Altera Corporation 5
AN 133: QDR SRAM Controller Function
The controller must also generate a differential clock signal (Kand K_bar)
for the QDR SRAM device. This action can be performed by using a 2x
clock to clock a T flipflop and register the true and complement of the TFF
output. The result is a 1x clock signal (K) and a 180-degree-phase-shifted
1x clock signal (K_bar).
Kand K_bar are output from the APEX device and sent to the SRAM
along with the data, address, and control lines. This clocking scheme
negates the effect of signal skew on write and read request operations,
because the propagation delays for Kand K_bar from the APEX device to
operation, the board designer should take care to equalize the trace length
(and therefore the flight times) of the data in, address, and control signals
with the Kand K_bar clocks.
When the Kclock reaches the SRAM, it is fed back to the controller as clock
Cand used to clock in any data arriving from the SRAM to the controller.
Because the SRAM outputs are also registered with clock C,thedatasent
reducing skew on read operations. The board designer should equalize
trace lengths of the data out bus and the Cclock signal.
Additionally, Altera recommends that the board designer place the APEX
device adjacent to the SRAM on the circuit board. This positioning keeps
trace length to a minimum and further minimizes any skew caused by
board delay.
Because data is exchanged between the controller and the SRAM at high
speeds, special care must be taken to avoid setup or hold violations for the
SRAM or APEX device. This section discusses the timing issues that may
arise when designing a high-speed interface.
Write Cycle
When designing for proper write-cycle timing, meeting the setup and
hold requirements of the SRAM is the primary concern. Setup and hold
specifications for the CY7C1302 (100-MHz speed grade) are 1 ns each.
Both the QDR clock and data signals are driven from the controller, so the
clock-to-output delay from the APEX device pins is the same for both sets
of pins. As determined by characterization, the clock-to-output delay
from the APEX pins when using Expanded HSTL can range from 2.2 ns to
4.9 ns (depending on temperature) but is consistent for both sets of pins.
The same principle applies to board delay, because flight times for clock
and data signals are equalized.