VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Features * 2.48832Gb/s 16-Bit Transceiver * Targeted for SONET OC-48 / SDH STM-16 Applications * LVPECL Low-Speed Interface * On-chip PLL-Based Clock Generator * High-Speed Clock Output With Power-Down Option * Supports Parity at the 16-Bit Parallel Transmit and Receive Interfaces * Provides Equipment, Facilities and Split Loopback Modes as well as Loop Timing Modes * Loss of Signal (LOS) Detect input * Meets Bellcore Jitter Performance Specifications * Single +3.3V Supply * 2.25 Watts Typical Power Dissipation * Packages: 128-pin PQFP or 208-pin TBGA General Description The VSC8140 is a SONET/SDH compatible transceiver with integrated clock generator for use in SONET/ SDH systems operating at a 2.48832Gb/s data rate. The internal clock generator uses a Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) to multiply either a 77.76MHz or 155.52MHz reference clock in order to provide the 2.48832GHz clock for internal logic and output retiming. The 16-bit parallel interface incorporates an on-board FIFO eliminating loop timing design issues by providing a flexible parallel timing architecture. In addition, the device provides both facility and equipment loopback modes and two loop timing modes. The VSC8140 operates using a 3.3V power supply, and is available in either a thermally-enhanced 128-PQFP or a thermally-enhanced 208-pin TBGA package. VSC8140 Block Diagram voltage gen. RXIN+ RXIN- VREFOUT VREFIN RXOUT0 Output Register LOS POL D Q RXCLKIN+ RXCLKIN- RXOUT15 RXPARITYOUT RXCLK16O+ Divide by 16 EQULOOP CLK128O+ CLK128O- RXCLK16ODivide by 2 Divide by 128 RXCLKO16_32+ RXCLKO16_32- RXCLKO_FREQSEL OVERFLOW PARMODE TXCLK16I+ Write Pointer Q D TXCLKOUT+ TXCLKOUT- TXIN0 TXIN15 TXPARITYIN Read Pointer FACLOOP Divide by 16 LOOPTIM0 TXCLK16IInput Register TXOUT+ TXOUT- 16x5 FIFO FIFO CNTRL FIFORESET TXCLK16O+ TXCLK16OLPTIMCLK+ LPTIMCLK- 2.48832GHz PLL PARERR G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 REFCLK+ REFCLKLOOPTIM1 REF_FREQSEL Page 1 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Functional Description Transmitter Low-Speed Interface The Upstream Device should use the TXCLK16O as the timing source for its final output latch (see Figure 1). The Upstream Device should then generate a TXCLK16I that is phase-aligned with the data. The VSC8140 will latch TXIN[15:0] on the rising edge of TXCLK16I+. The data must meet setup and hold times with respect to TXCLK16I (see Table 1). A FIFO exists within the VSC8140 to eliminate difficult system loop timing issues. Once the PLL has locked to the reference clock, RESET must be held low for a minimum of five CLK16 cycles to initialize the FIFO, then RESET should be set high and held constant for continuous FIFO operation. For the transparent mode of operation (no FIFO), simply hold RESET at a constant low state (see Figure 2). The use of a FIFO permits the system designer to tolerate an arbitrary amount of delay between TXCLK16O and TXCLK16I. Once RESET is asserted and the FIFO initialized, the delay between TXCLK16O and TXCLK16I can decrease or increase up to one period of the low-speed clock (6.4ns). Should this delay drift exceed one period, the write pointer and the read pointer could point to the same word in the FIFO, resulting in a loss of transmitted data (a FIFO overflow). In the event of a FIFO overflow, an active low OVERFLOW signal is asserted (for a minimum of five TXCLK16I cycles) which can be used to initiate a reset signal from an external controller. The TXCLK16O output driver is a LVPECL output driver designed to drive a 50 transmission line. The transmission line can be DC terminated with a split-end termination scheme (see Figure 3), or DC terminated by 50 to VCC-2V on each line (see Figure 4). At any time, the equivalent split-end termination technique can be substituted for the traditional 50 to VCC-2V on each line. AC-coupling can be achieved by a number of methods. Figure 5 illustrates an AC-coupling method for the occasion when the downstream device provides the bias point for AC-coupling. Figure 1: Low-Speed Systems Interface OVERFLOW 16 x 5 FIFO TXCLK16I write 16 read TXCLK16O REFCLK 2.48832GHz PLL Div 16 VSC8140 Page 2 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Figure 2: Enabling FIFO Operation PLL locked to reference clock. FIFO Mode Operation Minimum 5 CLK16 cycles Transparent Mode Operation RESET Holding RESET "low" for a minimum of 5 CLK16 cycles, then setting "high" enables FIFO operation. Holding RESET constantly "low" bypasses the FIFO for transparent mode operation. Figure 3: DC Termination of Low-Speed LVPECL RXCLK16O, RXCLK16_32O, TXCLK16O Outputs VSC8140 V Split-end equivalent termination is ZO to VTERM CC R1 = 125 R2 = 83, ZO=50, VTERM= VCC-2V R1 R1 R2 R2 Zo downstream Zo R1||R2 = ZO VCCR2 + VEER1 = VTERM R1+R2 VEE Figure 4: DC Termination of Low-Speed LVPECL RXCLK16O, RXCLK16_32O, TXCLK16O Outputs downstream VSC8140 Zo R1 =50 VCC-2V G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 R1 =50 VCC-2V VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 Page 3 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Figure 5: AC Termination of Low-Speed LVPECL RXCLK16O, RXCLK16_32O, TXCLK16O Outputs VSC8140 Zo downstream 100nF bias point generated internally Zo 50 50 100nF VCC-2V Receiver Low-Speed Interface The demultiplexed serial stream is made available by a 16-bit single-ended LVPECL interface RXOUT[15:0] with accompanying differential LVPECL divide-by-16 clock RXCLK16O and selectable LVPECL divide-by-16 or -32 clock RXCLK16_32O. RXCLKO_FREQSEL is used to select RXCLK16_32O . RXCLKO_FREQSEL = "0" designates RXCLK16_32O output as 77.76MHz, RXCLKO_FREQSEL = "1" designates RXCLK16_32O output as 155.52MHz. The RXCLK16O and RXCLK16_32O output drivers are designed to drive a 50 transmission line. The transmission line can be DC terminated with a split-end termination scheme (see Figure 3), or DC terminated by 50 to VCC-2V on each line (see Figure 4). AC-coupling can be achieved by a number of methods. Figure 5 illustrates an AC-coupling method for the occasion when the downstream device provides the bias point for AC-coupling. The divide-by-16 output (RXCLK16O) or the divide-by-16 or -32 output (RXCLK16_32O) can be used to provide an external looptiming reference clock (after external filtering with a 1x REFCLK PLL) for the clock multiplication unit on the VSC8140. The RXOUT[15:0] output drivers are designed to drive a 50 transmission line which can be DC terminated with a split-end termination scheme (see Figure 6), or a traditional termination scheme (see Figure 7). Figure 6: Split-end DC Termination of Low-Speed LVPECL RXOUT[15:0] Outputs VSC8140 Split-end equivalent termination is ZO to VTERM R1 = 125 R2 = 83, ZO=50, VTERM= VCC-2V VCC R1 = 125 Zo R1||R2 = Zo R2 = 83 VCCR2 + VEER1 R1+R2 = VTERM VEE Page 4 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Figure 7: Traditional DC Termination of Low-Speed LVPECL RXOUT[15:0] Outputs VSC8140 Zo R1 =50 VCC-2V The RXOUT[15:0] output drivers can also be appropriately AC-coupled by a number of methods, however, DC-coupling is preferred since there is no guarantee of transition density for individual bits in the 16-bit word. Figure 8 illustrates an AC-coupling method for the occasion when the downstream device provides the bias point for AC-coupling. Figure 9 illustrates an AC-coupling method for the occasion when the bias point needs to be generated externally. The resistor values in Figure 9 were selected to generate a bias point of 1.98V, the mid-point for LVPECL VOH and VOL as specified for the VSC8140. Resistor values should be selected to generate the necessary bias point for the downstream device. Figure 8: AC Termination of Low-Speed LVPECL RXOUT[15:0] Outputs VSC8140 downstream Zo 100nF R1 = 50 bias point generated internally VCC-2V G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 Page 5 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Figure 9: AC Termination of Low-Speed LVPECL RXOUT[15:0] Outputs VSC8140 VCC VCC R1 = 125 R3 =83 downstream Zo 100nF R2 = 83 VEE R4 = 125 bias point generated externally VEE Parity Systems employing internal parity are supported by the VSC8140. On the transmit side, a parity check is performed between the TXPARITYIN input and the 16 TXIN[15:0] bits. PARMODE is used to select even or odd parity expected for these 17 bits. (TXIN[15:0] and TXPARITYIN). PARMODE = "0" selects odd, PARMODE = "1" selects even. The PARERR output (parity error output) is asserted active high when the parity of the 17 bits (TXIN[15:0] and TXPARITYIN) does not conform to the expected parity designated by PARMODE. PARERR becomes available TDV after the rising edge of TXCLK16I. PARERR is a NRZ pulse that is updated every 6.4 ns, i.e., the period of TXCLK16I. The timing relationship of PARERR to TXCLK16I is shown in Figure 17. The PARERR pin may be left open if parity is unused. On the receive side, the parity output (RXPARITYOUT) is simply the XOR of all 16 outputs. Loss of Signal The VSC8140 has a TTL input LOS to force the part into a Loss of Signal (LOS) state. Most optics have a TTL output usually called Signal Detect (SD), based on the optical power of the incoming light stream. Depending on the optics manufacturer, this signal is either active high or low. To accommodate polarity differences, the internal Loss of Signal is generated when the POL and LOS inputs are of opposite states. Once active, all zeroes "0" will be propagated downstream using the transmit clock until the optical signal is regained and LOS and POL are in the same logic state. Page 6 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Figure 10: Facility Loopback Data Path RXIN+ RXIN- D Q RXOUT[15:0] 1:16 Serial to Parallel RXCLK16O RXCLKIN+ RXCLKIN- TXOUT+ TXOUTTXCLKOUT+ TXCLKOUTFACLOOP RXCLK32O Q D 1 0 16:1 Parallel to Serial 1 0 2.48832GHz PLL Facility Loopback The facility loopback function is controlled by the FACLOOP signal. When the FACLOOP signal is set high, the Facility Loopback mode is activated and the high-speed serial receive data (RXIN) is presented at the high-speed transmit output (TXOUT), as depicted in Figure 10. In addition, the high-speed receive clock input (RXCLKI) is selected and presented at the high-speed transmit clock output (TXCLKOUT). In Facility Loopback mode, the high-speed receive data (RXIN) is also converted to parallel data and presented at the low-speed receive output pins (RXOUT[15:0]). The receive clock (RXCLKIN) is also divided down and presented at the low-speed clock output (RXCLK16O). Equipment Loopback Data Path The Equipment Loopback function is controlled by the EQULOOP signal, which is active high. When the Equipment Loopback mode is activated, the high-speed transmit data generated from the parallel to serial conversion of the low-speed data (TXIN[15:0]) is selected and converted back to parallel data in the receiver section and presented at the low-speed parallel data outputs (RXOUT[15:0]), as shown in Figure 11. The internally generated OC-48 clock is used to generate the low-speed receive output clocks (RXCLK16O and RXCLK16_32O). In Equipment Loopback mode, the transmit data (TXIN[15:0]) is serialized and presented at the high-speed output (TXOUT) along with the high-speed transmit clock (TXCLKOUT) which is generated by the on-chip PLL. G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 Page 7 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Figure 11: Equipment Loopback Data Path RXIN+ RXIN- D Q 0 RXOUT[15:0] 1 RXCLKIN+ RXCLKIN- 1:16 Serial to Parallel 0 1 RXCLK16O RXCLK32O EQULOOP TXIN[15:0] TXOUT+ TXOUT- Q D 16:1 Parallel to Serial TXCLKOUT+ TXCLKOUT- TXCLK16I TXCLK16O 2.48832GHz PLL Figure 12: Split Loopback Datapaths RXIN+ RXIN- D Q 0 1 RXCLKIN+ RXCLKIN- TXOUT+ TXOUTTXCLKOUT+ TXCLKOUT- RXOUT[15:0] 1:16 Serial to Parallel 0 1 Q D 1 0 1 0 RXCLK16O RXCLK32O TXIN[15:0] 16:1 Parallel to Serial TXCLK16I TXCLK16O FACLOOP 2.48832GHz PLL EQULOOP Split Loopback Equipment and Facility Loopback modes can be enabled simultaneously. In this case, high-speed serial data received (RXIN) and clock (RXCLKIN) are muxed through to the high-speed serial outputs (TXOUT and TXCLKOUT). The low-speed 16-bit transmit stream (TXIN[15:0]) is muxed into the low-speed 16-bit receive output stream (RXOUT[15:0]). See Figure 12. Looptiming LOOPTIM0 mode bypasses the PLL when LOOPTIM0 is asserted high. In this mode, the PLL is bypassed using the receive high-speed clock (RXCLKIN), and the entire part is synchronously clocked from a single external source. Page 8 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 When LOOPTIM1 is asserted high, the RXCLK16_32O or RXCLK16O output can be tied to the LPTIMCLK input. In order to meet jitter transfer, the RXCLK16_32O or RXCLOCK16O needs to be filtered by a 1X PLL circuit with a narrow pass characteristic. The part is forced out of this mode in Equipment Loopback to prevent the PLL from feeding its own clock back. Clock Generator An on-chip PLL generates the 2.48832GHz transmit clock from the externally provided REFCLK input. The on-chip PLL uses a low phase noise reactance-based Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) with an on-chip loop filter (with two external 0.1F peaking capacitors). The loop bandwidth of the PLL is within the SONET specified limit of 2MHz. The customer can select to provide either a 77.76MHz reference, or 2x of that reference, 155.52MHz. REF_FREQSEL is used to select the desired reference frequency. REF_FREQSEL = "0" designates REFCLK input as 77.76MHz, REF_FREQSEL = "1" designates REFCLK input as 155.52MHz. The REFCLK should be of high quality since noise on the REFCLK below the loop bandwidth of the PLL will pass through the PLL and appear as jitter on the output. Preconditioning of the REFCLK signal with a VCXO may be required to avoid passing REFCLK noise with greater than 2ps RMS of jitter to the output. The VSC8140 will output the REFCLK noise in addition to the intrinsic jitter from the VSC8140 itself during such conditions. Loop Filter The PLL on the VSC8140 employs an internal loop filter with off-chip peaking capacitors. The PLL design is fully differential, therefore the loop filter must also be fully differential. One capacitor should be connected between FILTAO and FILTAI, with the other connected between FILTAON and FILTAIN. Recommended capacitors are low-inductance 0.1F 0603 ceramic SMT X7R devices with a voltage rating equal to or greater than 10V. Figure 13: High-Speed Output Termination VCC 50 50 100 Z0 = 50 Pre-Driver VEE G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 Page 9 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Transmitter High-Speed Data and Clock Outputs The high-speed data and clock output drivers (TXOUT and TXCLKOUT) consist of a differential pair designed to drive a 50 transmission line. The transmission line should be terminated with a 100 resistor at the load between true and complement outputs (see Figure 13). No connection to a termination voltage is required. The output driver is back terminated to 50 on-chip, providing a snubbing of any reflections. If used single-ended, the high-speed output driver must still be terminated differentially at the load with a 100 resistor between true and complement outputs. In order to save power, the high-speed transmit clock output (TXCLKOUT) can be powered down by connecting the power pins VEEP_CLK and VEE_PWRDN to the VCC supply instead of to VEE. Figure 14: AC Termination of Low-Speed LVPECL REFCLK and LPTIMCLK Inputs Chip Boundary VCC = 3.3V R1||R2 = Zo , R1 = 83 R2 =125 VCC VCCR2 + VEER1 R1 ZO R1+R2 = VBIAS CIN R2 VEE VCC R1 ZO CIN R2 VEE VEE = 0V CIN TYP = 100nF for AC operation Reference Clock Inputs The incoming low-speed reference clock inputs are received by differential LVPECL inputs REFCLK . Off-chip termination of these inputs is required (see Figure 14). In most situations these inputs will have high transition density and little DC offset. However, in cases where this does not hold, direct DC connection is possible. All serial clock inputs have the same circuit topology, as shown in Figure 14. If the input signal is driven differentially and DC-coupled to the part, the mid-point of the input signal swing should be centered about the input common-mode voltage VCM and not exceed the maximum allowable amplitude. For single-ended, DC-coupling operations, it is recommended that the user provides an external reference voltage. The external reference should have a nominal value equivalent to the common-mode switch point of the DC-coupled signal, and can be connected to either side of the differential gate. Page 10 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Figure 15: Termination of Low-Speed LVPECL TXIN[15:0] Inputs Chip Boundary VCC = 3.3V VCC VCCR2 + VEER1 R1+R2 R1 ZO R1||R2 = Zo , R1 = 83 R2 =125 = VBIAS CIN R2 VEE VREFIN VEE = 0V VREFOUT CIN TYP = 100nF for AC operation Low-Speed Inputs The incoming low-speed inputs are received by single-ended LVPECL inputs TXIN[15:0]. A reference voltage is necessary to provide for optimal switching of the inputs. The user can either provide an input voltage reference from the upstream device (VREFIN), or can use the reference voltage provided from the VSC8140 (VREFOUT). Side-by-side placement of the VREFIN and VREFOUT pins facilitates easy implementation. For DC or AC operation, the external reference should have a nominal value equivalent to the commonmode switch point of an LVPECL DC-coupled signal, and adhere to the DC characteristics as specified by the Table 3 DC characteristics (VCM). G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 Page 11 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Figure 16: High-Speed Clock and High-Speed Data Inputs Chip Boundary VCC = 3.3V 1.65V ZO 3k 3k 3k 3k 1.65V CIN 50 CAC VTERM 50 CIN ZO VEE = 0V CIN TYP = 100nF CAC TYP = 100nF High-Speed Clock and High-Speed Data Inputs The incoming high-speed data and high-speed clock are received by high-speed inputs RXIN and RXCLKIN. The inputs are internally biased to accommodate AC-coupling. The data input receiver is internally terminated by a center-tapped resistor network. For differential input DC-coupling, the network is terminated to the appropriate termination voltage VTERM providing a 50 to VTERM termination for both true and complement inputs. For differential input AC-coupling, the network is terminated to VTERM via a blocking capacitor. In most situations, these inputs will have high transition density and little DC offset. However, in cases where this does not hold, direct DC connection is possible. All serial data and clock inputs have the same circuit topology, as shown in Figure 16. The reference voltage is created by a resistor divider as shown. If the input signal is driven differentially and DC-coupled to the part, the mid-point of the input signal swing should be centered about this reference voltage and not exceed the maximum allowable amplitude. For single-ended, DCcoupling operations, it is recommended that the user provides an external reference voltage which has better temperature and power supply noise rejection than the on-chip resistor divider. The external reference should have a nominal value equivalent to the common-mode switch point of the DC-coupled signal, and can be connected to either side of the differential gate. Page 12 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Supplies The VSC8140 is specified as a PECL device with a single positive 3.3V supply. Should the user desire to use the device in an ECL environment with a negative 3.3V supply, then VCC will be ground and VEE will be 3.3V. If used with VEE tied to -3.3V, the TTL control signals are still referenced to VEE. Decoupling of the power supplies is a critical element in maintaining the proper operation of the part. It is recommended that the VCC power supply be decoupled using a 0.1F and 0.01F capacitor placed in parallel on each VCC power supply pin as close to the package as possible. If room permits, a 0.001F capacitor should also be placed in parallel with the 0.1F and 0.01F capacitors mentioned above. Recommended capacitors are low-inductance ceramic SMT X7R devices. For the 0.1F capacitor, a 0603 package should be used. The 0.01F and 0.001F capacitors can be either 0603 or 0403 packages. Extra care needs to be taken when decoupling the analog power supply pins (labeled VCCANA). In order to maintain the optimal jitter and loop bandwidth characteristics of the PLL contained in the VSC8140, the analog power supply pins should be filtered from the main power supply with a 10H C-L-C pi filter. If preferred, a ferrite bead may be used to provide the isolation. The 0.1F and 0.01F decoupling capacitors are still required and must be connected to the supply pins between the device and the C-L-C pi filter (or ferrite bead). For low frequency decoupling, 47F tantalum low-inductance SMT caps are sprinkled over the board's main +3.3V power supply and placed close to the C-L-C pi filter. If the device is being used in an ECL environment with a -3.3V supply, then all references to decoupling VCC must be changed to VEE, and all references to decoupling 3.3V must be changed to -3.3V. Figure 17: PLL Power Supply Decoupling Scheme 10H VEE 0.1F 0.1F VCC VCCANA VEEANA 0.01F VCCANA Note: VCC can be tied to VCCANA G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 Page 13 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 AC Characteristics Figure 18: Transmitter Parallel Data Timing Waveforms TXCLK16I+ Parallel Data Clock Input tTXDSU TXIN[0:15]+, TXPRTYIN Parallel Data Inputs tTXDH Valid Data 1 Valid Data 2 TXCLK16O+ Parallel Data Clock Output = don't care Figure 19: Transmitter Serial Data and Clock Phase Timing tDH TXOUT+ Differential Serial Data Output D15 D13 D14 D1 D0 LSB MSB Time tPD TXCLKO+ Differential Clock Output NOTE: Bit 15 (MSB) is transmitted first, Bit 0 (LSB) is transmitted last. Figure 20: Transmitter Parity Timing tD TXCLK16I+ Parallel Data Clock Input tDV tD PARERR+ Data Valid Output Page 14 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Figure 21: Differential and Single-Ended Input / Output Voltage Measurement b a Single Ended Swing b = Differential Swing = a * Differential swing () is specified as | b - a | ( or | a - b | ), as is the single-ended swing. Differential swing is specified as equal in magnitude to single-ended swing. Table 1: Transmitter AC Characteristics Parameters Description Min Typ Max Units Conditions TD TXCLK16I/TXCLK16O period -- 6.4 -- ns -- TTXDSU Data setup time to the rising edge of TXCLK16I+ 0.75 -- -- ns -- TTXDH Data hold time after the rising edge of TXCLK16I+ 1.0 -- -- ns -- TTXDOR, TTXDOF TXOUT rise and fall time -- -- 120 ps 20% to 80% into 100 load. See Figure 13. TXCLKD Transmit clock duty cycle 40 -- 60 % -- tTXCLK16R, tTXCLK16F TXCLK16O rise and fall times -- -- 250 ps See Figure 24 TXCLK16OD TXCLK16O duty cycle 46 -- 53 % -- TXCLK16ID TXCLK16I duty cycle 35 -- 65 % Assuming 10% distortion of TXCLK16O. RCKD Reference clock duty cycle 40 -- 60 % -- TDV Parallel data to DINVALID -- 3 tD + 0.3 -- ns -- tDH TXCLKO period -- 401.9 -- ps -- tPD Center of output data eye from falling edge of TXCLKO -75 -- +75 ps See Figure 19 ps RMS, tested to SONET specification (12kHz to 20MHz) with 2ps RMS jitter on REFCLK. Clock Multiplier Performance TDJ Output data jitter -- -- 4 TCJ Output clock jitter -- -- 4 ps RMS, tested to SONET specification (12kHz to 20MHz) with 2ps RMS jitter on REFCLK. Jittertol Jitter tolerance -- -- -- -- Exceeds SONET/SDH mask Tuning Range -100 +100 ppm G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 Page 15 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Figure 22: Receiver AC Timing Waveforms RXCLK16O+ Parallel Data Clock Output tRXPDD tRXDSU RXOUT[0:15]+ Parallel Data Outputs Valid Data 1 Valid Data 2 tRXPD32 RXCLK32O+ Parallel Data Clock Output = don't care Figure 23: Receiver Setup and Hold Time Requirements tRXDSU RXIN+ Differential Serial Data Input tRXDH D13 D14 D15 D1 D0 LSB MSB Time RXCLKIN+ Differential Clock Input NOTE: Bit 15 (MSB) is received first, Bit 0 (LSB) is received last. Table 2: Receiver AC Characteristics Parameters Description Min tRXPDD Data valid from falling edge of RXCLK16O+ tRXPD32 Max Units 0 800 ps -- RXCLK32O transition from falling edge of RXCLK16O+ 0 1.0 ns -- tRXDR, tRXDF RXOUT[15:0]+/- rise and fall times -- 300 ps 20% to 80% into DC termination. See Figure 24. tRXCLKR, tRXCLKF RXCLK16O+/- rise and fall times -- 250 ps 20% to 80% into 100 load. See Figure 24. RXCLK16OD RXCLK16O+/- duty cycle distortion 45 55 % of clock cycle tRXDSU RXIN+ setup time with respect to falling edge of RXCLKIN+ 100 -- ps -- tRXDH RXIN+ hold time with respect to falling edge of RXCLKIN+ 75 -- ps -- RXCLKIND RXCLKIN+/- duty cycle distortion 40 60 % of clock cycle -- Page 16 Typ Conditions High-speed clock input at 2.48832GHz. VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 DC Characteristics Table 3: DC Characteristics (Over recommended operating conditions) Parameters Description Min Typ Max Units Conditions VOHHSO Output HIGH voltage (TXOUT, TXCLKOUT) VCC-0.40 -- VCC V 50 termination to VCC VOLHSO Output LOW voltage (TXOUT, TXCLKOUT) VCC-1.20 -- VCC-0.50 V 50 termination to VCC Output differential voltage (TXCLKOUT) 450 600 1000 Output differential voltage (TXOUT) 500 600 1000 VCC-1.20 -- VODHSO mV 100 termination between output at load. See Figure 13. VCC-0.300 V 100 termination between output at load. See Figure 13. Guaranteed, but not tested VCMHSO Output common-mode voltage RHSO Back termination impedance 40 -- 60 VIHS Serial input differential voltage (RXIN, RXCLKIN) 200 -- -- mV VOHL Output HIGH voltage (LVPECL) VCC-1.020 -- VCC-0.700 V See Figure 24 VOL Output LOW voltage (LVPECL) VCC-2.000 -- VCC-1.620 V See Figure 24 VO Low-speed output voltage singleended, peak-to-peak swing (LVPECL) 600 -- 1300 mV See Figure 24 VIH Input HIGH voltage (LVPECL) VCC-1.100 -- VCC-0.700 V VIL Input LOW voltage(LVPECL) VCC-2.0 -- VCC-1.540 V -- IIH Input HIGH current (LVPECL) -- -- 200 A VIN=VIH (max) IIL Input LOW current (LVPECL) -50 -- -- A VIN=VIL(min) Ri Input Resistance (LVPECL) 10k -- -- -- VI Input differential voltage (LVPECL) 200 -- -- mV -- VCM Input common-mode voltage (LVPECL) VCC-1.5 -- VCC-0.5 V -- VOH Output HIGH voltage (TTL) 2.4 -- -- V IOH = -1.0mA VOL Output LOW voltage (TTL) -- -- 0.5 V IOL = +1.0mA VIH Input HIGH voltage (TTL) 2.0 -- 5.5 V -- VIL Input LOW voltage (TTL) 0.0 -- 0.8 V -- IIH Input HIGH Current (TTL) -- -- 500 A VIN = 2.4V IIL Input LOW current (TTL) -- -- -500 A VIN = 0.5V VCC Supply voltage 3.14 -- 3.47 V 3.3V 5% PD Power dissipation -- 2.25 2.75 W Outputs open ICC Supply current -- -- 800 mA Outputs open G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 AC-coupled, internally biased to (VCC+VEE)/2. -- VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 Page 17 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Figure 24: Parametric Measurement Information Parametric Test Load Circuit PECL Rise and Fall Time 80% Serial Output Load 20% Z0 = 50 Tr Tf 50 VCC-2V Absolute Maximum Ratings (1) Power Supply Voltage (VCC)...........................................................................................................-0.5V to +3.8V DC Input Voltage (differential inputs).....................................................................................-0.5V to VCC +0.5V DC Input Voltage (TTL inputs) .......................................................................................................-0.5V to +5.5V DC Output Voltage (TTL outputs) .........................................................................................-0.5V to VCC + 0.5V Output Current (TTL outputs) .................................................................................................................. +/-50mA Output Current (differential outputs).........................................................................................................+/-50mA Case Temperature Under Bias ...................................................................................................... -55oC to +125oC Recommended Operating Conditions Power Supply Voltage (VCC)..................................................................................................................+3.3V+5% Operating Temperature Range ...........................................................0oC Ambient to +110oC Case Temperature NOTE: (1) CAUTION: Stresses listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may be applied to devices one at a time without causing permanent damage. Functionality at or above the values listed is not implied. Exposure to these values for extended periods may affect device reliability. ESD Ratings Proper ESD procedures should be used when handling this product. The VSC8140 is rated to the following ESD voltages based on the human body model: 1. All pins are rated at or above 1500V. Page 18 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Package Pin Descriptions Table 4: Package Pin Identification - 128 PQFP Pin # Name I/O Level 1 OVERFLOW O TTL 2 VEET -- GND typ. TTL VEE power supply 3 VCCT -- +3.3V typ. TTL VCC power supply 4 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply 5 HSDREF I 0V->3.3V High-speed data input termination voltage reference 6 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply 7 RXIN+ I HS 8 RXIN- I HS 9 VCC -- 3.3V typ. FIFO overflow indication High-speed data input, true High-speed data input, complement Positive power supply 10 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply 11 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply 12 VCC -- 3.3V typ. 13 RXCLKIN- I HS 14 HSCLKREF I 0V->3.3V 15 RXCLKIN+ I HS 16 VCC -- 3.3V typ. 17 NC -- -- 18 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 19 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 20 TXOUT+ O HS High-speed data output, true 21 TXOUT- O HS High-speed data output, complement 22 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 23 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply 24 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply 25 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply 26 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 27 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 28 TXCLKOUT+ O HS High-speed clock output, true 29 TXCLKOUT- O HS High-speed clock output, complement Positive power supply High-speed clock input, complement High-speed clock input termination voltage reference High-speed clock Input, true Positive power supply No connect, leave unconnected(1) 30 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 31 VEEP_CLK -- GND typ. HS clock VEE power supply (tie to VCC for power down) 32 VEEP_CLK -- GND typ. HS clock VEE power supply (tie to VCC for power down) 33 VEE_PWRDN I GND typ. HS clock VEE power supply (tie to VCC for power down) 34 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 35 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 36 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 Description VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 Page 19 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Table 4: Package Pin Identification - 128 PQFP Pin # Name I/O Level 37 VEE -- GND typ. Description Negative power supply 38 FACLOOP I TTL Facility loopback, active high 39 LOOPTIM0 I TTL Enable internal looptiming operation, active high 40 PARMODE I TTL Parity mode select 41 FIFORESET I TTL Reset to align FIFO write and read pointers 42 LOOPTIM1 I TTL Enable external loop timing operation, active high 43 REF_FREQSEL I TTL Reference clock input select 44 LPTIMCLK+ I LVPECL External loop timing clock, true 45 LPTIMCLK- I LVPECL External loop timing clock, complement 46 VCC_ANA -- +3.3V typ. Positive power supplys for analog parts of CMU 47 VEE_ANA -- GND typ. Negative power supplys for analog parts of CMU 48 REFCLK+ I LVPECL Reference clock input, true 49 REFCLK- I LVPECL Reference clock input, complement 50 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply 51 FILTAO -- -- 52 FILTAON -- -- Loop filter pin - connect via capacitor to FILTAIN (pin 54) 53 FILTAI -- -- Loop filter pin - connect via capacitor to FILTAO (pin 51) 54 FILTAIN -- -- Loop filter pin - connect via capacitor to FILTAON (pin 52) 55 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 56 TXCLK16O+ O LVPECL Low-speed clock output, true. A divide-by-16 version of the PLL clock. 57 TXCLK16O- O LVPECL Low-speed clock output, complement. A divide-by-16 version of the PLL clock. 58 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply Loop filter pin - connect via capacitor to FILTAI (pin 53) 59 TXCLK16I- I LVPECL Low-speed clock input for latching low-speed data, complement 60 TXCLK16I+ I LVPECL Low-speed clock input for latching low-speed data, true 61 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 62 TXPARITYIN I LVPECL Transmitter parity bit input 63 TXIN15 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data (MSB)(2) 64 TXIN14 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 65 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply 66 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 67 TXIN13 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 68 TXIN12 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 69 TXIN11 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 70 TXIN10 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 71 TXIN9 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data Page 20 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Table 4: Package Pin Identification - 128 PQFP Pin # Name I/O Level 72 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply 73 TXIN8 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 74 TXIN7 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 75 TXIN6 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 76 TXIN5 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 77 TXIN4 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 78 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 79 TXIN3 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 80 TXIN2 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 81 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply 82 TXIN1 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 83 TXIN0 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data (LSB)(2) 84 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 85 VREFIN I Voltage Voltage reference for single-ended TXIN VCM or VREFOUT 86 VREFOUT O Voltage Voltage reference for single-ended RXOUT (VOH+VOL)/2. 87 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 88 RXOUT0 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data (LSB)(2) 89 RXOUT1 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 90 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply 91 RXOUT2 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 92 RXOUT3 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 93 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 94 RXOUT4 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 95 RXOUT5 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 96 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 97 RXOUT6 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 98 RXOUT7 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 99 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply 100 RXOUT8 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 101 RXOUT9 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 102 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 103 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 104 RXOUT10 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 105 RXOUT11 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 106 RXOUT12 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data 107 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 108 RXOUT13 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 Description VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 Page 21 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Table 4: Package Pin Identification - 128 PQFP Pin # Name I/O Level Description 109 RXOUT14 O LVPECL 110 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply 111 RXOUT15 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data (MSB) (2) 112 RXPARITYOUT O LVPECL Receiver parity bit output 113 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 114 RXCLK16O- O LVPECL Parallel clock output (155.52MHz), complement 115 RXCLK16O+ O LVPECL Parallel clock output (155.52MHz), true Low-speed single-ended data 116 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply 117 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 118 RXCLK16_32O- O LVPECL Divide-by-16 or -32 clock output, complement 119 RXCLK16_32O+ O LVPECL Divide-by-16 or -32 clock output, true 120 CLK128O- O LVPECL Divide-by-128 clock output, complement 121 CLK128O+ O LVPECL Divide-by-128 clock output, true 122 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply 123 RXCLKO_FREQSEL I TTL RXCLKO16_32 frequency select 124 LOS I TTL Loss of Signal control 125 POL I TTL Polarity Signal Control 126 EQULOOP I TTL Equipment loopback, active high 127 VCC -- 3.3V typ. 128 PARERR O TTL Positive power supply Parity error output NOTES: (1) No connect (NC) pin must be left unconnected. Connecting this pin to either the positive or negative power supply rails may cause improper operation or failure of the device; or in extreme cases, cause permanent damage to the device. (2) There has been a change in the naming of the pins of the Low-Speed Parallel Receive and Transmit pins of the VSC8140. RXOUT0; pin 88 (MSB) has been changed to RXOUT15; pin 111 (MSB) and TXIN15; pin 63 (LSB) has been changed to TXIN0; pin 83 (LSB). Page 22 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Package Information 128 PQFP Package Drawings PIN 128 PIN 102 PIN 1 RAD. 2.92 .50 (2) E1 EXPOSED INTRUSION 0.127 MAX. E 2.54 .50 EXPOSED HEATSINK PIN 38 PIN 64 D1 D TOP VIEW Key mm Tolerance A 2.35 MAX A1 0.25 MAX A2 2.00 +.10 D 17.20 .20 D1 14.00 .10 E 23.20 .20 E1 20.00 .10 L .88 +.15/-.10 e .50 BASIC b .22 .05 q 0-7 R .30 TYP R1 .20 TYP 10 TYP. A2 A e A1 10 TYP. R R1 1 A Notes: 1) 2) 3) Drawing is not to scale All dimensions in mm Package represented is also used for the 64, 80, & 100 PQFP packages. Pin count drawn does not reflect the 128 Package. G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 STANDOFF A1 .25 0.17 MAX. b LEAD COPLANARITY L VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 NOTES: Package #: 101-322-5 Issue #: 2 Page 23 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Package Pin Descriptions Table 5: Package Pin Identification - 208 BGA Pin # Name I/O Level Description B17 OVERFLOW O TTL B16 VEET -- GND typ. B15 VCCT -- +3.3V typ. TTL VCC power supply FIFO overflow indication TTL VEE power supply C14 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply D13 HSDREF I 0V->3.3V High-speed data input termination voltage reference A16 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply B14 RXIN+ I HS High-speed data input, true B13 RXIN- I HS A14 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply A13 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply D11 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply C11 VCC -- 3.3V typ. B11 RXCLKIN- I HS D10 HSCLKREF I 0V->3.3V B10 RXCLKIN+ I HS A10 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply B9 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply D9 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply A9 TXOUT+ O HS A8 TXOUT- O HS C8 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply D8 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply A7 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply A6 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply D7 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply A5 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply A4 TXCLKOUT+ O HS High-speed clock output, true A3 TXCLKOUT- O HS High-speed clock output, complement B4 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply D5 VEEP_CLK -- GND typ. HS clock VEE power supply (tie to VCC for power down) A2 VEEP_CLK -- GND typ. HS clock VEE power supply (tie to VCC for power down) A1 VEE_PWRDN I GND typ. HS clock VEE power supply (tie to VCC for power down) C4 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply Page 24 High-speed data input, complement Positive power supply High-speed clock input, complement High-speed clock input termination voltage reference High-speed clock input, true High-speed data output, true High-speed data output, complement VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Table 5: Package Pin Identification - 208 BGA Pin # Name I/O Level B3 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply D4 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply C3 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply C1 FACLOOP I TTL Facility loopback, active high F4 LOOPTIM0 I TTL Enable internal looptiming operation, active high F3 PARMODE I TTL Parity mode select D1 FIFORESET I TTL Reset to align FIFO write and read pointers E1 LOOPTIM1 I TTL Enable external loop timing operation, active high G4 REF_FREQSEL I TTL Reference clock input select G3 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply F2 LPTIMCLK+ I LVPECL External loop timing clock, true G2 LPTIMCLK- I LVPECL External loop timing clock, complement F1 VCC_ANA -- +3.3V typ. Positive power supplies for analog parts of CMU H3 VEE_ANA -- GND typ. Negative power supplies for analog parts of CMU H2 REFCLK+ I LVPECL Reference clock input, true G1 REFCLK- I LVPECL Reference clock input,complement H1 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply J2 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply J4 FILTAO -- -- Loop filter pin - connect via capacitor to FILTAI (pin 53) J3 FILTAON -- -- Loop filter pin - connect via capacitor to FILTAIN (pin 54) K1 FILTAI -- -- Loop filter pin - connect via capacitor to FILTAO (pin 51) K2 FILTAIN -- -- K3 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply K4 TXCLK16O+ O LVPECL Low-speed clock output, true. A divide-by-16 version of the PLL clock. L1 TXCLK16O- O LVPECL Low-speed clock output, complement. A divide-by-16 version of the PLL clock. M1 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply L2 TXCLK16I- I LVPECL Low-speed clock input for latching low-speed data, complement L3 TXCLK16I+ I LVPECL Low-speed clock input for latching low-speed data, true L4 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply M2 TXPARITYIN I LVPECL Transmitter parity bit input M3 TXIN15 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data (MSB)(1) M4 TXIN14 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data P1 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 Description Loop filter pin - connect via capacitor to FILTAON (pin 52) VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 Page 25 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Table 5: Package Pin Identification - 208 BGA Pin # Name I/O Level Description T3 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply P5 TXIN13 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data R5 TXIN12 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data T4 TXIN11 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data P6 TXIN10 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data T5 TXIN9 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data R6 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply U5 TXIN8 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data R7 TXIN7 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data T6 TXIN6 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data U6 TXIN5 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data P8 TXIN4 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data R8 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply T8 TXIN3 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data U7 TXIN2 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data U8 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply T9 TXIN1 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data P9 TXIN0 I LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data (LSB)(1) R9 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply U9 VREFIN I Voltage Voltage reference for single-ended TXIN VCM or VREFOUT U10 VREFOUT O Voltage Voltage reference for single-ended RXOUT (VOH+VOL)/2 T10 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply R10 RXOUT0 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data (LSB)(1) P10 RXOUT1 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data U11 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply U12 RXOUT2 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data T11 RXOUT3 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data R11 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply P11 RXOUT4 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data U13 RXOUT5 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data T12 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply T13 RXOUT6 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data R12 RXOUT7 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data P12 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply Page 26 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Table 5: Package Pin Identification - 208 BGA Pin # Name I/O Level U14 RXOUT8 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data U15 RXOUT9 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data R13 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply N16 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply P17 RXOUT10 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data L14 RXOUT11 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data L15 RXOUT12 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data M16 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply L16 RXOUT13 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data M17 RXOUT14 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data K14 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply K15 RXOUT15 O LVPECL Low-speed single-ended data (MSB)(1) K16 RXPARITYOUT O LVPECL Receiver Parity bit output L17 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply J17 RXCLK16O- O LVPECL Parallel clock output (155.52MHz), complement H17 RXCLK16O+ O LVPECL Parallel clock output (155.52MHz), true H16 VEE -- GND typ. Negative power supply H15 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply H14 RXCLK16_32O- O LVPECL Divide-by-16 or -32 clock output, complement G17 RXCLK16_32O+ O LVPECL Divide-by-16 or -32 clock output, true F17 CLK128O- O LVPECL Divide-by-128 clock output, complement G16 CLK128O+ O LVPECL Divide-by-128 clock output, true G15 VCC -- 3.3V typ. Positive power supply G14 RXCLKO_FREQSEL I TTL RXCLKO16_32 frequency select D17 LOS I TTL Loss of Signal control C17 POL I TTL Polarity Signal Control E15 EQULOOP I TTL Equipment loopback, active high D16 VCC -- 3.3V typ. E14 PARERR O TTL A17 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) A15 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) A12 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) A11 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) B12 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) B8 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 Description Positive power supply Parity error output VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 Page 27 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Table 5: Package Pin Identification - 208 BGA Pin # Name I/O Level B7 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) B6 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) B5 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) B2 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) B1 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) C16 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) C15 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) C13 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) C12 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) C10 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) C9 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) C7 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) C6 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) C5 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) C2 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) D15 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) D14 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) D12 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) D6 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) D3 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) D2 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) E17 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) E16 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) E4 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) E3 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) E2 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) F16 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) F15 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) F14 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) H4 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) J16 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) J15 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) J14 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) J1 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) K17 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) Page 28 Description VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Table 5: Package Pin Identification - 208 BGA Pin # Name I/O Level M15 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) M14 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) N17 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) N15 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) N14 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) N4 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) N3 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) N2 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) N1 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) P16 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) P15 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) P14 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) P13 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) P7 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) P4 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) P3 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) P2 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) R17 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) R16 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) R15 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) R14 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) R4 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) R3 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) R2 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) R1 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) T17 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) T16 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) T15 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) T14 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) T7 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) T2 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) T1 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) U17 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) U16 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) U4 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 Description VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 Page 29 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Table 5: Package Pin Identification - 208 BGA Pin # Name I/O Level Description U3 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) U2 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) U1 NC -- -- No connect, leave unconnected(2) NOTES: (1) There has been a change in the naming of the pins of the Low-Speed Parallel Receive and Transmit pins of the VSC8140. RXOUT0; pin R10 (MSB) has been changed to RXOUT15; pin K15 (MSB) and TXIN15; pin M3 (LSB) has been changed to TXIN0; pin P9 (LSB). (2) No connect (NC) pins must be left unconnected. Connecting any of these pins to either the positive or negative power supply rails may cause improper operation or failure of the device; or in extreme cases, cause permanent damage to the device. Page 30 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Package Information 208 TBGA Package Drawings 0.10 D 17 15 10 16 14 13 11 9 5 7 12 10 8 6 2 A e 11 1 3 4 -A- B C CORNER D -B- E F G H E1 J L N E K M P R T U e DETAIL B D1 45 DEGREE 0.5MM CHAMFER (4 PLCS) BOTTOM VIEW TOP VIEW DETAIL A 0.30 S C A S B S b 0.10 S C 4 SIDE VIEW DETAIL B A1 c A c cc c -C- P DETAIL A 6 5 NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS. 2. "e" REPRESENTS THE BASIC SOLDER BALL GRID PITCH. 3. "M" REPRESENTS THE BASIC SOLDER BALL MATRIX SIZE, AND SYMBOL "N" IS THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE NUMBER OF BALLS AFTER DEPOPULATING. 4. "b" IS MEASURED AT THE MAXIMUM SOLDER BALL DIAMETER PARALLEL TO PRIMARY DATUM -C- . 5. DIMENSION "aaa" IS MEASURED PARALLEL TO PRIMARY DATUM -C- . 6. PRIMARY DATUM -C- AND SEATING PLANE ARE DEFINED BY THE SPHERICAL CROWNS OF THE SOLDER BALLS. 7. PACKAGE SURFACE SHALL BE BLACK OXIDE. 8. CAVITY DEPTH VARIOUS WITH DIE THICKNESS 9. SUBSTRATE MATERIAL BASE IS COPPER. 10. BILATERIAL TOLERANCE ZONE IS APPLIED TO EACH SIDE OF PACKAGE BODY 11. 45 DEG. 0.5 MM CHAMFER CORNER AND WHITE DOT FOR PIN1 IDENTIFICATION G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 aaa C DIMENSIONAL REFERENCES NOM. MAX. REF. MIN. 1.45 1.55 A 1.65 0.70 A1 0.65 0.60 23.00 22.80 D 23.20 20.32 (BSC.) D1 22.80 23.00 23.20 E 20.32 (BSC.) E1 0.65 0.85 0.75 b c 0.95 0.90 0.85 17 M 208 N aaa 0.25 ccc 0.25 e 1.27 TYP. P 0.15 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 Page 31 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Package Thermal Considerations This package has been enhanced with a copper heat slug to provide a low thermal resistance path from the die to the exposed surface of the heat spreader. The thermal resistance is shown in the following table: Table 6: Thermal Resistance Symbol Description C/W - (BGA) C/W (PQFP) jc Thermal resistance from junction to case. 2.2 1.34 ca Thermal resistance from case to ambient with no airflow, including conduction through the leads. 18.5 25.0 Thermal Resistance with Airflow Shown in the table below is the thermal resistance with airflow. This thermal resistance value reflects all the thermal paths including through the leads in an environment where the leads are exposed. The temperature difference between the ambient airflow temperature and the case temperature should be the worst case power of the device multiplied by the thermal resistance. Table 7: Thermal Resistance with Airflow Airflow ca (oC/W) (BGA) ca (oC/W) (PQFP) 100 lfpm 18 21 200 lfpm 17 18 400 lfpm 16 16 Maximum Ambient Temperature without Heatsink The worst case ambient temperature without use of a heatsink is given by the equation: T A ( MAX ) = T C ( MAX ) - P ( MAX ) CA where: CA Theta case to ambient at appropriate airflow A(MAX) Ambient Air temperature C(MAX) Case temperature (110oC for VSC8140) P(MAX) Power (2.75 W for VSC8140) Page 32 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 The results of this calculation are listed below: Table 8: Maximum Ambient Air Temperature without Heatsink o Airflow o C (TBGA) C (PQFP) None 59 41 100 lfpm 60 52 200 lfpm 63 60 400 lfpm 66 66 Note that ambient air temperature varies throughout the system based on the positioning and magnitude of heat sources and the direction of air flow. Surface Mount Solderability The make-up of each lead on the PQFP and TBGA package is 85% Tin and 15% Lead. The solderability requirements for the various methods is described below. Reflow Soldering This is the suitable method of soldering for these components. When using reflow soldering to mount the IC package, solder paste (a suspension of fine solder particles, flux, and binding agent) is required to be applied to the printed-circuit board by screen printing, stenciling, or pressure-syringe dispensing before package placement. Throughput times (this includes preheating, soldering, and cooling) are shown in Table 9. Table 9: Reflow Running Profile Condition Average ramp up (from 183oC to peak temperature) Average ramp down (from peak to 183oC) Preheat Temperature (125oC) Temperature maintained above 183 oC Time within 5oC of actual peak temperature Peak Temperature Range TBGA PQFP 1.553oC/sec 1.5432oC/sec -1.152oC/sec -1.085oC/sec 77 sec 79 sec 80 sec 80 sec 19 sec 19 sec 220-225oC 220-225oC oC Peak Temperature 224 224oC Time 25oC to Peak Temperature 233 sec 228 sec Wave Soldering Conventional single wave soldering is not recommended for surface mount devices or printed circuit boards with high component density, as solder bridging and non-wetting can present problems. Double-wave soldering can be used, only if the method comprises a turbulent wave with high upward pressure followed by a smooth laminar wave and the footprint must incorporate solder thieves at the downstream end. The package must be fixed with a droplet of adhesive during placement before soldering. After the adhesive is cured, the package can be soldered. G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 Page 33 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Data Sheet 2.48832Gb/s 16:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator VSC8140 Manual Soldering When manually soldering the device to the printed circuit board, contact time should be limited to 10 seconds at up to 240oC. Layout Considerations Refer to Application Note, AN56 "High-Speed Design Guidelines." Ordering Information The order number for this product is formed by a combination of the device type and package type. VSC8140 xx Device Type 2.48832Gb/s Multi-Rate SONET/SDH Transceiver Package QR: 28-Pin PQFP, 14x20mm TW: 208-Pin BGA, 23x23mm Notice Vitesse Semiconductor Corporation reserves the right to make changes in its products, specifications or other information at any time without prior notice. Therefore the reader is cautioned to confirm that this data sheet is current prior to placing any orders. The Company assumes no responsibility for any circuitry described other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Vitesse product. Warning Vitesse Semiconductor Corporation's products are not intended for use in life support appliances, devices or systems. Use of a Vitesse product in such applications without written consent is prohibited. Page 34 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 * 805/388-3700 * FAX: 805/987-5896 G52251-0, Rev. 4.0 9/6/00