FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS. Ulti-Mate offers the widest variety of PCB mounted connectors, of which 5 styles are currently cataloged. All have mating interfaces per MIL-C-83513 and 24 AWG exit leads. Solder or Tin dip. Interface Series Styles 6 and 16 are available in the MIL spec "M and the intermateable plastic 8 series. The other styles are available in the "M" and "8" and also the narrower MIL spec plastic "P* series and its intermateable metal shell "A" series. Styles 1, 4 and 5 are qualified to MIL-C-83513. Surface mount versions available in selected layouts. Please contact factory. rholex 1.27mm (.050") Pitch Ulti-Mate Micro-D Subminiature Circuit Series For Through-Hole PC Board Mounting ORDERING INFORMATION AND DIMENSIONS A B CC OD E F G 4H A D Circuit Series jasulotor Material Hardware C R | Ryton", PPS, MIL-M-24519 GST 40F | None L| LCP: Vertrat 130 07 B Note: See U-8 interface Connector Series E P, A, M, B Size H Number of Contocts: 9, 15, 21, 25, 31, 37, 51, 100 Optional Threaded inser? C 1 Mount 6 | Vertical Mount & Mount i 16 Mount 18 Mount * Ryton is o segistered trademark of Phillips Petroleum Company ' Vectra is o registered trademark of Hoechst Celanese Corporation f Contact T Modification, standard is Through Hole Modification Codes Modifications are available, contact Factory Gi Micro/Nano InterconnectionsMicro /Nano Interconnections Style 6 is a vertical mount unit having jackposts. Style 16 is a vertical mount unit having jackscrews. Both of these connectors are recommended for new design over the older Style 4. Advantage: the termination footprint is contained within the envelope of the connector body, reducing space needed. rolex 1.27mm (.050") Pitch Ulti-Mate Micro-D Subminiature Circuit Series Styles 6 and 16, Vertical So e == De = US ee Paga 2 for Termination Footprints E oT 2.015 wirtesery. 2.028 t__ view A ! Style 6 26: S.3500.5 1) Style 16 See termination footprints on page U-11 : Dimensi Size A a E F H 9 19.94 (785) 14.35 (.565) 10.16 (400) 7.82 (408) 7.87 (.210) 8.38 (.330) 5 23.75 (935) 18.16 (715) 15.97 (550) 7,82 (308) 7.87 (310) 8.38 (330) a 27-56 (1.085) | 21.97 1.865) 17.78 (.700) 7.82 (308) 7.87 (310) 8.38 (230) ry 30.10 (1.185) [24.51 1.9651 20.32 (.800) 7.82 (308) 7.87 (310) 8.38 (330) 31 33.91 (1.395) [28.32 (0.115) | 24.13 (950) 7.82 ( 308) 7.87 (310) 8.38 (390) v7 37.72 (1.485) | 32.13 (1.265) | 27.94 (7.100) 7.82 (308) 7.87 (310) 8.38 (.330) il 36.45 (1.435) | 30.86 (1.215) | 26.54 (1.045) 8.92 (351) 10.16 (.400) 8.76 (.345) 100 55.12 (2.170) | 45.72 (1.800) | 39.37 (1.550) 10.01 (394) 12.95 (510) 10.16 (400) U-10 970rolex 1.27mm (,050") Pitch Ulti-Mate Micro-D Subminiature Circuit Series Styles 6 and 16 Footprint Terminations Spacing between rows is 1.90mm (.075") on all layouts; spacing between contacts in any one row is 2.54mm (.100") on the 9 through 37 layouts and 1.90mm (.075") on the 51 and 100 layouts. Termination Footprints (Pin Side) viewing connector, not circuit @ ERE i sD O37 6.90 Typ, an rr) am Tris Layout vod) E cae aR EE eh (oh (otha) (ar) OO) Goa 970 U-11 Gi Micro /Nano InterconnectionsMicro /Nano Interconnections Style 8 is right-angle mount unit with jackposts. Style 18 is a right-angle mount unit with jackscrews. Recommended for new design over Styles 1 and 5. Advantage: termination footprints are contained within the envelope of the connector body for space savings. a a OTH Typ. 094(2.39) Oa. Typ. 2 Places Style 8 H Lo iholex 1.27mm (.050") Pitch Ulti-Mate Micro-D Subminiature Circuit Series Styles 8 and 18, Right Angle Typ. Style 18 See termination footprints on poge U-13 Style 8 Style 18 Size Dimension Size Dimension A B E (A and P) E (M4 end B) fF 6 H 9 19.94 (785) 14.35 (.565) 10.16 (400) 5.341.218) 9 7.82 (.308) 10.41 (410) 6.35 (.250) 3,50 (.138) 5 23.75 (935) 18.16 (715) 13.97 (.550) 5.341.218) 15 7.82 (.308) 10.4 (410) 6.35 (.250) 3.50 (.138) I 77.56 (1.085) | __21.97 (.865) 17.78 (.700) 5.341.218) 7 7.82 (.308) 10.41 (410) 6.35 (.250) 3.50 (.138) 25 30.10 (7.185) [24.51 (.965) 70.32 {.800) 5.341.218) 15 7.82 (.308) 10.41 (410) 6.35 (.250) 3.50 (.138) a1 33.91 (1.335) | 28.32 (0.115) | 24.131.950) 5.34218) i 7.82 (.308) 10.41 (410) 6.35 (.250) 3.50 1.138) fi 3772(1485) | 32.13(0.265) | 27.94(0.100) | 5.944.218) a 7.82 (.308) 10.41 (416) 6.35 1.250) 3.501.138) 5I 36.45(7.435)_| _30.8610.215) | 26.54(1.045) | 6.601.260) 51 8.92 (351) 12:70 (506) 7.49 1.295) 3.68 1.145) 100 55.12 (2.170) | 45.72.1800) | _39.37(1.550) 100 70.01 (.394) 15.62 (.615) 6.89 1.350) 4.144.163) U-12 970aoleX 1.27mm (.050") Pitch Ulti-Mate Micro-D Subminiature Circuit Series Styles 8 and 18 Termination Footprints Spacing between rows is 1.90mm (.075") on all layouts; spacing between contacts in any one row is 2.54mm (.100") on the 9 through 37 layouts and 1.90mm (.075") on the 51 and 100 layouts. -el ees (4.65) ()G) DRE Co MEO m me i es at a aa aniet of O57 (0.95) Typ. ans tet Ty Tis Layout mls c 970 U-13 Ga Micro /Nano interconnectionsei Micro /Nano Interconnections Style 1 (CBR) is the original right-angle mount PC board con- nector having 90 termination exit leads on o 2.54 (.100) x 2.54mm (.100) grid. Mounting through-holes are provided. Jackposts to receive jackscrews are optional. Style 11 is an industry alternate for Style 1. It is identical except for the setback of the footprints from the metal shell. Ail dimensions are the some except F, G and H. Style T is qualified fo slash 10 through slash 15 of MIL-C-83513. Style 11 is on industry alternate to Style 1, but is not qualified to MIL-C-83513. For new applications, we suggest you consider Style 8 or 18. Lu A | E | oe 7 9,15,21,25 View A Layouts S57 OserTyP x a) ooo o- SAITYP. i }.094 (2.39) DIA 2 PLACES 10062. 54), Z a-34)_| Hy Le wold le--,05061.27) TYP. be po 31,37,51 Layouts Coma tholeX 1.27mm (.050") Pitch Ulti-Mate Micro-D Subminiature Circuit Series Styles 1 and 11, Right Angle [1 Pr Lives at s ver & Sapp 100 Layout - 40 UNC? STEEL See termination footprints on page U-15 Style 1 si Dimeasion Size Di i me A D _[e(Aund P)E(M ands) F # F 6 4 > | 19.98 | 1435 5,54 782 | 1007 | 6.35 5.84 3 10.16 5.84 5.43 (795) | 565) | 218) | C308) | 6420) | 0250) | 230) (400) (230) (210) 5 | 275 | tele | 5.54 782 | 1067 | 6.35 3.30 5 12.19 8.38 5.33 (935) | (715) | (208) | 308) fF (420) | 6.250) | C130) (480) (.330) (210) | 256 | 297 5.54 782 | 1087 | 635 3.30 1 12.19 8.38 5.33 (1,085) | (865) | (218) |] (308) | Caz0y | 0.250) | 1.130) (480) (.330) (210) ns | 3010 | 2451 5.54 782 | Wer | 6.35 3,30 5 12.19 8.38 5.33 (1.igsy | (965) | 21ey | (308) | C420) | 1.250) | 130) (480) {.330) (210) yn | 33 | 282 | (5.54 782 Ba | 6.35 3.30 i 15.24 8.38 5.33 1.335) | cv.itsy | Catey | (308) | 520) | (250) | C1300 (600) 330) (310) y | afi2 | 323 5.54 787 1321 | 6.35 3.30 v7 15.24 8.38 5.43 1.485) | (1.265) | C218) | (308) | 0520) | 1950) | 1.730) (.600) (.330} (.210} 5 | 3645 | 30.86 6.62 8.92 1651 | 7.62 381 51 18.03 914 5.33 7.435) | (2isy | C260) | 6351) | 650) | C300) 1.150) (710) (.360) (210) oo | 0499 | 45.72 roo | 25.40 | 1016 | 5.08 100 25.65 10.67 5.43 (2.165) | (1.800) 4394r | 1.000) | C400; | C200) (1.010) (420) (2101 Note: All connectors have a recessed "woshout area of 0.38mm (.015"} min. U-14 970Micro-D Subminiature Termination Footprints Ulti-Mate Circuit Series Styles 1 and 11 -1@@ (2.54) -20@ (5.08) molex 1.27mm (.050") Pitch Socket Side View A 15 View A Pin Side SUOHPOUNOIOJU] CUDN/ODIW Fi 200 (5.08) 200 ( .300 (7.62) > 300 (7, O6 C60 E888 SP08S GOsageee over SO a 8 m m n s Qn8o_e Be .e80 6 08a SeSsSage @ SOS Go, Soe SoseS csesaese BES Ges Sse GohH Gosh ogegese O20 QoS GOSS C58 Soha cSlehsege @8 Sos GOSe Se85 ases elesarae S68 aes. Se SoloS cSe2o%e2 970 (U-15 Style It Pin Style |& Ii Socket Style | Pin