ARINC 600 BKAD/E/F Low insertion force contacts. Both environmental and non- environmental versions. Polarizing posts that are removable from the mating face. Field replaceable inserts for size 22 and power contacts. Up to 800 size 22 contacts in one connector. Crimp, coax, power, printed circuit and wire wrappable post style contacts. Uses standard DPX crimp, insertion/extraction tooling. Waveguide connections available. BKAD/E BKAF Rear Release/Rear Removable Size 12, 16, 20, 22 Crimp Contacts Front Release/Front Removable Size 22 Solder Tail and Wrap Post Contacts BKAD/E connectors represent a major milestones in presenting a new rack and panel connector for support of the air transportation market. Several important design concerns have been addressed and solved in this new series. High mating forces of pluggable modules in a rack have been reduced by approximately two-thirds. This new connector is totally intermateable and intermountable with ARINC 600 connectors now in the field. The BKAF permits the user to easily replace a contact in case of problems, rather than disassemble the entire connector--it is available with size 22 contacts in wrap post or solder-tail versions. The system maintains the advantages of low insertion force technology incorporated in all ARINC 600 connectors. The low insertion force contacts are also interchangeable with the contacts used in the DPX series and permit retrofit of existing equipment. Pos-Aline Connector Construction Feature In the ARINC 600 connector series, Size 22 contacts are the only size that utilize this design feature. The hooded socket extends from its insulator while the pin contacts are shrouded by its front insulator. All other contacts used in this series employ standard contact design. The result is that the complement of contacts for the plug connectors will consist of pin contacts for size 22 and socket contacts for all others. The receptacle contacts will be just the reverse, socket contact for size 22 and pin contacts for the balance. Material Specifications BKAD BKAE BKAF Specifications Material Aluminum alloy Aluminum alloy Aluminum alloy QQ A-591/A380 Alodine 1200 Alodine 1200 Alodine 1200 MIL-C-5541 Finish Material Thermoset Thermoset Thermoset N/A Material Copper alloy Copper alloy Copper alloy QQ-C-533 Finish Gold over Nickel Gold over Nickel Gold over Nickel MIL-G-45204 Termination Crimp Crimp P.C./Wrap Post N/A Grommets/Seals Material N/A Silicone-based Elastomer N/A N/A O-Ring Material N/A Silicone-based Elastomer N/A N/A Shell & Waveguide Insulator Contacts Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). Dimensions subject to change. 2 ARINC 600 BKAD/E/F How to Order BKA D 2 A234 M * 3 00 01 * F0 CONNECTOR SERIES CLASS SHELL SIZE CONNECTOR LAYOUT DESCRIPTION SIZE 1 COAX INSERT MODIFIER BOEING COAX MODIFIER SHELL STYLE CONNECTOR MOUNTING MODIFIER POLARIZING POSITION MODIFIER (Contact, Finish, Material) * = For Polarizing Position greater then 99, add third digit. CONNECTOR SERIES BKA (Per ARINC 600) CLASS D E - Non-environmental (rear release, crimp - F - C - S - T - contacts) Environmental (rear release, crimp contacts) Non-environmental (front release, solder and wrap post #22 contact, rear release all others) Same as E, except uses BKAD shells, and Less 0 rings on plug side. Environmental (0-ring is used to seal between connector shell and insulators) with rear release, crimp contacts. Non-environmental connector using filtered contacts (reference Cannon Phoenix) BOEING COAX MODIFIER Boeing Coax Code ITTC Code Plug Connector AA Blank No Coax Supplied No Coax Supplied AB B 349-0013-000 349-0014-000 AC C 349-0015-000 349-0016-000 AD D 349-0013-000 349-0017-000 349-0014-000 349-0002-000 AE E 349-0015-000 349-0018-000 349-0016-000 349-0004-000 AF F 349-0015-000 349-0017-000 349-0016-000 349-0002-000 ITTC Coax Contacts Supplied Receptacle Connector SHELL STYLE 3 - Plug (rack side) 4 - Receptacle (box side) CONNECTOR MOUNTING MODIFIER 00 01 - Standard design, .148 dia. holes With #6-32 ESNA (#12 NCFMA2-62) clinch nuts (see chart) SHELL SIZE 1 2 3 - Max. contact capacity - 125 - Max. contact capacity - 400 - Max. contact capacity - 800 CONNECTOR LAYOUT DESCRIPTION (See page 4) SIZE 1 COAX INSERT MODIFIER M - Connector contains modified 71W1 or 2W2 insert (four MTG screw hole locations and coaxial contact used in this insert are interchangeable between different manufacturers NOTE: A dash must be inserted whenever code does not apply. 02 03 08 - 09 - 16 - 17 - 23 - Number of Clinch Nuts Connector Size Plug 1 4 2 4 6 3 8 10 Receptacle 4 Size 1 receptacle only - less 3 printed circuit board mounting lugs With #4-40 ESNA (#22 NCFMA2-40) clinch nuts (see chart) Size 2 and 3 plug and receptacle only - with #4-40 ESNA (#22 NCFMA2-40) clinch nuts (all mounting holes) Size 2 and 3 plug and receptacle only - with #6-32 ESNA (#12 NCFMA2-62) clinch nuts (all mounting holes) Same as - 00 mounting modification except with nickel finished shells .0008 - .0012 thick with EMI grounding spring for plug shells and supplied with non-environmental inserts. Same as - 00 mounting modification except with nickel finished shells .0008 - .0012 thick with EMI grounding spring for plug shells and supplied with environmental inserts not potted into shell. With floating eyelets (.048 min. radial float) 4 corner holes per connector. Consult factory if other modifications are required Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). Dimensions subject to change. 3 A R INC 600 B K A D/E /F How to Order (Continued) CONNECTOR LAYOUT DESCRIPTION Note: All layouts with "OPEN' insert cavity are not supplied with an insulator. If a Blank insert is required please consult factory. Three Digit Number Contained within the Shell Layout Indicates Total Number of Contacts Available (including Waveguide) Shell Cavity Identification Shell Size A B C 5W2 -T173 2 150 10T10 13W2 OPEN 234 2 150 71W1 13W2 709 OPEN A234 2 71W1 150 13W2 727 5W2 -246 2 120T2 120T2 6T6 Open 5W2 -248 2 121 121 6T6 60 OPEN 250 2 OPEN 150 100 60 60 5W2 250A 2 150 BLANK 100 2 OPEN OPEN 13W2 -251 2 Waveguide 150 100 -017 2 2W2 2W2 13W2 -300 2 150 150 OPEN -071 2 OPEN 71W1 OPEN -306 2 150 150 6T6 A071 2 71W1 OPEN OPEN -313 2 150 150 13W2 -085 2 Waveguide 71W1 13W2 -370 2 150 120T2 100 A085 2 71W1 Waveguide 13W2 -400 2 150 150 100 86M 2 2W2 71W1A 13W2 -021 3 4W4 4W4 13W2 BLANK OPEN OPEN -093 2 4W4 4W4 85 -026 3 OPEN OPEN 13W2 OPEN OPEN 13W2 -100 2 OPEN OPEN 100 -113 3 OPEN OPEN 100 OPEN OPEN 13W2 -137 2 121 10T10 6T6 -A113 3 OPEN OPEN 13W2 OPEN OPEN 100 -T141 2 120T2 10T10 13W2 -114 3 4W4 4W4 4W4 4W4 13W2 85 -142 2 71W1 71W1 OPEN -284 3 71W1 71W1 OPEN 71W1 71W1 OPEN -155 2 71W1 71W1 13W2 -310 3 71W1 71W1 13W2 71W1 71W1 13W2 155M 2 71W1A 71W1A 13W2 -330M 3 2W1 2W2 13W2 150 150 13W2 V155M 2 71W1B 71W1A 13W2 -A330M 3 150 150 13W2 2W2 2W2 13W2 158M 2 2W2 71W1A 85 -496 3 121 121 121 121 6T6 6T6 -A158M 2 2W2 71W1B 85 -600 3 150 150 OPEN 150 150 OPEN -163 2 OPEN 150 13W2 -626 3 150 150 13W2 150 150 13W2 A163 2 150 OPEN 13W2 -713 3 150 150 100 150 150 13W2 -164 2 150 Waveguide 13W2 A713 3 150 150 13W2 150 150 100 A164 2 Waveguide 150 13W2 -734 3 150 150 100 150 150 3W 165M 2 150 2W2 13W2 -764 3 150 150 64 150 150 100 -A165M 2 2W2 150 13W2 -800 3 150 150 100 150 150 100 -167 2 4W4 150 13W2 -269M 3 2W2 2W2 13W2 2W2 150 100 173M 2 2W2 71W1B 100 271C 3 4W4 4W4 13W2 BLANK 150 100 271M 3 2W2 2W2 13W2 4W4 150 100 -326 3 OPEN 150 13W2 OPEN 150 13W2 Shell Size A B -005 1 OPEN OPEN -060 1 OPEN 60 A060 1 60 OPEN -065 1 OPEN 60 A065 1 60 -120 1 60 -125 1 -013 C D E F Ref. ARINC Characteristic Shell Cavity Identification Connector Layout Connector Layout 708 D E F Ref. ARINC Characteristic 732 NOTE. ANY OTHER COMBINATION OF INSERTS WITHIN A SPECIFIC SHELL IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Layout included in the following ARINC configurations 702, 710, 711, 712, 714, 715, 716, 723. Layout included in the following ARINC configurations 707, 718 & 730. Layout included in the following ARINC configurations 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 724, 725. Layout included in the following ARINC configurations 701, 717, 726, 729. POLARIZING POSITION 01 thru 99 (per ARINC 600) Blank-Polarizing posts or keys not installed but supplied with connector MODIFIER (Contact, Finish, Material) Blank - Rear release, crimp, signal and power contacts supplied with connector (when applicable) FO Contacts not supplied with connector (FO not stamped on connector) FOO - Less contacts and waveguide (FOO not stamped on connector) SA Front release .025(0.63) D. x .150 (3.81) solder post and crimp, rear release power contacts (when applicable) supplied with connector SB Front release .025(0.63) D. x .250 (6.35) solder post and crimp, rear release power contacts (when applicable) supplied with connector SC - SD - WA - WB - Front release .025(0.63) D. x .375 (9.53) solder post and crimp, rear release power contacts (when applicable) supplied with connector Front release .025(0.63) D. x .500 (12.7) solder post and crimp, rear release power contacts (when applicable) supplied with connector Front release .025(0.63) Sq. x .250 (6.35) (1 wrap) wrap post and crimp, rear release power contacts (when applicable) supplied with connector Front release .025(0.63 Sq. x .375 (9.53) (2 wraps) wrap post and crimp, rear relase power contacts (when applicable) supplied with connector WC - WD - Front release .025(0.63) Sq. x 500 (12.7) (3 wraps) wrap post and crimp, rear release power contacts (when applicable) supplied with connector Front release .025 (0.64) Sq. x 641 (16.28) (3 wraps) wrap post and crimp, rear release power contacts (when applicable) supplied with connector NOTE: COAXIAL CONTACTS TO BE ORDERED SEPARATELY Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). Dimensions subject to change. 4 ARINC 600 BKAD/E/F Shell Dimensions - Size 1 Plug BKAE SERIES 1.402 (35.61)MAX .205 (5.21)* .195 (4.95) .130 (3.30) .120 (3.05) 1.110 (28.19) 1.090 (27.69) 1.195 (30.35)MAX .655 (16.64) .645 (16.38) .385 (9.78) MAX BKAD SERIES 1.102 (27.99) MAX .125 (3.18)* .105 (2.67) .5.465 (138.81) 5.455 (138.56) .148 +_ .003 (3.76 +_ 0.08)DIA 4 PLCS MTG HOLES 1.150(29.21)MIN .653 (16.59) .647 (16.43) A .180 (4.57) .166 (4.22) D 4 PL A 6.995 MAX (177.67) 3.825 (97.16) 3.815 (96.90) .135 (3.43)* .115 (2.92) B 6.355 (161.42) 6.345 (161.16) B 6.500 MAX (165.10) 6.645 (168.78) 6.629 (168.38) 2.059 (52.30) 2.049 (52.04) 1.313 (33.35) 1.303 (33.10) .030 (.76)R MAX 4 PL C .479 (12.17) .469 (11.91) .250 (6.35) MAX .135 (3.43) .125 (3.18) .188 (4.78) .184 (4.67) .575 (14.60) .565 (14.35) BKAD SERIES 1.198 (30.43) MAX BKAE SERIES 1.550 (39.37) MAX .705 (17.91) .695 (17.65) Retainer Plate .030 R MAX (.76) 4 PL .120 R MAX (3.05) 4 PL .6.515 MIN (165.48) 6.353 (161.37) 6.347 (161.21) C .620MIN (15.75) .830 (21.08) .820 (20.83) 6.890 (175.01) MIN .608 MAX (15.44) 3.85 (9.78) 3.75 (9.52) .191 (4.85) 189 (4.80) 3 PL Size 1 Plug Panel Cutout * This dimension indicates distance from centerline of retaining screw to the centerline of first contact cavity. For further information, refer to ARINC 600 specification or consult factory. Receptacle BKAE SERIES 1.531 (38.89) MAX BKAD/BKAF SERIES 1.221 (31.01) MAX .205 (5.21)* .195 (4.95) 1.010 (25.65) .990 (25.15) .130 (3.30) .120 (3.05) .148 +_ .003 (3.76 +_ 0.08)DIA 4 PLCS MTG HOLES .135 (3.43)* .115 (2.92) B 7.455 MAX (189.36) 6.355 (161.42) 6.345 (161.16) 3.825 (97.16) 3.815 (96.90) .030 R (.76) MAX 2 PL 6.870 (174.50) MIN 6.627 (168.33) 6.607 (167.82) 6.353 (161.37) 6.347 (161.21) B 2.059 (52.30) 2.049 (52.04) 1.313 (33.35) 1.303 (33.10) .191 (4.85) 2 PL .189 (4.80) A A 5.465 (138.81) 5.455 (138.56) .240 (6.10)MAX .655 (16.64) .645 (16.38) .125 (3.18)* .105 (2.67) .287 R (7.29) MAX 4 PL .240 (6.10) MAX C .120 R (3.05) MAX 4 PL C .135 (3.43) .125 (3.18) .810 (20.57) .800 (20.32) .575 (14.60) .565 (14.35) .180 (4.57) .166 (4.22) D 4 PL BKAD/BKAF SERIES 1.317 (33.45) MAX .188 (4.78) .184 (4.67) BKAE SERIES 1.670 (42.42) .705 (17.91) .695 (17.65) Retainer Plate Size 1 Receptacle 3.65 (9.27) 3.55 (9.02) .930 (23.62) MIN .653 (16.59) .647 (16.43) Panel Cutout *This dimension indicates distance from centerline of retaining screw to the centerline of first contact cavity. For further information, refer to ARINC 600 specification or consult factory. Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). Dimensions subject to change. 5 ARINC 600 BKAD/E/F Shell Dimensions - Size 2 Plug 1.810 (45.97) 1.790 (45.47) 1.431 (36.35) 1.421 (36.09) BKAE SERIES 1.402 (35.61) MAX .130 (3.30) .120 (3.05) .655 (16.64) .645 (16.38) 1.195 MAX (30.35) .148 +_ 003 (3.76 + _ 0.08) DIA 10 PLCS MTG HOLES BKAD SERIES 1.102 (27.99) MAX 260 (6 60)* 250 (6 35) 653 (16.59) 647 (16.43) 191 (4.85) 189 (4.80) 3PL .070 (1.78)* .050 (1.27) 030 (.76) R MAX 4 PL A A 5.355 (136.02) 5.345 (135.76) 030 R (.76) MAX 4 PL 6.360 (161.54) 6.340 (161.04) B 135 (3.43)* 115 (2.92) 6 995 MAX (177.67) B 3 770 (95.76) 3 760 (95.50) 6.500 MAX (165.10) 6.353 (161.37) 6.347 161.21 6.645 (168.78) 6.629 (168.38) 120 R (3.05) MAX 4 PL 2 004 (50.90) 1 994 (50.65) 1 258 (31.95) 1 248 (31.70) 2.135 (54.23) 2.125 (53.98) .620 MIN (15.75) C 188(4.78) 184(4.67) BKAD SERIES 1.198 (30.43) MAX BKAE SERIES 11550 (39.37) MAX 1 415 (35.94) 1 405 (35.69) Retainer Plate .180 (4.57) 166 D (4.22) 8 PL C 168 (4.27) 158 (4.01) .865 (21.97) .855 (21.72) 6.515 MIN (165.48) 6.890 (175.01) MIN .608 MAX (15.44) 1.429 (36.30) 1.423 (36.14) 1.850 MIN (46.99) 385 (9.78) 375 (9.52) Size 2 Plug 250 MAX (6.35) Panel Cutout * This dimension indicates distance from centerline of retaining screw to the centerline of first contact cavity. For further information, refer to ARINC 600 specification or consult factory. Receptacle 1.810 (45.97) 1.790 (45.47) BKAE SERIES 1.531 (38.89) MAX 1.431 (36.35) 1.421 (36.09) BKAD/BKAF SERIES 1.221 (31.01)MAX .655 (16.64) .645 (16.38) 130 (3.30 .120 (3.05) .148 .003 (3.76 +_ 0.08) DIA. 10 PLCS MTG HOLES 260 (6.60)* 250 (6.35) 1.530 (38.86) MIN 191 (4.85) 189 (4.80) 2 PL .070 (1.78)* .050 (1.27) 240 (6.10) MAX 030 R (76) MAX 2 PL A A 5.335 (136.02) 5.345 (135.76) 6.975 MAX (177.16) .135 (3.43)* .115 (2.92) 6.360 (161.54 6.340 (161.04 B B 6.870 (174.50) MIN 6.353 (161.37) 6.347 (161.21) .180 (4.57) .166 D (4.22) 10 PL 1.429 (36.30) 1.423 (36.14) 3 PL 3.770 (95.76) 3.760 (95.50) .260 (6.60) .230 (5.84) 2 PL 6.627 (168.33) 6.607 (167.82) 2.004 (50.90) 1.994 (50.65) 1.258 (31.95) 1.248 (31.70) .865 (21.97) .855 (21.72) C 2.135 (54.23) 2.125 (53.98) C .168 (4.27) .158 (4.01) 1.415 (35.94) 1.405 (35.69) Retainer Plate 2.780 (70.61) MAX BKAD/BKAF SERIES 1.317 (33.45) BKAE SERIES 1.670 (42.42) .188 (4.78) .184 (4.67) Size 2 Receptacle 2.200 (55.88) MIN .120 R (3.05) MAX 4 PL 2.133 (54.18) 2.127 (54.03) .365 (9.27) .355 (9.02) .240 MAX (6.10) .287 R (7.29) MAX 8 PL .653 (16.59) .647 (16.43) 2 PLC Panel Cutout *This dimension indicates distance from centerline of retaining screw to the centerline of first contact cavity. For further information, refer to ARINC 600 specification or consult factory. Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). Dimensions subject to change. 6 ARINC 600 BKAD/E/F Shell Dimensions - Size 3 Plug 3.275 (83.18) 3.245 (82.42) BKAE SERIES 1.402 (35.61) MAX 2.891 (73.43) 2.881 (73.18) 1.150 MAX (29.21) .130 (3.50) .120 (3.05) .260 (6.60)* .250 (6.35) 1.955 (49.66) 1.945 (49.40) BKAD SERIES 1.102 (27.99) MAX .655 (16.64) .645 (16.38) .148 +_ .003 DIA. (3.76 +_ 0.08) 14 PLCS MTG HOLES .070 (1.78)* .060 (1.52) 3.310 MIN (84.07) 1.953 (49.61) 1.947 (49.45) .030 (.76)R MAX 4 PL 5.355 (136.02) 5.345 (135.76) .030 R MAX (.76) 4 PL 6.355 (161.42) 6.345 (161.16) .135 (3.43)* .115 (2.92) 6.500 (165.10) MAX 6.645 (168.78) 6.629 (168.38) 6.353 (161.37) 6.347 (161.21) .120 R MAX (3.05) 4 PL 6.515 MIN (165.48) 6.995 MAX (177.67) .590 MAX (14.99) 2.004 (50.90) 1.994 (50.65) 620 MIN (15.75) 1.258 (31.95) 1.248 (31.70) .385 (9.78) .375 (.952) 2.135 (54.23) 2.125 (53.98) .180 (4.57) D .250 .166 (4.22) (6.35) MAX 12 PL .653 (16.59) .647 (16.43) 3.770 (95.76) 3.760 (95.50) 1.68 (4.27) .158 (4.01) .890 (22.61) .870 (22.10) .188 (4.78) .184 (4.67) BKAD SERIES 1.198 (30.43) MAX. 1.252 (31.80) 1.242 (31.55) 1.440 (36.58) 1.430 (36.32) BKAE SERIES 1.550 (39.37) MAX .191 (4.85) .189 (4.80) 3 PL .2.889 (73.38) 2.883 (73.23) 2.712 (68.88) 2.702 (68.63) 2.875 (73.02) 2.865 (72.77) Retainer Plate Size 3 Plug Panel Cutout * This dimension indicates distance form centerline of retaining screw to the centerline of first contact cavity. For furter information, refer to ARINC 600 specification or consult factory. Receptacle 3.275 (83.18) 3.245 (82.42) 2.891 (73.43) 2.881 (73.18) BKAE SERIES 1.531 (38.89) MAX 1.955 (49.66 1.945 (49.40) BKAD/BKAF SERIES 1.221 (31.01)MAX .130 (3.30) .120 (3.05) .260 (6.60)* .250 (6.35) 5.355 (136.02) 5.345 (135.76) 3.000 (76.20) MIN .148 +_ .003 DIA. (3.76 +_ 0.08) 14 PLCS MTG HOLES .655 (16.64) .645 (16.38) 6.355 (161.42) 6.345 (161.16) .135 (3.43)* .115 (2.92) 6.627 (168.33) 6.607 (167.82) 6.975 MAX (177.16) 2.004 (50.90) 1.994 (50.65) 2.875 (73.02) 2.865 (72.77) .180 (4.57) .166 (4.22) 14 PL 2.133 (54.18) 2.127 (54.03) 3.770 (95.76) 3.760 (95.50) 1.440 (36.58) 1.430 (36.32) .030 R MAX (.76) 2 PL .120 R MAX (3.05) 4.PL 2.780 (70.61) MAX 2.135 (54.23) 2.125 (53.98) 1.258 (31.95) 1.248 (31.70) .870 (22.10) .850 (21.59) 2.889 (73.38) 2.883 (73.23) 3 PL .287 R MAX (7.29) 8 PL .240 MAX (6.10) .070 (1.78)* .060 (1.52) 1.68 (4.27) .158 (4.01) .191 (4.85) .189 (4.80) 3 PL 1.252 (31.80) 1.242 (31.55) .188 (4.78) .184 (4.67) BKAD/BKAF SERIES 1.317 (33.45)MAX BKAE SERIES 1.670 (42.42 )MAX .365 (9.27) .355 (9.02) .960 (24.38) .930 (23.62) 2 PL D 6.870 (174.50) MIN 2.20 (55.88) MIN .240 (6.10) MAX. 1.953 (49.61) 2 PL 1.947 (49.45) .653 (16.59) 2 PL .647 (16.43) 2.712 (68.88) 2.702 (68.63) Retainer Plate Size 3 Plug Panel Cutout * This dimension indicates distance form centerline of retaining screw to the centerline of first contact cavity. For furter information, refer to ARINC 600 specification or consult factory. Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). Dimensions subject to change. 7 ARINC 600 BKAD/E/F Contact Arrangements - Shell Size 1 BKAD/BKAE (Plug Rear face shown) BKAF - Available Receptacle Shell Only (Front Release) Shell Cavity A or B A B Shell Cavity C C B C Shell Cavity A or B D B C Shell Cavity C D 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 2 5 1 A 1 6 7 1T 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 30T2 28 #22 2 #8 TWINAX/COAX (#8 Grounded to Shell) C D 2 2 2 4 5 D 4 4 #12 8 2 9 9 10 10 5 11 11 6 12 12 7 13 13 8 14 14 9 15 10 60 60 #22 1 3 4 3 4 8 3 3 2T B C 1 10 12 B 5W2 1 #12 2 #16 2 #5 COAX 5 15 B 40 40 #22 4 C D 60 60 #22 5W2 1 #12 2 #16 2 #5 COAX ENGAGING END SURFACE WHITE ON RED TO INDICATE REAR SURFACE WHITE ON BLUE TO INDICATE REAR RELEASE REAR REMOVAL CONTACTS FRONT RELEASE FRONT REMOVAL CONTACTS (For Contact Cavity Location and Contact Cavity Identification refer to ARINC 600 or consult factory) Contact Arrangements - Shell Sizes 2 and 3 BKAD/BKAE (Plug Rear face shown) Shell Cavity C or F 1 1 2 3 4 3 2 3 2 1 6 2 8 7 9 4 5 5 7 5 8 4 1 6 10 9 14 15 20 11 6 5 6 21 13 22 12 23 24 3 6** 6 #8 6T6** 6 #8 (Metallic Insert) 4 13W2 4 #20, 4 #12, 3 #16 2 #5 COAX 24T4** 20 #20, 4 #8 1 6 A 7 12 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 13 18 19 24 25 29 30 34 B C D E F G H J K 3 B D E F G H J K B C D E F G H J K 4 4 3 3 4 5 5 4 4 5 6 6 5 5 7 7 6 6 8 8 7 7 51 56 52 57 53 54 58 55 59 B 1 34** 24 #20, 10 #18 C 59** 50 #22, 5 #16, 4 #12 C D 2 E 3 F G H 4 J K 5 85 80 #22, 4 #20, 1 #16 8 8 9 9 10 10 B C D E F G H J K 100 100 #22 **Pending ARINC release. NOTE: In layouts using #22 contacts mixed with any other contact size (20HD, 16, 12), the size #22 contact type (pin or socket) determines the insulator as a pin insert or a socket insert. REAR SURFACE WHITE ON BLUE TO INDICATE REAR RELEASE, REAR REMOVAL CONTACTS FOR INSERTS CONTAINING STANDARD SIGNAL & POWER CONTACTS (For Contact Cavity Location and Contact Cavity Identification refer to ARINC 600 or consult factory) Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). Dimensions subject to change. 8 ARINC 600 BKAD/E/F Contact Arrangements - Shell Sizes 2 and 3 BKAD/BKAE (Plug Rear face shown) Shell Cavity A,B,D,E 2W2 2 #1 COAX 49T2** 47 #20 2 #8 110** 100 #22 5 #12 & 5 #20 4W4 4 Modified #1 COAX (Metallic Insert) 10T10** 10 #8 TRIAX/COAX (#8 Grounded to Shell) (Metallic Insert) 24** 24 #12 60** 60 #20 71W1 70 #22 1 #1 COAX 71W1B 70 #22 1 #1 COAX 150 150 #22 120T2 ** 118 #22 2 #8 TWINAX/COAX (#8 Grounded to Shell) 121** 110 #22 5 #16 6 #20 ** Pending ARINC release. REAR SURFACE WHITE ON BLUE TO INDICATE REAR RELEASE. REAR REMOVAL CONTACTS FOR INSERTS CONTAINING STANDARD SIGNAL & POWER CONTACTS (For Contact Cavity Location and Contact Cavity Identification refer to ARINC 600 or consult factory) Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). Dimensions subject to change. 9 ARINC 600 BKAD/E/F Contact Arrangements - Shell Sizes 2 and 3 BKAF - Available Receptacle Shell ONLY (Front Release) SHELL CAVITY A, B, D, E, 71W1 70 #22 71W1B 70 #22 10T10** 10 #8 121F** 110 #22 6 #20 5 #16 150 150 #22 ENGAGING END SURFACE WHITE ON RED TO INDICATE FRONT RELEASE FRONT REMOVAL CONTACTS FOR INSERTS CONTAINING STANDARD SIGNAL & POWER CONTACTS BKAF - Available Receptacle Shell ONLY (Front Release) SHELL CAVITY C, F 6T6** 6 #8 13W2 4 #20 3 #16 4 #12 2 #5 COAX 100 100 #22 ** Pending ARINC release. NOTE #22 CONTACTS ARE SOCKETS, 20HD,16, 12 ARE PIN CONTACTS. ENGAGING END SURFACE WHITE ON RED TO INDICATE FRONT RELEASE, FRONT REMOVAL CONTACTS FOR INSERTS CONTAINING STANDARD SIGNAL & POWER CONTACTS (For Contacts Cavity Location and Contact Cavity Identification refer to ARINC 600 or Consult Factory) Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). Dimensions subject to change. 10 ARINC 600 BKAD/E/F Waveguide Connections WAVEGUIDE DETAIL SHOWN FULLY ENGAGED -E- -A- NO ENGAGEMENT 1.255 (31.88) 1.370 (34.80) 1.310 (33.27) .522 (13.26 FULLY .488 (12.40) ENGAGED CONN. PLUG CONN. RECEPTACLE 1.416 / 1.404 (35.97) / (35.61) 1.091 / 1.079 (27.71) / (27.41) 4 #8-32 UNC-2B THRU HOLES INSULATOR AND WAVEGUIDE RETAINING PLATE 2.810 (71.37) 2.690 (68.33) Plug Receptacle Polarization (Engaging End) BKA*1 BKA*2 BKA*3 CENTER POST CENTER POST CENTER POST CENTER POST CENTER POST CENTER POST RIGHT POST RIGHT POST RIGHT POST RIGHT POST RIGHT POST RIGHT POST LEFT POST LEFT POST LEFT POST LEFT POST LEFT POST LEFT POST PLUG RECEPTACLE PLUG RECEPTACLE PLUG RECEPTACLE Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). Dimensions subject to change. 11 ARINC 600 BKAD/E/F Polarizing Positions POST KEY Kit P/N 320-1067-000 Kit P/N 320-1067-003 Plug Shell Position Left Post Center Post Right Post 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 22 23 24 25 3 4 5 6 1 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Receptacle Shell Position Left Post Center Post Right Post Position Left Post Center Post Right Post 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 3 96 97 98 99 100 6 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 36 37 38 39 40 6 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 51 52 53 54 55 3 4 5 6 1 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 171 172 173 174 175 3 4 5 6 1 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 2 21 22 23 24 25 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 1 6 5 4 96 97 98 99 100 1 2 2 2 2 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 3 4 5 6 1 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 6 186 187 188 189 190 6 1 2 3 4 6 6 6 6 6 1 6 6 6 6 36 37 38 39 40 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 4 126 127 128 129 130 6 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 201 202 203 204 205 3 4 5 6 1 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 3 51 52 53 54 55 6 6 6 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 6 1 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 141 142 143 144 145 3 4 5 6 1 4 4 4 4 5 2 2 2 2 1 216 6 6 2 71 72 73 74 75 5 6 1 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 146 147 148 149 150 2 3 4 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 Left Post Position Left Post Center Post Right Post 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 5 4 3 2 1 171 172 173 174 175 2 2 2 2 3 6 6 6 6 6 2 1 6 5 4 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 111 112 113 114 115 4 4 4 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 6 5 4 186 187 188 189 190 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 6 5 4 126 127 128 129 130 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 3 2 1 201 202 203 204 205 1 1 1 1 2 5 5 5 5 5 2 1 6 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 66 67 68 69 70 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 4 3 2 1 141 142 143 144 145 3 3 3 3 4 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 6 5 4 216 3 5 5 71 72 73 74 75 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 6 5 4 3 2 146 147 148 149 150 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 3 2 1 6 5 Position 4 5 Center Post Right Post Position Left Post Center Post Right Post 6 Dark area represents post Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). Dimensions subject to change. 12 ARINC 600 BKAD/E/F Contact and Termination Tooling Data BKA* (LIF) Crimp Contacts Contact Size and Part Numbers Part Numbers Crimp Tooling Tool P/N MIL Spec. ITT Cannon Selector# Insertion/Extraction Tooling Locator P/N Mil Spec. ITT Cannon 3 3 4 M22520 /2-23 995-0002015 M81969 /1-01 M22520 995-0001/2-01 584 6 7 M22520 /2-08 995-0001604 M81969 /1-02 - - Used in Plug 031-1303-000 M22520 995-0001/1-01 585 4 5 6 M22520 /1-02 995-0001736 M81969 /1-03 - Used in Plug 031-1308-000 M22520 995-0001/1-01 585 7 8 M22520 /1-11 995-0002027 M81969 /14-04 - Size Pin Socket 2222 Used in Plug 030-2259-000 Used in Recep. 031-1287-000 M22520 995-0001/2-01 584 Used in Recep 2020HD 030-2273-000 Used in Plug 031-1302-000 1616 Used in Recep 030-2280-000 1212 Used in Recep 030-2286-000 Wire Size ITT Cannon MIL Spec. Insertion Extraction Insul AWG Dia. Max Ins./Ext. CIT-DPXMA-22-1 CET-DPXMA-22 980-0004-804 Metal Metal Metal Tip 070256-0000 070317-0000 Strip Length 26 24 22 .054 (1.4) .130/.110 (3.3)/(2.8) 980-0004-805 Metal Tip 22 20 .071 (1.8) .167/.147 (4.2)/(3.7) CET 16-9 Plastic 980-0004-806 Metal Tip 20 18 16 .103 (2.6) .207/.230 (6.9)/(5.8) CET 12-4 Plastic CIET-12 Plastic 14 12 .135 (3.4) .270/.230 (6.9)/(5.8) BKA* Thermocouple Contacts Contact Size and Part Numbers Part Number Size Pin Socket 2222 Alumel Used in Plug 030-1975-009 Used in Recep. 031-1113-009 Used in Plug 2222 Chromel 030-1975-010 Used in Recep. 031-1113-010 Crimp Tooling Tool P/N MIL Spec. ITT Cannon Selector# M22520 /2-01 995-0001 584 3 3 4 Insertion/Extraction Tooling Locator P/N Mil Spec. ITT Cannon M22520 /2-23 995-0002015 Wire Size ITT Cannon MIL Spec. Insertion M81969 /1-01 Extraction Insul AWG Dia. Max Ins./Ext. CIT-DPXMA-22-1 CET-DPXMA-22 980-0004-804 Metal Metal Metal Tip 070256-0000 070317-0000 26 24 22 .054 (1.4) Strip Length .130/.110 (3.3)/(2.8) BKAF-ARINC 600 Size 22 Wrap Post Socket Contacts With .025(6.35) Square Wire-Wrappable Tails-Receptacle Only. The new low insertion force, front-insertable, front-removable #22 socket contacts with .025(6.35) square wire wrappable tails are now available for use in the BKAF non-enviornmental receptacle version only. These contacts can be sold separately or they can be supplied with a connector (see How to Order). Use part numbers shown in the table on the right when ordering separately. Contact Mod. Part Number Number of Wraps WA 031-1351-000 1 Min. Post Extension Extraction Tool .250 (6.35) WB 031-1351-001 2 .375 (9.52) WC 031-1351-002 3 .500 (12.70) WD 031-1351-003 3 .641 (16.28) CET-BKAF 22S BKAF Printed Circuit Solder Post Socket Contacts Size 22 with .025(6.35) Dia. Printed Circuit Tails-Receptacle Only. The new low insertion force, front-insertable, front-removable #22 socket contacts with .025(6.35) dia., PC tails are now availble for use in the BKAF non-environmental receptacle version only. These contacts can be sold separately or they can be supplied with a connector (see How to Order). Use part numbers shown in the table on the right when ordering separately. Contact Mod. Part Number SA 031-1352-000 .150 (3.81) BKAD/F Solder Post, Power Pin Contacts (Captive)-Receptacle Only. Contacts are captivated between two unbonded insulator halves. Min. Post Extension Extraction Tool SB 031-1352-001 .250 (6.35) SC 031-1351-002 .375 (9.52) SD 031-1352-003 .500 (12.70) Contact Size 2D HD Part Number Post Dia. 030-2358-000 .032 (0.81) .150 (3.81) 16 030-2357-000 .050 (1.27) .150 (3.81) 12 030-2356-000 .081 (2.06) .150 (3.81) CET-BKAF 22S Min. Post Extenstion* *Consult facotry for other available lengths BKAF Solder Post Pin Contact Front Release Post Dia. Min. Post Extension Contact Size Part Number 20HD 030-3287-000 .030 (0.76) .300* (7.62) Extraction Tool 317-1798-00 16HD 030-3287-001 .050 (1.27) .300* (7.62) 317-1798-02 12HD 030-3287-002 .081 (2.06) .300* (7.62) 317-1798-02 *Applies to BKAF 13W2 and 5W2 inserts only Front Release Pin Contacts Size 20 and 16 Contact Size Part Number PC Tail Dia. 20 030-3296-001 .034 (0.86)/.030 (0.76) .260 (6.60) 20 030-3296-002 .034 (0.86)/.030 (0.76) .385 (9.78) 16 030-3297-001 .052 (1.32)/.048 (1.22) .260 (6.60) 16 030-3297-002 .052 (1.32)/.048 (1.22) .385 (9.78) 16 030-3297-005 .052 (1.32)/.048 (1.22) .300 (7.62) 20 030-3296-004 .034 (0.86)/.030 (0.76) .300 (7.62) Min. Post Extension Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). Dimensions subject to change. 13 ARINC 600 Rack and Panel Connectors BKAD/E/F Size 5 Coax Contact (Rear insertable/removable) Crimp Center Contact-Conforming to ARINC 600 Crimp Tooling Center Contact Part Number Outer Shell Tool Locator Cable Accommodation Pin (Receptacle Connector) Socket (Plug Connector) MIL Spec ITT Cannnon RG-58C/U BA-5903 (BG) 349-0014-000 349-0013-000 M22520/2-01 5021K1011 (Raychem) 349-0016-000 349-0015-000 RG-223 349-1060-100 MIL STD ITT Cannon Daniels ITT Cannon Frame Jaw Complete Tool Extraction Tool 995-0001-584 K-345 995-0002-049 M22520/5-01 M22520/5-45B CCT-HX3-156 CET-C8 M22520/2-01 995-0001-584 K-345 995-0002-049 M22520/5-01 M22520/5-45B CCT-HX3-156 CET-C8 349-1059-000 M22250/2-01 995-0001-584 K-345 995-0002-049 M22520/5-01 M22520/5-45B CCT-HX3-156 CET-C8 RG-400 - 349-1003-000 M22250/2-01 995-0001-584 K-345 995-0002-049 M22520/10-01 M22520/10-23 - CET-C8 RG-316 - 349-1004-000 M22250/2-01 995-0001-584 K-345 995-0002-049 M22520/10-01 M22520/10-23 - CET-C8 Size 12 Shielded Contact (Rear insertable/removable) Crimp Tooling Center Contact Part Number Tool P/N Locator P/N Cable Accommodation Pin (Receptacle Connector) Socket (Plug Connector) MIL Spec ITT Cannon RG-196A/U 249-1767-000 - M22520/2-01 995-0001-584 K-182 995-0002-051 5071 (HW) 249-1767-001 - M22520/2-01 995-0001-584 K-182 RG-174/U - 249-1768-000 M22520/2-01 995-0001-584 BMS-1348 (BG) - 249-2203-000 M22520/2-01 995-0001-584 Outer Shell Tool MIL Std ITT Cannon Tool Jaw ITT Cannon MIL Spec M22520/1-01 M22520/10-05A 995-0001-071 M81969/28-02 CET-12-4 Plastic 995-0002-051 M22520/1-01 M22520/10-05A 995-0001-071 M81969/28-02 CET-12-4 Plastic K-182 995-0002-051 M22520/1-01 M22520/10-05A 995-0001-071 M81969/28-02 CET-12-4 Plastic K-644 995-0002-050 M22520/1-01 M22520/10-05A 995-0001-071 M81969/28-02 CET-12-4 Plastic Daniels Frame ITT Cannon Size 1 Modified Coaxial Contacts (4W4 Layout Only) Plug Connector Replacement Termination Kits Coax Cable Accommodation Part Number Style Solder Type CrimpType RG214 349-1043-001 Straight 320-1066-000 320-1066-016 AA-5886 349-1048-000 Straight 320-1066-002 320-1066-018 RG393 349-1051-000 Straight 320-1066-003 320-1066-019 ECS 311201 349-1046-000 Straight 320-1066-001 320-1066-017 AA-5887 349-1049-000 Straight 320-1066-004 320-1066-013 AA-5888 349-1050-000 Straight 320-1066-005 320-1066-014 RG142 349-1047-000 Straight 320-1066-006 320-1066-015 Various 349-1047-001 TNC Adapter - - Customer Use Drawings: All Coax contacts (except 349-1047-001) customer use drawing #349-0000-305 Crimp termination kits: Customer use drawing #320-0000-305 Solder termination kits: Customer use drawing #320-0000-304 Receptacle Connector Part Number Coax Style Replacement Termination Kits Solder Type CrimpType RG316 DS 349-1051-002 Straight 320-1066-008 N/A RG142 349-1044-000 Straight 320-1066-007 N/A Various 349-1042-000 SMA Adapter Cable Accommodation - - Customer Use Drawings: Coax contacts 349-1051-002 and 349-1044-000 are located on cusomter use drawing #349-0000-304 Coax contacts 349-1042-000 is located on cusomter use drawing #320-1042-000 Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). Dimensions subject to change. 14 ARINC 600 Rack and Panel Connectors BKAD/E/F Sizes 1 Coax Contacts (71W1 layout only) Same standard coax contacts as used in ITT Cannon's DPX (ARINC 404) connector series. Receptacle Connector Cable Accommodation RG-9/U RG-214/U Coax Part Number Replacement Coax Termination Kit Style 249-1521-000 249-1521-002 - 249-2201-000 NSA 935354 NSA 935355 RG-55/U RG-58/U RG-142/U RG-400/U 249-1554-000 RG-58/U RG-142/U RG-225/U 249-1604-001 RG-402/U UT-141 249-1604-002 RG-402/U UT-141 SMA Jack Termination Replacement Coax Body Assembly 021-0144-000 Straight 249-1554-002 021-0144-003 90 249-1604-003 021-0144-006 249-5027-008 Straight 249-5027-016 021-0144-001 249-5027-017 Straight Coax Part Number Style - - Plug Connector Cable Accommodation RG-9/U Replacement Coax Termination Kit 249-1522-000 NSA 935354 NSA 935355 249-1522-002 - RG-58/U RG-142/U 249-1882-000 RG-402/U 249-1885-002 RG-214/U 249-5123-000 RG-115/U 249-5123-001 Replacement Coax Body Assembly Straight Straight 249-2202-000 021-0144-004 320-0051-000 021-0144-011 249-5027-013 Straight 021-0144-008 249-5027-015 Sizes 1 Coax Contacts (To be used with connectors containing 71W1A, 71W1B and 2W2 insert modifier-"M") Designed to be interchangeable with contacts made by other manufacturers. Receptacle Connector Cable Accommodation Part Number Plug Connector Style RG-142B/U RG-402/U UT-141 349-0021-000 Right Angle 349-0022-000 Right Angle SMA Jack Termination 349-0023-000 Straight RG-214/U RG-393/U BA-6903 (BG) 349-0002-000 Straight 5012H3012 (Raychem) 349-0004-000 Straight RG-142B/U 349-0006-000 RG-402/U UT-141 349-0008-000 Straight Straight Cable Accommodation Standard Size 1 Part Number Modular Size 1 Part Number Termination Kit for Modular Size 1 Coax RG-214/U 349-0017-000 349-1053-003 RG-393/U 349-0017-000 - - BA-6903 349-0017-000 349-1053-007 320-1066-003 5012H3012 (Raychem) 349-0018-000 - - Straight RG-142B/U 349-0005-000 349-1053-006 320-1066-006 Straight RG-402/U UT-141 349-0007-000 - - Straight AA-5888 - 349-1053-008 320-1066-005 Straight ECS-310801 - 349-1053-005 - Straight AA-5886 - 349-1053-004 320-1066-002 Straight BSX-7004-502 - 349-1053-003 - Straight ECS-311201 - 349-1053-002 320-1066-001 Straight AA-5887 - 349-1053-001 320-1066-004 Straight Adam Russell PC-38 - 349-1053-000 - Straight Style 320-1066-000 Straight Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). Dimensions subject to change. 15 ARINC 600 Rack and Panel Connectors BKAD/E/F Size 8 Coaxial Contacts Plug Connector **Termination Contact Type Socket Part Number Short Long Crimp RR-RR 349-1087-000 - - X Adams-Russell Co. Inc. FC11Z 349-1087-001 - - X Adams-Russell Co. Inc. FC14Z Short Long Crimp RR-RR 349-1084-000 - X X 349-1084-001 X - X 349-1084-002 - X X 349-1084-003 X - X 349-1086-000 - X X Adams-Russell Co. Inc. FC11Z 349-1086-001 - X X Adams-Russell Co. Inc. FC14Z *Engagement Crimp FR-RR Solder .250 (6.35) FR-FR .375 (9.52) RF Cable Number Receptacle Connector Contact Type Socket Part Number **Termination *Engagement Crimp FR-RR FR-FR .250 (6.35) Solder .375 (9.52) RF Cable Number Size 8 Twinax Contacts Plug Connector **Termination Contact Type Socket Part Number Short Long Crimp RR-RR 349-1006-000 - - X M17/176-00002 349-1081-000 - - X Tensolite Co. 24463/9 B017X-2 (LD) Long Crimp RR-RR *Engagement Crimp FR-RR Solder .250 (6.35) FR-FR .375 (9.52) RF Cable Number Receptacle Connector Contact Type Socket Part Number **Termination *Engagement Short Crimp FR-RR Solder .250 (6.35) FR-FR .375 (9.52) RF Cable Number M17/176-00002 349-1007-000 - - 349-1080-000 X - X X 349-1080-001 - X X 349-1080-002 X - X 349-1080-003 - X X 349-1082-000 X - X Tensolite Co. 24463/9 B017X-2 (LD) 349-1082-001 - X X Tensolite Co. 24463/9 B017X-2 (LD) 349-1088-000 - X Tensolite Co. 24463/9 B017X-2 (LD) X Size 8 Ground Contacts Plug Connector Contact Type Socket Part Number 031-3300-000 **Termination *Engagement Short Long - - Crimp RR-RR Crimp FR-RR Solder .250 (6.35) FR-FR .375 (9.52) X Wire Size 8, 10 AWG Receptacle Connector Contact Type Socket Part Number **Termination *Engagement Short Long 030-3306-000 - X 030-3306-001 - X 030-3676-000 - - Crimp RR-RR Crimp FR-RR Solder .250 (6.35) FR-FR .375 (9.52) X 8, 10 AWG X X Wire Size 8, 10 AWG 8, 10 AWG * The electrical engagement of "Long" contacts is .150 (3.81) greater than the electrical engagement of "Short" contact. **RR-RR indicates rear release, rear removal. FR-RR indicates front release, rear removal. FR-FR indicates front release, front removal. Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). Dimensions subject to change. 16 ARINC 600 Rack and Panel Connectors BKAD/E/F Sealing Plugs-BKAE Environmental Connnectors Only P/N 225-0090-000 Material: Teflon (All others thermoplastic) B A Part Number Contact Size Color A B C 225-1013-000 22 Black .063 (1.6) .040 (1.0) .469 (11.9) 225-0070-000 20 Red .085 (2.2) .065 (1.6) .469 (11.9) 225-0071-000 16 Blue .115 (2.9) .075 (1.9) .469 (11.9) 225-0072-000 12 Yellow .171 (4.3) .121 (3.1) .564 (14.3) 225-0090-000 #5 and #9 Coax White .365 (9.3) .287 (7.3) .835 (21.2) B A C C Filler Plugs-BKAD Non-Environmental Connectors Only P/N 225-0099-000 Material: Teflon (All others thermoplastic) B A B A Part Number Contact Size Color B C 225-0094-000 22 Black .069 (1.7) .051 (1.3) .420 (10.7) 225-0095-000 20 Red .083 (2.1) .069 (1.7) .350 (8.9) 225-0096-000 16 Blue .131 (3.3) .108 (2.7) .320 (8.1) 225-0097-000 12 Yellow .187 (4.7) .156 (4.0) .320 (8.1) 225-0098-000 #5 Coax (Pin) White .275 (7.0) .251 (6.4) .450 (11.4) 225-0099-000 #5 and #9 Coax (Socket) White .275 (7.0) .251 (6.4) 1.061 (26.9) C C BKAF P/N 225-1058-000 (Size 22 - Black) (See Customer Use Drawing for details) A Cavity Reducer #5 Coax to #12 Contact Cavity reducers are available when additional circuits are required for siz 12 power contacts. These reducers, having the internal configuration of size 12 power contact, are inserted into the size 5 coaxial insulator cavity to create size 12 power contact cavity. Pin P/N 021-8756-000 Socket P/N 021-8757-000 Dust Caps Conductive dust caps protect against static electricity. Part Number Description Part Number 025-1121-001 BKAD 1-A & B-Plug 025-1155-001 Description 025-1122-001 BKAD 1-C-Plug 025-1156-001 BKAD 1-C-Receptacle 025-1123-001 BKAD 2&3-A & B-Plug 025-1157-001 BKAD 2&3-A & B-Receptacle 025-1124-001 BKAD 2&3-C-Plug 025-1158-001 BKAD 2&3-C-Receptacle BKAD 1-A&B-Receptacle Note: Supplied as standard for BKA product line only. Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). Dimensions subject to change. 17 ARINC 600 Rack and Panel Connectors BKAD/E/F Replaceable Inserts Part Number Layout 2W2** A 4W4** 5W2 6 6T6 10T10 13W2 30T2 34 Class Pin Assembly BKAD 144-2944-000 Socket Assembly 144-2945-000 BKAE 144-2944-000 144-2945-000 BKAE 143-1156-001 143-1157-001 BKAD 177-1000-002 177-1001-004 BKAE 177-1000-002 177-1001-004 BKAD 143-1912-000 143-1913-000 BKAE 143-1912-001 143-1913-001 BKAF 143-1141-000 N/A BKAE 143-1154-001 143-1155-001 BKAD 228-1026-002 228-1012-003 BKAE 228-1026-001 228-1012-001 BKAF N/A 228-1015-001 BKAD 228-1027-002 N/A BKAE 228-1027-001 228-1014-002 BKAD 143-1908-000 143-1909-000 BKAE 143-1908-001 143-1909-001 BKAF 143-1142-000 N/A BKAD 143-1173-000 143-1174-000 BKAE 143-1173-001 143-1174-001 BKAD 143-1159-001 N/A BKAE 143-1097-005 143-1098-005 143-1172-001 40 BKAE 143-1171-001 59* BKAE 143-1167-001 143-1170-001 60-#20** BKAE 143-3714-003 143-3715-003 BKAD 143-1910-000 143-1911-000 BKAE 143-1910-001 143-1911-001 BKAF N/A 143-2065-000 BKAD 143-1958-000 143-1960-000 BKAE 143-1958-002 143-1960-002 BKAF N/A 143-2090-000 BKAD 143-2085-001 143-2086-001 BKAE 143-2085-000 143-2086-000 BKAF N/A 143-2066-000 BKAD 143-1113-000 143-1111-000 BKAE 143-114-000 143-1112-000 60-#22** 71W1 71W1A* 71W1B 85 100 110 120T2 121 150 BKAF N/A 143-1118-000 BKAD 143-3877-000 143-3878-000 BKAE 143-3879-000 143-3880-000 BKAF N/A 143-1178-000 BKAD 143-2015-000 143-2016-000 BKAE 143-2015-001 143-2016-001 BKAF N/A 143-2067-000 BKAE 143-1182-000 143-1183-000 BKAD N/A 143-1166-002 BKAE 143-1165-001 143-1166-001 BKAF N/A 143-1177-000 BKAD 143-1150-002 143-1158-002 BKAE 143-1150-001 143-1158-001 BKAD 143-1906-000 143-1907-000 BKAE 143-1906-001 143-1907-001 BKAF N/A 143-2068-000 Consult factory for Insert Part Numbers not listed. *Modified 71W1 insert to be used with connectors containing 71W1 insert modifier "M" **"Pin Inserts' accept receptacle coax contacts. "Socket Inserts" accept plug coax contacts. Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). Dimensions subject to change. 18 A R INC 600 R ack and Panel Connectors B K A D/E /F Cross Reference-Part Number/Customer-Use Drawing COMPONENT PART NUMBER CUSTOMER USE DRAWING NUMBER COMPONENT PART NUMBER CUSTOMER USE DRAWING NUMBER 143-1908-000 Contacts 143-1908-001 030-1975-009 030-1975-009 143-1909-000 030-1975-010 030-1975-010 143-1909-001 030-2259-000 030-2259-000 030-2273-000 030-2273-000 030-2280-000 030-2280-000 143-1911-000 030-2286-000 030-2286-000 143-1911-001 143-1910-000 143-1910-001 030-2356-000 030-2356-000 030-2357-000 030-2357-000 030-2358-000 030-2358-000 143-1913-000 031-1113-009 031-1113-009 143-1913-001 143-1912-001 031-1113-010 031-1113-010 031-1287-000 031-1302-000 031-1302-000 143-1960-000 031-1303-000 031-1303-000 143-1960-002 031-1308-000 031-1308-000 143-2015-000 031-1351-001 143-1958-002 143-2016-001 031-1351-003 143-2065-000 031-1252-000 143-2066-000 031-0000-344 143-0000-079 CUSTOMER USE DRAWING NUMBER Replacement Coax Termination Kit 249-1521-002 249-1521-002 249-1522-009 249-1522-010 249-1522-010 249-1522-010 249-1554-002 249-1554-002 249-1604-003 249-1604-003 249-1604-004 249-1604-004 249-2201-000 249-1521-002 249-2202-000 249-1522-010 249-5027-013 249-5027-013 249-5027-015 249-5027-007 249-5027-016 249-5027-016 320-0051-000 1250Y 320-1066-000 320-1066-001 320-1066-002 143-0000-078 143-2016-000 031-1351-002 031-1352-000 143-0000-080 143-1958-000 143-2015-001 031-0000-343 143-0000-077 143-1912-000 031-1287-000 031-1351-000 143-0000-081 COMPONENT PART NUMBER 320-1066-003 320-000-305 320-1066-004 320-1066-005 320-1066-006 1247Y Dust Caps 143-2067-000 025-1121-001 031-1252-002 143-2068-000 025-1122-001 031-1352-003 025-0000-054 143-2085-000 025-1123-001 (Conductive Only) 143-2085-001 Replacement Coax Body Assembly 021-0144-000 021-0144-000 021-0144-001 021-0144-001 021-0144-002 021-0144-002 021-0144-003 021-0144-003 021-0144-004 021-0144-004 021-0144-006 021-0144-006 021-0144-008 021-0144-008 021-0144-011 021-0144-011 143-0000-079 025-1124-001 143-2086-000 025-1155-001 143-2086-001 025-1156-001 025-0000-055 025-1157-001 (Conductive Only) Size #1 Coax Contacts 025-1158-001 249-1521-000 249-1521-000 249-1522-000 249-1522-000 249-1522-002 249-1522-002 225-0094-000 249-1554-000 249-1554-000 225-0095-000 249-1604-000 249-1604-000 225-0096-000 249-1604-001 249-1604-001 225-0097-000 Filler Plugs 225-0000-014 249-1604-002 249-1604-002 225-0098-000 349-0000-000 249-1882-000 249-1882-000 225-0099-000 349-0000-001 249-1882-002 1250Y 225-1058-000 349-0015-000 349-0000-002 249-1885-002 349-0016-000 349-0000-001 249-5027-008 249-5027-008 249-5027-017 249-5027-017 225-0072-000 225-0000-006 249-5123-000 249-5027-000 225-0090-000 225-0090-000 249-5027-007 225-1013-000 Size #5 Coax Contacts 349-0013-000 349-0014-000 349-1003-000 349-1009-000 349-000-301 249-5123-001 Size #12 Shielded Contact 249-1767-000 349-1053-001 249-1767-001 249-1767-001 349-1053-002 249-1768-000 249-1768-000 349-1053-003 249-2203-000 249-2203-000 349-1053-004 3491053-005 Replaceable Inserts 143-1907-001 225-0000-008 225-1015-000 349-0000-306 349-1053-006 143-1906-000 143-1906-001 225-1014-000 349-1053-000 249-1767-000 Sealing Plugs 349-1053-007 143-0000-079 349-1053-008 349-1053-009 143-1907-001 For part numbers not listed, consult ITT Cannon for applicalbe customer-use drawing. Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). Dimensions subject to change. 19 ARINC 600 Rack and Panel Connectors BKAD/E/F ARINC 600 Connector Engaging Sequence PLUG RECEPTACLE Mating Sequence #22 Flange Position With: Flange Spacing in. (mm) 1 No Engagement 1.245 (31.62) Nom. 2 Shells Initially Engaged 1.110 (28.19) 1.073 (27.25) 3 Polarizing Pins Entering Keys 1.073 (27.25) 1.023 (25.88) Contacts Entering Mating Insulator #22 4 2 #22 .800 (22.32) .748 (18.99) #20 .805 (20.44) .741 (18.82) #16 1.012 (25.70) .949 (24.10) #12 1.008 (23.60) .953 (24.20) Miniature Coax #12 1 #16 Contacts Electrically Engaged #20 MIN COAX #22 .642 (16.30) .547 (13.89) #20 .649 (16.48) .553 (14.04) #16 .728 (18.49) .818 (20.77) #12 .772 (19.60) .692 (17.57) Miniature Coax 1 5 7 NOTES: E (RACK SIDE) A (BOX SIDE) 1 1. Varies; See Mil-Spec. (#5 Coax) 2 2. Size 1 only. (SHELLS FULLY MATED) 1 (NO ENGAGEMENT) 3. Flush head screws are not permitted for connector mounting as they would position connector incorrectly. 6 "0" Ring Engagement (BKAE Only) .618 (15.70) .578 (14.68) 4. Dimension 7 was calculated to provide clearance for - MCU backplate mat'l thickness of 2.5 mm (.10 in). - Rack backplate mat'l thickness of 2.5 mm (.10 in). - Connector mounting pan head screws, MCU 2.0 mm (.08 in). - Tolerance allowance - 3.2 mm (.13 in.) rack 2.0 mm (.08 in.) Total - 12.2 (.50 in) (minimum). 7 Shells Fully Mated .522 (13.26) .488 (12.40) Dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). Dimensions subject to change. 20