MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR M63804P/FP/GP/KP 7-UNIT 300mA TRANSISTOR ARRAY DESCRIPTION M63804P, M63804FP, M63804GP and M64804KP are seven-circuit Singe transistor arrays. The circuits are made of NPN transistors. Both the semiconductor integrated circuits perform high-current driving with extremely low inputcurrent supply. FEATURES Four package configurations (P, FP, GP and KP) Medium breakdown voltage (BVCEO 35V) Synchronizing current (IC(max) = 300mA) Low output saturation voltage Wide operating temperature range (Ta = -40 to +85C) PIN CONFIGURATION INPUT IN1 1 16 O1 IN2 2 15 O2 IN3 3 14 O3 IN4 4 13 O4 IN5 5 12 O5 IN6 6 11 O6 IN7 7 10 O7 GND 8 OUTPUT NC 9 16P4(P) 16P2N-A(FP) 16P2S-A(GP) Package type 16P2Z-A(KP) NC : No connection CIRCUIT DIAGRAM OUTPUT APPLICATION Driving of digit drives of indication elements (LEDs and lamps) with small signals INPUT 10.5k 10k GND FUNCTION The M63804P, M63804FP, M63804GP and M63804KP each have seven circuits consisting of NPN transistor. The transistor emitters are all connected to the GND pin (pin 8) The transistors allow synchronous flow of 300mA collector current. A maximum of 35V voltage can be applied between the collector and emitter. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol The seven circuits share the GND. The diode, indicated with the dotted line, is parasitic, and cannot be used. Unit : (Unless otherwise noted, Ta = -40 ~ +85C) Parameter Conditions VCEO Collector-emitter voltage Output, H IC VI Collector current Current per circuit output, L Input voltage M63804P Pd Unit V mA -0.5 ~ +35 1.47 V M63804FP M63804GP 1.00 0.80 M63804KP Operating temperature 0.78 -40 ~ +85 Storage temperature -55 ~ +125 Power dissipation Ta = 25C, when mounted on board Topr Tstg Ratings -0.5 ~ +35 300 W C C Jan. 2000 MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR M63804P/FP/GP/KP 7-UNIT 300mA TRANSISTOR ARRAY RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (Unless otherwise noted, Ta = -40 ~ +85C) Symbol VO Parameter Limits Test conditions Output voltage M63804P Collector current (Current per 1 cir- IC M63804FP cuit when 7 circuits are coming on simultaneously) M63804GP M63804KP Duty Cycle no more than 45% Duty Cycle no more than 100% Duty Cycle no more than 30% Duty Cycle no more than 100% Duty Cycle no more than 24% Duty Cycle no more than 100% Duty Cycle no more than 24% Duty Cycle no more than 100% VIN Input voltage min typ max 0 0 -- -- 35 250 0 0 0 0 -- -- -- -- 160 250 130 250 0 0 0 0 -- -- -- -- 120 250 120 30 Unit V mA V ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Unless otherwise noted, Ta = 25C) Symbol Parameter V (BR) CEO Collector-emitter breakdown voltage VCE(sat) VIN(on) h FE Limits Test conditions ICEO = 10A IIN = 1mA, IC = 10mA Collector-emitter saturation voltage IIN = 2mA, IC = 150mA "On" input voltage IIN = 1mA, IC = 10mA min 35 -- -- 7.5 typ -- -- -- 11 max -- 0.2 0.8 15 VCE = 10V, IC = 10mA 50 -- -- DC amplification factor Unit V V V -- SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Unless otherwise noted, Ta = 25 C) Symbol Parameter ton Turn-on time toff Turn-off time CL = 15pF (note 1) min typ max -- 120 -- -- 240 -- Unit ns ns TIMING DIAGRAM NOTE 1 TEST CIRCUIT INPUT Limits Test conditions Vo 50% 50% INPUT Measured device RL PG OUTPUT 50 CL OUTPUT 50% 50% ton toff (1)Pulse generator (PG) characteristics : PRR=1kHz, tw = 10s, tr = 6ns, tf = 6ns, Zo = 50, VIH = 11V (2)Input-output conditions : RL =220, Vo=35V (3)Electrostatic capacity CL includes floating capacitance at connections and input capacitance at probes Jan. 2000 MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR M63804P/FP/GP/KP 7-UNIT 300mA TRANSISTOR ARRAY TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS Input Characteristics Thermal Derating Factor Characteristics 4 Ta = -40C 1.5 1.0 M63804P Input current II (mA) Power dissipation Pd (W) 2.0 M63804FP M63804GP 0.744 M63804KP 0.520 0.418 0.406 0.5 0 0 25 50 75 85 400 *The collector current values represent the current per circuit. *Repeated frequency 10Hz *The value the circle represents the value of the simultaneously-operated circuit. *Ta = 25C 20 40 60 80 Collector current Ic (mA) Collector current Ic (mA) 1~4 5 6 7 15 20 25 1~2 200 5 6 7 *The collector current values represent the current per circuit. *Repeated frequency 10Hz *The value the circle represents the value of the simultaneously-operated circuit. *Ta = 85C 100 0 20 40 60 80 Duty cycle (%) Duty Cycle-Collector Characteristics (M63804FP) Duty Cycle-Collector Characteristics (M63804FP) 400 4 5 6 7 200 *The collector current values represent the current per circuit. *Repeated frequency 10Hz *The value the circle represents the value of the simultaneously-operated circuit. *Ta = 25C 20 40 60 Duty cycle (%) 80 100 30 3 4 Duty cycle (%) Collector current Ic (mA) Collector current Ic (mA) 10 300 0 100 1~3 0 5 Duty Cycle-Collector Characteristics (M63804P) 300 0 0 Duty Cycle-Collector Characteristics (M63804P) 400 100 Ta = 85C 1 Input voltage VI (V) 200 0 2 Ambient temperature Ta (C) 300 0 Ta = 25C 0 100 400 100 3 300 100 1 2 200 *The collector current values represent the current per circuit. *Repeated frequency 10Hz *The value the circle represents the value of the simultaneously-operated circuit. *Ta = 85C 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 3 4 5 6 7 100 Duty cycle (%) Jan. 2000 MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR M63804P/FP/GP/KP 7-UNIT 300mA TRANSISTOR ARRAY Duty Cycle-Collector Characteristics (M63804GP/KP) Duty Cycle-Collector Characteristics (M63804GP/KP) 400 300 1~ 2 200 3 4 5 6 7 *The collector current values represent the current per circuit. *Repeated frequency 10Hz *The value the circle represents the value of the simultaneously-operated circuit. *Ta = 25C 100 0 20 0 40 60 80 Collector current Ic (mA) Collector current Ic (mA) 400 IB = 1mA 100 IB = 0.5mA 50 80 VI = 20V 0.4 0.6 0.8 VI = 8V 40 20 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 Output saturation voltage VCE(sat) (V) Output Saturation Voltage Collector Current Characteristics DC Amplification Factor Collector Current Characteristics 103 Ta = -40C DC amplification factor hFE II = 2mA Ta = 25C Ta = 85C 60 40 20 0 VI = 12V Output saturation voltage VCE(sat) (V) 100 0 VI = 16V 60 0 0.2 100 80 VI = 24V IB = 1.5mA 150 80 60 Ta = 25C VI = 28V IB = 2mA IB = 3mA 0 40 Output Saturation Voltage Collector Current Characteristics 100 200 20 Output Saturation Voltage Collector Current Characteristics Collector current Ic (mA) Collector current Ic (mA) 0 3 4 56 7 *The collector current values represent the current per circuit. *Repeated frequency 10Hz *The value the circle represents the value of the simultaneously-operated circuit. *Ta = 85C Duty cycle (%) Ta = 25C Collector current Ic (mA) 100 Duty cycle (%) 250 0 2 200 0 100 1 300 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 Output saturation voltage VCE(sat) (V) CE = 10V 7 V Ta = 25C 5 3 2 102 7 5 3 2 101 100 2 3 5 7 101 2 3 5 7 102 2 3 5 7 103 Collector current Ic (mA) Jan. 2000