A project like this requires a vast amount of focused work from a large
team over an extended period. Particular credit is due to Roger
Thornton, who designed the board and ran the exhaustive (and
exhausting) RF compliance campaign, and to the team at the Sony UK
Technology Centre in Pencoed, South Wales. A partial list of others who
made major direct contributions to the BCM2837B0 chip program,
CYW43455 integration, LAN7515 and MxL7704 developments, and
Raspberry Pi 3B+ itself follows:
James Adams, David Armour, Jonathan Bell, Maria Blazquez, Jamie
Brogan-Shaw, Mike Buffham, Rob Campling, Cindy Cao, Victor Carmon,
KK Chan, Nick Chase, Nigel Cheetham, Scott Clark, Nigel Clift, Dominic
Cobley, Peter Coyle, Jon Cronk, Di Dai, Kurt Dennis, David Doyle,
Andrew Edwards, Phil Elwell, John Ferdinand, Doug Freegard, Ian
Furlong, Shawn Guo, Philip Harrison, Jason Hicks, Stefan Ho, Andrew
Hoare, Gordon Hollingworth, Tuomas Hollman, EikPei Hu, James
Hughes, Andy Hulbert, Anand Jain, David John, Prasanna Kerekoppa,
Shaik Labeeb, Trevor Latham, Steve Le, David Lee, David Lewsey,
Sherman Li, Xizhe Li, Simon Long, Fu Luo Larson, Juan Martinez,
Sandhya Menon, Ben Mercer, James Mills, Max Passell, Mark Perry,
Eric Phiri, Ashwin Rao, Justin Rees, James Reilly, Matt Rowley, Akshaye
Sama, Ian Saturley, Serge Schneider, Manuel Sedlmair, Shawn
Shadburn, Veeresh Shivashimper, Graham Smith, Ben Stephens, Mike
Stimson, Yuree Tchong, Stuart Thomson, John Wadsworth, Ian Watch,
Sarah Williams, Jason Zhu.
If you’re not on this list and think you should be, please let me know,
and accept my apologies.
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