Preliminary Technical Data Complete, Quad, 16-Bit, High Accuracy, Serial Input, Bipolar Voltage Output DAC AD5764 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION Complete quad 16-bit D/A converter Programmable output range: 10 V, 10.25 V, or 10.5 V 1 LSB max INL error, 1 LSB max DNL error Low noise : 60 nV/Hz Settling time: 10s max Integrated reference buffers Internal reference, 10 ppm/C On-chip temp sensor, 5C accuracy Output control during power-up/brownout Programmable short-circuit protection Simultaneous updating via LDAC Asynchronous CLR to zero code Digital offset and gain adjust Logic output control pins DSP/microcontroller compatible serial interface Temperature range:-40C to +85C iCMOSTM Process Technology The AD5764 is a quad, 16-bit serial input, voltage output digital-to analog converter that operates from supply voltages of 12 V up to 15 V. Nominal full-scale output range is 10 V, provided are integrated output amplifiers, reference buffers, internal reference, and proprietary power-up/power-down control circuitry. It also features a digital I/O port that may be programmed via the serial interface, and an analog temperature sensor. The part incorporates digital offset and gain adjust registers per channel. APPLICATIONS Industrial automation Closed-loop servo control, process control Data acquisition systems Automatic Test Equipment Automotive test and measurement High accuracy instrumentation The AD5764 is a high performance converter that offers guaranteed monotonicity, integral nonlinearity (INL) of 1 LSB, low noise and 10 s settling time and includes an on-chip 5 V reference with a reference tempco of 10 ppm/C max. During power-up (when the supply voltages are changing), Vout is clamped to 0V via a low impedance path. The AD5764 uses a serial interface that operates at clock rates up to 30 MHz and is compatible with DSP and microcontroller interface standards. Double buffering allows the simultaneous updating of all DACs. The input coding is programmable to either twos complement or straight binary formats. The asynchronous clear function clears all DAC registers to either bipolar zero or zero-scale depending on the coding used. The AD5764 is ideal for both closed-loop servo control and open-loop control applications. The AD5764 is available in a 32-lead TQFP package, and offers guaranteed specifications over the -40C to +85C industrial temperature range. See functional block diagram, Figure 1. iCMOSTM Process Technology For analog systems designers within industrial/instrumentation equipment OEMs who need high performance ICs at higher-voltage levels, iCMOS is a technology platform that enables the development of analog ICs capable of 30V and operating at +/-15V supplies while allowing dramatic reductions in power consumption and package size, and increased AC and DC performance. Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04 Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 Fax: 781.326.8703 (c) 2004 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. AD5764 Preliminary Technical Data TABLE OF CONTENTS Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 3 Asynchronous Clear (CLR)....................................................... 18 Specifications..................................................................................... 4 Function Register ....................................................................... 20 AC Performance Characteristics ................................................ 6 DAta register ............................................................................... 21 Timing Characteristics ................................................................ 7 Coarse gain register.................................................................... 21 Absolute Maximum Ratings.......................................................... 10 Fine gain register ........................................................................ 21 ESD Caution................................................................................ 10 offset register............................................................................... 22 Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions........................... 11 AD5764 Features ............................................................................ 23 Terminology .................................................................................... 13 Analog Output Control ............................................................. 23 Typical Performance Characteristics ........ Error! Bookmark not defined. Digital Offset and Gain Control............................................... 23 General Description ....................................................................... 15 dac architecture........................................................................... 16 Reference Buffers........................................................................ 16 Serial interface ............................................................................ 16 Simultaneous Updating Via LDAC .......................................... 17 Programmable Short-Circuit protection................................. 23 Digital I/O Port........................................................................... 23 Temperature Sensor ................................................................... 23 Local ground offset adjust......................................................... 23 Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 24 Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 28 transfer function ......................................................................... 18 REVISION HISTORY Revision PrC 21-Oct-04: Preliminary Version Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 2 of 28 Preliminary Technical Data AD5764 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM PGND AVDD AVSS AVDD AVSS REFOUT REFGND DVCC +5V REFERENCE DGND 16 SDIN SCLK SYNC SDO INPUT SHIFT REGISTER AND CONTROL LOGIC INPUT REG A RSTOUT VREF AB REFERENCE BUFFERS RSTIN VOLTAGE MONITOR AND CONTROL ISCC G1 DAC 16 REG A DAC A VOUTA G2 M REG A AGNDA C REG A INPUT REG B G1 DAC 16 REG B DAC B VOUTB G2 M REG B AGNDB C REG B D0 D1 INPUT REG C G1 DAC 16 REG C DAC C VOUTC G2 M REG C AGNDC C REG C BIN/2SCOMP INPUT REG D G1 DAC 16 REG D DAC D VOUTD G2 M REG D AGNDD C REG D REFERENCE BUFFERS TEMP SENSOR VREF CD TEMP LDAC Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 3 of 28 04641-PrA-001 CLR AD5764 Preliminary Technical Data SPECIFICATIONS AVDD = +11.4 V to +15.75 V, AVSS = -11.4 V to -15.75 V, AGND = DGND = REFGND = PGND=0 V; REFAB = REFCD= 5 V Ext; DVCC = 2.7 V to 5.5 V, RLOAD = 10 k, CL = 200 pF. All specifications TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Table 1. A Grade1 B Grade1 C Grade1 Unit 16 4 1 1 16 2 1 1 16 1 1 1 Bits LSB max LSB max mV max Bipolar Zero TC Zero Code Error 2 1 2 1 2 1 ppm FSR/C max mV max Zero Code TC Gain Error 2 0.02 2 0.02 2 0.02 ppm FSR/C max % FSR max 2 0.5 2 0.5 2 0.5 ppm FSR/C max LSB max 5 1 10 1/5 5 1 10 1/5 5 1 10 1/5 V nom M min A max V min/max 1% for specified performance Typically 100 M Typically 30 nA 4.999/5.001 10 3 TBD TBD 4.999/5.001 10 3 TBD TBD 4.999/5.001 10 3 TBD TBD V min/max ppm/C max Ppm/C typ V p-p typ nV/Hz typ At 25C 10 13 2 TBD 10 13 2 TBD 10 13 2 TBD AVDD/AVSS = 11.4 V AVDD/AVSS = 14.75 V 10 1 10 1 10 1 V min/max V min/max ppm FSR/C max ppm FSR/1000 Hours typ mA max mA max 200 TBD 0.3 200 TBD 0.3 200 TBD 0.3 pF max pF max max Parameter ACCURACY Resolution Relative Accuracy (INL) Differential Nonlinearity Bipolar Zero Error Gain TC DC Crosstalk2 REFERENCEINPUT/OUTPUT Reference Input2 Reference Input Voltage DC Input Impedance Input Current Reference Range Reference Output Output Voltage Reference TC Output Noise(0.1 Hz to 10 Hz) Noise Spectral Density OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS2 Output Voltage Range3 Output Voltage TC Output Voltage Drift VS Time Short Circuit Current Load Current Capacitive Load Stability RL = RL = 10 k DC Output Impedance 1 Test Conditions/Comments Guaranteed monotonic At 25C. Error at other temperatures obtained using bipolar zero TC. At 25C. Error at other temperatures obtained using zero code TC. At 25C. Error at other temperatures obtained using gain TC. RISCC = 6 K , See Figure ??? Temperature range -40C to +85C; typical at +25C. Device functionality is guaranteed to +105C with degraded performance. Guaranteed by characterization. Not production tested. 3 Output amplifier headroom requirement is 1.4 V min. 2 Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 4 of 28 Preliminary Technical Data AD5764 Parameter DIGITAL INPUTS2 A Grade1 B Grade1 C Grade1 Unit VIH, Input High Voltage VIL, Input Low Voltage Input Current Pin Capacitance DIGITAL OUTPUTS (D0,D1, SDO) 2 Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage 2 0.8 10 10 2 0.8 10 10 2 0.8 10 10 V min V max A max pF max 0.4 DVCC - 1 0.4 DVCC - 1 0.4 DVCC - 1 V max V min Output Low Voltage 0.4 0.4 0.4 V max Output High Voltage DVCC - 0.5 DVCC - 0.5 DVCC - 0.5 V min 1 1 1 A max DVCC= 5 V 10%, sinking 200 A DVCC = 5 V 10%, Sourcing 200 A DVCC = 2.7 V to 3.6 V, Sinking 200 A DVCC = 2.7 V to 3.6 V, Sourcing 200 A SDO only 5 5 5 pF typ SDO only 1 5 1.5 5 0/3.0 200 10 1 5 1.5 5 0/3.0 200 10 1 5 1.5 5 0/3.0 200 10 C typ C max V typ mV/C typ V min/max A max ms typ At 25C -40C < T <+85C 11.4/15.75 2.7/5.5 11.4/15.75 2.7/5.5 11.4/15.75 2.7/5.5 V min/max V min/max -85 3.75 2.75 1 -85 3.75 2.75 1 -85 3.75 2.75 1 dB typ mA/Channel max mA/Channel max mA max 244 244 244 mW typ High Impedance Leakage Current High Impedance Output Capacitance TEMP SENSOR Accuracy Output Voltage @ 25C Output Voltage Scale Factor Output Voltage Range Output Load Current Power On Time POWER REQUIREMENTS AVDD/AVSS DVCC Power Supply Sensitivity4 VOUT/VDD AIDD AISS DICC Power Dissipation 4 Guaranteed by characterization. Not production tested. Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 5 of 28 Test Conditions/Comments DVCC = 2.7 V to 5.5 V, JEDEC compliant Total for All Pins. TA = TMIN to TMAX. Current source only. To within 5C Outputs unloaded Outputs unloaded VIH = DVCC, VIL = DGND. TBD mA typ 12 V operation output unloaded AD5764 Preliminary Technical Data AC PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS AVDD = +11.4 V to +15.75 V, AVSS = -11.4 V to -15.75 V, AGND = DGND = REFGND = PGND=0 V; REFAB = REFCD= 5 V Ext; DVCC = 2.7 V to 5.5 V, RLOAD = 10 k, CL = 200 pF. All specifications TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Guaranteed by design and characterization, not production tested. Table 2. Parameter DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE Output Voltage Settling Time Slew Rate Digital-to-Analog Glitch Energy Glitch Impulse Peak Amplitude Channel-to-Channel Isolation DAC-to-DAC Crosstalk Digital Crosstalk Digital Feedthrough Output Noise (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz) Output Noise (0.1 kHz to 100 kHz)5 1/f Corner Frequency Output Noise Spectral Density Complete System Output Noise Spectral Density6 5 6 A Grade B Grade C Grade Unit Test Conditions/Comments 8 10 1 5 5 5 100 5 8 10 1 5 5 5 100 5 5 1 8 10 1 5 5 5 100 5 5 1 s typ s max s max V/s typ nV-s typ mV max dB typ nV-s typ nV-s typ nV-s typ Full-scale step 0.1 45 1 60 80 0.1 45 1 60 80 LSB p-p typ V rms max kHz typ nV/Hz typ nV/Hz typ Guaranteed by design and characterization. Not production tested. Includes noise contributions from integrated reference buffers, 16-bit DAC and output amplifier. Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 6 of 28 512 LSB step settling Effect of input bus activity on DAC output under test Measured at 10 kHz Measured at 10 kHz Preliminary Technical Data AD5764 TIMING CHARACTERISTICS AVDD = +11.4 V to +15.75 V, AVSS = -11.4 V to -15.75 V, AGND = DGND = REFGND = PGND = 0 V; REFAB = REFCD= 5 V Ext; DVCC = 2.7 V to 5.5 V, RLOAD = 10 k, CL = 200 pF. All specifications TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Table 3. Parameter7,8,9 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 10 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t1511,12 t1612 t1712 Limit at TMIN, TMAX 33 13 13 13 13 40 5 0 20 20 5 10 20 12 20 8 20 Unit ns min ns min ns min ns min ns min ns min ns min ns min ns min ns min ns min s max ns min s max ns max ns min ns min Description SCLK cycle time SCLK high time SCLK low time SYNC falling edge to SCLK falling edge setup time 24th SCLK falling edge to SYNC rising edge Minimum SYNC high time Data setup time Data hold time SYNC rising edge to LDAC falling edge LDAC pulse width low LDAC falling edge to DAC output response time DAC output settling time CLR pulse width low CLR pulse activation time SCLK rising edge to SDO valid SCLK falling edge to SYNC rising edge SYNC rising edge to LDAC falling edge 7 Guaranteed by design and characterization. Not production tested. All input signals are specified with tr = tf = 5 ns (10% to 90% of DVCC) and timed from a voltage level of 1.2 V. 9 See Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4. 10 Stand-alone mode only. 11 Measured with the load circuit of Figure 5. 12 Daisy-chain mode only. 8 Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 7 of 28 AD5764 Preliminary Technical Data t1 SCLK 1 2 24 t6 t3 t2 t4 t5 SYNC t8 t7 SDIN DB0 DB23 t9 LDAC t10 t12 t11 VOUT LDAC = 0 t12 t11 VOUT t13 CLR 04641-PrA-002 t14 VOUT Figure 2. Serial Interface Timing Diagram t1 SCLK 24 t3 t6 48 t2 t5 t16 t4 SYNC t8 t7 DB23 DB0 INPUT WORD FOR DAC N DB23 DB0 t15 INPUT WORD FOR DAC N+1 DB23 SDO UNDEFINED DB0 INPUT WORD FOR DAC N LDAC Figure 3. Daisy Chain Timing Diagram Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 8 of 28 t17 t10 04641-PrA-003 SDIN Preliminary Technical Data AD5764 SCLK 24 48 SYNC DB23 DB0 DB23 DB0 INPUT WORD SPECIFIES REGISTER TO BE READ NOP CONDITION DB0 DB23 SDO UNDEFINED SELECTED REGISTER DATA CLOCKED OUT Figure 4. Readback Timing Diagram 200A VOH (MIN) OR VOL (MAX) CL 50pF 200A IOH 04641-PrA-004 TO OUTPUT PIN IOL Figure 5. Load Circuit for SDO Timing Diagram Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 9 of 28 04641-PrA-005 SDIN AD5764 Preliminary Technical Data ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TA = 25C unless otherwise noted. Transient currents of up to 100 mA will not cause SCR latch-up. Table 4. Parameter AVDD to AGND, DGND AVSS to AGND, DGND DVCC to DGND Digital Inputs to DGND Digital Outputs to DGND REF IN to AGND, PWRGND REF OUT to AGND VOUTA,B,C,D to AGND AGND to DGND Operating Temperature Range Industrial Storage Temperature Range Junction Temperature (TJ max) 32-Lead TQFP Package, JA Thermal Impedance Reflow Soldering Peak Temperature Time at Peak Temperature Rating -0.3 V to +17 V +0.3 V to -17 V -0.3 V to +7 V -0.3 V to DVCC + 0.3 V -0.3 V to DVCC + 0.3 V -0.3 V to +17 V AVSS to AVDD AVSS to AVDD -0.3 V to +0.3 V Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those listed in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. -40C to +85C -65C to +150C 150C TBDC/W 220C 10 sec to 40 sec ESD CAUTION ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000 V readily accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although this product features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality. Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 10 of 28 Preliminary Technical Data AD5764 BIN/2sCOMP AVDD AVSS TEMP REFGND REFOUT REFCD REFAB PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS 32 25 1 24 AGNDA VOUTA VOUTB AGNDB AGNDC VOUTC VOUTD AGNDD PIN 1 INDICATOR AD5764 TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) 8 17 16 RSTOUT RSTIN DGND DVCC AVDD PGND AVSS ISCC 9 04641-PrA-007 SYNC SCLK SDIN SDO CLR LDAC D0 D1 Figure 6. 32-Lead TQFP Pin Configuration Diagram Table 5. Pin Function Descriptions Pin No. 1 Mnemonic SYNC 2 SCLK13 3 4 SDIN13 SDO 5 6 CLR13 LDAC 7, 8 D0, D1 9 RSTOUT 10 RSTIN 11 12 DGND DVCC 13, 31 14 15, 30 16 AVDD PGND AVSS ISCC 17 AGNDD 13 Function Active Low Input. This is the frame synchronization signal for the serial interface. While SYNC is low, data is transferred in on the falling edge of SCLK. Serial Clock Input. Data is clocked into the shift register on the falling edge of SCLK. This operates at clock speeds up to 30 MHz. Serial Data Input. Data must be valid on the falling edge of SCLK. Serial Data Output. Used to clock data from the serial register in daisy-chain or readback mode. Active Low Input. Asserting this pin sets the DAC registers to 0x0000. Load DAC. Logic input. This is used to update the DAC registers and consequently the analog output. When tied permanently low, the addressed DAC register is updated on the 24th clock of the serial register write. If LDAC is held high during the write cycle, the DAC input register is updated but the output is held off until the falling edge of LDAC. In this mode, all analog outputs can be updated simultaneously on the falling edge of LDAC. D0 and D1 form a digital I/O port. The user can configure these pins as inputs or outputs that are configurable and readable over the serial interface. When configured as inputs, these pins have weak internal pull-ups to DVCC. Reset Logic Output. This is the output from the on-chip voltage monitor used in the reset circuit. If desired, it may be used to control other system components. Reset Logic Input. This input allows external access to the internal reset logic. Applying a Logic 0 to this input resets the DAC output to 0 V. In normal operation, RSTIN should be tied to Logic 1. Digital GND Pin. Digital Supply Pin. Voltage ranges from 2.7 V to 5.5 V. When programmed as outputs, D0 and D1 are referenced to DVCC. Positive Analog Supply Pins. Voltage ranges from 11.4 V to 15.75 V. Ground Reference Point for Analog Circuitry. Negative Analog Supply Pins. Voltage ranges from -11.4 V to -15.75 V. This pin us used in association with an external resistor to AGND to program the short-circuit current of the output amplifiers. Ground Reference Pin for DAC D Output amplifier. Internal pull-up device on this logic input. Therefore, it can be left floating and will default to a logic high condition. Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 11 of 28 AD5764 Preliminary Technical Data Pin No. 18 Mnemonic VOUTD 19 VOUTC 20 21 22 AGNDC AGNDB VOUTB 23 VOUTA 24 25 AGNDA REFAB 26 REFCD 27 REFOUT 28 29 REFGND TEMP 32 BIN/2sCOMP Function Analog Output Voltage of DAC D. Buffered output with a nominal full-scale output range of 10 V. The output amplifier is capable of directly driving a 10 k, 200 pF load. Analog Output Voltage of DAC C. Buffered output with a nominal full-scale output range of 10 V. The output amplifier is capable of directly driving a 10 k, 200 pF load. Ground Reference Pin for DAC C Output Amplifier. Ground Reference pin for DAC B Output Amplifier. Analog Output Voltage of DAC B. Buffered output with a nominal full-scale output range of 10 V. The output amplifier is capable of directly driving a 10 k, 200 pF load. Analog Output Voltage of DAC A. Buffered output with a nominal full-scale output range of 10 V. The output amplifier is capable of directly driving a 10 k, 200 pF load. Ground Reference Pin for DAC A Output Amplifier. External Reference Voltage Input for Channels A and B. Reference input range is 1 V to 5 V; programs the full-scale output voltage. REFIN = 5 V for specified performance. External Reference Voltage Input for Channels C and D. Reference input range is 1 V to 5 V; programs the full-scale output voltage. REFIN = 5 V for specified performance. Reference Output. This is the buffered reference output from the internal voltage reference. The internal reference is 5 V 1 mV, with a reference tempco of 10 ppm/C. Reference Ground Return for the Reference Generator and Buffers. This pin provides an output voltage proportional to temperature. The output voltage is 750 mV typical at 25C; variation with temperature is 10 mV/C. Determines the DAC Coding. When set to a logic high, input coding is offset binary; 0x0000 outputs negative full-scale and 0xFFFF outputs positive full-scale. Invoking a CLR in this mode sets the output to negative full-scale. When set to a logic low, input coding is twos complement; 0x8000 outputs negative full-scale, 0x0000 outputs 0V, and 0x7FFF outputs positive full-scale. Invoking a CLR in this mode sets the output to 0 V. Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 12 of 28 Preliminary Technical Data AD5764 TERMINOLOGY amplifierused at its output. Slew rate is measured from 10% to 90% of the output signal and is given in Vs. Relative Accuracy For the DAC, relative accuracy or Integral Nonlinearity (INL) is a measure of the maximum deviation, in LSBs, from a straight line passing through the endpoints of the DAC transfer function. A typical INL vs. code plot can be seen in Figure ?. Gain Error This is a measure of the span error of the DAC. It is the deviation in slope of the DAC transfer characteristic from ideal expressed as a percent of the full-scale range. Differential Nonlinearity Differential Nonlinearity (DNL) is the difference between the measured change and the ideal 1 LSB change between any two adjacent codes. A specified differential nonlinearity of 1 LSB maximum ensures monotonicity. This DAC is guaranteed monotonic by design. A typical DNL vs. code plot can be seen in Figure ?. Total Unadjusted Error Monotonicity This is a measure of the change in zero-code error with a change in temperature. It is expressed in V/C. A DAC is monotonic, if the output either increases or remains constant for increasing digital input code. The AD5764 is monotonic over its full operating temperature range Total Unadjusted Error (TUE) is a measure of the output error taking all the various errors into account. A typical TUE vs. code plot can be seen in Figure ?. Zero-Code Error Drift Gain Error Drift This is a measure of the change in gain error with changes in temperature. It is expressed in (ppm of full-scale range)/C. Bipolar Zero Error Bipolar zero error is the deviation of the analog output from the ideal half-scale output of 0 V when the DAC register is loaded with 0x8000 (Straight Binary coding) or 0x0000 (2sComplement coding) Full-Scale Error Full-scale error is a measure of the output error when full-scale code (FFFF Hex) is loaded to the DAC register. Ideally the output should be programmed full scale value - 1 LSB. Fullscale error is expressed in percent of full-scale range. A plot of full-scale error vs. temperature can be seen in Figure ?. Negative Full-Scale Error / Zero Scale Error Negative full-scale error is the error in the DAC output voltage when 0x0000 (Straight Binary coding) or 0x8000 (2sComplement coding) is loaded to the DAC register. Ideally the output voltage should be programmed negative full scale value - 1 LSB. Digital-to-Analog Glitch Impulse Digital-to-analog glitch impulse is the impulse injected into the analog output when the input code in the DAC register changes state. It is normally specified as the area of the glitch in nV secs and is measured when the digital input code is changed by 1 LSB at the major carry transition (7FFF Hex to 8000 Hex). See Figure ?. Digital Feedthrough Digital feedthrough is a measure of the impulse injected into the analog output of the DAC from the digital inputs of the DAC but is measured when the DAC output is not updated. It is specified in nV secs and measured with a full-scale code change on the data bus, i.e., from all 0s to all 1s and vice versa. Power Supply Sensitivity Power supply sensitivity indicates how the output of the DAC is affected by changes in the power supply voltage. Output Voltage Settling Time Output voltage settling time is the amount od time it takes for the output to settle to a specified level for a full-scale input change. Slew Rate The slew rate of a device is a limatation in the rate of change of the output voltage. The output slewing speed of a voltageoutput D/A converter is usually limited by the slew rate of the DC Crosstalk This is the dc change in the output level of one DAC in response to a change in the output of another DAC. It is measured with a full-scale output change on one DAC while monitoring another DAC. It is expressed in V. DAC-to-DAC Crosstalk This is the glitch impulse transferred to the output of one DAC Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 13 of 28 AD5764 Preliminary Technical Data due to a digital code changeand subsequent output change of another DAC. This includes both digital and anlalog crosstalk. It is measured by loading one of the DACs with a full-scale code change (all 0s to all 1s and vice versa) with /LDAC low and monitoring the output of another DAC. The energy of the glitch is expressed in nV-s. Channel-to-Channel Isolation This is the ratio of the amplitude of the signal at the output of one DAC to a sine wave on the reference input of another DAC. It is measured in dB. Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 14 of 28 Preliminary Technical Data AD5764 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 15 of 28 AD5764 Preliminary Technical Data GENERAL DESCRIPTION SERIAL INTERFACE The AD5764 is a quad 16-bit, serial input, bipolar voltage output DAC. It operates from supply voltages of 11.4 V to 16.5 V and has a buffered output voltage of up to 10.25 V. Data is written to the AD5764 in a 24-bit word format, via a 3wire serial interface. The device also offers an SDO pin, which is available for daisy chaining or readback. Input Shift Register The AD5764 incorporates a power-on reset circuit, which ensures that the DAC outputs power up to 0V. The AD5764 also features a digital I/O port that may be programmed via the serial interface, an analog temperature sensor, on-chip 10 ppm/C voltage reference, on-chip reference buffers and per channel digital gain and offset registers. DAC ARCHITECTURE The DAC architecture of the AD5764 consists of a 16-bit current-mode segmented R-2R DAC. The simplified circuit diagram for the DAC section is shown in Figure 13. The four MSBs of the 16-bit data word are decoded to drive 15 switches, E1 to E15. Each of these switches connects one of the 15 matched resistors to either AGND or IOUT. The remaining 12 bits of the data word drive switches S0 to S11 of the 12-bit R2R ladder network. R Vref 2R 2R 2R R 2R R 2R 2R 2R R/8 E15 E14 E1 S11 S10 S0 VOUT AGND 4 MSBs DECODED INTO 15 EQUAL SEGMENTS 12 BIT R-2R LADDER Figure 7. DAC Ladder Structure REFERENCE BUFFERS The AD5764 can operate with either an external or internal reference. The reference inputs (REFAB and REFCD) have an input range up to 5 V. This input voltage is then used to provide a buffered positive and negative reference for the DAC cores. The positive reference is given by The AD5764 is controlled over a versatile 3-wire serial interface that operates at clock rates up to 30 MHz and is compatible with SPI, QSPI, MICROWIRE and DSP standards. The input shift register is 24 bits wide. Data is loaded into the device MSB first as a 24-bit word under the control of a serial clock input, SCLK. The input register consists of a read/write bit, three register select bits, three DAC address bits and 16 data bits as shown in Table 6. The timing diagram for this operation is shown in Figure 2. Upon power-up the DAC registers are loaded with zero code (0x0000). The corresponding output voltage depends on the state of the BIN/2sCOMP pin. If the BIN/2sCOMP pin is tied to DGND then the data coding is 2sComplement and the outputs will power-up to 0V. If the BIN/2sCOMP pin is tied high then the data coding is straight binary and the outputs will power-up to Negative Full-scale. Standalone Operation The serial interface works with both a continuous and noncontinuous serial clock. A continuous SCLK source can only be used if SYNC is held low for the correct number of clock cycles. In gated clock mode, a burst clock containing the exact number of clock cycles must be used and SYNC must be taken high after the final clock to latch the data. The first falling edge of SYNC starts the write cycle. Exactly 24 falling clock edges must be applied to SCLK before SYNC is brought back high again; if SYNC is brought high before the 24th falling SCLK edge, the write is aborted. If more than 24 falling SCLK edges are applied before SYNC is brought high, the input data will be corrupted. The input register addressed is updated on the rising edge of SYNC. In order for another serial transfer to take place, SYNC must be brought low again. After the end of the serial data transfer, data is automatically transferred from the input shift register to the input register of the addressed DAC. When the data has been transferred into the input register of the addressed DAC, all DAC registers and outputs can be updated by taking LDAC low while SYNC is high. + VREF = 2* VREF While the negative reference to the DAC cores is given by -VREF = -2*VREF These positive and negative reference voltages (along with the gain register values) define the output ranges of the DACs. Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 16 of 28 Preliminary Technical Data 68HC11* AD5764 containing the exact number of clock cycles must be used and SYNC must be taken high after the final clock to latch the data. AD5764* MOSI SDIN SCK SCLK Readback Operation PC7 SYNC PC6 LDAC Readback mode is invoked by setting the R/W bit = 1 in the serial input register write. With R/W = 1, Bits A2-A0, in association with Bits REG2 , REG1, and REG0, select the register to be read. The remaining data bits in the write sequence are don't cares. During the next SPI write, the data appearing on the SDO output will contain the data from the previously addressed register. For a read of a single register, the NOP command can be used in clocking out the data from the selected register on SDO. The readback diagram in Figure 4 shows the readback sequence. For example, to read back the fine gain register of Channel A on the AD5764, the following sequence should be implemented. First, write 0xA0XXXX to the AD5764 input register. This configures the AD5764 for read mode with the fine gain register of Channel A selected. Note that all the data bits, D15 to D0, are don't cares. Follow this with a second write, a NOP condition, 0x00XXXX. During this write, the data from the fine gain register is clocked out on the SDO line, i.e., data clocked out will contain the data from the fine gain register in Bits D5 to D0. MISO SDO SDIN AD5764* SCLK SYNC LDAC SDO R SDIN AD5764* SCLK SYNC SIMULTANEOUS UPDATING VIA LDAC LDAC After data has been transferred into the input register of the DACs, there are two ways in which the DAC registers and DAC outputs can be updated. Depending on the status of both SYNC and LDAC, one of two update modes is selected. SDO *ADDITIONAL PINS OMITTED FOR CLARITY Figure 8. Daisy chaining the AD5764 Individual DAC Updating Daisy-Chain Operation For systems that contain several devices, the SDO pin may be used to daisy-chain several devices together. This daisy-chain mode can be useful in system diagnostics and in reducing the number of serial interface lines. The first falling edge of SYNC starts the write cycle. The SCLK is continuously applied to the input shift register when SYNC is low. If more than 24 clock pulses are applied, the data ripples out of the shift register and appears on the SDO line. This data is clocked out on the rising edge of SCLK and is valid on the falling edge. By connecting the SDO of the first device to the DIN input of the next device in the chain, a multidevice interface is constructed. Each device in the system requires 24 clock pulses. Therefore, the total number of clock cycles must equal 24N, where N is the total number of AD5764s in the chain. When the serial transfer to all devices is complete, SYNC is taken high. This latches the input data in each device in the daisy chain and prevents any further data from being clocked into the input shift register. The serial clock may be a continuous or a gated clock. A continuous SCLK source can only be used if SYNC is held low for the correct number of clock cycles. In gated clock mode, a burst clock In this mode, LDAC is held low while data is being clocked into the input shift register. The addressed DAC output is updated on the rising edge of SYNC. Simultaneous Updating of All DACs In this mode, LDAC is held high while data is being clocked into the input shift register. All DAC outputs are updated by taking LDAC low any time after SYNC has been taken high. The update now occurs on the falling edge of LDAC. Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 17 of 28 AD5764 Preliminary Technical Data OUTPUT I/V AMPLIFIER The output voltage expression is given by 16-BIT DAC VREFIN LDAC SCLK SYNC SDIN VOUT D VOUT = -2 x VREFIN + 4 x VREFIN 65536 DAC REGISTER where: D is the decimal equivalent of the code loaded to the DAC. VREFIN is the reference voltage applied at the REFIN pin. INPUT REGISTER ASYNCHRONOUS CLEAR (CLR) INTERFACE LOGIC SDO Figure 9. Simplified Serial Interface showing input loading circuitry for one DAC Channel TRANSFER FUNCTION Table ? Shows the ideal input code to output voltage relationship for the AD5764 for both straight binary and twos complement data coding. Digital Input CLR is an active low, level sensitive clear that allows the outputs to be cleared to either 0 V (straight binary coding) or negative full scale (twos complement coding). It is necessary to maintain CLR low for a minimum amount of time (refer to Figure 3) for the operation to complete. When the CLR signal is returned high, the output remains at the cleared value until a new value is programmed. The CLR signal has priority over LDAC and SYNC. A clear can also be initiated through software by writing the command 0x04XXXX to the AD5764. Analog Output Straight Binary Data Coding MSB 1111 1000 1000 0111 0000 1111 0000 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000 0000 1111 0000 LSB 1111 0001 0000 1111 0000 VOUT +2 VREF x (32767/32768) +2 VREF x (1/32768) 0V -2 VREF x (1/32768) -2 VREF x (32767/32768) Twos Complement Data Coding MSB 0111 0000 0000 1111 1000 1111 0000 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000 0000 1111 0000 LSB 1111 0001 0000 1111 0000 VOUT +2 VREF x (32767/32768) +2 VREF x (1/32768) 0V -2 VREF x (1/32768) -2 VREF x (32767/32768) Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 18 of 28 AD5764 Preliminary Technical Data Table 6. Input Register Format MSB R/W LSB 0 REG2 REG1 REG0 A2 A1 A0 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Table 7. Input Register Bit Functions Indicates a read from or a write to the addressed register. R/W REG2, REG1, REG0 Used in association with the address bits to determine if a read or write operation is to the data register, offset register, gain register, or function register. REG2 REG1 REG0 Function 0 0 0 Function Register 0 1 0 Data Register 0 1 1 Coarse Gain Register 1 0 0 Fine Gain Register 1 0 1 Offset Register These bits are used to decode the DAC channels A2 A1 A0 Channel Address 0 0 0 DAC A 0 0 1 DAC B 0 1 0 DAC C 0 1 1 DAC D 1 0 0 ALL DACs Data Bits A2, A1, A0 D15 - D0 FUNCTION REGISTER The Function Register is addressed by setting the three REG bits to 000. The values written to the address bits and the data bits determine the function addressed. The Functions available through the function register are shown in Table 8 and Table 9. Table 8. Function Register Options REG2 0 0 REG1 0 0 REG0 0 0 A2 0 0 A1 0 0 A0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 D15 .... D6 D5 Don't Care LocalGroundOffset Adjust D4 D3 D2 NOP, Data = Don't Care D1 Value D0 D1 Direction Direction D1 D0 D0 Value SDO Disable CLR, Data = Don't Care LOAD, Data = Don't Care Table 9. Explanation of Function Register Options NOP Local-GroundOffset Adjust D0 / D1 Direction D0 / D1 Value SDO Disable CLR LOAD No operation instruction used in readback operations. Set by the user to enable local-ground-offset adjust function. Cleared by the user to disable local-ground-offset adjust function (default). Set by the user to enable D0/D1 as outputs. Cleared by the user to enable D0/D1 as inputs (default). Have weak internal pull-ups. I/O port status bits. Logic values written to these locations determine the logic outputs on the D0 and D1 pins when configured as outputs. These bits indicate the status of the D0 and D1 pins when the I/O port is active as an input. When enabled as inputs, these bits are don't cares during a write operation. Set by the user to disable the SDO output. Cleared by the user to enable the SDO output (default). Addressing this function resets the DAC outputs to 0 V in twos complement mode and negative full scale in binary mode. Addressing this function updates the DAC registers and consequently the analog outputs. Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 20 of 28 Preliminary Technical Data AD5764 DATA REGISTER The Data register is addressed by setting the three REG bits to 010. The DAC address bits select with which DAC Channel the Data transfer is to take place (Refer to Table 7). The 16 data bits are in positions D15 to D0 as shown in Table 10. Table 10. Programming the Data Register REG2 0 REG1 1 REG0 0 A2 A1 A0 DAC Address D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 16 Bit DAC Data D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 COARSE GAIN REGISTER The Coarse Gain Register is addressed by setting the three REG bits to 011. The DAC address bits select with which DAC Channel the Data transfer is to take place (Refer to Table 7). The Coarse Gain Register ia a 2-bit register and allows the user to select the output range of each DAC as shown in Table 12. Table 11. Programming the Coarse Gain Register REG2 0 REG1 1 REG0 1 A2 A1 A0 DAC Address D15 .... D2 Don't Care D1 CG1 D0 CG0 Table 12. Output Range Selection Output Range CG1 CG0 10 V 10.25 V 10.5 V 0 0 1 0 1 0 FINE GAIN REGISTER The Fine Gain Register is addressed by setting the three REG bits to 100. The DAC address bits select with which DAC Channel the Data transfer is to take place (Refer to Table 7). The Fine Gain Register is a 6-bit register and allows the user to adjust the gain of each DAC channel by -32 LSBs to +31 LSBs in 1 LSB steps as shown in Table 13 and Table 14. Table 13. Programming the Fine Gain Register REG2 1 REG1 0 REG0 0 A2 A1 DAC Address A0 D15 .... D6 Don't Care D5 FG5 D4 FG4 D3 FG3 Table 14. Fine Gain Register Options Gain Adjustment +31 LSBs +30 LSBs No Adjustment -31 LSBs -32 LSBs FG5 0 0 1 1 1 FG4 0 0 0 1 1 FG3 0 0 0 1 1 FG2 0 0 0 1 1 FG1 0 0 0 1 1 FG0 0 1 0 0 1 Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 21 of 28 D2 FG2 D1 FG1 D0 FG0 D0 AD5764 Preliminary Technical Data OFFSET REGISTER The Offset Register is addressed by setting the three REG bits to 101. The DAC address bits select with which DAC Channel the Data transfer is to take place (Refer to Table 7). The Offset Register is an 8-bit register and allows the user to adjust the offset of each channel by - 15.875 LSBs to + 16 LSBs in steps of 1/8 LSB as shown in Table 15 and Table 16. Table 15. Programming the Offset Register REG2 1 REG1 0 REG0 1 A2 A1 A0 DAC Address D15 .... D8 Don't Care D7 OF7 D6 OF6 D5 OF5 D4 OF4 D3 OF3 OF1 0 0 0 1 1 OF0 0 1 0 0 1 Table 16. Offset Register options Offset Adjustment +15.875 LSBs +15.75 LSBs No Adjustment -15.875 LSBs -16 LSBs OF7 0 0 1 1 1 OF6 0 0 0 1 1 OF5 0 0 0 1 1 OF4 0 0 0 1 1 OF3 0 0 0 1 1 OF2 0 0 0 1 1 Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 22 of 28 D2 OF2 D1 OF1 D0 OF0 Preliminary Technical Data AD5764 AD5764 FEATURES ANALOG OUTPUT CONTROL In many industrial process control applications, it is vital that the output voltage be controlled during power up and during brownout conditions. When the supply voltages are changing, the VOUT pin is clamped to 0 V via a low impedance path. To prevent the output amp being shorted to 0 V during this time, transmission gate G1 is also opened. These conditions are maintained until the power supplies stabilize and a valid word is written to the DAC register. At this time, G2 opens and G1 closes. Both transmission gates are also externally controllable via the Reset In (RSTIN) control input. For instance, if RSTIN is driven from a battery supervisor chip, the RSTIN input is driven low to open G1 and close G2 on power-off or during a brownout. Conversely, the on-chip voltage detector output (RSTOUT) is also available to the user to control other parts of the system. The basic transmission gate functionality is shown in Figure 10. RSTOUT pin and AGND. The programmable range for the current is 500 A to 10 mA, corresponding to a resistor range of 120 k to 6 k. If the ISCC pin is left unconnected the short circuit current limit defaults to 5 mA. It should be noted that limiting the short circuit current to a small value can affect the slew rate of the output when driving into a capacitive load, therefore the value of short-circuit current programmed should take into account the size of the capacitive load being driven. DIGITAL I/O PORT The AD5764 contains a 2-bit digital I/O port (D1 and D0); these bits can be configured as inputs or outputs independently, and can be driven or have their values read back via the serial interface. The I/O port signals are referenced to DVCC and DGND. When configured as outputs, they can be used as control signals to multiplexers or can be used to control calibration circuitry elsewhere in the system. When configured as inputs, the logic signals from limit switches, for example, are applied to D0 and D1 and can be read back via the digital interface. TEMPERATURE SENSOR RSTIN The on-chip temperature sensor provides a voltage output that is linearly proportional to the Centigrade temperature scale. The typical accuracy of the temperature sensor is 1C at +25C and 5C over the -40C to +105C range. Its nominal output voltage is 1.5V at +25C, varying at 5 mV/C, giving a typical output range of 1.175V to 1.9 V over the full temperature range. Its low output impedance, low self heating, and linear output simplify interfacing to temperature control circuitry and A/D converters. VOLTAGE MONITOR AND CONTROL VOUTA G2 AGNDA 04641-PrA-008 G1 Figure 10. Analog Output Control Circuitry LOCAL GROUND OFFSET ADJUST DIGITAL OFFSET AND GAIN CONTROL The AD5764 incorporates a digital offset adjust function with a 16 LSB adjust range and 0.125 LSB resolution. The gain register allows the user to adjust the AD5764's full-scale output range. The full-scale output can be programmed to achieve fullscale ranges of 10 V, 10.256 V, and 10.526 V. A fine gain trim is also available, allowing a trim range of 16 LSB in 1 LSB steps. The AD5764 incorporates a Local Ground Offset Adjust feature which when enabled in the Function Register adjusts the DAC outputs for voltage differences between The individual DAC ground pins and the REFGND pin ensuring that the DAC output voltages are always with respect to the local DAC ground pin. For instance if pin AGNDA is at +5mV with respect to the REFGND pin and VOUTA is measured with respect to AGNDA then a +5mV error will result, enabling the Local Ground Offset Adjust feature will offset VOUTA by +5mV eliminating the error. PROGRAMMABLE SHORT-CIRCUIT PROTECTION The short-circuit current of the output amplifiers can be programmed by inserting an external resistor between the ISCC Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 23 of 28 AD5764 Preliminary Technical Data APPLICATIONS INFORMATION TYPICAL OPERATING CIRCUIT Figure ?? shows the typical operating circuit for the AD5764. The only external components needed for this precision 16-bit DAC are decoupling capacitors on the supply pins, R-C connection from REFOUT to REFAB and REFCD and a short circuit current setting resistor. Because the device incorporates a voltage reference, and reference buffers, it eliminates the need for an external bipolar reference and associated buffers. This leads to an overall saving in both cost and board space. In the circuit below, VDD and VSS are both conneted to 15 V, but VDD and VSS can operate with supplies from 11.4 V to 16.5 V. In Figure ??, AGNDA is connected to REFGND, but the option of Force/Sense is included on this device, if required by the user. +15V -15V 10 F 3k TEMP SCLK SDIN 3 SDIN SDO 4 SDO REFAB REFCD TEMP AVSS AVDD REFOUT /SYNC 2 REFGND 1 BIN//2SCOMP 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 SCLK AGNDA 24 AD5764 VOUTA 23 VOUTA VOUTB 22 VOUTB AGNDB 21 AGNDC 20 /LDAC VOUTC 19 VOUTC D0 7 D0 VOUTD 18 VOUTD D1 8 D1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ISCC AVSS PGND AVDD 100 nF DVCC DGND AGNDD 17 To achieve the optimum performance from the AD5764 over it's full operating temperature range an external voltage reference must be used. Thought should be given to the selection of a precision voltage reference. The AD5764 has two reference inputs, REFAB and REFCD. The voltages applied to the reference inputs are used tomprovide a buffered positiver and negative reference for the DAC cores. Therefore, any error in the voltage reference is reflected in the outputs of the device. 10 F Initial accuracy error on the output voltage of an external reference could lead to a full-scale error in the DAC. Therefore, to minimize these errors, a reference with low initial accuracy error specification is preferred. Also, choosing a reference with an output trim adjustment, such as the ADR425, allows a system designer to trim system errors out by setting the reference voltage to a voltage other than the nominal. The trim adjustment can also be used at temperature to trim out any error. Long term drift is a measure of how much the reference output voltage drifts over time. A reference with a tight lon-term drift specification ensures that the overall solution remains relatively stable over its entire lifetime. 6k 10 F 100 nF /RSTIN /RSTIN CLR 6 /RSTOUT 5 /LDAC /RSTOUT Precision Voltage Reference Selection There are four possible sources of error to consider when choosing a voltage reference for high accuracy applications: initial accuracy, temperature coefficient of the output voltage, long term drift and output voltage noise. 100 nF BIN//2SCOMP /SYNC Figure ??. Driving REFGND and AGNDA using a force/sense amplifier 10 F 10 F 100 nF +5V amplifier. Where accuracy of the output is important, an amplifier such as the OP177 is ideal. The OP177 is ultraprecise with offset voltages of 10 V maximum at room temperature and offset drift 0f 0.1 V/C maximum. Alternative recommended amplifiers are the OP1177 and the OP77. For applications where optimization of the circuit for settling time is needed, the AD845 is recommended. 100 nF The temperature coefficient of a reference's output voltage affects INL, DNL and TUE. A reference with a tight tempaerature coefficient specifiaction should be chosen to reduce the dependence of the DAC output voltage on ambient conditions. 10 F +5V +15V -15V Figure 11. Typical operating circuit Force/Sense of AGND Because of the extremelyhigh accuracy of this device, system design issues such as grounding and contact resistance are very important. The AD5764, with 10 V output, has an LSB size of 305 V. Therefore, series wiring and connector resistances of very small values could cause voltage drops of an LSB. For this reason, the AD5764 offers a Force/Sense output configuration. In high accuracy applications, which have a relatively low noise budget, reference output voltage noise needs to be considered. Choosing a reference waith as low an output noise voltage as practical for the system resolution required is important. Precision voltage references such as the ADR435 (XFET design) produce low output noise in the 0.1 Hx to 10 Hz region. However, as the circuit bandwidth increases, filtering the output of the reference may be required to minimise the output noise. Figure ?? shows how to connect the AD5764 to the Force/Sense Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 24 of 28 Preliminary Technical Data AD5764 Table ??. Partial List of Precision References Recommended for use with the AD5764 Part No. ADR435 ADR425 ADR02 ADR395 AD586 Initial Accuracy (mV max) 6 6 5 6 2.5 Long-Term Drift (ppm typ) 30 50 50 50 15 Temp Drift (ppm/ C max) 3 3 3 25 10 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz Noise (V p-p typ) 3.4 3.4 15 5 4 ISOLATED INTERFACE In many process control applications, it is necessary to provide an isolation barrier between the controller and the unit being controlled. Opto-isolators can provide voltage isolation in excess of 3 kV. The serial loading structure of the AD5764 makes it ideal for opto-isolated interfaces, because the number of interface lines is kept to a minimum. Figure ?? shows a 4channel isolated interface to the AD5764. To reduce the number of opto-isolators, if the simultaneous updating of the DAC is not required, the LDAC pin may be tied permanently low. The DAC can then be updated on the rising edge of SYNC. LAYOUT GUIDELINES DVCC In any circuit where accuracy is important, careful consideration of the power supply and ground return layout helps to ensure the rated performance. The printed circuit board on which the AD5764 is mounted should be designed so that the analog and digital sections are separated and confined to certain areas of the board. If the AD5764 is in a system where multiple devices require an AGND-to-DGND connection, the connection should be made at one point only. The star ground point should be established as close as possible to the device. The AD5764 should have ample supply bypassing of 10 F in parallel with 0.1 F on each supply located as close to the package as possible, ideally right up against the device. The 10 F capacitors are the tantalum bead type. The 0.1 F capacitor should have low effective series resistance (ESR) and low effective series inductance (ESI) such as the common ceramic types, which provide a low impedance path to ground at high frequencies to handle transient currents due to internal logic switching. The power supply lines of the AD5764 should use as large a trace as possible to provide low impedance paths and reduce the effects of glitches on the power supply line. Fast switching signals such as clocks should be shielded with digital ground to avoid radiating noise to other parts of the board, and should never be run near the reference inputs. A ground line routed between the SDIN and SCLK lines helps reduce crosstalk between them (not required on a multilayer board, which has a separate ground plane, but separating the lines helps). It is essential to minimize noise on the REFIN line, because it couples through to the DAC output. Avoid crossover of digital and analog signals. Traces on opposite sides of the board should run at right angles to each other. This reduces the effects of feed through the board. A microstrip technique is by far the best, but not always possible with a double-sided board. In this technique, the component side of the board is dedicated to ground plane, while signal traces are placed on the solder side. CONTROLLER CONTROL OUT TO LDAC SYNC OUT TO SYNC SERIAL CLOCK OUT TO SCLK TO SDIN SERIAL DATA OUT OPTO-COUPLER Figure 12. Isolated Interface MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACING Microprocessor interfacing to the AD5764 is via a serial bus that uses standard protocol compatible with microcontrollers and DSP processors. The communications channel is a 3-wire (minimum) interface consisting of a clock signal, a data signal, and a synchronization signal. The AD5764 requires a 24-bit data word with data valid on the falling edge of SCLK. For all the interfaces, the DAC output update may be done automatically when all the data is clocked in, or it may be done under the control of LDAC. The contents of the DAC register may be read using the readback function. AD5764 to MC68HC11 Interface Figure ?? shows an example of a serial interface between the AD5764 and the MC68HC11 microcontroller. The serial peripheral interface (SPI) on the MC68HC11 is configured for master mode (MSTR = 1), clock polarity bit (CPOL = 0), and the clock phase bit (CPHA = 1). The SPI is configured by Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 25 of 28 AD5764 Preliminary Technical Data writing to the SPI control register (SPCR)-----see the 68HC11 User Manual. SCK of the 68HC11 drives the SCLK of the AD5764, the MOSI output drives the serial data line (DIN) of the AD5764, and the MISO input is driven from SDO. The SYNC is driven from one of the port lines, in this case PC7. clock edges occurring in the transmit cycle. Because the DAC expects a 24-bit word, SYNC (P3.3) must be left low after the first eight bits are transferred. After the third byte has been transferred, the P3.3 line is taken high. The DAC may be updated using LDAC via P3.4 of the 8051. When data is being transmitted to the AD5764, the SYNC line (PC7) is taken low and data is transmitted MSB first. Data appearing on the MOSI output is valid on the falling edge of SCK. Eight falling clock edges occur in the transmit cycle, so, in order to load the required 24-bit word, PC7 is not brought high until the third 8-bit word has been transferred to the DAC's input shift register. AD5764 to ADSP2101/ADSP2103 Interface MC68HC11* Transmission is initiated by writing a word to the Tx register after the SPORT has been enabled. As the data is clocked out of the DSP on the rising edge of SCLK, no glue logic is required to interface the DSP to the DAC. In the interface shown, the DAC output is updated using the LDAC pin via the DSP. Alternatively, the LDAC input could be tied permanently low, and then the update takes place automatically when TFS is taken high. AD5764* MISO SDO MOSI SDIN SCLK SCLK PC7 SYNC An interface between the AD5764 and the ADSP2101/ ADSP2103 is shown in Figure ??. The ADSP2101/ADSP2103 should be set up to operate in the SPORT transmit alternate framing mode. The ADSP2101/ADSP2103 are programmed through the SPORT control register and should be configured as follows: internal clock operation, active low framing, and 24-bit word length. *ADDITIONAL PINS OMITTED FOR CLARITY ADSP2101/ ADSP2103* Figure 13. AD5764 to MC68HC11 Interface LDAC is controlled by the PC6 port output. The DAC can be updated after each 3-byte transfer by bringing LDAC low. This example does not show other serial lines for the DAC. If CLR were used, it could be controlled by port output PC5, for example. DR SDO DT SDIN SCLK SCLK TFS SYNC RFS FO AD5764 to 8051 Interface The AD5764 requires a clock synchronized to the serial data. For this reason, the 8051 must be operated in Mode 0. In this mode, serial data enters and exits through RxD, and a shift clock is output on RxD. AD5764* LDAC *ADDITIONAL PINS OMITTED FOR CLARITY Figure 14. AD5764 to ADSP2101/ADSP2103 Interface AD5764 to PIC16C6x/7x Interface P3.3 and P3.4 are bit programmable pins on the serial port and are used to drive SYNC and LDAC, respectively. The 8051 provides the LSB of its SBUF register as the first bit in the data stream. The user must ensure that the data in the SBUF register is arranged correctly, because the DAC expects MSB first. When data is to be transmitted to the DAC, P3.3 is taken low. Data on RxD is clocked out of the microcontroller on the rising edge of TxD and is valid on the falling edge. As a result, no glue logic is required between this DAC and the microcontroller interface. The PIC16C6x/7x synchronous serial port (SSP) is configured as an SPI master with the clock polarity bit set to 0. This is done by writing to the synchronous serial port control register (SSPCON). See the PIC16/17 Microcontroller User Manual. In this example, I/O port RA1 is being used to pulse SYNC and enable the serial port of the AD5764. This microcontroller transfers only eight bits of data during each serial transfer operation; therefore, three consecutive write operations are needed. Figure ?? shows the connection diagram. The 8051 transmits data in 8-bit bytes with only eight falling Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 26 of 28 Preliminary Technical Data PIC16C6x/7x* SDI/RC4 AD5764 Figure ??. The software runs on any PC that has Microsoft Windows(R) 95/98/ME/2000/NT/XP installed. AD5764* An application note is available that gives full details on operating the evaluation board. SDO SDO/RC5 SDIN SCLK/RC3 SCLK RA1 SYNC *ADDITIONAL PINS OMITTED FOR CLARITY Figure 15. AD5764 to PIC16C6x/7x Interface EVALUATION BOARD The AD5764 comes with a full evaluation board to aid designers in evaluating the high performance of the part with a minimum of effort. All that is required with the evaluation board is a power supply, a PC, and an oscilloscope. The AD5764 evaluation kit includes a populated, tested AD5764 printed circuit board. The evaluation board interfaces to the USB interface of the PC. Software is available with the evaluation board, which allows the user to easily program the AD5764. A schematic of the evaluation board is shown in Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 27 of 28 AD5764 Preliminary Technical Data OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 1.20 MAX 9.00 SQ 0.75 0.60 0.45 24 17 16 25 TOP VIEW 7.00 SQ (PINS DOWN) 32 9 1 0.15 0.05 8 0.80 BSC 0.45 0.37 0.30 1.05 1.00 0.95 7 0 SEATING PLANE COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MS-026ABA Figure 16. 32-Lead Thin Quad Flatpack [TQFP] (SU-32) Dimensions shown in millimeters ORDERING GUIDE Model AD5764CSU AD5764BSU AD5764ASU Function Quad 16-Bit DAC Quad 16-Bit DAC Quad 16-Bit DAC INL 1 LSB Max 2 LSB Max 4 LSB Max Package Description 32-Lead TQFP 32-Lead TQFP 32-Lead TQFP (c) 2004 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. PR04641-0-10/04(PrC) Rev. PrC 21-Oct-04| Page 28 of 28 Package Option SU-32 SU-32 SU-32