Part number 141525-01 Specifications and Ordering Information Page 2 of 9
Revision D, July 2001
Hazardous Area Approvals
CSA/NRTL/C Refer to the data sheet of a pplica-
ble monitor being inserted into the
CE Mark Directives
BNC 136669 Bently Nevada Corp Low Vol tage
BNC 134036 Bently Nev ada Corp EMC Dire ctiv e
EN50081-2 Rad iated Emissions
EN 55011, Class A
Conducted Emissions
EN 55011, Class A
EN50082-2 Electro static Discharge
EN 61000 -4-2, Criteria B
Radiated Suscept ibility
ENV 50140, Crite ria A
Conducted Susceptibility
ENV 50141, Crite ria A
Electrical Fast Transient
EN 61000 -4-4, Criteria B
Surge Capabil ity
EN 61000 -4-5, Criteria B
Magnetic Field
EN 61000 -4-8, Criteria A
Power Supply Dip
EN 61000 -4-11, Criteria B
Radio Telephone
ENV 50204, Crite ria B
Ordering Considerations
• Racks with Internal Barriers installed require that a 3500/04-01
Internal Barrier Earthing Module is installed to provide the con-
nection of the IS Earth to the 3500/05 rack. This module
requires a dedicated rack position.
• Th e 3500/9 3 Sy stem D isp lay A01 S yste m Face Mount option is
incompatible with the 3500/05 Mini-rack .
• The 3500/05 Mini-rack is not available in the Bulkhead mount
• The 3500/06 Weatherproof housing is not compatible with the
3500/05 Bulkhead Mount option.
• When using a 3500 Mini-rack in an EIA rack, a 144863-01 19-
inch EIA Adapter Panel is required.
• T h e 3500 M i n i - r a c k r equires 3500/01 Software, version 2.70 or
Ordering Information
Rack Ordering Information
A: Rack Size: 0 1 19-inch Rack (14 Module Slots)
0 2 12-inch Mini-Rack (7 Module
B: Mounting Options: 0 1 Panel Mount Option, Full-Size
0 2 Rack Mount Option, Full-Size
Rack (mounts to19-inch EIA
0 3 Bulkhead Mount Option (Not
available in Mini-Rack)
0 4 Panel Mount Option, Mini-Rack
0 5 Rack Mount Option, Mini-Rack
C: Agency Approval
Option: 0 0 None
D: Reserved: 0 0 None
E: European
Option: 0 0 None
0 1 CE