From the above equation the method of determining actual
worst-case device operating junction temperature becomes
straightforward. Given a package thermal characteristic, θ
worst-case ambient operating temperature, T
(max), the
only unknown parameter is device power dissipation, P
calculating this parameter, the dissipation of the integrated
circuit due to its own supply has to be considered, the dissi-
pation within the package due to the external load must also
be added. The power associated with the load in a dynamic
(switching) situation must also be considered. For example,
the power associated with an inductor or a capacitor in a
static versus dynamic (say, 1 MHz) condition is significantly
The junction temperature of a device with a total package
power of 600 mW at 70˚C in a package with a thermal resis-
tance of 63˚C/W is 108˚C.
= 70˚C + (63˚C/W) x (0.6W) = 108˚C
The next obvious question is, “how safe is 108˚C?”
What is an acceptable maximum operating junction tempera-
ture is in itself somewhat of a difficult question to answer.
Many companies have established their own standards
based on corporate policy. However, the semiconductor in-
dustry has developed some defacto standards based on the
device package type. These have been well accepted as
numbers that relate to reasonable (acceptable) device life-
times, thus failure rates.
National Semiconductor has adopted these industry-wide
standards. For devices fabricated in a molded package, the
maximum allowable junction temperature is 150˚C. For
these devices assembled in ceramic or cavity DIP packages,
the maximum allowable junction temperature is 175˚C. The
numbers are different because of the differences in package
types. The thermal strain associated with the die package in-
terface in a cavity package is much less than that exhibited
in a molded package where the integrated circuit chip is in di-
rect contact with the package material.
Let us use this new information and our thermal equation to
construct a graph which displays the safe thermal (power)
operating area for a given package type.
Figure 5
is an ex-
ample of such a graph. The end points of this graph are eas-
ily determined. For a 16-pin molded package, the maximum
allowable temperature is 150˚C; at this point no power dissi-
pation is allowable. The power capability at 25˚C is 1.98W as
given by the following calculation:
The slope of the straight line between these two points is mi-
nus the inversion of the thermal resistance. This is referred
to as the derating factor.
As mentioned,
Figure 5
is a plot of the safe thermal operating
area for a device in a 16-pin molded DIP. As long as the in-
tersection of a vertical line defining the maximum ambient
temperature (70˚C in our previous example) and maximum
device package power (600 mW) remains below the maxi-
mum package thermal capability line the junction tempera-
ture will remain below 150˚C—the limit for a molded pack-
age. If the intersection of ambient temperature and package
power fails on this line, the maximum junction temperature
will be 150˚C.Any intersection that occurs above this line will
result in a junction temperature in excess of 150˚C and is not
an appropriate operating condition.
The thermal capabilities of all integrated circuits are ex-
pressed as a power capability at 25˚C still air environment
with a given derating factor. This simply states, for every de-
gree of ambient temperature rise above 25˚C, reduce the
package power capability stated by the derating factor which
is expressed in mW/˚C. For our example—a θ
of 63˚C/W
relates to a derating factor of 15.9 mW/˚C.
As discussed earlier, improving any portion of the two pri-
mary thermal flow paths will result in an improvement in
overall thermal resistance junction-to-ambient. This section
discusses those components of thermal resistance that can
be influenced by the manufacturer of the integrated circuit. It
also discusses those factors in the overall thermal resistance
that can be impacted by the end user of the integrated cir-
cuit. Understanding these issues will go a long way in under-
standing chip power capabilities and what can be done to in-
sure the best possible operating conditions and, thus, best
overall reliability.
Die Size
Figure 6
shows a graph of our 16-pin DIP thermal resistance
as a function of integrated circuit die size. Clearly, as the chip
size increases the thermal resistance decreases—this re-
lates directly to having a larger area with which to dissipate
a given power.
FIGURE 5. Package Power Capability
vs Temperature
Appendix E