MA48700 Series GaAs Multiplier Varactors 92 Description The MA48700 series of Gallium Arsenide Abrupt Junction Multiplier Varactors is specifically designed to provide single state, high order multiplication at output frequencies extending to 100 GHz. All varactors in this series are available in either package or chip form. The cathode is the heat sink end of the package. Features B HIGH CUTOFF FREQUENCY @ OPERATING TEMPERATURES FROM - 65C to + 200C @ GUARANTEED REPRODUCIBILITY Applications This series of Gallium Arsenide Multiplier Varactors is intended for medium power harmonic generation with high conversion efficiency. These diodes may be used to double or triple the frequency outputs of Gunn or IMPATT oscillators in millimeter wave radar and communications systems. They are also useful in local oscillators and in millimeter wave phase shifters, modulators and upconverters. M/A-COM SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS OPERATION Burlington, MA 01803 (617) 272-3000 * TWX 710-332-6789 TELEX 94-9464 8-35MA48700 Series GaAs Multiplier Varactors Specifications @ Ty = 25C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Vp = 15V (Min.) CJ Range (pF) Fo-6 (GHz) -150 .249 -250 .349 -350 .449 -450 .549 -550 -- .650 200 MA48704A MA48&705A 250 MA48703A MA48704B MA48705B 300 MA48702A MA48703B MA48704C MA48705C 350 MA48701A MA48702B MA48703C MA48704D MA48705D 400 MA48701B MA48702C MA48703D MA48704E MA48705E 450 MA48701C MA48702D MA48703E 500 MA48701D MA48702E 550 MA48701E Vp = 25V (Min.) CJo Range (pF) Fc-6 (GHz) .150 .249 -250 .349 -350 .449 -450 .549 -550 -- .650 200 MA48708A MA48709A MA48710A 250 MA48707A MA48708B MA48709B MA48710B 300 MA48706A MA48707B MA48708C 350 MA48706B MA48707C 400 MA48706C NOTES: 1. n but open circuited. Junction capacitance (C; is measured at 1 MHz and 0 voits on a bridge which has been balanced with a shielded test holder connnected in place, . Cutoff frequency measurements (Fo,) are made at 0 volts and then extropolated to 6 voits. See curve of Figure 1 showing typical Fo_ (cutoff at 6 volts) versus Foo (cutoff at 0 volts) performance curve. 3. All GaAs multiplier diodes are available in any case style shown in this bulletin. When ordering, specify the desired case by adding the case designation as a suffix to the model number. 4. Nominal package parasitics (Cp and Lg) are given for each case style with the outline drawing. The Cp tolerances listed are typically +0.02 pF. 5. The measured series resonant frequency of each varactor can be supplied with the diode or special order, at a nominal price. 6. ANY = Cy, Cyp ; = Cy +05 ; __= 0.52 typical _ = 2.20 typical Cc Jo cy3 7. Breakdown voltage is measured at ~ 10 pA. Other breakdown voltages are available on special request. M/A-COM SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS OPERATON Burlington, MA 01803 (617) 272-3000 TWX 710-332-6789 * TELEX 94-9464 8-36Typical Performance Curves 900 800 700 600 500 400 Fo_ (GHz) 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Fey {GHz) FIGURE 1. Relationship Between Cutoff Frequency at Zero and Six Volts in GaAs Varactor Diodes Cp FIGURE 2. Varactor Diode Equivalent Circuit 80 70 50 40 EFFICIENCY (%) 20 10 Zo wT TTT T T TTT Fin INPUT x2 OUTPUT CIRCUIT CIRCUIT 0 = i = 08 dB |_ [MULTIPLIER 1 08 aB err = (9) Four/Fc) aT LA ABRUPT (@ =9.95) y 1 10 100 Fo/Fout FIGURE 3. Theoretical Efficiency of x2 GaAs Varactor Multipliers MA48700 Series GaAs Multiplier Varactors 80 T Zo ToT PErye T TTT Fin INPUT x3 [| OUTPUT 0 ot Fe sogue | fMueTPLieR! | TRO 8 ye m8 60 err -@(2)!Fout/Feo) AT = 50 A s A 3 40 Z LO S (@ =11.60) s L Oo 30 i / Ww we 20 WY 10 4 /, ft) 1 10 100 Fo!F out FIGURE 4. Theoretical Efficiency of x3 GaAs Varactor Multipliers 40 20 TT PF Pret T Tr FF FP F INPUT lr OUTPUT 35 a) CIRC mucretier| | CIRCUIT 208 x {LLL _ EFF = @-(9)'Four/Fe) Ln x 4 > 25 o 2 Ww 20 / i 15 A wi VA 10 Ys, 5 (@ =15 6) ] 0 1 10 100 Fo/Fout FIGURE 5. Theoretical Efficiency of x4 GaAs Varactor Multipliers Application Notes Many methods exist for measuring the quality factor or cutoff frequency (Fc) of varactor diodes. Among the most widely used methods are the reflection coefficient techniques of Houlding [1] and Harrison [2]. Unfortunately, at high microwave frequencies, varactor parasitics such as supporting structures, contacting straps, and case capacitance tend to make reflection test set calibrations difficult. Also, as varactor quality increases, the accuracy of these techniques decreases. In 1964, DeLoach [3] devised a method for varactor characterization that avoided the above difficulties. This method involved the series resonance of a varactor diode and yielded not only series resistance but junction capacitance and parasitic inductance at any bias voltage. All of these parameters were determined at the self M/A-COM SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS OPERATION Burlington, MA 01803 (617) 272-3000 TWX 710-332-6789 * TELEX 94-9464 8-378-38 MA48700 Series GaAs Multiplier Varactors Application Notes (Contd) resonant frequency of the device and in a defined microwave environment. However, the case capacitance of DeLoachs packaged diodes was essentially non-existent thus simplifying certain mathematical solutions. Many widely used industrial varactor packages do have case capaci- tances that may in fact be larger than the devices junction capacitance. A more recent analysis {4] has shown that the inclusion of case capacitance in the equivalent varactor circuit (shown in Figure 2) will modify the determination of cutoff frequency obtained by DeLoachs methods. DeLoachs formula for diode resistance is as follows: Zo 1 2) \Wip1 If we ignore the fringing capacitance (Cf), expansion of the expression for the real part of the total diode impedance, however, reveals that: Rm = Rsv = (Xcp)? (cp (4) (Rm)? XLtg + Xcp + Xcj)? 2 (Rm) It follows that: Foy = 1 an Rgv Civ where: Tp = power transmission loss ratio Zo = characteristic guide impedance at resonance Rm = Re [Zv] Civ = junction capacitance at reverse bias voltage V Xcj. XCp, XLs = junction, package and inductive reactances respectively Rsy = junction series resistance at voltage V Fey = varactor figure of merit or cutoff frequency at il DeLoachs method not only results in additional information for the circuit designer, but it produces a repeatable measurement that allows much greater accuracy in diode selection resulting in increased customer yields. DeLoachs measurements, however, are only as good as the diode holder used. Figure A shows a typical DeLoach holder in cross sectioned view. This is but one of several different holders used to evaluate GaAs varactors over a total frequency range of 4 GHz to 40 GHz. Each holder is computer designed to cover a full waveguide band. The waveguide height of each case is reduced to the ceramic height of the case style under test. The VSWR of each holder and choke combination is less than 1.1:1 across the waveguide band. Figure B is a block diagram of the DeLoach test circuit. For more in-depth discussion on varactor multipliers, consult M/A-COMs application note, AG312, Application of Multipliers, C.M. Howell, 1986. FIGURE A. Typical DeLoach Holder [1] Houlding, N., Measurement of Varactor Quality, Microwave Journal, Volume 3, No. 1, January 1960. [2] Harrison, R., Parametric Diode Q Measurements, Microwave Journal, Volume 3, No. 5, May 1960. [3] DeLoach, B.C., A New Microwave Measurement Technique to voltage V Characterize Diodes and an 800 Gc Cutoff Fraquency Varactor at Zero Volts Bias, IEEE Transactions on MT&T, January 1964. [4] Hapgood, D.W., Determination of Varactor Parameters by a Modified DeLoach Method, Microwave Journal, Volume 24, No. 11, November 1981. DIGITAL VOLTMETER | 0-30 V DETECTOR BIAS SUPPLY APP cer NT 10 dB FREQUENCY 0-50 dB APPLICABLE HIGH FREQUENCY [7] COUPLER [7 ISOLATOR - METER 4 PRECISION >-I VARACTOR [j SENSITIVITY OSCILLATOR ATTENUATOR HOLDER DETECTOR | HIGH SENSITIVITY OSCILLOSCOPE FIGURE B. Typical DeLoach Test Set M/A-COM SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS OPERATION Burlington, MA 01803 (617) 272-3000 * TWX 710-332-6789 * TELEX 94-9464MA48700 Series GaAs Multiplier Varactors Case Styles * DENOTES CATHODE NOT TO SCALE 30 He A DIA. INCHES MILLIMETERS a DIM. MIN. | MAX. MIN. | MAX. DIA A 0.119 0.127 3,02 3,22 A B 0.060 0.064 1,52 1,63 7 Cc 0.205 0.225 5,21 5,72 i - D 0.085 0.097 2,16 2,46 I C E 0.060 0.064 1,52 1,63 | { F 0.060 0.064 1,52 1,63 G G 0.016 0.024 0,41 0,61 | A H 0.079 | 0.083 2,01 2,11 GaAs: Cp = 0.18 pF Typical B Lg = 0.60 nH Typical DIA. 31 P+ A DIA. INCHES MILLIMETERS DIM. MIN. | MAX. MIN. | MAX. rire A 0.119 0.127 3,02 3,23 e , B 0.085 0.097 2,16 2,46 i - C 0.016 0.024 0,41 0.61 | D 0.077 0.083 1,96 2,11 t ~~? Cp = 0.18 pF Typicat 4 lg = 0.60 nH Typical 32 [Zz INCHES MILLIMETERS D DIM. MIN. | MAX. MIN. | MAX. B Y f A 0.179 0.125 3,02 3,18 B 0.055 0.065 1,40 1,65 Cc 7 ao Cc 0.077 0.083 1,96 2,11 D _ = 0.025 0,64 Cp = 0.30 pF Typical Ls = 0.40 nH Typical A DIA. 36 i. INCHES MILLIMETERS " DIM. MIN. | MAX. MIN. | MAX. Dp zy | DIA { A 0.119 0.125 3,02 3,18 Q B 0.143 0.163 3,63 4,14 e Y C 0.060 0.064 1,52 1,63 f B D 0.060 0.064 1,52 1,63 G { E a 0.025 _ 0,64 { -=-F ) F 0.077 | 0.083 1,96 2,11 G 0.086 0.096 2,18 2,44 . A DIA. > GaAs: Cp = 0.18 pF Typical Ls = 0.60 nH Typical M/A-COM SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS OPERATION Burlington, MA 01803 (617) 272-3000 TWX 710-332-6789 TELEX 94-9464 8-39MA48700 Series GaAs Multiplier Varactors Case Styles (Contd) 91 92 94 95 M/A-COM SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS OPERATION Burlington, MA 01803 (617) 272-3000 TWX 710-332-6789 TEIEX 94-9464 8-40 E et D- DIA. tC) a= GC) pr} _ a | M_ A DIA. DIA. D a bia. | o rer t-C) Pe wa P) 1 pe leon! DIA. DIA. L< p>| > m DENOTES CATHODE INCHES MILLIMETERS DIM. MIN. MAX. MIN. MAX. A 0.119 0.127 3,02 3,23 B 0.115 0.129 2,92 3,28 Cc 0.060 0.064 1,52 1,63 D 0.060 0.062 1,52 1,57 E 0.077 0.083 1,96 2,11 F 0.016 0.024 0,41 0,61 G 0.055 0.065 1,40 1,65 Cp = 0.30 pF Typical Lg = 0.40 nH Typical INCHES MILLIMETERS DIM. MIN. | MAX. MIN. | MAX. A 0.119 0.127 3,02 3,23 B 0.174 0.194 4,42 4,93 Cc 0.060 0.064 1,52 1,63 D 0.077 0.083 1,96 2,11 E 0.060 0.062 1,52 1,57 F 0.016 0.024 0,41 0,61 G 0.055 0.065 1,40 1,65 Cp = 0.30 pF Typical Lg = 0.40 nH Typical INCHES MILLIMETERS DIM. MIN. MAX. MIN. | MAX. A 0.078 0.086 1,98 2,18 B 0.040 0.050 1,02 1,27 Cc _ 0.015 _- 0,38 D 0.047 0.053 1,19 1,35 Cp = 0.15 pF Typical Lg = 0.17 nH Typical INCHES MILLIMETERS DIM. MIN. | MAX. MIN. | MAX. A 0.078 0.086 1,98 2,18 B 0.070 0.080 1,78 2,03 Cc 0.024 0.026 0,61 0,66 D _- 0.015 _ 0,38 E 0.040 0.050 1,02 1,27 F 0.004 0.010 0,10 0,25 G 0.047 0.053 1,19 1,35 Cp = 0.15 pF Typical 0. Lg = 0.17 nH Typical NOT TO SCALE.MA48700 Series GaAs Multiplier Varactors Case Styles (Co ntd) * DENOTES CATHODE NOT TO SCALE 120 A INCHES MILLIMETERS DIA. . MIN. M Ft 0.051 0.055 1,30 1,40 4 0.040 0.050 1,02 1,27 >- = 0.13 pF Typicat Lg = 0.40 nH Typical 126 A INCHES MILLIMETERS Bia, DIM. MIN. | MAX. MIN. | MAX. ee A 0.079 0.087 2,01 2,21 DIA. e | B 0.030 0.038 0,76 0,97 C 0.002 0.006 0,05 0,15 A { i D 0.009 0.015 0,23 0,38 Y D E 0.047 0.053 1,19 1,35 t Cp = 0.23 pF Typical Lg = 0.20 nH Typical 128 INCHES MILLIMETERS DIM. MIN. | MAX. MIN. | MAX. A 0.077 0.083 1,96 211 B 0.0545 0.0675 1,384 1,715 C 0.022 0.028 0,56 0,71 D 0.047 0.053 1,19 T,35 E 0.0295 0.0325 0,749 0,826 F 0.002 0.007 0,05 0,18 G 0.010 0.015 0,25 0,38 OIA. H 0.0015 0.0030 0,038 0,076 0.23 pF Typical 0.20 nH Typical Cc Lg 155 G DIA. D E DIA. yr! ~<_ t1 | | H a: i A DIA. fife DIA. 0.043 0.026 0.022 0.007 0.029 0.024 0.010 0.001 A B Cc D E F G H = 0.13 pF Typical Lg = 0.17 nH Typical M/A-COM SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS OPERATION Burlington, MA 01803 (617) 272-3000 TWX 710-332-6789 * TELEX 94-9464 8-41MA48700 Series GaAs Multiplier Varactors 5 Case Styles (Cont d) * DENOTES CATHODE _=NOT TO SCALE 166 INCHES MILLIMETERS DIM. MIN. | MAX, MIN. | MAX. F A 0.043 0.047 1,09 1,19 | DIINDENT) B 0.026 0.033 0,66 0,84 C 0.029 0.031 0,74 0,79 D 0.001 0.002 0,03 0,05 E 0.010 0.016 0,25 0,41 F 0.006 0.008 0,15 0,20 Cp = 0.13 pF Typical Lg = 0.16 nH Typical 168 INCHES MILLIMETERS DIM. MIN. | MAX. MIN. | MAX. A 0.079 0.081 2,01 2,06 B 0.084 0.096 2,13 2,49 C 0.008 0.010 0,20 0,25 D 0.028 0.032 0,71 0,81 E 0.028 0.032 0,71 0,81 F 0.024 0.026 0,61 0,66 G 0.024 0.026 0,61 0,66 H 0.049 0.051 1,24 1,30 0.23 pF Typical .20 nH Typical DIA. wo i o Ordering Information Orders for products from M/A-COM Semiconductor Products Operation should be placed with our local sales office. Should there be a need for factory sales or applications engineering assistance, contact M/A-COM directly. M/A-COM SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS OPERATION Burlington, MA 01803 (617) 272-3000 * TWX 710-332-6789 TELEX 94-9464 8-42