ADM1066 Preliminary Technical Data
Rev. PrL | Page 24 of 32
Control of the ADM1066 is carried out via the serial System
Management Bus (SMBus). The ADM1066 is connected to this
bus as a slave device, under the control of a master device. It
takes approximately 1ms after power up for the ADM1066 to
download from it's EEPROM. Therefore access is restricted to
the ADM1066 until the download is completed.
The ADM1060 has a 7-bit serial bus slave address. When the
device is powered up, it will do so with a default serial bus
address. The five MSB's of the address are set to 01101, the two
LSB's are determined by the logical states of pin A1 and A0.
This allows the connection of 4 ADM1066’s to the one SMBus.
The device also has a number of identification registers (read
only) which can be read across the SMBus. Table 7 lists these
registers, their values, and functions.
Table 7.
Name Address Value Function
MANID F4h 41h Manufacturer ID for Analog Devices
REVID F5h --h Silicon Revision
MARK1 F6h --h S/w brand
MARK2 F7h --h S/w brand
Figure 36, Figure 37 and Figure 38 show timing diagrams for
general read and write operations using the SMBus. The SMBus
specification defines specific conditions for different types of
read and write operation, which are discussed later.
The general SMBus protocol operates as follows:
1. The master initiates data transfer by establishing a START
condition, defined as a high to low transition on the serial
data line SDA whilst the serial clock line SCL remains high.
This indicates that a data stream will follow. All slave
peripherals connected to the serial bus respond to the
START condition, and shift in the next 8 bits, consisting of
a 7-bit slave address (MSB first) plus a R/W bit, which
determines the direction of the data transfer, i.e. whether
data will be written to or read from the slave device (0 =
write, 1 = read).
The peripheral whose address corresponds to the
transmitted address responds by pulling the data line low
during the low period before the ninth clock pulse, known
as the Acknowledge Bit, and holding it low during the high
period of this clock pulse. All other devices on the bus now
remain idle whilst the selected device waits for data to be
read from or written to it. If the R/W bit is a 0 then the
master will write to the slave device. If the R/W bit is a 1
the master will read from the slave device.
2. Data is sent over the serial bus in sequences of 9 clock
pulses, 8 bits of data followed by an Acknowledge Bit from
the slave device. Data transitions on the data line must
occur during the low period of the clock signal and remain
stable during the high period, as a low to high transition
when the clock is high may be interpreted as a STOP
signal. If the operation is a write operation, the first data
byte after the slave address is a command byte. This tells
the slave device what to expect next. It may be an
instruction such as telling the slave device to expect a block
write, or it may simply be a register address that tells the
slave where subsequent data is to be written. Since data can
flow in only one direction as defined by the R/W bit, it is
not possible to send a command to a slave device during a
read operation. Before doing a read operation, it may first
be necessary to do a write operation to tell the slave what
sort of read operation to expect and/or the address from
which data is to be read.
3. When all data bytes have been read or written, stop
conditions are established. In WRITE mode, the master will
pull the data line high during the 10th clock pulse to assert
a STOP condition. In READ mode, the master device will
release the SDA line during the low period before the 9th
clock pulse, but the slave device will not pull it low. This is
known as No Acknowledge. The master will then take the
data line low during the low period before the 10th clock
pulse, then high during the 10th clock pulse to assert a
STOP condition
The ADM1066 contains volatile registers (RAM) and non-
volatile EEPROM. User RAM occupies address locations from
00h to DFh, whilst EEPROM occupies addresses from F800h to
Data can be written to and read from both RAM and EEPROM
as single data bytes.
Data can only be written to unprogrammed EEPROM locations.
To write new data to a programmed location it is first necessary
to erase it. EEPROM erasure cannot be done at the byte level,
the EEPROM is arranged as 32 pages of 32 bytes, and an entire
page must be erased.
Page erasure is enabled by setting bit 2 in register UPDCFG
(address 90h) to 1. If this is not set then page erasure cannot
occur, even if the command byte (FEh) is programmed across
the SMBus.