DS2482-800: 8-Channel 1-Wire Master
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1-Wire Speed (1WS)
The 1WS bit determines the timing of any 1-Wire communication generated by the DS2482. All 1-Wire slave
devices s upport standar d speed (1W S = 0), where the trans fer of a single bit (t SLOT in Figure 3) is com pleted within
65µs. Many 1-Wire device can also communicate at a higher data rate, called Overdrive speed. To change from
standard to Overdrive speed, a 1-W ire device needs t o receive an Overdrive Skip ROM or Overdr ive Match ROM
command, as explained in the device data sheets. The change in speed occurs immediately after the 1-Wire device
has received the speed-changing command code. The DS2482 must take part in this speed change to stay
synchron ized. T his is acc omplished b y writ ing to th e Configura tion R egister with the 1W S bit bei ng 1 immediately
after the 1-Wire Byte command that changes the speed of a 1-Wire device. Writing to the Configuration Register
with the 1WS bit being 0 followed by a 1-Wire Reset command changes the DS2482 and any 1-Wire devices on
the active 1-Wire line back to standard speed.
Status Register
The read-only Status Register is the general means for the DS2482 to report bit-type data from the 1-Wire side,
1-Wire busy status and its own reset status to the host processor. All 1-Wire communication commands and the
Device Res et command positio n the read po inter at the Stat us R egister for the host pr ocess or to read with m inim al
protocol o verhead. Status inf ormation is u pdated dur ing the execution of certain c omm ands only. Details are given
in the description of the various status bits below.
Status Register Bit Assign men t
bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
1-Wire Busy (1WB)
The 1WB bit reports to t he hos t pr oc ess or wheth er th e 1-Wire line is bus y. During 1-Wire communication 1WB is 1;
once the command is completed, 1WB returns to its default 0. Details on when 1WB changes state and for how
long it remains at 1 are found in the Function Commands section.
Presence Pulse Detect (PPD)
The PPD bit is u pdated with ever y 1-W ire Reset com mand. If the DS2482 detec ts a prese nce pu lse from a 1-Wire
device at tMSP during the Presence Detect cycle, the PPD bit will be set to 1. This bit will return to its default 0 if
there is no presence pulse or if the 1-Wire line is shorted during a subsequent 1-Wire Reset command.
Short Detected (SD)
The SD bit is updated with every 1-W ire Reset command. If the DS2482 detects a logic 0 on the 1-W ire line at tSI
during the Presence Detect cycle, the SD bit will be set to 1. This bit will return to its default 0 with a subsequent
1-Wire Reset command provided that t he short has been removed. If SD is 1, PPD will be 0. The DS2482 cannot
distinguish between a short and a DS1994 or DS2404 signaling a 1-Wire interrupt. For this reason, if a
DS2404/DS1994 is used in the application, the interrupt function must be disabled. The interrupt signaling is
explained in the respective device data sheets.
Logic Level (L L )
The LL bit reports the logic state of the active 1-W ire line without initiating any 1-Wire communication. T he 1-Wire
line is sampled for this purpose every time the Status Register is read. The sampling and updating of the LL bit
takes place when the host processor has addressed the DS2482 in read mode (during the acknowledge cycle),
provided that the Read Pointer is positioned at the Status Register.
Device Reset (RST)
If the RST bit is 1, the DS2482 has performed an internal reset cycle, either caused by a power-on reset or from
executing the Device Reset command. The RST bit is cleared automatically when the DS2482 executes a Write
Configuration command to restore the selection of the desired 1-Wire features.