Quick Reference
User’s Manual OSEK Opera ting System — Re v 1.2
330 Quick Ref erence MO TORO LA
Defines that Al ternati ve Register File
wil l be used for ISR processing. This
attribute is us eful in case of numerous
sing le-l evel i nterr upts mo st of which do
not cause task r e-scheduling. Also it
all ows to avoid problem of usi ng
variables i nside ISR cat egory 3,
problem of nested int errupts for
MCORE and problem of using normal
interrupt exceptions for MCOR E.
Supported for MCORE only.
This at tribut e, if it is TRUE,
requires vector table adjusting.
The low order bit of the
exception vector content must
be 1 for every vector in the table
(except those ones that are not
really used).
SimpleScheduler TRUE, FALSE
Simplified scheduler is used. This
schedu ler supp orts table of rea dy tasks
unli ke convenient scheduler, which
supports list of ready tasks. The main
restriction of this type of scheduler is
that only one task per priority may be
used ( i .e., eac h t ask should has unique
priority), and, hence, OSEK resources
are not allowed. Al so task multiply
activations are not supported.
However, the si mplified scheduler
requires less code, and runs much
faster. In spite, that the feat ures,
provided by this type of sche duler, are
suitable for BCC1, it may be used in
any conformance class when the
conditi ons, mentioned above, are met.
It i s highly recommended to use
this typ e o f scheduler, unl ess
resources or/and several tasks
per priorit y and task multiply
activation are requi red in
appli cation.
UseCommonArea TRUE, FALSE
If this attribute is set to TRUE, stack
usage is reduced for system services,
and, hence for tasks and ISRs. In thi s
case static memory area is used for
parameters and local variables of
system services. About 20 more bytes
are required in RAM to hold common
area, while code and timing is
increased very slightly.
It i s recommen ded to use this
feature , only if RAM
requireme nts is an issue. In
general , 20%–30% of task and
ISR stack space is saved (see
Section 15 HC12 Platform-
Specific Features for more
Copyri ght Noti ce TRUE, FA LS E Specifies whether copyright notice
should be inc orporated into OS ROM
code or not.
It is highly recommended always
have this attribute set to TRUE.
Reconfig TRUE, FALSE
This option allows to have a num ber of
different appli cation modes (different
sets of tasks) in the same
application.In thi s case it is possible to
change applicati on mo de after system
shu t do w n . If
is set to TRUE,
then Extended OIL format should be
used to define applicat ion modes.
If i t i s not necessary to have a
numb er of different application
modes in t he same application,
then it is recommended to t urn
this propert y off. It dec reases
the needed amount of RAM for
task identif ication and increases
the speed.
UseMoveBlockInstruction TRUE, FA LSE Defi nes whether OS has to use CPU
memor y m ove block instructions or not. This at tribut e is i ntended for
MPC only.
Table E-6. OS Parameters
Objec t Parameter s Possible V alues Descrip tion Notes