OL ODE 3875081 G E& SOLID STATE 3875081 0017070 3 SwitchMax Power Transistors O1E 17070 D) T 33-713 MJ16010, MJ16012 File Number 1839 MJH16010,MJH16012 , 5-A SwitchMaXx \\ Power Transistors High-Voltage N-P-N Types for Off-Line Power Supplies and Other High-Voltage Switching Applications Features: Applications: m Fast switching speed @ High-voltage ratings: Vogy = 850 V B Off-line power supplies @ High-voltage inverters w Switching regulators TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS c CFLANGE} w LOW Vo,(sat) at 1, = 10A The RCA Mu16010, MJ16012, MJH16010, and MJH16012 SwitchMax II series of silicon n-p-n power transistors fea- ture high voltage capability, fast switching speeds, and low saturation voltages, together with high safe-operating-area (SOA) ratings. They are specially designed for off-line power supplies, converter circuits, and pulse-width-modulated regulators. These high-voltage, high-speed transistors are tested for parameters that are essential to the design of high-power switching circuits. Switching times, including MAXIMUM RATINGS, Absolute-Maximum Values: MJ16010 MJi6012 B 92CS- 27516 JEDEC TO-204AA (200 mii diameter pin isolation) COLLECTOR O MJH16010 FLANGE MJH16012 TOP VIEW 3 JEDEC TO-218AC 9205-40257 inductive turn-off time, and saturation voltages are specified i at 100C to provide information necessary for worst-case design. The MJ16010 and MJ16012 transistors are supplied in steel JEDEG TO-204AA hermetic packages. The MJH16010 and MJH16012 transistors are supplied in JEDEC TO-218AG plastic packages. MJ16010 MJH16010 MJ16012 MJH16012 CEV \ A ok ee 850 Vv Veg sesec tree ences eset eens rene ee ens 450 v EO tt eece cet eeanennes 6 . Vv Ig(Sat) oc. sees eae 10 A lg ves ee eee eeeeennes 15 A long weet eee eee neers 20 A Ip cece een eeeneee 10 A ee 15 A Py @T,.= 25C 175 135 W @T, = 100C 10. i ie BW T, above 25C, derate linearly 1 1.08 wre Tyg Ty vec eeceeee eee een eee nen en ener eens eens ees -65 to 200 _____ -65 to 150 C TL At distance = 1/8" in. (3.17 mm) from seating plane for 10s max ....-..--- ese creer eeeees 235 ____ C i L : At distance = 1/16" in. (1.58 mm) from seating plane for 10.5 Max. ... 2. cee eee ener eer e ees 235 C Regi ccc ecc ec cece eee eee EEE EEE EEE 1 0.93 C/W j 74O1 DE 93875041 0017071 5 3875081 GE SOLID STATE O1E 17071 a a) SwitehMax Power Transistors MJ16010, MJ16012, MJH16010, MJH16012 MJ16010, MJH16010 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tc = 25C unless otherwise noted) | Characteristic | Symbol [Min Typ Max Unit | OFF CHARACTERISTICS (1) Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage VCEO\(sus} 450 - ad Vde (i = 100 mA, Ig = 0) Collector Cutoff Current Icev mAdc (Vegy = 850 Vde, Vee(ott}= 1-5 Vde) - =_ 0.25 (Vcey = 850 Vde, Vaejott)= 1-5 Vdc, To = 100C) _ -_ 1.5 Collector Cutoff Current (cer - 2.5 mAdc (VcE = 850 Vdc, Ree = 50 2, Tc = 100C} Emitter Cutoff Current lEBO _ _ 1.0 mAdc (Ve = 6.0 Vdc, Ic = 0} SECOND BREAKDOWN Second Breakdown Collector Current with Base Forward Biased Is/b See Figure 1 Clamped Inductive SOA with Base Reverse Biased RBSOA See Figure 2 ON CHARACTERISTICS (1) Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage VcE(sat) Vde (Ic = 5.0 Ade, Ig = 0.7 Adc) 0.5 25 {Ig = 10 Ade, Ig = 1.3 Adc) _ 1.0 3.0 (Ic = 10 Ade, Ig = 1.3 Ade, Tc = 100C) _ _ 3.0 Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage VBE(sat) Vde (lg = 10 Ade, Ip = 1.3 Ade} - 1.0 15 {Ic = 10 Adc, Ig = 1.3 Ade, Tc = 100C) _ _ 15 DC Current Gain hee 5.0 _ - (Ig = 15 Ade, Voce = 5.0 Vde} DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Output Capacitance Cob - _ 400 pF (Vcp = 10 Vde, IE = 0, ftest = 1 0 kHz) SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Resistive Load Delay Time ta _ 40 _ ns =1 Rise Time We sono ve (Igo = 2.6 Adc, ty = 700 = Storage Time } CC" 13Ade , Rp=169) ts = 1400 = Fall Time a. tf _ 140 _ Storage Time PW = 30 us, t 600 <2.0% = 5. S Fail Time Duty Cycle <2.0%) (VBEtoff) 5.0 Vdc) if 100 Inductive Load Storage Time tsy _ 800 1800 ns Fall Time (I = 10 Adc, (Tce = 100C) {fi _ 50 200 Crossover Time Ip1=13 Adc, te = 100 250 Storage Time VBE(off) = 5 0 Vdc, Igy = 860 _- Fali Time VCE{pk} = 400 Vac} (To = 150C} tti _ 40 - Crossover Time te _ 80 = {1) Pulse Test Pulse Width = 300 ws, Duty Cycle < 20% 75Ol DE 3875081 oo17o72 7 Tr 3875081 GE SOLID STATE SwitchMax Power Transistors. O1E 77072 MJ16010, MJ16012, MJH16010, MJH16012 MJ16012, MJH16012 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tc = 25C unless otherwise noted) o07-33/3 Characteristic | Symbol | Min | Typ Max | OFF CHARACTERISTICS (1) | Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage VcEO(sus} 450 _ _ {ic = 100 mA, Ip = 0) Vde Collector Cutoff Current IcEV (Vcey = 850 Vde, Ve(oft) = 1-5 Vde) - - 0.25 (Veey = 880 Vdc, Vee(oft) = 1-5 Vde, Tc = 700C) _ _ 15 mAdc Collector Cutoff Current ICER - _ 2.5 (Vcg = 850 Vdc, Ree = 50 9, Te = 100C) mAdc Emitter Cutoff Current lEBO - - 1.0 (Vep = 6.0 Vdc. Ic = 0) mAdc SECOND BREAKDOWN Second Breakdown Collector Current with Base Forward Biased IS/b See Figure 1 Clamped Inductive SOA with Base Reverse Biased RBSOA See Figure 2 ON CHARACTERISTICS (1) Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage Vce(sat) (ig = 5.0 Ade, Ig = 0.5 Adc) _ = 25 (Ic = 10 Adc, Ig = 1 0 Adc} _ 3.0 (Ic = 10 Adc, Ig = 1.0 Ade, Tc = 100C) _ 3.0 Vde Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage VBE(sat} {Ic = 10 Adc, Ig = 1.0 Adc) _ 1.5 (Ic = 10 Adc, Ig = 1.0 Adc, Tce = 100C) _ _ 1.56 Vde DC Current Gain hee 7.0 _ (Ic = 15 Ade, Vcg = 5.0 Vdc) DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Output Capacitance Cob 400 (Veg = 10 Vae, Ie = 0. fret = 1.0 kHz) pF SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Resistive Load Delay Time _ tg 40 _ ns Rise Time {Ic = 10 Ade, Iga = 2.0 Ade, tr = 700 = . Vec = 250 Vde. - Storage Time Iny = 1.0 Adc Rg=1.6 9) ts _ 1400 _ Fall Time Bia tf = 140 = Storage Time PW = 30 ns, t 600 <2.0% = 0Vd $ = = Fail Time Duty Cycle <2.0%) (VBE(off) 5 0 Vdc) tf 700 Inductive Load Storage Time tsv _ 800 1500 ns Fall Time (Ic = 10 Adc, (Te = 100C) Yi _- 50 150 Crossover Time Ip1 = 1.0 Adc, te _ 100 200 Storage Time VBE(otf) = 5-0 Vde, Igy _ 860 _ Fall Time Vcetpk) = 400 Vde) (Tc = 150C) th = 40 = Crossover Time te _ 80 > {1} Pulse Test- Pulse Width = 300 ys, Duty Cycle < 2 0% 76ol DE PJaa7soa1 O017073 4 i 3875081 GE SOLID STATE 016 17073 0 T7SS 13 SwitchMax Power Transistors MJ16010, MJ16012, MJH16010, MJH16012 20 10 MJ16010/12 5.0 20 1.8 0.50 Ic, COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS) 010 = BONDING UMIT 0.05 THERMAL LIMIT . BREAKDOWN LIMIT 0.07 60 10 200-30 50 70 100 200 300 450 Vee. COLLECTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Fig. 1 Maximum forward-bias sale-operating-areas for alf types. 100 60 cd MJHIe010, MJHI6O12 20 MJ16010, MJ16012 POWER DERATING FACTOR (%) 0 40 80 120 160 200 Te, CASE TEMPERATURE (C) Fig. 3 Dissipation and |, , derating curves for all types. Br > 40 To < 100C Vee (ott) = 0 10 te 50V Icipk). PEAK COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS} 100 150 200 250 350 6450 = 600 700 850 Vetipk): PEAK COLLECTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Fig. 2 Maximum reverse-bias safe-operating-areas for all types. Vein 80% VcE(pk} fl\ 98% Icipk) ty ti 10% VeE(ph) e(pry 2 TIME Fig. 4 Inductive switching measurements display. 77