Photocoupler Product Data Sheet LTV-217-G (Half Pitch LO Own Brand 1CH Halogen Free Series) Spec No.: DS70-2009-0016 Effective Date: 09/06/2012 Revision: A LITE-ON DCC RELEASE BNS-OD-FC001/A4 LITE-ON Technology Corp. / Optoelectronics No.90,Chien 1 Road, Chung Ho, New Taipei City 23585, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 886-2-2222-6181 Fax: 886-2-2221-1948 / 886-2-2221-0660 LITE - O N TECH NO LO G Y CO RP O RATIO N Property of LITE-ON Only FEATURES * Current transfer ratio ( CTR : MIN. 50% at IF = 5mA, VCE = 5V ) * Isolation voltage between input and output LTV-217 Series ( Viso = 3.75 KVrms ) * Employs double transfer mold technology * Safety Approval UL, cUL, CSA, FIMKO, VDE* Approved (*Requires "V" ordering option) * RoHS compliance APPLICATIONS * Hybrid substrates that require high density mounting. * Programmable controllers * System appliances, measuring instruments Part No. LTV-217-G Series (Rev.-, July 16, 2012) BNS-OD-C131/A4 Page : 1 of 11 LITE - O N TECH NO LO G Y CO RP O RATIO N Property of LITE-ON Only OUTLINE DIMENSIONS LTV-217-G: *1. 3-digit date code. *2. Rank shall be or shall not be marked. *3. VDE mark, only appears on devices ordered "V" option. Part No. : LTV-217-G Series (Rev.-, July 16, 2012) BNS-OD-C131/A4 Page : 2 of 11 LITE - O N TECH NO LO G Y CO RP O RATIO N Property of LITE-ON Only TAPING DIMENSIONS LTV-217 LTV-217-TP1 Sym bol D e s c r ip t io n T a p e w id e W P it c h o f s p r o c k e t h o le s P0 D im e n s io n in m m ( in c h e s ) F D is t a n c e o f c o m p a r t m e n t P2 D is t a n c e o f c o m p a r t m e n t t o c o m p a r t m e n t P1 Sym bol D e s c r ip t io n T a p e w id e W P it c h o f s p r o c k e t h o le s P0 D im e n s io n in m m ( in c h e s ) F D is t a n c e o f c o m p a r t m e n t P2 D is t a n c e o f c o m p a r t m e n t t o c o m p a r t m e n t P1 Quantities per Reel : Package Type LTV-217 Quantities (pcs) 3000 Part No. : LTV-217-G Series (Rev.-, July 16, 2012) BNS-OD-C131/A4 Page : 3 of 11 LITE - O N TECH NO LO G Y CO RP O RATIO N Property of LITE-ON Only ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING ( Ta = 25C ) SYMBOL RATING UNIT Forward Current IF 50 mA Reverse Voltage VR 6 V Power Dissipation P 70 mW Collector - Emitter Voltage VCEO 70 V Emitter - Collector Voltage VECO 7 V Collector Current IC 50 mA Collector Power Dissipation PC 150 mW Ptot 200 mW Viso 3000 Vrms Operating Temperature Topr -55 ~ +110 C Storage Temperature Tstg -55 ~ +150 C Tsol 260 (10s) C PARAMETER INPUT OUTPUT Total Power Dissipation *1 Isolation Voltage *2 Soldering Temperature *1. AC For 1 Minute, R.H. = 40 ~ 60% Isolation voltage shall be measured using the following method. (1) Short between anode and cathode on the primary side and between collector and emitter on the secondary side. (2) The isolation voltage tester with zero-cross circuit shall be used. (3) The waveform of applied voltage shall be a sine wave. *2. For 10 Seconds Part No. : LTV-217-G Series (Rev.-, July 16, 2012) BNS-OD-C131/A4 Page : 4 of 11 LITE - O N TECH NO LO G Y CO RP O RATIO N Property of LITE-ON Only ELECTRICAL - OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS ( Ta = 25C ) PARAMETER INPUT OUTPUT *1 CTR IC CONDITIONS Forward Voltage VF -- 1.2 1.4 V IF=20mA Reverse Current IR -- -- 10 A VR=4V Terminal Capacitance Ct -- 30 250 pF V=0, f=1KHz Collector Dark Current ICEO -- -- 100 nA VCE=50V, IF=0 Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage BVCEO 80 -- -- V IC=0.1mA IF=0 Emitter-Collector Breakdown Voltage BVECO 7 -- -- V IE=10A IF=0 IC 2.5 -- 30 mA *1 Current Transfer Ratio CTR 50 -- 600 % Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage VCE(sat) -- -- 0.4 V IF=8mA IC=2.4mA Isolation Resistance Riso -- DC500V 40 ~ 60% R.H. Floating Capacitance Cf -- 0.6 1 pF V=0, f=1MHz Response Time (Rise) tr -- 2 18 s Response Time (Fall) tf -- 3 18 s Turn-On Time ton 3 s Turn-Off Time toff 3 s Collector Current TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT 51010 11011 IF=5mA VCE=5V VCE=10V, IC=2mA RL=100, f=100Hz 100% IF Part No. : LTV-217-G Series (Rev.-, July 16, 2012) BNS-OD-C131/A4 Page : 5 of 11 LITE - O N TECH NO LO G Y CO RP O RATIO N Property of LITE-ON Only RANK TABLE OF CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO CTR MODEL NO. LTV-217 RANK MARK CTR ( % ) A 80 ~ 160 B 130 ~ 260 C 200 ~ 400 D 300 ~ 600 A or B or C or D or No mark 50 ~ 600 IF = 5 mA CONDITIONS VCE = 5 V Ta = 25 C Part No. : LTV-217-G Series (Rev.-, July 16, 2012) BNS-OD-C131/A4 Page : 6 of 11 LITE - O N TECH NO LO G Y CO RP O RATIO N Property of LITE-ON Only CHARACTERISTICS CURVES Figure 1. Collector Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temperature Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Ambient Temperature 60 Forward Current, IF (mA) 50 40 30 20 10 0 -25 0 25 50 75 100 Ambient Temperature,Ta () Figure 3. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage -3.2 Forward Voltage Temperature Coeffcient VF / Ta (mV/oC) Forward Current, IF ( mA ) 100 30oC 50oC 0 oC 75oC o 25 C Ta=100oC 10 1 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Figure 4. Forward Voltage Temperature Coefficient vs. Forward Current -2.8 -2.4 -2.0 -1.6 -1.2 -0.8 -0.4 2.0 0.1 1 10 100 Forward Current, IF (mA) Forward Voltage,VF ( V ) Figure 6. Pulse Forward Current vs. Pulse Forward Voltage Figure 5. Pulse Forward Current vs. Duty Cycle Ratio 1000 10000 P u ls e w id th < = 1 0 0 s o Pulse Forward Current, IFP ( mA ) P u ls e F o rw a rd C u rre n t I F P(m A ) Ta = 2 5 C 1000 100 100 10 Pulse Widths 10 us Repetitive Frequency = 100Hz Ta = 25 1 10 0 .0 0 0 1 0 .0 0 1 0 .0 1 0 .1 1 D u ty R a tio Part No. : LTV-217-G Series (Rev.-, July 16, 2012) BNS-OD-C131/A4 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Pulse Forward Voltage, VFP(V ) Page : 7 of 11 LITE - O N TECH NO LO G Y CO RP O RATIO N Property of LITE-ON Only CHARACTERISTICS CURVES Figure 7. Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage vs. Forward Current Figure 8. Collector Current vs. Collector-Emitter Voltage 50 5 50mA Collector Currrent, Ic ( mA) 4 3.5 7mA 10mA 0.5mA 2.5 5mA 3 3mA 1mA Collect-Emitt Voltage, VCE (V) 4.5 2 1.5 1 40 30mA 20mA 30 PC(Max)=150mV 20 10mA 10 IF=5mA 0.5 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 20 5 10 Collector-Emitter Voltage, VCE ( V ) Forward Current, IF (mA) Figure 9. Collector Current vs. Small Collector-Emitter Voltage Figure 10. Collector Current vs. Forward Curent 0.1 50 10V 5V 50mA 40 Collector Current, Ic (A) Collector Currrent, Ic ( mA) 45 35 30mA 30 25 20mA 20 10mA 15 10 Vcc = 0.4V 0.01 0.001 5mA 5 IF=2mA 0 0 0.5 1 0.0001 0.0001 Collector-Emitter Voltage, VCE ( V ) 0.001 0.01 0.1 Forward Current, IF(A) Figure 11. Collector Dark Current vs. Ambient Temperature Figure 12. Current Transfer Ratio vs. Forward Current 1.00E-06 VCE= 48V 1.00E-08 24V 10V 5V Current Tranfer Ratio CTR (%) Collector Dark Current, ICEO(A) 1000 10V 5V 100 1.00E-10 -25 -5 15 35 55 75 95 O Ambient Temperature, Ta( C) Part No. : LTV-217-G Series (Rev.-, July 16, 2012) BNS-OD-C131/A4 Vcc=0.4V 10 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 Forward Current, IF (A) Page : 8 of 11 LITE - O N TECH NO LO G Y CO RP O RATIO N Property of LITE-ON Only CHARACTERISTICS CURVES Figure 13. Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature Figure 14. Collector Current vs. Ambient Temperature 100 0.16 0.14 Collector Current, IC ( mA ) Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage (V) 0.18 IF=8mA IC=2.4mA 0.12 0.10 IF=20mA IC=1mA 0.08 IF=1mA IC=0.2mA 0.06 0.04 25mA 20mA 10 5mA 1mA 1 IF=0.5mA 0.02 0.00 -30 5 40 75 0.1 110 -25 0 Ambinet Temperature, Ta (oC) 25 50 75 100 Ambient Temperature,Ta ( OC ) Figure 15. Switching Time vs. Load Resistance Figure 16. Switching Time vs. Ambient Temperature 100 TOFF 1000 Tof f TS Switching Time, t(us) Switching Time ( S ) 100 Ts 10 Ton 1 10 TON 1 T a = 25 Vcc = 5V RL = 1.9k Vcc=5V IF=16mA RL=1.9k 0.1 0.1 1 10 100 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 O Load Resistance, R L( K) Ambient Temperature Ta( C) Figure 17. Frequency Response 0 RL=100 VO ( db ) -2 1K -4 -6 Vcc=5V Ic=2mA o Ta=25 C -8 1 10 Frequency ( kHz ) 100 Part No. : LTV-217-G Series (Rev.-, July 16, 2012) BNS-OD-C131/A4 Page : 9 of 11 LITE - O N TECH NO LO G Y CO RP O RATIO N Property of LITE-ON Only SWITCHING TIME TEST CIRCUIT TEMPERATURE PROFILE OF SOLDERING REFLOW (1) One time soldering reflow is recommended within the condition of temperature and time profile shown below. 1. Wave solder - 260C / 10 sec. 2. IR Reflow Profile item Preheat - Temperature Min (TSmin) - Temperature Max (TSmax) - Time (min to max) (ts) Soldering zone - Temperature (TL) - Time (tL) Peak Temperature (TP) Ramp-down rate Conditions 150C 180C 9030C 250C 10~15 sec 260C 3~6C / sec Tp T e m p e r a tu r e ( C ) TL Tsm ax R a m p -d o w n T s m in 25 C ts ( P r e h e a t) tL S o ld e r in g z o n e T im e ( s e c ) Part No. : LTV-217-G Series (Rev.-, July 16, 2012) BNS-OD-C131/A4 Page : 10 of 11 LITE - O N TECH NO LO G Y CO RP O RATIO N Property of LITE-ON Only TEMPERATURE PROFILE OF SOLDERING REFLOW (2) When using another soldering method such as infrared ray lamp, the temperature may rise partially in the mold of the device. Keep the temperature on the package of the device within the condition of above (1) (3) When using another soldering method such as infrared ray lamp, the temperature may rise partially in the mold of the device. Keep the temperature on the package of the device within the condition of above (1) Notes: - Lite-On is continually improving the quality, reliability, function or design and Lite-On reserves the right to make changes without further notices. - The products shown in this publication are designed for the general use in electronic applications such as office automation equipment, communications devices, audio/visual equipment, electrical application and instrumentation. - For equipment/devices where high reliability or safety is required, such as space applications, nuclear power control equipment, medical equipment, etc, please contact our sales representatives. - When requiring a device for any "specific" application, please contact our sales in advice. - If there are any questions about the contents of this publication, please contact us at your convenience. - The contents described herein are subject to change without prior notice. - Immerge unit's body in solder paste is not recommended. Part No. : LTV-217-G Series (Rev.-, July 16, 2012) BNS-OD-C131/A4 Page : 11 of 11 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Lite-On: LTV-217-TP1-B-G LTV-217-C-G LTV-217-B-G LTV-217-G