Maxim Integrated
Evaluates: DS8500
DS8500 Evaluation Kit
(USB interface) and does not implement a HART software
stack. The serial UART data and control pins are exposed
via jumpers as detailed in Table 1. They allow a hardware
serial port on a PC or laptop to transmit and receive
modulated signals. Note that these serial pins expect TTL
level signals (3.3V), not RS-232 level, so a serial level
shifter board is typically required for communications.
The following examples detail two evaluation setups.
Other configurations are possible, including emulating
both simultaneously, or connection to an actual Field
Device. However, these are beyond the scope of this doc-
ument. Note: The following configurations require hard-
ware and software tools available from the FieldComm
Group or other sources and are not included with the
DS8500 EV kit.
Emulated HART Field Device
To use the DS8500 EV kit as a Field Device interface,
follow the setup detailed in Figure 3, using the on-board
24V loop power supply and load resistor. Simply connect
a personal computer running HART master software,
(e.g., HCF_KIT_180) and a HART serial modem (e.g.,
HCF_TOOL-35, available with the Physical Layer Test Kit
HCF_KIT-116). The reference modem’s loop connections
attach across the Field Device as shown. Verify that the
jumpers (J7 and J9) remain in place, even with the loop
connections attached.
Another personal computer simulates the behavior of an
actual field device by running the XMTR MV tool (HCF_
TOOL-039). Remove jumpers JP8–JP11 and connect the
serial signals to the computer via a RS-232 level shifter.
To test, launch the XMTR MV program, then start the
Master software and observe communications.
Table 3. Jumper Settings
Table 4. External Connectors
*Default position.
JP1 (1-2) Closed* Powers the 4–20mA loop from on-board power
Open Disconnects 4–20mA loop from on-board power
JP1 (2-3) Closed Connect external loop power from connector J2
Open* Disconnects external loop power from connector J2
J4 Closed* Connects loop power to master device
Open Isolates loop power from master device
J5 Closed* Connect master to eld device via loop
Open Isolates master from eld device via loop
J7 Closed* Connects eld device to master via loop
Open Isolates eld device from master via loop
J9 Closed* Connects eld device to loop return
Open Isolates eld device from loop return
JP14 Closed* Connects VBUS power (5V) to loop 24V power supply
Open Disconnects power from loop supply for noise reduction
J2 Power the 4–20mA loop from an external galvanic isolated supply or battery
J5 Wire connection interface to MASTER
J8 Wire connection interface to FIELD DEVICE