over the SMBus to determine which input(s) faulted. The fault register can be enabled or disabled in each state. To latch data from one state, ensure that the fault latch is disabled in the following state. This ensures that only real faults are captured and not, for example, undervoltage conditions that may be present during a power-up or power-down sequence. 1-BIT FAULT DETECTOR LOGIC INPUT CHANGE OR FAULT DETECTION This supply rail is connected to the VP2 pin, and the sequence detector looks for the VP2 pin to go above its undervoltage threshold, which is set in the supply fault detector (SFD) attached to that pin. FAULT AND STATUS REPORTING MASK SENSE VX5 In the sample application shown in Figure 25, the timeout nextstate transition is from the EN3V3 and EN2V5 states. For the EN3V3 state, the signal 3V3ON is asserted on the PDO1 output pin upon entry to this state to turn on a 3.3 V supply. The ADM1067 also has a number of status registers. These include more detailed information, such as whether an undervoltage or overvoltage fault is present on a particular input. The status registers also include information on ADC limit faults. Note that the data in the status registers is not latched in any way and, therefore, is subject to change at any time. See the AN-698 Application Note for full details about the ADM1067 registers. Rev. E | Page 20 of 31 Data Sheet ADM1067 SUPPLY MARGINING OVERVIEW To implement open-loop margining It is often necessary for the system designer to adjust supplies, either to optimize their level or force them away from nominal values to characterize the system performance under these conditions. This is a function typically performed during an incircuit test (ICT), such as when the manufacturer wants to guarantee that the product under test functions correctly at nominal supplies minus 10%. 1. Disable the six DAC outputs. 2. Set the DAC output voltage equal to the voltage on the feedback node. 3. Enable the DAC. 4. Assert MUP (drive logic high). The DAC voltage moves down to the value set in the DNLIM register (see the AN-698 Application Note). The output of the dc-to-dc converter rises to compensate for this, that is, margin up. 5. Assert MDN (drive logic high). The DAC voltage moves down to the value set in the DPLIM register (see the AN-698 Application Note). The output of the dc-to-dc converter drops to compensate for this, that is, margin down. OPEN-LOOP SUPPLY MARGINING The simplest method of margining a supply is to implement an open-loop technique (see Figure 27). A popular way to do this is to switch extra resistors into the feedback node of a power module, such as a dc-to-dc converter or low dropout regulator (LDO). The extra resistor alters the voltage at the feedback or trim node and forces the output voltage to margin up or down by a certain amount. Step 1 to Step 3 ensure that when the DACx output buffer is turned on, it has little effect on the dc-to-dc converter output. The DACx output buffer is designed to power up without glitching. It does this by first powering up the buffer to follow the pin voltage. It does not drive out onto the pin at this time. When the output buffer is properly enabled, the buffer input is switched over to the DAC, and the output stage of the buffer is turned on. Output glitching is negligible. The ADM1067 can perform open-loop margining for up to six supplies. The six on-board voltage DACs (DAC1 to DAC6) can drive into the feedback pins of the power modules to be margined. The simplest circuit to implement this function is an attenuation resistor that connects the DACx pin to the feedback node of a dc-to-dc converter. When the DACx output voltage is set equal to the feedback voltage, no current flows into the attenuation resistor, and the dc-to-dc converter output voltage does not change. Taking DACx above the feedback voltage forces current into the feedback node, and the output of the dc-to-dc converter is forced to fall to compensate for this. The dc-to-dc converter output can be forced high by setting the DACx output voltage lower than the feedback node voltage. The series resistor can be split in two, and the node between them can be decoupled with a capacitor to ground. This can help to decouple any noise picked up from the board. Decoupling to a ground local to the dc-todc converter is recommended. The margining method above assumes that margin up and margin down DAC limits have been preloaded into the ADM1067 and that only one margin up level and one margin down level are required. Alternatively, a DACx output level can be dynamically altered by an SMBus write to that DACx output register. WRITING TO THE DACs Four DAC ranges are offered. They can be placed with midcode (Code 0x7F) at 0.6 V, 0.8 V, 1.0 V, and 1.25 V. These voltages are placed to correspond to the most common feedback voltages. Centering the DACx outputs in this way provides the best use of the DAC resolution. For most supplies, it is possible to place the DAC midcode at the point where the dc-to-dc converter output is not modified, thereby giving half of the DAC range to margin up and the other half to margin down. The ADM1067 can be commanded to margin a supply up or down over the SMBus by updating the values on the relevant DAC output. The DAC output voltage is set by the code written to the DACx register. The voltage is linear with the unsigned binary number in this register. Code 0x7F is placed at the midcode voltage, as described previously. VIN MICROCONTROLLER VOUT ADM1067 DEVICE CONTROLLER (SMBus) OUTPUT ATTENUATION RESISTOR, R3 R1 FEEDBACK R2 GND DACx DAC PCB TRACE NOISE DECOUPLING CAPACITOR Figure 27. Open-Loop Margining System Using the ADM1067 Rev. E | Page 21 of 31 04635-067 DC-TO-DC CONVERTER ADM1067 Data Sheet The output voltage is given by the following equation: This equation demonstrates that if the user wants the output voltage to change by 300 mV, R1 = R3. If the user wants the output voltage to change by 600 mV, R1 = 2 x R3, and so on. DAC Output = (DACx - 0x7F)/255 x 0.6015 + VOFF where VOFF is one of the four offset voltages. There are 256 DAC settings available. The midcode value is located at DAC Code 0x7F, as close as possible to the middle of the 256 code range. The full output swing of the DACs is +302 mV (+128 codes) and -300 mV (-127 codes) around the selected midcode voltage. The voltage range for each midcode voltage is shown in Table 9. Table 9. Ranges for Midcode Voltages Midcode Voltage (V) 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.25 Minimum Voltage Output (V) 0.300 0.500 0.700 0.950 Maximum Voltage Output (V) 0.902 1.102 1.302 1.552 CHOOSING THE SIZE OF THE ATTENUATION RESISTOR The size of the attenuation resistor, R3, determines how much the DAC voltage swing affects the output voltage of the dc-to-dc converter that is being margined. Because the voltage at the feedback pin remains constant, the current flowing from the feedback node to GND through R2 is a constant. In addition, the feedback node itself is high impedance. This means that the current flowing through R1 is the same as the current flowing through R3. Therefore, a direct relationship exists between the extra voltage drop across R1 during margining and the voltage drop across R3. It is best to use the full DAC output range to margin a supply. Choosing the attenuation resistor in this way provides the most resolution from the DAC, meaning that with one DAC code change, the smallest effect on the dc-to-dc converter output voltage is induced. If the resistor is sized up to use a code such as 27 decimal to 227 decimal to move the dc-to-dc converter output by 5%, it takes 100 codes to move 5% (each code moves the output by 0.05%). This is beyond the readback accuracy of the ADC, but it should not prevent the user from building a circuit to use the most resolution. DAC LIMITING AND OTHER SAFETY FEATURES Limit registers (called DPLIMx and DNLIMx) on the device offer the user some protection from firmware bugs that can cause catastrophic board problems by forcing supplies beyond their allowable output ranges. Essentially, the DAC code written into the DACx register is clipped such that the code used to set the DAC voltage is actually given by DAC Code = DACx, DACx DNLIMx and DACx DPLIMx = DNLIMx, DACx < DNLIMx = DPLIMx, DACx > DPLIMx In addition, the DAC output buffer is three-stated, if DNLIMx > DPLIMx. By programming the limit registers this way, the user can make it very difficult for the DAC output buffers to be turned on during normal system operation. The limit registers are among the registers downloaded from the EEPROM at startup. This relationship is given by the following equation: VOUT = R1 (VFB - VDACOUT) R3 where: VOUT is the change in VOUT. VFB is the voltage at the feedback node of the dc-to-dc converter. VDACOUT is the voltage output of the margining DAC. Rev. E | Page 22 of 31 Data Sheet ADM1067 APPLICATIONS DIAGRAM 12V IN 12V OUT 5V IN 5V OUT 3V IN 3V OUT IN DC-TO-DC1 5V OUT 3V OUT 3.3V OUT 2.5V OUT 1.8V OUT 1.2V OUT 0.9V OUT POWRON VH VP1 VP2 VP3 VP4 VX1 VX2 VX3 EN 3.3V OUT PDO1 PDO2 IN DC-TO-DC2 PDO3 PDO4 PDO5 VX4 PDO6 RESET PDO7 VX5 MARGIN UP MARGIN DOWN OUT ADM1067 PDO8 PDO9 PDO10 DAC1* MUP MDN EN OUT 2.5V OUT PWRGD SIGNAL VALID IN SYSTEM RESET DC-TO-DC3 EN OUT 1.8V OUT 3.3V OUT VCCP VDDCAP REFOUT GND IN LDO 10F 10F 10F EN OUT 0.9V OUT 3.3V OUT IN EN OUT DC-TO-DC4 Figure 28. Applications Diagram Rev. E | Page 23 of 31 1.2V OUT TRIM 04635-068 *ONLY ONE MARGINING CIRCUIT SHOWN FOR CLARITY. DAC1 TO DAC6 ALLOW MARGINING FOR UP TO SIX VOLTAGE RAILS. ADM1067 Data Sheet COMMUNICATING WITH THE ADM1067 CONFIGURATION DOWNLOAD AT POWER-UP The configuration of the ADM1067 (undervoltage/overvoltage thresholds, glitch filter timeouts, PDO configurations, and so on) is dictated by the contents of the RAM. The RAM comprises digital latches that are local to each of the functions on the device. The latches are double-buffered and have two identical latches, Latch A and Latch B. Therefore, when an update to a function occurs, the contents of Latch A are updated first, and then the contents of Latch B are updated with identical data. The advantages of this architecture are explained in detail in the Updating the Configuration section. The two latches are volatile memory and lose their contents at power-down. Therefore, the configuration in the RAM must be restored at power-up by downloading the contents of the EEPROM (nonvolatile memory) to the local latches. This download occurs in steps, as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. With no power applied to the device, the PDOs are all high impedance. When 1.2 V appears on any of the inputs connected to the VDD arbitrator (VH or VPx), the PDOs are all weakly pulled to GND with a 20 k resistor. When the supply rises above the undervoltage lockout of the device (UVLO is 2.5 V), the EEPROM starts to download to the RAM. The EEPROM downloads its contents to all Latch As. When the contents of the EEPROM are completely downloaded to the Latch As, the device controller signals all Latch As to download to all Latch Bs simultaneously, completing the configuration download. At 0.5 ms after the configuration download completes, the first state definition is downloaded from the EEPROM into the SE. Note that any attempt to communicate with the device prior to the completion of the download causes the ADM1067 to issue a no acknowledge (NACK). UPDATING THE CONFIGURATION After power-up, with all the configuration settings loaded from the EEPROM into the RAM registers, the user may need to alter the configuration of functions on the ADM1067, such as changing the undervoltage or overvoltage limit of an SFD, changing the fault output of an SFD, or adjusting the rise time delay of one of the PDOs. The ADM1067 provides several options that allow the user to update the configuration over the SMBus interface. The following three options are controlled in the UPDCFG register: Option 1 Update the configuration in real time. The user writes to the RAM across the SMBus, and the configuration is updated immediately. Option 2 Update the Latch As without updating the Latch Bs. With this method, the configuration of the ADM1067 remains unchanged and continues to operate in the original setup until the instruction is given to update the Latch Bs. Option 3 Change the EEPROM register contents without changing the RAM contents, and then download the revised EEPROM contents to the RAM registers. With this method, the configuration of the ADM1067 remains unchanged and continues to operate in the original setup until the instruction is given to update the RAM. The instruction to download from the EEPROM in Option 3 is also a useful way to restore the original EEPROM contents, if revisions to the configuration are unsatisfactory. For example, if the user needs to alter an overvoltage threshold, the RAM register can be updated, as described in Option 1. However, if the user is not satisfied with the change and wants to revert to the original programmed value, the device controller can issue a command to download the EEPROM contents to the RAM again, as described in Option 3, restoring the ADM1067 to its original configuration. The topology of the ADM1067 makes this type of operation possible. The local, volatile registers (RAM) are all double-buffered latches. Setting Bit 0 of the UPDCFG register to 1 leaves the double-buffered latches open at all times. If Bit 0 is set to 0 when a RAM write occurs across the SMBus, only the first side of the double-buffered latch is written to. The user must then write a 1 to Bit 1 of the UPDCFG register. This generates a pulse to update all the second latches at once. EEPROM writes occur in a similar way. The final bit in this register can enable or disable EEPROM page erasure. If this bit is set high, the contents of an EEPROM page can all be set to 1. If this bit is set low, the contents of a page cannot be erased, even if the command code for page erasure is programmed across the SMBus. The bit map for the UPDCFG register is shown in the AN-698 Application Note. A flow diagram for download at power-up and subsequent configuration updates is shown in Figure 29. Rev. E | Page 24 of 31 Data Sheet ADM1067 SMBus E E P R O M L D DEVICE CONTROLLER R A M L D D A T A U P D LATCH A LATCH B EEPROM FUNCTION (OV THRESHOLD ON VP1) 04635-035 POWER-UP (VCC > 2.5V) Figure 29. Configuration Update Flow Diagram UPDATING THE SEQUENCING ENGINE Sequencing engine (SE) functions are not updated in the same way as regular configuration latches. The SE has its own dedicated 512-byte EEPROM for storing state definitions, providing 63 individual states, each with a 64-bit word (one state is reserved). At power-up, the first state is loaded from the SE EEPROM into the engine itself. When the conditions of this state are met, the next state is loaded from the EEPROM into the engine, and so on. The loading of each new state takes approximately 10 s. To alter a state, the required changes must be made directly to the EEPROM. RAM for each state does not exist. The relevant alterations must be made to the 64-bit word, which is then uploaded directly to the EEPROM. INTERNAL REGISTERS The ADM1067 contains a large number of data registers. The principal registers are the address pointer register and the configuration registers. Address Pointer Register The address point register contains the address that selects one of the other internal registers. When writing to the ADM1067, the first byte of data is always a register address that is written to the address pointer register. Configuration Registers The configuration registers provide control and configuration for various operating parameters of the ADM1067. EEPROM The ADM1067 has two 512-byte cells of nonvolatile, electrically erasable, programmable read-only memory (EEPROM), from Register Address 0xF800 to Register Address 0xFBFF. The EEPROM is used for permanent storage of data that is not lost when the ADM1067 is powered down. One EEPROM cell contains the configuration data of the device; the other contains the state definitions for the SE. Although referred to as read-only memory, the EEPROM can be written to, as well as read from, using the serial bus in exactly the same way as the other registers. The major differences between the EEPROM and other registers are as follows: An EEPROM location must be blank before it can be written to. If it contains data, the data must first be erased. Writing to the EEPROM is slower than writing to the RAM. Writing to the EEPROM should be restricted because it has a limited write/cycle life of typically 10,000 write operations, due to the usual EEPROM wear-out mechanisms. The first EEPROM is split into 16 (0 to 15) pages of 32 bytes each. Page 0 to Page 6, starting at Address 0xF800, hold the configuration data for the applications on the ADM1067 (such as the SFDs and PDOs). These EEPROM addresses are the same as the RAM register addresses, prefixed by F8. Page 7 is reserved. Page 8 to Page 15 are for customer use. Data can be downloaded from the EEPROM to the RAM in one of the following ways: At power-up, when Page 0 to Page 6 are downloaded. By setting Bit 0 of the UDOWNLD register (0xD8), which performs a user download of Page 0 to Page 6. SERIAL BUS INTERFACE The ADM1067 is controlled via the serial system management bus (SMBus) and is connected to this bus as a slave device under the control of a master device. It takes approximately 1 ms after power-up for the ADM1067 to download from its EEPROM. Therefore, access to the ADM1067 is restricted until the download is complete. Identifying the ADM1067 on the SMBus The ADM1067 has a 7-bit serial bus slave address. The device is powered up with a default serial bus address. The five MSBs of the address are set to 01111; the two LSBs are determined by the logical states of Pin A1 and Pin A0. This allows the connection of four ADM1067 devices to one SMBus. Table 10. Serial Bus Slave Address A1 Pin Low Low High High 1 A0 Pin Low High Low High Hex Address 0x78 0x7A 0x7C 0x7E 7-Bit Address1 0111100x 0111101x 0111110x 0111111x x = Read/Write bit. The address is shown only as the first 7 MSBs. Rev. E | Page 25 of 31 ADM1067 Data Sheet The device also has several identification registers (read-only) that can be read across the SMBus. Table 11 lists these registers with their values and functions. Table 11. Identification Register Values and Functions Name MANID Address 0xF4 Value 0x41 REVID MARK1 MARK2 0xF5 0xF6 0xF7 0x02 0x00 0x00 Function Manufacturer ID for Analog Devices Silicon revision Software brand Software brand operation, the first data byte after the slave address is a command byte. This command byte tells the slave device what to expect next. It may be an instruction telling the slave device to expect a block write, or it may be a register address that tells the slave where subsequent data is to be written. Because data can flow in only one direction, as defined by the R/W bit, sending a command to a slave device during a read operation is not possible. Before a read operation, it may be necessary to perform a write operation to tell the slave what sort of read operation to expect and/or the address from which data is to be read. Step 3 General SMBus Timing Figure 30, Figure 31, and Figure 32 are timing diagrams for general read and write operations using the SMBus. The SMBus specification defines specific conditions for different types of read and write operations, which are discussed in the Write Operations and Read Operations sections. The general SMBus protocol operates as follows: Step 1 The master initiates data transfer by establishing a start condition, defined as a high-to-low transition on the serial data (SDA) line, while the serial clock line (SCL) remains high. This indicates that a data stream follows. All slave peripherals connected to the serial bus respond to the start condition and shift in the next eight bits, consisting of a 7-bit slave address (MSB first) plus an R/W bit. This bit determines the direction of the data transfer, that is, whether data is written to or read from the slave device (0 = write, 1 = read). The peripheral whose address corresponds to the transmitted address responds by pulling the data line low during the low period before the ninth clock pulse, known as the acknowledge bit, and by holding it low during the high period of this clock pulse. All other devices on the bus remain idle while the selected device waits for data to be read from or written to it. If the R/W bit is a 0, the master writes to the slave device. If the R/W bit is a 1, the master reads from the slave device. Step 2 Data is sent over the serial bus in sequences of nine clock pulses: eight bits of data followed by an acknowledge bit from the slave device. Data transitions on the data line must occur during the low period of the clock signal and remain stable during the high period because a low-to-high transition when the clock is high could be interpreted as a stop signal. If the operation is a write When all data bytes have been read or written, stop conditions are established. In write mode, the master pulls the data line high during the 10th clock pulse to assert a stop condition. In read mode, the master device releases the SDA line during the low period before the ninth clock pulse, but the slave device does not pull it low. This is known as a no acknowledge. The master then takes the data line low during the low period before the 10th clock pulse and then high during the 10th clock pulse to assert a stop condition. SCL Held Low Timeout If the bus master holds the SCL low for a time that is a multiple of approximately 30 ms, the ADM1067 bus interface may timeout. If this timeout happens, the in progress transaction is NACKed, and the transaction must be repeated. This behavior is only seen if the I2C bus master is interrupted midtransaction by a higher priority task that delays completion of the transaction. False Start Detection The data hold time specification defines the time that data must be valid on the SDA line, following an SCL falling edge. If there are multiple ADM1067 devices on the same bus, one of the ADM1067 devices may see the SCL/SDA transition due to an acknowledge (ACK) from a different device as a start condition because of internal timing skew, which for most transactions, this is not an issue. In a case where the data appearing on the bus after the false start is detected happens to match the address of another ADM1067 on the bus, that device may incorrectly ACK. A bus master may see this ACK as another bus master talking on the bus, halt the bus transaction, and not produce any more clocks on the SCL. As a result, the ADM1067 device that incorrectly ACKed continues to hold down the SDA line low. To retry the halted bus transaction, the bus master performs a clock flush on the SCL by sending a series of up to 16 clock pulses. The clock flush forces the ADM1067 to release the SDA line. Rev. E | Page 26 of 31 Data Sheet ADM1067 1 9 1 9 SCL 1 1 1 1 A1 A0 D7 R/W D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 ACK. BY SLAVE START BY MASTER FRAME 1 SLAVE ADDRESS FRAME 2 COMMAND CODE 1 SCL (CONTINUED) SDA (CONTINUED) 9 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D0 ACK. BY SLAVE D2 D1 1 D7 D0 9 D6 D5 ACK. BY SLAVE FRAME 3 DATA BYTE D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 ACK. BY SLAVE FRAME N DATA BYTE STOP BY MASTER 04635-036 0 SDA Figure 30. General SMBus Write Timing Diagram 1 9 1 9 SCL 1 1 1 1 A1 A0 R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 ACK. BY SLAVE START BY MASTER 1 SCL (CONTINUED) SDA (CONTINUED) D7 FRAME 1 SLAVE ADDRESS D6 D5 D4 D3 9 D2 FRAME 3 DATA BYTE D1 D0 ACK. BY MASTER D0 1 D7 FRAME 2 DATA BYTE D6 D5 ACK. BY MASTER D4 9 D3 D2 FRAME N DATA BYTE D1 D0 NO ACK. STOP BY MASTER Figure 31. General SMBus Read Timing Diagram tR tF t HD; STA t LO W SCL t HI G H t HD; STA t HD; DAT t SU; STA t SU; STO t SU; DAT t BUF P S S Figure 32. Serial Bus Timing Diagram Rev. E | Page 27 of 31 P 04635-038 SDA 04635-037 0 SDA ADM1067 Data Sheet The ADM1067 contains volatile registers (RAM) and nonvolatile registers (EEPROM). User RAM occupies Address 0x00 to Address 0xDF; the EEPROM occupies Address 0xF800 to Address 0xFBFF. Data can be written to and read from both the RAM and the EEPROM as single data bytes. Data can be written only to unprogrammed EEPROM locations. To write new data to a programmed location, the location contents must first be erased. EEPROM erasure cannot be done at the byte level. The EEPROM is arranged as 32 pages of 32 bytes each, and an entire page must be erased. Page erasure is enabled by setting Bit 2 in the UPDCFG register (Address 0x90) to 1. If this bit is not set, page erasure cannot occur, even if the command byte (0xFE) is programmed across the SMBus. WRITE OPERATIONS The SMBus specification defines several protocols for different types of read and write operations. The following abbreviations are used in Figure 33 to Figure 41: S = Start P = Stop R = Read W = Write A = Acknowledge A = No acknowledge The ADM1067 uses the following SMBus write protocols. Send Byte In a send byte operation, the master device sends a single command byte to a slave device, as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The master device asserts a start condition on SDA. The master sends the 7-bit slave address followed by the write bit (low). The addressed slave device asserts an acknowledge (ACK) on SDA. The master sends a command code. The slave asserts an ACK on SDA. The master asserts a stop condition on SDA and the transaction ends. In the ADM1067, the send byte protocol is used for two purposes To write a register address to the RAM for a subsequent single byte read from the same address, or for a block read or block write starting at that address, as shown in Figure 33. 1 S 2 SLAVE ADDRESS W 3 4 5 6 A RAM ADDRESS (0x00 TO 0xDF) A P 04635-039 Figure 33. Setting a RAM Address for Subsequent Read Rev. E | Page 28 of 31 To erase a page of EEPROM memory. EEPROM memory can be written to only if it is unprogrammed. Before writing to one or more EEPROM memory locations that are already programmed, the page(s) containing those locations must first be erased. EEPROM memory is erased by writing a command byte. The master sends a command code telling the slave device to erase the page. The ADM1067 command code for a page erasure is 0xFE (1111 1110). Note that for a page erasure to take place, the page address must be given in the previous write word transaction (see the Write Byte/Word section). In addition, Bit 2 in the UPDCFG register (Address 0x90) must be set to 1. 1 S 2 SLAVE ADDRESS W 3 4 5 6 A COMMAND BYTE (0xFE) A P 04635-040 SMBus PROTOCOLS FOR RAM AND EEPROM Figure 34. EEPROM Page Erasure As soon as the ADM1067 receives the command byte, page erasure begins. The master device can send a stop command as soon as it sends the command byte. Page erasure takes approximately 20 ms. If the ADM1067 is accessed before erasure is complete, it responds with a no acknowledge (NACK). Data Sheet ADM1067 Write Byte/Word Block Write In a write byte/word operation, the master device sends a command byte and one or two data bytes to the slave device, as follows: In a block write operation, the master device writes a block of data to a slave device. The start address for a block write must be set previously. In the ADM1067, a send byte operation sets a RAM address, and a write byte/word operation sets an EEPROM address, as follows: The master device asserts a start condition on SDA. The master sends the 7-bit slave address followed by the write bit (low). 3. The addressed slave device asserts an ACK on SDA. 4. The master sends a command code. 5. The slave asserts an ACK on SDA. 6. The master sends a data byte. 7. The slave asserts an ACK on SDA. 8. The master sends a data byte or asserts a stop condition. 9. The slave asserts an ACK on SDA. 10. The master asserts a stop condition on SDA to end the transaction. In the ADM1067, the write byte/word protocol is used for three purposes: To write a single byte of data to the RAM. In this case, the command byte is RAM Address 0x00 to RAM Address 0xDF, and the only data byte is the actual data, as shown in Figure 35. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. 2. The master device asserts a start condition on SDA. The master sends the 7-bit slave address followed by the write bit (low). 3. The addressed slave device asserts an ACK on SDA. 4. The master sends a command code that tells the slave device to expect a block write. The ADM1067 command code for a block write is 0xFC (1111 1100). 5. The slave asserts an ACK on SDA. 6. The master sends a data byte that tells the slave device how many data bytes are being sent. The SMBus specification allows a maximum of 32 data bytes in a block write. 7. The slave asserts an ACK on SDA. 8. The master sends N data bytes. 9. The slave asserts an ACK on SDA after each data byte. 10. The master asserts a stop condition on SDA to end the transaction. 1 04635-041 RAM SLAVE W A S ADDRESS ADDRESS A DATA A P (0x00 TO 0xDF) Figure 35. Single Byte Write to the RAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 Because a page consists of 32 bytes, only the three MSBs of the address low byte are important for page erasure. The lower five bits of the EEPROM address low byte specify the addresses within a page and are ignored during an erase operation. To write a single byte of data to the EEPROM. In this case, the command byte is the high byte of EEPROM Address 0xF8 to EEPROM Address 0xFB. The first data byte is the low byte of the EEPROM address, and the second data byte is the actual data, as shown in Figure 37. 3 4 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 EEPROM EEPROM SLAVE ADDRESS ADDRESS S ADDRESS W A A A DATA A P HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE (0xF8 TO 0xFB) (0x00 TO 0xFF) There must be at least N locations from the start address to the highest EEPROM address (0xFBFF), to avoid writing to invalid addresses. An address crosses a page boundary. In this case, both pages must be erased before programming. Note that the ADM1067 features a clock extend function for writes to EEPROM. Programming an EEPROM byte takes approximately 250 s, which limits the SMBus clock for repeated or block write operations. The ADM1067 pulls SCL low and extends the clock pulse when it cannot accept any more data. 04635-043 2 Figure 36. Setting an EEPROM Address 1 4 Unlike some EEPROM devices that limit block writes to within a page boundary, there is no limitation on the start address when performing a block write to EEPROM, except when 7 8 EEPROM EEPROM SLAVE ADDRESS ADDRESS S ADDRESS W A A A P HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE (0xF8 TO 0xFB) (0x00 TO 0xFF) 3 Figure 38. Block Write to EEPROM or RAM To set up a 2-byte EEPROM address for a subsequent read, write, block read, block write, or page erase. In this case, the command byte is the high byte of EEPROM Address 0xF8 to EEPROM Address 0xFB. The only data byte is the low byte of the EEPROM address, as shown in Figure 36. 04635-042 2 S SLAVE W A COMMAND 0xFC A BYTE A DATA A DATA A DATA A P ADDRESS (BLOCK WRITE) COUNT 1 2 N 04635-044 1. 2. Figure 37. Single Byte Write to the EEPROM Rev. E | Page 29 of 31 ADM1067 Data Sheet 10. 11. 12. 13. The ADM1067 uses the following SMBus read protocols. Receive Byte In a receive byte operation, the master device receives a single byte from a slave device, as follows: 3. 4. 5. 6. The master device asserts a start condition on SDA. The master sends the 7-bit slave address followed by the read bit (high). The addressed slave device asserts an ACK on SDA. The master receives a data byte. The master asserts a NACK on SDA. The master asserts a stop condition on SDA, and the transaction ends. S R 3 4 5 6 A DATA A P 04635-045 2 SLAVE ADDRESS Figure 39. Single Byte Read from the EEPROM or RAM Block Read In a block read operation, the master device reads a block of data from a slave device. The start address for a block read must be set previously. In the ADM1067, this is done by a send byte operation to set a RAM address, or a write byte/word operation to set an EEPROM address. The block read operation itself consists of a send byte operation that sends a block read command to the slave, immediately followed by a repeated start and a read operation that reads out multiple data bytes, as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SLAVE COMMAND 0xFD SLAVE BYTE DATA R A A A W A A S ADDRESS (BLOCK READ) ADDRESS COUNT 1 13 DATA A 32 P Figure 40. Block Read from the EEPROM or RAM Error Correction The ADM1067 provides the option of issuing a packet error correction (PEC) byte after a write to the RAM, a write to the EEPROM, a block write to the RAM or EEPROM, or a block read from the RAM or EEPROM. This option enables the user to verify that the data received by or sent from the ADM1067 is correct. The PEC byte is an optional byte sent after the last data byte has been written to or read from the ADM1067. The protocol is the same as a block read for Step 1 to Step 12 and then proceeds as follows: In the ADM1067, the receive byte protocol is used to read a single byte of data from a RAM or EEPROM location whose address has previously been set by a send byte or write byte/word operation, as shown in Figure 39. 1 S 2 The master device asserts a start condition on SDA. The master sends the 7-bit slave address followed by the write bit (low). The addressed slave device asserts an ACK on SDA. The master sends a command code that tells the slave device to expect a block read. The ADM1067 command code for a block read is 0xFD (1111 1101). The slave asserts an ACK on SDA. The master asserts a repeat start condition on SDA. The master sends the 7-bit slave address followed by the read bit (high). The slave asserts an ACK on SDA. The ADM1067 sends a byte-count data byte that tells the master how many data bytes to expect. The ADM1067 always returns 32 data bytes (0x20), which is the maximum allowed by the SMBus Version 1.1 specification. 13. The ADM1067 issues a PEC byte to the master. The master checks the PEC byte and issues another block read if the PEC byte is incorrect. 14. A NACK is generated after the PEC byte to signal the end of the read. 15. The master asserts a stop condition on SDA to end the transaction. Note that he PEC byte is calculated using CRC-8. The frame check sequence (FCS) conforms to CRC-8 by the polynomial C(x) = x8 + x2 + x1 + 1 See the SMBus Version 1.1 specification for details. An example of a block read with the optional PEC byte is shown in Figure 41. 1 S 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SLAVE W A COMMAND 0xFD A S SLAVE R A BYTE A DATA A ADDRESS (BLOCK READ) ADDRESS COUNT 1 Rev. E | Page 30 of 31 13 14 15 DATA 32 A PEC A P Figure 41. Block Read from the EEPROM or RAM with PEC 04635-047 1. 2. 1 The master asserts an ACK on SDA. The master receives 32 data bytes. The master asserts an ACK on SDA after each data byte. The master asserts a stop condition on SDA to end the transaction. 04635-046 READ OPERATIONS Data Sheet ADM1067 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 6.10 6.00 SQ 5.90 31 1 0.50 BSC TOP VIEW 0.80 0.75 0.70 10 11 20 BOTTOM VIEW 0.25 MIN FOR PROPER CONNECTION OF THE EXPOSED PAD, REFER TO THE PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS SECTION OF THIS DATA SHEET. 0.05 MAX 0.02 NOM COPLANARITY 0.08 0.20 REF SEATING PLANE 4.25 4.10 SQ 3.95 EXPOSED PAD 21 0.45 0.40 0.35 PIN 1 INDICATOR 40 30 05-06-2011-A PIN 1 INDICATOR 0.30 0.25 0.18 COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-220-WJJD. Figure 42. 40-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_WQ] 6 mm x 6 mm Body, Very Very Thin Quad (CP-40-9) Dimensions shown in millimeters 0.75 0.60 0.45 1.20 MAX 9.00 BSC SQ 37 36 48 1 PIN 1 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.15 0.05 SEATING PLANE 0.20 0.09 7 3.5 0 0.08 MAX COPLANARITY 7.00 BSC SQ TOP VIEW 0 MIN (PINS DOWN) 12 13 25 24 VIEW A VIEW A 0.50 0.27 BSC 0.22 LEAD PITCH 0.17 ROTATED 90 CCW COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MS-026ABC Figure 43. 48-Lead Thin Plastic Quad Flat Package [TQFP] (SU-48) Dimensions shown in millimeters ORDERING GUIDE Model1 ADM1067ACPZ ADM1067ASUZ EVAL-ADM1067TQEBZ 1 Temperature Range -40C to +85C -40C to +85C Package Description 40-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_WQ] 48-Lead Thin Quad Flat Package [TQFP] Evaluation Kit (TQFP Version) Z = RoHS Compliant Part. (c)2004-2015 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D04635-0-1/15(E) Rev. E | Page 31 of 31 Package Option CP-40-9 SU-48