NFt Thermo-Capillary Optical Switch Thermo -Capillary Optical Switch Fuge Olive switch is a novel sub-millimeter-size optical switch realized by combining MEMS technology with PLC technology. Olive switch has high optical transparency and a high On/Off ratio in addition to belng mechanically self-latching. CMive switch: Oil laiching bipe interfacial tension variation effect switch MEMS: Micro electro mechanical systems PLC: Planer lightwave circuit Features Applications BB Low crosstalk B Space division switching syslems @ Low PDLk BB Cross-connect and add-drop for WOM B Low 4 dependence loss B Protective switching Bf Low power consumpbliane BF Inter-conmectian @ Small scale factor @ High reliability upper substrate Ole switch congests of slitted intersecting wavequides, 4 micro heaters aan pair ol micro-heaters, and index matching oil in the slit. slit sont Ss 0 transmit When the surface tension af the oil i decreased by heal: ing, the oll column moves in the slit towards the lower lemperature side because of thermo-capillary force, When the all is away from the cross paint of the wave- guides the light path is switched by total intemal reflec on on the slit side wall With integrating miuttipss Olive switch elements, 1xN selector and MxN matrix switch are made. Wee Subsirais iructure of Olive sudich eleamen Photo: OSW-SO-E-M NTT Electronics ) POM-21det, 2O0KhaThermo-Ca pay Optical Switeh Olive Switeh ay B ~ = 5B af = 7 * C pol Dimensiona: 250*250=100 mm Switching control; AS232C Supply vallage: AC1O0V Optical connector: MUISCPC? Proto: OMS W-S-Behi InSerbon MSs < 308 (for 18S) : 1 XB selector swiich repoatability < 0.208 * 268 selector switch A dependence <10B 11.9 em~1.6 em) " 14 selector swileh PDL < 9.506 i 2x4 selector switch pe crosstalk -4508 wi " 16-counl 2x2 switch array return loss > 45dB eae eperaling lampearature OC ~-+66C Power consump self-latching (< 0.547 during switching) swetchireg tire = 200m (Specifications subject to change.) For further information, please fax to NEL: 029-283-3900 (within Japan) : +61-3-5456-4155 (from overseas) | IMPORTANT: | | 1. NEL reserves the right to change the design, specification, etc., of the product at any time without notice, 2. This product is subject to expart regulations and restrictions sat forh by the Japanese Government, Seibu Industrial Park Naka, Ibaraki, 411-0122 Japan : Tal: +81-29-270-8800 Fax : +81-29-297-0292 NTT Electronics AEG. ego PROEoH E-mail: sales @),|p _ POM-214-1, 20004